Which hormone produced by the kidneys plays a role in the production of red blood cells

We contend that renal hormones, including 1,25D and klotho, help prevent fibrosis, ectopic calcification, inflammation, and neoplastic transformation, support central nervous system health, as well as benefit the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular systems to lessen the risk of myocardial infarction and ischemic stroke.

From: Vitamins & Hormones, 2016

Corticotropic axis

Kamyar M. Hedayat, Jean-Claude Lapraz, in The Theory of Endobiogeny, 2019

Associated locations, glands, organs and hormones: Liver, lungs, kidney, heart, vasculature posterior pituitary, and CNS

There are myriad factors involved in regulation of intravascular dynamics. What ensures survival of the organism is not cardiac output, vascular resistance, or blood pressure per se, but perfusion pressure, which is the net effect of these factors. Perfusion pressure is the pressure that allows for transcapillary delivery of nutrients to cells. With respect to the CNS, it also participates in maintenance of the diurnal consciousness required for the integration of information and decision-making, and the direction of motor movement. It is quite logical then to group the liver, lungs, and kidneys in their endocrine function are part of the corticotropic axis. As discussed above (mineralocorticoid activity), they are integrated into a network of hormones that regulate various aspects of intravascular dynamics beyond water retention.

Renin: Kidney

Renin is a renal hormone. It is stimulated by a reduction in renal perfusion pressure, an increase in renal sympathetic activity or hyponatremia, as detected within the kidney.6 Thus, the role of renin is to preserve the integrity of the kidney first and that of the organism second. It converts angiotensin into Angiotensin I.

Angiotensin: Liver-kidney-lungs

Angiotensin is a hormone that has constitutive effects throughout the body that serve the global system. Angiotensin is produced within the liver and excreted into the blood in its inactive form. Renin converts hepatic angiotensin to Angiotensin I. Angiotensin I is converted in the lungs to Angiotensin II.152

Of all corticotropic hormones, Angiotensin II plays the most constitutive and comprehensive role in directly and indirectly regulating the hemodynamic cycle (Fig. 6.19). Its direct effects include an augmentation of sympathetic activity, which improves cardiac output. It vasoconstricts, improving perfusion pressure. It augments tubular reabsorption of sodium, chloride, and water and the excretion of potassium, which improves intravascular volume. Within the CNS, it stimulates thirst and a craving for salt. It also augments lipogenesis.152, 153

Fig. 6.19. Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system.

(By Soupvector [CC BY-SA 4.0], from Wikimedia Commons.)

Its indirect effects complement its direct effects. It stimulates the excretion of aldosterone,154 whose effects have already been discussed. It stimulates vasopressin, which has three roles: increased vascular tone, antidiuresis (prevents the loss of free water), and relaunching of the adrenal cortex activity by stimulating ACTH in the presence of CRH. Together with vasopressin, angiotensin aids in myocardiac repair.155

The counterbalancing hormones, also within the corticotropic axis, include the following (cf. Tables 6.8 and 6.9):

Table 6.8. Summary of agonistic hydroelectric activity

LocationFactorEffectLiverKidneyLungAdrenal cortexPosterior pituitaryLocus ceruleusAdrenal medulla
Angiotensin (AT), AT I Precursor to AT I and II
Renin Converts AT → AT I
Angiotensin II Regulates entire hemodynamic profile:

Direct: Sympathetic sensibilization (hemodynamics), vasoconstriction (vascular tone), water and sodium retention

Indirect: Vasopressin (water retention and vasoconstriction), aldosterone (water and sodium retention)

Aldosterone Sodium and water retention, potassium and hydrogen loss, central adaptation response
Vasopressin Water retention (no electrolytes), increased vascular tone, adrenal cortex relaunching
Noradrenalin Hemodynamics, vascular tone
Adrenaline Hemodynamics, vascular tone

Table 6.9. Summary of antagonistic hydroelectric activity

Dopamine Vasodilates renal arteries, increases sodium and water loss
Atrial natriuretic peptide Inhibits rennin, aldosterone: stimulates excretion of water and sodium
Nitric oxide

Heart: Atrial natriuretic factor (ANF). It inhibits aldosterone and renin, and has the opposite effects: excretion of sodium and water.156–158

Vasculature: Nitric oxide (NO) and prostaglandins are constitutive molecules and as such are not strictly corticotropic hormones. They are mentioned here because they vasodilate through paracrine effects and as such antagonize the effects of the above-mentioned hormones, and in fact trigger their release beyond a certain point of reduced intravascular pressure.159, 160

CNS: Dopamine’s peripheral activity on the kidneys is one of vasodilation, increased production of urine, and increased excretion of sodium.161, 162

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Blood and Hematopoiesis

Robert G. Carroll PhD, in Elsevier's Integrated Physiology, 2007



Plasma is one of the three body fluid compartments described in Chapter 3. Plasma is separated from blood by addition of an anticoagulant and subsequent centrifugation. Fresh plasma is a straw-colored fluid decanted from the top of the centrifuge tube, and it is 92% water. Serum is a cell-free fluid decanted from clotted blood. Serum lacks the clotting proteins but otherwise is identical to plasma (Fig. 6-3).


Epoetin Alfa

Epoetin alfa is a synthetic version of the renal hormone erythropoietin used to stimulate bone marrow to produce red blood cells. Epoetin alfa is used to prevent or treat anemia caused by renal failure or anemia that occurs during chemotherapy for cancer. Because it is a protein, epoetin alfa is administered by injection or intravenous infusion.

Plasma consists of water, electrolytes, nutrients, wastes, and proteins. The protein components include albumin, α-, β-, and γ-globulins, clotting factors, complement, enzymes, precursors and their substrates, hormones, specific carrier proteins, and apolipoproteins. Table 6-1 lists the normal values for plasma.

Red Blood Cells

RBCs are the primary cellular component of blood. RBCs are shaped as biconcave disks with a depression in the center, a structure that provides the maximal ratio of cell surface area to cell volume. This specialized shape facilitates diffusion, allowing the hemoglobin in the RBC to equilibrate rapidly with O2 dissolved in the plasma. RBCs also contain carbonic anhydrase, an enzyme that assists in the blood transport of CO2. The functional importance of these proteins is described in Chapter 10.

The RBC nucleus is lost during the final stages of maturation (see Fig. 6-2). Consequently, mature RBCs cannot transcribe new proteins. Newly formed RBCs do retain their nucleus for the first 1 to 2 days following release from the bone marrow. These recently formed RBCs can be identified under a microscope and are called reticulocytes. The average life span of RBCs is 120 days, so approximately 1% of RBCs normally are removed from circulation each day, and the number of reticulocytes is normally less than 2% of the number of RBCs.

The average RBC count is 5,500,000 cells/mm3 of blood. Hematocrit is the proportion of blood that is cells, normally 48% for men and 42% for women. Hematocrit is determined by centrifugation of heparinized blood (see Fig. 6-3). Alternatively, blood hemoglobin concentration provides equivalent information, and normal hemoglobin values are 16 g/dL for men and 14 g/dL for women. Finally, RBCs are heavier than water, so the density of blood can be used as an estimation of hematocrit. Density and hematocrit can be influenced by osmotic changes in red cell water.

The liver, lung, and spleen sequester some of the peripheral blood erythrocytes, providing a reserve supply whenever the RBC count drops significantly. In humans, the liver is the primary organ that sequesters RBCs and releases them during times of enhanced sympathetic nervous system activity. This release of stored RBCs, along with changes in plasma volume, can produce changes in hematocrit that are unrelated to RBC synthesis or destruction.

RBC membranes are distensible, and their unique shape allows them to deform to pass through small-diameter capillaries and vascular sinuses. The normal RBC is 7 μm in diameter. The normal capillary diameter is 5 to 10 μm, so RBCs can flow through the capillary. The sinuses of the spleen, however, are only about 3 μm in diameter, and RBCs have to deform to pass through the spleen. RBC membranes become more rigid as they age. This deformation of the membrane causes older RBCs to lyse (rupture), and the spleen and the liver are important sites for removal of older RBCs from circulation.

After RBCs lyse, the hemoglobin components are scavenged in the liver and spleen. Hemoglobin is scavenged by the protein haptoglobin. Heme is scavenged by hemopexin, and iron is scavenged by transferrin. These scavenging and transport proteins return the RBC components to the marrow, liver, and spleen for reuse. Any heme remaining in the circulation is excreted as bilirubin and biliverdin in the bile and lost in the feces.

Blood Groups and Blood Typing

RBCs express numerous membrane glycoproteins or glycolipids that can serve as antigens. Only three of these antigens, A, B, and Rh, are commonly used in blood compatibility testing. The ABO system blood type is inherited as an autosomal trait. The genotype and phenotype used for blood typing are shown in Table 6-2.

The four major blood types of the ABO system are A, B, AB, and O. Blood is typed according to the antigens found on the RBC and the antibodies found in the serum. The two major antigens within the blood group system are antigens A and B. Antibodies against the A and B antigens are formed shortly after birth because some proteins in the environment have sufficient homology with the A and B antigen and elicit an immune response. Individuals born with the A or B antigen do not mount an immune response and consequently lack antibodies against that antigen.

The Rh blood groups are nearly equal in clinical importance to the ABO groups. The D antigen is the most clinically significant of the more than Rh 20 antigens. The term Rh-positive indicates the presence of the D antigen, and Rh-negative indicates the absence of the D antigen.

In contrast to the spontaneous development of antibodies against the A or B antigen, an Rh-negative individual must first be exposed to the Rh antigen to develop anti-Rh antibodies. Exposure of an Rh-negative individual can occur through transfusion of Rh-positive blood or by exposure to Rh-positive fetal blood during pregnancy or delivery. Individuals with Rh-negative blood do not mount an immune response on first exposure because their blood does not yet contain anti-Rh antibodies (anti-D). Following exposure, about 50% of people develop sensitivity and form antibodies against the D antigen. If a sensitized individual receives a subsequent exposure to the D antigen, some degree of RBC destruction will occur. It is usually possible to prevent sensitization from occurring following the first exposure by administering a single dose of anti-Rh antibodies in the form of Rh0(D) immune globulin (RhoGAM) immediately following exposure to the D antigen.


Platelets are small, disk-shaped fragments of megakaryocytes. Platelet production is regulated by the hepatic hormone thrombopoietin. Platelets have two roles in hemostasis: occlusion of small openings in blood vessels and contribution of platelet factor III to the intrinsic clotting pathway.

Normal platelet count is 250,000 to 500,000/mL of blood. Platelets have a life span of 8 to 12 days, and the time required for the formation of human platelets is about 5 days. Cytoplasmic extensions from megakaryoblasts are extruded into the bone marrow sinusoids, and platelets are formed by fragmentation at the terminal ends of the filaments. Bone marrow may have up to 6 million megakaryocytes per kilogram of body weight, with each megakaryocyte being able to give rise to a thousand or more individual platelets.

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Parathyroid Gland Diseases

Hirotaka Miyashita, Tony Yuen, in Encyclopedia of Bone Biology, 2020

Parathyroid carcinoma

Parathyroid carcinoma is an extremely rare type of cancer that causes severe hyperparathyroidism. Because most cases of parathyroid carcinoma produce PTH, renal (nephrolithiasis, nephrocalcinosis, and polyuria) and skeletal symptoms (bone pain, osteopenia, and pathologic fracture) are common in this disorder. Symptoms in other systems are also seen, including gastrointestinal tract (peptic ulcer and pancreatitis) and central nervous system (fatigue and affection disorder). When parathyroid carcinoma invades to surrounding structures, it may cause paralysis of recurrent laryngeal nerve. 40–70% of patients with parathyroid carcinoma have a palpable neck mass. With proper treatments, the overall survival rate of parathyroid carcinoma is estimated to be 85% in 5 years and 49–77% in 10 years from diagnosis (Goswamy et al., 2016). The prevalence of parathyroid carcinoma is very low (0.005% of all cancers). It typically develops in individuals of 45 to 59 years of age without a difference based on sex. While most cases of parathyroid carcinoma occur sporadically, some are accompanied with syndromic diseases (e.g., MEN1).

Some cases of sporadic parathyroid carcinoma are related to MEN1 or CDC73 mutation, which also cause syndromic diseases of hyperparathyroidism. It is still unclear why some patients with MEN1 or CDC73 mutation develop only parathyroid carcinoma without other neoplasia. In a few cases of parathyroid carcinoma, methylation of the CDC73 promoter has been reported as the mechanism of tumorigenesis (Hewitt et al., 2007).

Other gene abnormalities related to the sporadic form of parathyroid carcinoma include retinoblastoma 1 (RB1), tumor protein P53 (TP53), and enhancer of zeste 2 polycomb repressive complex 2 subunit (EZH2) (Cardoso et al., 2017). RB1 is a well-known tumor suppressor gene that negatively regulates cell cycle progression. Allelic loss of RB1 expression has been reported in more than 85% of cases of parathyroid carcinoma. Likewise, TP53 is a tumor suppressor gene encoding p53, which plays a role in apoptosis, DNA repair, and differentiation in damaged cells. Allelic loss of TP53 has been reported in a case of parathyroid carcinoma. TP53 is never detected in differentiated parathyroid carcinoma, so it is thought to be associated with an undifferentiated type of parathyroid carcinoma. EZH2 encodes the histone methyltransferase that controls gene methylation and transcriptional repression (Vire et al., 2006). EZH2 interacts with beta-catenin and induces nuclear accumulation.

The mutations of other genes (e.g., cyclin D1, adenomatous polyposis coli, glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta, and prune homolog 2) have been reported to be associated with parathyroid carcinoma. MicroRNA may also play a role in the development of parathyroid carcinoma.

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The Endocrine Kidney

Robert T. Mallet, Rong Ma, in Hormonal Signaling in Biology and Medicine, 2020


The myriad physiologic functions of the kidneys are heavily regulated by the endocrine system. While extrarenal hormones exert well-recognized actions in the urinary system, in recent decades a host of intrinsic, renal hormones, with powerful effects on renal hemodynamics, glomerular filtration, and tubular electrolyte and water handling has been identified. Renal microcirculation, glomerular mesangium, and tubular epithelium produce angiotensin II, the natriuretic peptide urodilatin, vasoconstrictors endothelin-1 and urotensin II, and vasodilators adrenomedullin and intermedin. In addition, new details are emerging regarding the complex regulation of renal calcitriol production. The hematopoietic renal hormone erythropoietin has been found to mitigate ischemic injury to the kidneys, heart, and central nervous system. This chapter presents these products of the endocrine kidney and discusses their renal and systemic physiologic functions, their beneficial versus maladaptive contributions to renal diseases, and their potential exploitation to treat clinical disorders of the kidneys and other organs.

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Urea Kinetics, Efficiency, and Adequacy of Hemodialysis and Other Intermittent Treatments

Niti Madan, ... Thomas A. Depner, in Critical Care Nephrology (Third Edition), 2019

Other Benchmarks of Adequacy

Replacement of kidney function entails more than renal excretory function. Physiologists have taught us for several decades that the kidney's responsibility is to maintain the integrity of the internal milieu. Although excretion is a major part of that job, control of electrolyte concentrations, acid-base balance, and calcium-phosphate-magnesium balance must be included. Replacement of renal hormones cannot be ignored, and control of water volume is critical, especially in patients with multi-organ dysfunction. Experience in the outpatient clinic has shown, with respect to small solute control, that renal replacement therapy should be considered only barely adequate. It prevents immediate death from uremia but leaves the patient susceptible to cardiovascular disease, infection, and other complications that are reflected in the high yearly mortality rates. Rates of mortality in patients undergoing dialysis in the ICU are even higher than in outpatients and than in patients in the ICU who do not have kidney failure, suggesting that renal replacement therapy is incomplete. Experience with more frequent and continuous replacement techniques is encouraging, and renal hormone replacement has improved markedly the tolerance of dialysis and has reduced mortality. Additional efforts are needed to search for other renal factors that require replacement and to examine the role of poorly dialyzed larger solutes (e.g., polypeptides) and protein-bound solutes.

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Vitamin D Hormone

Mark R. Haussler, ... Peter W. Jurutka, in Vitamins & Hormones, 2016

1 Introduction

The kidneys are known to elaborate four hormones/enzymes vital to normal physiology and long-term survival in mammals. These four principles are: (A) 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25D) (synthesized in the proximal convoluted tubule), (B) erythropoietin (produced by peritubular capillary endothelial cells in the proximal convoluted tubule), (C) renin (secreted by granular cells of the juxtaglomerular apparatus), and (D) klotho (synthesized and secreted by the distal convoluted tubule). Each of these hormones has multifaceted actions. For example, 1,25D, via its nuclear vitamin D receptor (VDR), modulates the expression of approximately 1500 genes in numerous cell types, contributing to many of life's most fundamental processes. 1,25D maintains the molecular signaling systems that promote growth (p21), development (Wnt), antioxidation (Nrf2/FOXO), and homeostasis (FGF23) in crucial tissues, while at the same time guarding against malignancy and degeneration. A second hormone, erythropoietin, is essential for production of red blood cells in bone marrow, especially under hypoxic conditions, but also promotes hematopoietic cell survival by attenuating apoptosis. Further, in rats, pretreatment with erythropoietin protects neurons during induced cerebral hypoxia (Siren et al., 2001). Other studies suggest that erythropoietin improves memory, mood, neuronal plasticity, and memory-related neural networks (Adamcio et al., 2008). Thus, erythropoietin appears to affect brain function independent of oxygen delivery for metabolism. Similarly, 1,25D, traditionally considered as a renal hormone acting on intestine, bone, and kidney to recruit calcium for the musculoskeletal system, may also influence the CNS and behavior independent of calcium delivery (Patrick & Ames, 2015). A third kidney principle, the enzyme renin, participates in the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system (RAAS) that is known to control extracellular volume and arterial vasoconstriction. However, the RAAS is also present in many extrarenal sites (Dzau, 1988), including brain, where it stimulates thirst, as well as promotes secretion of antidiuretic hormone from the neurohypophysis to conserve blood volume. Finally, and somewhat analogously to renin, α-klotho (hereafter referred to as klotho) is an enzymatically active protein with a circulating form that is expressed primarily in the kidneys and brain. Klotho is a multifunctional protein that regulates the metabolism of phosphate, calcium, and 25-hydroxyvitamin D. Klotho also may act as a peptide hormone, although an α-klotho receptor has not been identified to date. Point mutations of the klotho (KL) gene in humans are associated with hypertension and kidney disease, indicating that klotho may be essential to the maintenance of normal renal function (Xu & Sun, 2015). Finally, KL is an aging-suppressor gene, and may also be a tumor suppressor gene. The fact that KL expression is affected by erythropoietin, 1,25D, and the RAAS is noteworthy, suggesting that it may be the ultimate integrator of renal hormone action (Berridge, 2015).

The present chapter focuses on two of these renal hormones, 1,25D and klotho, that oppose each other in a closed endocrine loop. However, although 1,25D and klotho counteract one another with respect to phosphate and vitamin D metabolism, the two principles appear to cooperate locally to mediate the molecular signaling systems that promote growth, development, and antioxidation, as well as maintaining mechanisms that effect calcium transient stabilization and prevent phosphate-precipitated senescence that leads to CNS, cardiovascular, and renal decline. 1,25D exerts actions against neural excitotoxicity (L-type calcium channels) and induces serotonin as a mood elevator to support cognitive function and prosocial behavior. Herein, we develop, and provide supporting data for, a vitamin D/klotho healthspan premise, akin to the “vitamin D phenotypic stability hypothesis” recently proposed by Berridge (2015). His view of 1,25D/klotho signaling is calcium-centric, yet incorporates the antioxidation, anti-inflammatory, and antiproliferation functions of 1,25D and klotho, concepts we introduced in a previous treatise (Jurutka et al., 2013). Berridge (2015) extends his theory to include vitamin D in the prevention of neuropsychiatric disorders, a notion that we have also recently addressed (Kaneko, Sabir, et al., 2015), and update herein. Thus, we present in this chapter a related, renal endocrine-centric premise, arguing that the kidneys are the nexus of health span well beyond their obvious function to eliminate nitrogenous waste and balance electrolytes and water. We contend that renal hormones, including 1,25D and klotho, help prevent fibrosis, ectopic calcification, inflammation, and neoplastic transformation, support central nervous system health, as well as benefit the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular systems to lessen the risk of myocardial infarction and ischemic stroke.

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Perinatal Calcium and Phosphorus Metabolism

Ran Namgung MD, PhD, Reginald C. Tsang MBBS, in Nephrology and Fluid/Electrolyte Physiology: Neonatology Questions and Controversies (Second Edition), 2012

Parathyroid Hormone

Wide variation in serum P concentrations corresponds to few direct regulatory mechanisms. PTH, which has greatest impact on serum P, primarily responds to changes in ionized Ca, not P. P is freely filtered at the glomerulus and presents to the renal tubules in high concentrations. The renal tubule reabsorbs P in both the proximal and distal nephrons. In states of low PTH, renal tubular cells reabsorb up to 95% to 97% of filtered P. In states of high PTH, P reabsorption in the proximal and distal tubules is inhibited, resulting in high urinary P excretion. Although markedly affected by PTH in the usual state, renal tubular cells have altered PTH responsiveness in severe P deficiency or overload. Hence, P is reabsorbed when there is severe P deficiency even in high PTH states, and P is excreted when serum P is high despite low PTH.56

During early postnatal life, whereas renal P response to PTH is blunted, PTH increases tubular Ca reabsorption. Together these actions result in retention of both Ca and P in infants, which is favorable for growth. Maternal smoking during pregnancy negatively influences Ca-regulating hormones, leading to relative hypoparathyroidism in both the mother and newborn and lower PTH and 25-OHD in the smoking mother and newborn despite higher serum P.57

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Classical and Novel Hormonal Influences on Renal Tubular Transport, and the Emerging Concept of Intracrine Regulation

Giovambattista Capasso, ... Robert J. Unwin, in Seldin and Giebisch's The Kidney (Fourth Edition), 2008


The major function of the kidney is to maintain a stable extracellular milieu, which is achieved through the processes of filtration at the glomerulus, and reabsorption and secretion along the renal tubule. Various intra- and extra-renal mediators control these processes. The variety of circulating and locally released factors that has been identified to potentially influence renal tubular function in health and disease has increased dramatically in recent years, and their number continues to rise, in part due to the rapid developments in the field of proteomics (364).

In this chapter, we focus on the renal actions of selected classical and some novel “renal” hormones. We begin by describing the nature of each hormone, its main site(s) of production, control of its release and, where known, its cell mechanism of action. Next, we discuss the possible effects of these hormones on whole kidney function, specifically sodium and water handling, and their action at the level of the renal tubular cell, and we end by introducing the concept of a renal “intracrine” regulatory system. Because of functional similarities and shared transport properties of renal and intestinal epithelial cells, and the possibility of a physiologically important enterorenal axis, we also describe the effects of hormones that might act on both cell types.

The classical hormones we consider are glucocorticoids and thyroid hormones, followed by the gut-related hormones glucagon and insulin, and then other and more recently described brain–gut peptide hormones (excluding guanylin and uroguanylin, Chapter 19). We will not discuss the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (Chapter 13), prostaglandins, kinins (Chapter 15), catecholamines, or the natriuretic peptides (Chapter 34), which are all covered separately and in detail elsewhere.

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The IOM–Endocrine Society Controversy on Recommended Vitamin D Targets

Roger Bouillon, Cliff Rosen, in Vitamin D (Fourth Edition), 2018

Vitamin D Status and Serum 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3

Cross-sectional data on serum 25(OH)D and 1,25(OH)2D generated variable results as some studies did or did not reveal a positive correlation between the two metabolites. No correlation is expected when the vitamin D status is sufficient in view of the precursor/threshold status of 25(OH)D. Other studies demonstrate a clear positive correlation, usually indicative of a vitamin D insufficiency status as this indicates that the precursor, 25(OH)D, is the limiting factor for renal hormone production. Still other studies revealed a nonlinear correlation with a positive relation between precursor and hormone at low 25(OH)D levels and a plateau at higher levels. Intervention studies with vitamin D supplementation are the best strategy to define the minimal 25(OH)D level to optimize serum 1,25(OH)2D. The caveat here is that such intervention studies should not be short term as it may take several days or weeks for the vitamin D endocrine system to adapt to a new situation especially the resetting of production of the various hormones responsible for 1,25(OH)2D homeostasis such as PTH and fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23). In addition, the dose of vitamin D should be in the physiologic range so as to avoid overwhelming the renal 1α-hydroxylase enzyme system. A study of severely vitamin D-deficient elderly subjects (mean baseline 25(OH)D levels around 5 ng/mL) in Belgium [30] revealed that 2 weeks after vitamin D supplementation serum 1,25(OH)2D increased to the level observed in young adults, whereas mean serum 25(OH)D had only risen to about 15 ng/mL. Several other studies revealed no significant increase in serum 1,25(OH)2D after supplementation with physiologic dosages of vitamin D when baseline 25(OH)D was higher than 14–26 ng/mL [31–34]. Overall this precursor–end product relationship indicates that levels of just 15 ng/mL of 25(OH)D are sufficient for the production of a normal concentration of the end product. In the case of chronic renal failure (CRF) stage III–V, higher intake of vitamin D and concomitant higher levels of 25(OH)D to 30 ng/mL or higher are capable of increasing the initially low levels of 1,25(OH)2D as the renal capacity is now the rate-limiting step [35,36].

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K.T. Larkin, C. Cavanagh, in Encyclopedia of Mental Health (Second Edition), 2016

Pathophysiology of Hypertension

Multiple systems and physiological mechanisms are involved in maintaining normal blood pressure, with the two primary determinants being cardiac output and total peripheral resistance. Cardiac output refers to the amount of blood flow pumped by the heart each minute and is affected by both heart rate and stroke volume (amount of blood ejected from the heart during each contraction). Increases in either heart rate or stroke volume will result in increased cardiac output and thereby increased blood pressure. Total peripheral resistance refers to the amount of force affecting resistance to blood flow throughout the circulatory system. As blood vessels constrict, resistance to blood flow increases, but as these vessels dilate, peripheral resistance declines. Blood pressure is then affected by changes in cardiac output, total peripheral resistance, or by changes in both cardiac output and total peripheral resistance. Regulation of cardiac output and peripheral resistance is influenced by systems outside of the circulatory system, including the autonomic and central nervous systems and the renal system. For example, increases in the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system result in increased blood pressure and heart rate, whereas increases in the parasympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system typically result in the opposite effect. Sympathetic activity also leads to reabsorption of salt and water by the renal system, which increases blood pressure. Additionally, sympathetic activity is associated with increased secretion of renal hormones like Angiotensin II and aldosterone that lead to elevated blood pressures. Prolonged sympathetic activity also results in vascular remodeling of blood vessels that results in thickening and hardening of the vessel walls (Heilpern, 2008).

The central nervous system exerts control over other systems involved in blood pressure regulation (e.g., circulatory, autonomic nervous, and renal systems) through feedback processes. For example, baroreceptors, located in the carotid artery and aortic walls, detect pressure changes in the arteries and signal the brain to activate either the sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous system to raise or lower blood pressure, respectively. Sustained elevations of blood pressure that occur in patients with essential hypertension eventually damage various organ systems in the body. Specifically, damage to the heart (e.g., left ventricular hypertrophy (thickening), angina or myocardial infarction, coronary revascularization, and heart failure), the brain (stroke or transient ischemic attack and dementia), the kidney (e.g., chronic kidney disease and renal failure), peripheral arterial disease, and retinopathy may occur in response to sustained elevated blood pressures (Kannel, 1996; Rapsomaniki et al., 2014). This damage occurs mainly as the result of changes in the elasticity of blood vessels. Through exposure to chronically elevated pressures, vessel walls lose elasticity, making them more susceptible to cellular injury. As the body attempts to repair these injuries, cholesterol and fat deposits interact with inflammatory responses to restrict blood flow or occlude it completely.

The negative effects of hypertension extend to cognitive functioning, as individuals with hypertension are more likely to develop dementia or cognitive impairment than persons with normal blood pressures (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, 2004). In particular, hypertension is associated with an increased risk for developing vascular dementia (Sharp et al., 2011). Milder forms of cognitive impairment are also apparent among patients with hypertension, who exhibit decreased performance on tasks measuring attention, reaction time, verbal fluency, and executive function when compared with persons with normal blood pressures (see Waldstein et al., 1991).

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What hormone from the kidney produces red blood cells?

Healthy kidneys produce a hormone called erythropoietin or EPO, which stimulates the bone marrow to make red blood cells needed to carry oxygen (O2) throughout the body.

What hormone produced in the kidneys stimulates production of red blood cells quizlet?

- The hormone that regulates red blood cell production (erythropoietin, EPO) is produced by the kidney. When the kidney detects low blood oxygen, it releases EPO stimulating red blood cell formation (erythropoiesis).


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