Which of the following approaches to job design has roots in human-factors literature?

Approach to design of work involves four major categories:
1. The perceptual motor approach
2. The biological approach
3. The mechanistic approach
4. The motivational approach

Both the perceptual motor approach and the biological approach have their roots in human factors engineering. Their major focus is on the integration of human and machine systems.
Therefore, their emphasis is on equipment design and the proper match to operators.
The other two approach clearly highlight the potential trade-offs that must frequently be made by organizations with regard to job design. They are also the two that have received the most attention in the management literature. Taylor’s scientific management and the motivational approach by job enrichment best exemplify the mechanistic approach.

Job design is the next step after job analysis that aims at outlining, and organizing tasks and responsibilities associated with a certain job. It integrates job responsibilities and qualifications or skills that are required to perform the same. There are various methods or approaches to do this. The important ones are discussed below

Human Approach

The human approach of job design laid emphasis on designing a job around the people or employees and not around the organizational processes. In other words it recognizes the need of designing jobs that are rewarding (financially and otherwise) and interesting at the same time.

According to this approach jobs should gratify an individual’s need for recognition, respect, growth and responsibility. Job enrichment as popularized by Herzberg’s research is one the ways in human approach of job design. Herzberg classified these factors into two categories - the hygiene factors and the motivators.

  1. Motivators include factors like achievement, work nature, responsibility, learning and growth etc that can motivate an individual to perform better at the work place.
  2. Hygiene factor on the other hand include things like working conditions, organizational policies, salary etc that may not motivate directly but the absence of which can lead to dissatisfaction at the work place.

Engineering Approach

The engineering approach was devised by FW Taylors et al. They introduced the idea of the task that gained prominence in due course of time. According to this approach the work or task of each employee is planned by the management a day in advance. The instructions for the same are sent to each employee describing the tasks to e undertaken in detail. The details include things like what, how and when of the task along with the time deadlines.

The approach is based on the application of scientific principles to job design. Work, according to this approach should be scientifically analyzed and fragmented into logical tasks. Due emphasis is then laid on organizing the tasks so that a certain logical sequence is followed for efficient execution of the same. The approach also lays due emphasis on compensating employees appropriately and training them continuously for work efficiency.

The Job Characteristics Approach

The job characteristics approach was popularized by Hackman and Oldham. According to this approach there is a direct relationship between job satisfaction and rewards. They said that employees will be their productive best and committed when they are rewarded appropriately for their work. They laid down five core dimensions that can be used to describe any job - skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy and feedback.

  • Skill variety: The employees must be able to utilize all their skills and develop new skills while dealing with a job.
  • Task Identity: The extent to which an identifiable task or piece or work is required to be done for completion of the job.
  • Task Significance: How important is the job to the other people, what impact does it create on their lives?
  • Autonomy: Does the job offer freedom and independence to the individual performing the same.
  • Feedback: Is feedback necessary for improving performance.

These are different approaches but all of them point to more or less the same factors that need to be taken into consideration like interest, efficiency, productivity, motivation etc. All these are crucial to effective job design.

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The article is Written By “Prachi Juneja” and Reviewed By Management Study Guide Content Team. MSG Content Team comprises experienced Faculty Member, Professionals and Subject Matter Experts. We are a ISO 2001:2015 Certified Education Provider. To Know more, click on About Us. The use of this material is free for learning and education purpose. Please reference authorship of content used, including link(s) to ManagementStudyGuide.com and the content page url.

Which approach to job design focuses on mental capacities and limitation to reduce issues in the workplace?

Workplace ergonomics is the science of designing the workplace, keeping in mind the capabilities and limitations of the worker.

How does the mechanistic approach differ from the motivational approach?

The motivational approach is associated with a satisfaction outcome, the mechanistic approach with an efficiency outcome, the "perceptual-motor" approach with a reliability outcome and the biological approach is associated with a comfort outcome.

Which one of the following approaches to job design involves seeking the one best way to perform a job?

In practice, the scientific method traditionally seeks the “one best way” to perform a job by performing time-and-motion studies to identify the most efficient movements for workers to make.

What is job design in human resources management?

Job design is the process of establishing employees' roles and responsibilities and the systems and procedures that they should use or follow. The main purpose of job design, or redesign, is to coordinate and optimise work processes to create value and maximise performance.


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