Which cranial nerve CN would the nurse associate with a patients sense of hearing during a neurologic examination quizlet?

-Ask the patient to stand with feet together and then close his or her eyes.

-Ask the patient the position of the big toe after moving it up and down with the patient's eyes closed.

Proprioception is the individual's ability to perceive the position of a body part with his or her eyes closed. The individual should be able to replicate the position of the body part accurately with the opposite extremity or describe the position verbally. A Romberg test is the test for proprioception. The patient is asked to stand with the feet together and then close his or her eyes. If the patient is able to maintain balance with the eyes open but sways or falls with the eyes closed (i.e., a positive Romberg test), vestibulocochlear dysfunction or disease in the posterior columns of the spinal cord may be indicated.

Test-Taking Tip: Key words or phrases in the stem of the question such as first, primary, early, or best are important. Similarly, words such as only, always, never, and all in the alternatives are frequently evidence of a wrong response. As in life, no real absolutes exist in nursing; however, every rule has its exceptions, so answer with care.

-Ask the patient to stand with feet together and then close his or her eyes

-Ask the patient the position of the big toe after moving it up and down with the patient's eyes closed

Proprioception is the individual's ability to perceive the position of a body part with his or her eyes closed. The individual should be able to replicate the position of the body part accurately with the opposite extremity or describe the position verbally. A Romberg test is the test for proprioception. The patient is asked to stand with the feet together and then close his or her eyes. If the patient is able to maintain balance with the eyes open but sways or falls with the eyes closed (i.e., a positive Romberg test), vestibulocochlear dysfunction or disease in the posterior columns of the spinal cord may be indicated.

Test-Taking Tip: Key words or phrases in the stem of the question such as first, primary, early, or best are important. Similarly, words such as only, always, never, and all in the alternatives are frequently evidence of a wrong response. As in life, no real absolutes exist in nursing; however, every rule has its exceptions, so answer with care.

Which cranial nerve has both sensory and motor functions select all that apply one some or all responses may be correct?

Trigeminal nerve. The trigeminal nerve is the largest of your cranial nerves and has both sensory and motor functions.

Which cranial nerve would a nurse suspect is damaged when caring for a patient with drooping upper eyelids?

The third cranial nerve also controls elevation of the eyelid. Observe for ptosis (drooping of the upper eyelids) as can be seen in lesions of the third nerve, Horner's syndrome (ptosis, miosis, and decreased ipsilateral facial sweating caused by sympathetic lesions), or muscle diseases such as myasthenia gravis.

Which cranial nerve carries most taste signals from the tongue to the brain quizlet?

Which cranial nerves carry gustatory (taste) information? CN VII (Facial), CN IX (Glossopharyngeal) and CN X (Vagus).

Which of the following cranial nerves is responsible for the sensory function of smell?

The olfactory nerve carries impulses for the sense of smell. The optic nerve carries impulses for the sense of sight. The occulomotor nerve is responsible for motor enervation of upper eyelid muscle, extraocular muscle and pupillary muscle.


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