Which of the following characteristics of accounting information primarily allows users of financial statements to generate predictions about an organization?

  • School University of Phoenix
  • Course Title ACC 421
  • Type

    Test Prep

  • Pages 33
  • Ratings 93% (27) 25 out of 27 people found this document helpful

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2.Which of the following characteristics of accounting information primarily allows users offinancial statements to generate predictions about an organization?A. Reliability.B. Timeliness.C. Neutrality.D. Relevance.

3.According to the conceptual framework, the objectives of financial reporting for businessenterprises are based on:

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4.According to the FASB conceptual framework, which of the following is not an enhancingqualitative characteristic?

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5.Conceptually, interim financial statements can be described as emphasizing:

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6.During the period when an enterprise is under the direction of a particular management,its financial statements will directly provide information about:A. Both enterprise performance and management performance.

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College Accounting, Chapters 1-27


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B. Management performance but does not directly provide information about enterpriseperformance.C. Enterprise performance but not directly provide information about management performance.D. Neither enterprise performance nor management performance.7.According to the conceptual framework, neutrality is an ingredient of:

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8.According to the FASB conceptual framework, predictive value is an ingredient of:

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9.According to the conceptual framework, the quality of information that helps usersincrease the likelihood of correctly forecasting the outcome of past or present events iscalled:

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10.Which of the following characteristics relates to both accounting relevance and faithfulrepresentation?A.Free from material error.B.Completeness.C.Neutrality.

D.Comparability.11.According to the conceptual framework, the process of reporting an item in the financialstatements of an entity is:

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Assumptions, Accounting Principles:

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Accounting, Balance Sheet, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, Financial Accounting Standards Board, Generally Accepted Accounting

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The document you are viewing contains questions related to this textbook.

College Accounting, Chapters 1-27


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Which of the following qualitative characteristics make financial statement information useful relevance understandability reliability all of the above?

Choice "d" is correct. The fundamental qualitative characteristics of useful financial information are relevance and faithful representation.

Which of the following is a characteristic of accounting information that enhances the usefulness of the information provided in the financial statements?

Answer B is correct: Comparability is a qualitative characteristic that enhances the usefulness of relevant and faithfully represented information.

Which of the following characteristics of financial statements are fundamental to the usefulness of financial statements?

Enhancing qualitative characteristics provide additional benefit and usefulness in the financial reporting information. Therefore, the four important characteristics which are comparability, verifiability, timeliness and understandability should be extent widely.

Which of the following qualitative characteristics make financial statement information useful quizlet?

The fundamental qualitative characteristics that make accounting information useful are relevance and verifiability.


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