Which of the following best describes the physical ability known as dynamic strength?

Which of the following is the most likely reason why employers should employ older workers? Older workers have extensive work experience. Older people are more likely to quit and change jobs than younger employees.

Which of the following best describes spatial visualization quizlet?

Which of the following best describes spatial visualization? Spatial visualization refers to the ability to imagine how an object would look if its position were changed. For instance an interior decorator redecorating an office needs to have the spatial visualization dimension of intellectual ability.

Which of the following most likely indicates surface level similarity select one?

The correct option is D) Jane and Sara grew up in the same town and went to school together. Explanation: Option d is correct because Jane and Sara belong to the same town and went to the same school they have high surface-level similarities as they are classmates and have similar age background and gender.

Is a dimension of intellectual ability which involves?

Explanation: A) Deductive reasoning may be defined as a person’s ability to use logic and assess the implications of an argument. For instance a supervisor choosing between two different suggestions needs to have the deductive visualization dimension of intellectual ability.

Is the ability to move the trunk and back muscles as far as possible?

Extent flexibility was defined as “the ability to flex or stretch the trunk and back muscles as far as possible” (p. 77) (e.g. twist and touch tests). Dynamic flexibility was defined as “the ability to make repeated rapid flexing movements” (p.

Why should managers be interested in their employees attitudes quizlet?

Why should managers be interested in their employees’ attitudes? They give warnings of potential problems. … The attitude refers to something with which the person has direct experience.

Which do you think is more important to team performance surface level or deep level diversity Why quizlet?

which do you think is more important to team performance surface-level or deep-level diversity? Why? Deep level diversity is more important to team performance because issues will arise based on differences in beliefs opinions and the basic things that make people different.

Which of the following is the most likely reason why employers should employ older workers quizlet?

Which of the following is the most likely reason why employers should employ older workers? Older workers have extensive work experience. Older people are more likely to quit and change jobs than younger employees.

What is surface-level similarity?

Surface-level similarity refers to similarities among employees in overt demo- graphic characteristics. Most frequently these similarities are reflected in physical characteristics for instance age sex and race or ethnicity (Harrison et al. 1998).

Which of the following is an example of surface-level diversity quizlet?

Examples of surface-level diversity include age gender race/ethnicity and physical capabilities etc. A team of men and women of different ethnic backgrounds age and physical capabilities work for a TV show which involves decorating gardens in a very short time frame.

Which of the following are biographical characteristics that differentiate employees in the workplace?

Biographical characteristics represent many of the surface-level aspects of diversity. These are characteristics that are very easy to identify. Biographical characteristics typically include age gender and race. They can also include tenure religion sexual orientation and gender identity.

Which of the following is a kind of physical ability which refers to the ability to make rapid repeated flexing movements?

The answer is “C” dynamic flexibility is a kind of physical ability which refers to the ability to make rapid repeated flexing movements….

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Is a dimension of intellectual ability which involves using logic to assess the implications of an argument group of answer choices?

The correct answer is option A) Deductive reasoning

In psychology deductive reasoning refers to logical reasoning in which a conclusion is made using a set of premises.

Which of the following describes inductive reasoning?

Inductive reasoning is a type of logical thinking that involves forming generalizations based on experiences observations and facts. … Inductive reasoning uses specific ideas to reach a broad conclusion while deductive reasoning uses general ideas to reach a specific conclusion.

Which of the following best describes the physical ability known as dynamic strength?

The answer is “C” dynamic strength is the ability to exert muscular force repeatedly or continuously over time.

Is the ability to do speedy and accurate arithmetic?

Intellectual ability is the capacity to do mental activities thinking and reasoning and problem-solving.

Intellectual Ability.

Number Aptitude It is an ability to do speedy and accurate arithmetic.

Why should managers be interested in their employees?

Managers always lead a particular group of people within an organization. Managers should always be interested in their employees‘ attitudes because they signal potential problems in the future. Employees’ attitude affects their productivity which impacts the overall firm’s productivity.

Why should managers be interested in their employee’s attitudes?

Managers should be interested in their employees’ attitudes because attitudes give warning signs of potential problems and because they influence behavior. Managers should also be aware that employees will try to reduce cognitive dissonance.

Perceived organizational support (POS) represents the degree to which employees believe that their organization values their contributions and cares for their wellbeing (Eisenberger et al. 1986).

Why is surface diversity important?

Surface-level diversity represents an individual’s visible characteristics such as age body size race or sex. … Human resources had put forth mandatory training’s on workplace diversity and respecting others which helped bring awareness to our workforce.

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What is surface level diversity and deep level diversity?

Surface-level diversity represents characteristics of individuals that are readily visible including but not limited to age body size visible disabilities race or sex. Deep-level diversity includes traits that are nonobservable such as attitudes values and beliefs.

What key managerial skill do you think is most important when dealing with workforce diversity?

Conflict Resolution Skills

An essential tool to managing workplace diversity is the ability to handle conflict. Disagreements that arise because of cultural differences must be handled promptly and swiftly as to not decrease productivity in the workplace.

Which group leader activity would most likely ensure that diversity helps rather than hinders a group?

MGMT Final

Which group leader activity would most likely ensure that diversity helps rather than hinders a group? Showing how members have a common interest in the group’s success

Which of the following is true regarding positive organizational scholarship?

Which of the following is true regarding positive organizational scholarship? It studies how organizations develop human strengths foster vitality and unlock potential.

Which of the following is true of proactive personalities?

Which of the following is true of proactive personalities? They show initiative take action and persevere until they effect change.

What is deep-level diversity?

Deep-level diversity includes non-observing characteristics — that is traits that are not visible. These include attitudes values and religious beliefs. They are similar to hidden diversity in that they aren’t distinguishable visually.

What is surface level diversity in organizational behavior?

Surface-level diversity includes traits that are highly visible to us and those around us such as race gender and age. Researchers believe that people pay attention to surface diversity because they are assumed to be related to deep-level diversity which includes values beliefs and attitudes.

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Which of the following is a surface level diversity trait?

Race age and attitudes are examples of surface level diversity. Deep-level diversity traits are most important for early interactions in the workplace but as time goes on surface traits become more important.

Which of the following is a difference between surface level diversity and deep level diversity quizlet?

Surface-level diversity is immediately observable whereas deep-level diversity usually reveals itself at a later stage.

Which of the following is an example of a deep level diversity?

Examples include sex age race ethnicity etc. Deep level of diversity in contrast is difficult to judge from appearance. It includes internal characteristics such as personality attitudes habits values professional background skill level etc.

Which of the following most likely indicates surface-level similarity group of answer choices?

The correct option is D) Jane and Sara grew up in the same town and went to school together. Explanation: Option d is correct because Jane and Sara belong to the same town and went to the same school they have high surface-level similarities as they are classmates and have similar age background and gender.

What are the biographical characteristics of employees?

Biographical characteristics are important in predicting both employee performance and job satisfaction. These include age gender race and tenure among others. Misconceptions surround each of these particularly with respect to age and gender.

What is understood by biographical characteristics?

Biographical characteristics such as age gender race and disability are some of the most obvious ways employees differ. Let’s begin by looking at factors that are easily definable and readily available—data that can be obtained for the most part from an employee’s human resources (HR) file.

What does physical ability mean?

Definitions of physical ability. the ability to perform some physical act contrasting with mental ability. types: voice. the ability to speak. lung-power.

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