Which of the following are security controls you can use to help protect the data on your network select three quizlet?

Which of these security measures can ensure that no one can breaks into the server room to take away the servers?

A. Physical
B. Logical
C. Administrative
D. Technical

A. Physical

Explanation: Physical security can ensure no unauthorized personal can break into server room physically to steal the server hardware. Logical measures involve the software and password protocols. Technical measures include user authentication. Administrative controls involve the policies and procedures.

Physical security's sole aim is to protect company information and data. True or False?


Explanation: That is one of the aims, not a sole aim. It also protects people, equipment, infrastructure etc.

Any piece of systems hardware can be taken off-site as long as the employee has been with the company for more that 3 years and has a ISSEP/CISSP Certification. True or False?


Explanation: Hardware should never be moved off-site unless under extenuating services approved by management, no matter what an employee's qualifications might be.

Physical security ________________

A. Can affect the availability of company resources
B. Can affect the integrity of the assets and environments
C. Can affect the confidentiality of the data and business processes
D. All of the above

D. All of the above

Explanation: Physical security impacts Availability, Integrity, Confidentiality The layered defense model means that physical controls should work together in a tiered architecture to provide better security.

Which type of control is recommended by the concept of control diversity?

A.Physical controls
B. Administrative controls
C. Technical controls
D. All of the above

D. All of the above

Explanation: Control diversity is a concept which involves using a combination of physical, administrative and technical controls to properly secure an environment, rather than relying on a single control type to protect against all threats.

What is the suggested height of a fence for physical security?

8 feet

Explanation: 8 feet is challenging compared to 4/5/6 feet. Fences used for actual prevention rather than as a deterrent should be 8 feet high and angled at 45 degrees towards the outside.

What type of network traffic is only visible to the virtualization hypervisor, and thus a potential security concern?

Inter-VM Traffic

Explanation: Inter-VM traffic is exhibited when two virtual machines communicate only with each other, and the packets flow through a virtual switch, never leaving the hypervisor environment. Unless additional virtual networking is in place, or perhaps another virtual machine to monitor Inter-VM traffic, the lack of visibility provides attackers a mechanism to use Inter-VM traffic as a potential covert communication channel.

The technology that is used to host multiple OS within the memory of a single host is known as ___________.


Explanation: Virtualization allows any OS to operate on any hardware.

Email injection is an input validation vulnerability. True or False?


Explanation: Email injection occurs when applications send email messages and do not properly sanitize or otherwise validate the user input for sending emails.

Which of the following options is a result of poor physical security?

A. SQL Injection
B. Implement rogue WAP
C. DNS Spoofing
D. Mac Spoofing

B. Implement rogue WAP

Explanation: Insufficient physical security can allow a hacker to plant a rogue wireless access point on a network.

Where Should Physical Security Controls be implemented? (select three)

A. Workstations
B. Outermost gate
C. Restrooms
D. Data Centers

A, B & D

Explanation: Physical security controls should be used to prevent/deter access to areas which may contain sensitive information, including workstation environments, data centers and the building in general. Physical security is tuypically not required for something as innocuous as a restroom, especially when these are already located in an area with its own physical security controls.

Plain photo ID cards are:

A. Dumb cards
B. Smart cards
C. Swipe cards
D. None of these

A. Dumb cards

Explanation: These are 'dumb' cards and just a paper printout of relevant information along with holder's photograph.

A wireless ____ reader is capable of sensing the presence of a card that is within some specific distance from the reader.


Explanation: These are known as wireless proximity readers since they sense the cards in their vicinity or proximity.

Which of these has 3 digits with wheels?

A. Warded lock
B. Tumbler lock
C. Combination lock
D. Device lock

C. Combination lock

Explanation: Combination lock requires the correct combination of digits aligned in order to be opened

Apart from authentication, what other methods are used in implementing a mantrap?

Visual identification

Explanation: Mantraps can be used to require employee authentication, and during this process those passing through the mantrap can also be visually identified using security guards or cameras.

Which of the following is a physical control affecting integrity

A. Keeping bushes trimmed low enough to eliminate easy hiding places for intruders
B. Running background investigations of security guards to insure they do not have criminal records
C. Using CCTV to monitor for intruders and sleeping security guards
D. Keeping backup tapes locked up when not in use

D. Keeping backup tapes locked up when not in use

Explanation: Trimming bushes and using cameras to monitor for unscrupulous activity are preventive controls. Running background checks will verify the integrity of security guards but this is an administrative control not physical. Keeping the backup tapes locked will keep them out of the hands of people that should not be touching them and improve the likelihood they will be unmodified when they are needed.

All of the following could be used to prevent shoulder surfing,except:

A. Strategically placed monitors
B. Awareness training
C. High-walled cubicles
D. Anti-emanation materials

D. Anti-emanation materials

Explanation: Strategically placing monitors and using high-walled cubicles can prevent line-of-sight, and making users aware of shoulder surfing helps them protect against the threat themselves. Anti-emanation materials help prevent electrical signals from being interpreted by an attacker, but do not mitigate regular shoulder surfing threats.

Which of the following protocols are mainly used to monitor and configure network devices?



Explanation: Simple Network Management Protocol is used to configure and monitor network devices.

Which of the following can monitor files to see if they have been changed?

A. Tripwire
C. Flow-tools
D. Portsentry

A. Tripwire

Explanation: Tripwire is a tool that checks file integrity, identifying when files are modified from their previous content.

What is the final environment used to ensure programs are functioning properly before being put into a production environment?

A. Development
B. Test
C. Staging
D. Post- prod

C. Staging

Explanation: A staging environment is used to ensure a program is complete and functions without error in a production-like environment, before actually being released to production. Development is where the initial creation of a program is done, and the testing environment is where initial functionality testing takes place.

What is VM sprawl?

When VM's are too numerous to be properly managed

Explanation: VM sprawl occurs when an organization does not properly manage the creation/deletion of virtual machines, resulting in a large amount of unused or undocumented VMs eating up resources and potentially providing access to attackers.

If you implement endpoint security, then there is no need for a DMZ. True or False?


Explanation: Endpoint security does not replace DMZ and technologies such as firewalls, but it does add defense in depth.

ABC Inc. wants to deploy a bastion host in their DMZ. Which of the following should they consider for this bastion host?

A. Apply all possible patches and hot fixes
B. Log all security related events
C. Shut down any unnecessary service, protocol, or program
D. All of the above

D. All of the above

Explanation: A bastion host lies in the DMZ and is not fully protected as is the internal network. It is publicly accessible and for this reason, it should be hardened as far as possible. So, all of these measures should be taken to harden this bastion host.

One should never have their database server in DMZ. True or false?


Explanation: A database server contains sensitive information and provides a critical service. Database servers should be highly protected and should NEVER be Internet-facing or in a DMZ.

You should place your Intranet DNS server in demilitarized zone (DMZ). True or false?


Explanation: This server is used to provide DNS services to the internal network, and there is no need for it to be placed in an external-facing DMZ.

Which of the following best describes an intranet?

A. A privately operated networks that uses TPC/IP
B. The global network that uses TCP/IP
C. A network that connects one nation to another exclusively

A. A privately operated networks that uses TPC/IP

Explanation: An intranet is a privately operated network that uses TCP/IP. These are most often found within corporations.

An extranet is defined as:

A. An extension of a private network
B. An addition to the internet
C. Unwanted networks
D. None of these

A. An extension of a private network

Explanation: An extranet is a cross between the Internet and an intranet. An extranet is a section of an organization's network that has been sectioned off so that it acts as an intranet for the private network but also serves information to the public Internet.

Honeynets are usually more difficult to monitor than firewalls and IDSes. True or false?


Explanation: False. Honeynets are easier to configure and monitor as they will provide valuable information only for specific attacks.

Which of the following are cloud deployment types?

A. Public
B. Private
C. Community
D. All of the above

D. All of the above

Explanation: Public, private and community clouds are all implementation of cloud storage, with each providing cloud services to a different subset of groups.

How can sniffers be mitigated and broadcast traffic be decreased?

B. IPSec


Explanation: VLAN enhances a feature called segmentation which is created to contain network traffic, protecting this traffic from being broadcast and mitigating sniffing threats.

Which of the following are security controls you can use to help protect the data on your network select three?

Encryption. Antivirus And Anti-Malware Software. Firewalls. Security Information And Event Management (SIEM)

What is a security control quizlet?

security controls. management, operational, and technical controls designated for an info system to protect the CIA of the system and its into.made up of safeguards and countermeasures. safeguards. protective measures prescribed to meet the security reqs specified for an info system.

Which of the following should you do on a regular basis to secure your device from cybercriminal attacks?

Correct Answer: Set a strong password.

Which of the following best describes the difference between Bluetooth and Wi Fi quizlet?

Which of the following BEST describes the difference between Bluetooth and Wi-Fi? Bluetooth communicates between devices; Wi-Fi connects devices to the nternet.


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