Which of the following declines in vision begin to happen in middle age? (select all that apply)

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Terms in this set (149)

Prevention and _____ are two of the most important components of children's health.


Which of the following has been linked to health-enhancing behavior and reduced risk taking in adolescence?

A.) Social anxiety
B.) Adolescent independence
C.) Peer pressure
D.) Parental monitoring


Chronic disorders are most common in:

A.) adolescence.
B.) late adulthood.
C.) middle adulthood.
D.) early childhood.


Which statement is true regarding chronic disorders?

A.) Women are less likely than men to have nonfatal chronic conditions such as arthritis and bursitis.
B.) Men are more likely than women to have fatal chronic disorders such as cancer and coronary heart disease.
C.) Hypertension is the leading chronic disorder in middle adulthood for both men and women.
D.) The three most common chronic disorders in middle adulthood is the same for females and males.


Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death for adults over the age of 75. True/ False


Select all that apply
Which of the following are social contexts that influence adolescent health? (Select all that apply)

A.) Schools
B.) Families
C.) Religious rites
D.) Peers

A, B, D

Select all that apply
Many cardiovascular problems in middle age can be reduced by which of the following? (Select all that apply.)

A.) hormone replacement therapy
B.) decreased rates of smoking
C.) increased exercise
D.) improved diets

B, C, D

Select all that apply
In comparing the health of emerging adults with the health of adolescents, which of the following statements are true regarding emerging adults?

A.) They have higher rates of physical activity.
B.) They have a higher mortality rate.
C.) They have a better diet.
D.) They are more likely to be obese.
E.) They have more chronic health problems.

B, D, E

______ disorders have a slow onset and a long duration.

A.) Acute
B.) Mental
C.) Seasonal
D.) Chronic


Starting in middle adulthood, chronic disorders:

A.) decrease.
B.) increase.
C.) are common.
D.) retain the same level of risk as in early adulthood.


True or false: Due to the decrease in cardiovascular disease, cancer is now the leading cause of death in middle-aged and older adults between 65 and 74.


A recent study found that all of the following were associated with a decrease in deaths from cardiovascular disease, EXCEPT

A.) exercising.
B.) quitting smoking.
C.) reducing alcohol consumption.
D.) diet.


Neurological disorders in which the primary symptoms involve deterioration of mental functioning are classed under the global term:

A.) Alzheimer.
B.) osteoporosis.
C.) dementia.
D.) epilepsy.


Which of the following groups has the highest mortality rate?

A.) Males in adolescence
B.) Females in emerging adulthood
C.) Males in emerging adulthood
D.) Females in adolescence


Select all that apply
Which of the following are characteristics of Alzheimer disease? (Select all that apply)

A.) Gradual deterioration of memory
B.) Gradual deterioration of language
C.) Reversible brain damage
D.) Progressive brain damage

A, B, D

Which of the following is/are the most common of the chronic conditions associated with the greatest limitation on work?

A.) Heart conditions
B.) Arthritis
C.) Asthma
D.) Diabetes


Which of the following is/are the most common of the chronic conditions associated with the greatest limitation on work?

A.) Heart conditions
B.) Arthritis
C.) Asthma
D.) Diabetes


Select all that apply
Symptoms of dementia include which of the following? (Select all that apply)

A.) Inability to recognize familiar people
B.) Inability to care for oneself
C.) Inability to overcome chronic fatigue
D.) Inability to recognize familiar surroundings

A, B, D

Select all that apply
Characteristics of Alzheimer disease include which of the following? (Select all that apply)

A.) Deficiency in acetylcholine
B.) Twisted fibers that build up in neurons
C.) High levels of dopamine in the hippocampus of the brain
D.) Dense deposits of protein that accumulate in the blood vessels

A, B, D

It is projected that ______ million baby boomers will develop Alzheimer disease in their lifetime.

A.) 30
B.) 20
C.) 10
D.) 5


Which of the following chronic conditions is LEAST likely to limit the everyday activities or work of adults over the age of 65?

A.) Diabetes
B.) Arthritis
C.) Epilepsy
D.) Asthma


One of the best strategies for preventing or delaying the onset of Alzheimer disease in people who are at risk is to:

A.) improve their cardiac functioning through diet, drugs, and exercise.
B.) improve their memory functioning through crosswords and sudoku.
C.) take amyloid plaque-busting drug therapies.
set up systems of care as if they already have the disease.


Select all that apply
Which of the following are helpful in the treatment of arthritis symptoms? (Select all that apply)

A.) Radiation therapy
b.) Exercise
C.) Weight reduction
D.) Aspirin
E.) Joint replacement

B, C, D, E

Select all that apply
Which of the following are symptoms of Parkinson disease?

A.) Slowing of movements
B.) Numbness on one side of the arm or leg
C.) Partial facial paralysis
D.) Muscle tremors

A, C, D

Which of the following is most often the result of osteoporosis?

A.) Marked stoop
B.) Neurological disorder
C.) Dementia
D.) Muscle loss


Alzheimer disease is caused by a deficiency in the brain messenger chemical called acetylcholine, which is very important in:

A.) peripheral nerves.
B.) somatic nerves.
C.) digestion.
D.) memory.


Select all that apply
What are two common factors in the development of eating problems in infants?

A.) neglectful caregivers
B.) bad-tasting baby food
C.) conditions of poverty
D.) genetic problems
C.) lack of proper guidelines for infant nutrition

A, C

The development of Alzheimer disease is most likely influenced by:

A.) the interaction of environment and lifestyle.
B.) genetic influence solely.
C.) the interaction of lifestyle and genes.
D.) lifestyles primarily.


Which of the following factors triggers Parkinson disease?

A.) Temporary obstruction of blood vessels
B.) Degeneration of dopamine-producing neurons in the brain
C.) An increase in acetylcholine receptors in the brain
D.) A decrease of interleukin-6 in the brain


A child who is classified as obese has a BMI in the ______ percentile.

A.) 85th
B.) 87th
c.) 95th
D.) 97th


Females make up about ______ of the cases of osteoporosis in the United States today.

A.) 50 percent
B.) 60 percent
C.) 70 percent
D.) 80 percent


______ is an eating disorder that involves the relentless pursuit of thinness through starvation.

A.) Body dysmorphic disorder
B.) Anorexia nervosa
C.) Binge eating disorder
D.) Bulimia nervosa


What is the recommended number of calories per day for each pound an infant weighs?

A.) 100
B.) 25
C.) 30
D.) 50


______ control their eating by restricting it, but most ______ cannot do so.

A.) Anorexics; dieters
B.) Bulimics; anorexics
C.) Anorexics; bulimics
D.) Bulimics; yo-yo dieters


True or false: More than half of individuals who are carriers of the ApoE4 gene develop dementia in old age.


Individuals with ______ engage in recurrent episodes of eating large quantities of food during which they feel a lack of control over eating.

A.) body dysmorphia
B.) binge eating disorder
C.) anorexia nervosa
D.) bulimia nervosa


Body Mass Index (BMI) is computed with a formula that involves which characteristics of the individual?

A.) height and weight
B.) weight and waist circumference
C.) age and fat level measured in blood
D.) height and waist circumference


In 2016, approximately what percentage of U.S. adults were classified as obese?

A.) 40 percent
B.) 21 percent
C.) 57 percent
D.) 44 percent


Which of the following is NOT one of the main characteristics of anorexia nervosa?

A.) restricted energy intake leading to significantly low body weight
B.) a pattern of binge-and-purge eating
C.) a distorted body image or not recognizing the seriousness of current low weight
D.) an intense fear of weight gain or behavior that interferes with gaining weight


Select all that apply
Researchers have found that aerobic exercise benefits which of the following in children and adolescents?

A.) decreased peer relations
B.) increased bone strength
C.) lowered blood pressure
D.) decreased obesity
E.) slowed creativity

B, C, D

The eating disorder in which the individual consistently follows a binge-and-purge eating pattern is called:

A.) bulimia nervosa.
B.) anorexia nervosa.
C.) starvation.
D.) bulimia anorexia.


Physical and psychological gains are more likely to be produced by exercise that is:

A.) safe.
b.) moderate and intense.
C.) mild and easy.
D.) mentally challenging.


People with binge eating disorder are frequently

A.) overweight.
B.) controlled.
C.) perfectionists.
D.) men.


Select all that apply
Regarding lifestyle factors and the risk of Alzheimer disease, which of the following statements are true? (Select all that apply)

A.) Smoking, while it increases risk for cardiovascular disease, is not associated with Alzheimer disease.
B.) A healthy lifestyle can lower the risk of Alzheimer disease.
C.) Many of the same habits that lead to cardiovascular disease increase risk for Alzheimer disease.

B, C

The United States has one of the (highest/lowest) rates of adolescent drug use of any industrialized nation.
Listen to the complete question


Among American adults in 2016, which of the following had the highest rate of obesity?

A.) young women
B.) middle-aged men
C.) middle-aged women
D.) young men


Which of the following statements is true about adolescent alcohol use?

A.) Almost no high school seniors polled have been in a vehicle with a drugged or drinking driver.
B.) Binge drinking among teenagers is on the rise.
C.) Females are more likely than males to engage in binge drinking.
D.) Sizable declines in adolescent alcohol use have occurred in recent years.


Children need daily exercise because of the development of:

A.) brain synapses, especially in the frontal lobes.
B.) large muscles, especially in the arms and legs.
C.) brain chemicals, especially endorphins.
D. )small muscles, especially in the hands and feet.


Select all that apply
Since the mid-1990s, how have most adolescents perceived smoking?

A.) as popular
B.) as commonplace
C.) with acceptance
D.) as dangerous
E.) with disapproval

D, E

Select all that apply
Which statements are true regarding the benefits of exercise? (Select all that apply)

A.) The risk of obesity may be reduced with exercise.
B.) Moderate-to-vigorous exercise is recommended.
C. )Exercise helps prevent heart disease.
D. ) Exercise only has benefits for younger adults.

A, B, C

True or false: Alcohol use peaks in emerging adulthood and then declines somewhat by the mid-twenties.


Researchers have found that ______ improves longevity in older adults.

A.) exercise
B.) skipping meals
C.) social isolation
D.) sleeping for four hours or less


Illicit drug use among U.S. students ______ in the late 1990s.

A.) doubled
B.) tripled
C.) increased
D.) declined


Having five or more drinks in a row in the last two weeks is referred to as ________ drinking.


Which of the following statements most closely fits with the trends associated with adolescent cigarette smoking in the United States?

A.) Cigarette smoking was at its lowest point in 1996.
B.) Smoking rates have remained steady since 1996.
C.) Cigarette smoking increased each year after 1996.
D.) Cigarette smoking peaked in 1996 and then gradually declined.


Select all that apply
In a large longitudinal research study of 10,000 men and women followed over 8 years, participants were divided into low, medium, and high fitness levels. What did the study find?

A.) There were no substantial differences among the fitness groups with regard to longevity.
B.) Those in the low fitness (sedentary) group were more than two times more likely to die than those in the medium fitness group.
C.) Fitness level had dramatic effects on longevity, but for men only.
D.) Those in the low fitness (sedentary) group were more than three times more likely to die than those in the high fitness group.

B, D

True or false: Alcohol use peaks in emerging adulthood and then declines somewhat by the mid-twenties.


Which theory of motor development suggests that perceptions are necessary for infants to fine-tune their movements and that motor skills represent solutions to the infants' goals?

A.) Perceptual development theory
B.) Dynamic systems theory
C.) Gesell's maturational theory
D.) Developmental motor skill theory


The _______ reflex occurs when the infant's cheek is stroked or the side of the mouth is touched and the infant then turns its head toward the side that was touched.


Gross motor skills:

A.) involve large-muscle activities.
b.) begin with the Moro reflex.
c.) develop after fine motor skill development.
e.) involve the hands and fingers.


Before babies can hold onto furniture and "walk" around the room by grasping onto objects, they must have:

A.) parental encouragement.
B.) the ability to crawl.
c.) postural control.
d.) eye-hand coordination.


A key skill in learning to walk involves:

A.) using the arms for balance.
B.) stabilizing balance on one leg.
C.) practicing the moving of arms and legs in unison.
D.) the ability to imitate actions of others.


According to dynamic systems theory, what is required before infants can begin to develop their motor skills and perform actions?

A.) They must achieve a certain level of cognitive development before purposeful movement can happen.
B.) Nothing; they develop motor skills through inborn abilities.
C.) They must perceive something in the environment that motivates them to act.
D.) They must imitate parents in order to develop motor skills.


Newly crawling infants will do what with the navigation of a steep slope?

A.) Curl the toes
B.) Balance on the heel of the foot
C.) Proceed and probably fall
D.) Balance on the ball of the foot


The purpose of the rooting reflex is to:

A.) coordinate the suck and swallow movement.
B.) foster bonding between the baby and caregiver.
C.) snuggle into the caregiver in order to help calm the infant.
D.) direct the infant to turn its head toward something to suck.


How might learning to walk promote language development in children?

A.) They get used to adults giving them direction about where they can and cannot go.
B.) It lets them get closer so they can hear adults more clearly.
C.) They no longer have to have contact with things that they do not want to.
D.) It allows them to initiate interaction with parents and other adults.


In terms of the motor development milestones, which of the following can we expect to be true?

A.) Not all infants follow the standard sequence of motor accomplishments.
B.) Motor development milestones are genetically based.
C.) All babies crawl before they walk.
D.) All infants follow the same developmental pattern of motor accomplishments.


What ability must an infant have as a foundation for gross motor skill development?

A.) Postural control
B.) Eye-hand coordination
C.) The ability to hold utensils
D.) Spatial skills


Fourteen-month-old Sophie began walking at the age of 11 months. She was categorized as an "experienced" walker in a recent research study. The babies in the study have to walk down a risky slope. From what we know about "experienced" walkers, what can we expect of Sophie's performance?

A.) Sophie will sit down and scoot down the slope.
B.) Sophie will pause and evaluate the slope before starting down it.
C.) Sophie will try to run down the slope since she is a competent walker.
D.) Sophie will walk down the slope without evaluating it.


Motor activity is important for toddlers. What is one of the few restrictions that should be placed on a 2-year-old's gross motor activity?

A.) No playing with younger children
B.) Not doing anything that is unsafe
C.) No running
D.) No feeding themselves


When an infant learns to walk, it

A.) promotes change in other aspects of their development.
B.) sets the infant back in their newly developing language skills for three to four months.
C.) is the end of developmental milestones for awhile.
D.) stunts change in other development until the skill is completely mastered.


Infants who are massaged and stretched and given opportunities for exercise often

A.) have little motivation to attempt to hone their gross motor skills.
B.) skip several developmental milestones.
C.) reach developmental milestones earlier.
D.) are delayed in reaching developmental milestones.


In a recent study, which of the following aspects of pregnancy and delivery showed the strongest link to an infant reaching motor skills earlier?

A.) maternal vegetarianism
B.) maternal smoking
C.) delivery within one day of due date
D.) larger size at birth


The reaction that occurs when information interacts with the eyes, ears, tongue, nostrils, or skin is referred to as:

A.) sensation.
B.) preference.
C.) perception.
D.) affordance.


True or false: Mothers in developing countries tend to stimulate their infants' motor skills more than mothers in developed countries.
True false question.


Which of the following statements is consistent with Gibsons' ecological view of perceptual development in infancy?

A.) Perception and cognition are unrelated concepts.
B.) We directly perceive information that exists in the world around us.
C.) Perception is a passive action that is involved only in the interpretation of an event.
D.) Sensation is more important than perception.


The ______ preference method is used to determine when infants can distinguish one stimulus from another.


Infants are more likely to distinguish between faces to which they have been exposed than faces they have never seen. This is described as:

A.) perceptual narrowing.
B.) habituation.
C.) visual preference.
D.) the orienting response.


Select all that apply
Which of the following behaviors/movements are precursors to walking? (Select all that apply)

A.) Alternating kicking movements
B.) Stabilizing balance
C.) The ability to move both arms and legs in coordinated movements
D.) The ability to crawl

A, B

True or False: Experience is necessary for color vision to develop normally.


A researcher who studies whether an infant can distinguish one stimulus from another by measuring the length of time the infant attends to different stimuli is using which of the following methods?

A.) Dishabituation
B.) High-amplitude sight tracking
C.) Habituation
D.) Visual preference


Which of the following statements is correct regarding the visual acuity of infants?

A.) An infant's visual acuity does not improve between the ages of 3 and 6 months.
B.) A newborn is capable of 20/40 vision.
C.) An infant's visual acuity by 6 months of age is 20/40.
D.) Newborns are able to distinguish small things that are far away.


The realization that your mother has the same appearance and does not shrink as you watch her walk away from you (even though she appears to get smaller) means that you understand ______ constancy.

A.) shape
B.) distance
C.) movement
D.) size


The recognition that an object remains the same shape even though its orientation to us changes is called:

A.) shape recognition.
B.) shape constancy.
C.) shape integration.
D.) shape permanency.


What recommendation do most infant experts give regarding structured exercise classes for babies?

A.) Structured exercise classes are not recommended.
B.) The classes are neither advantageous nor disadvantageous.
C.) Structured exercise classes are a good way to advance motor skill development.
D.) Structured exercise classes for premature infants are highly recommended to help them catch up.


By ______ of age, infants have similar color preferences to adults; for example, they prefer saturated colors over pale ones.

A.) 4 months
B.) 4 weeks
C.) 5 months
D) 8 weeks


When sensory stimulation is changing (for instance, seeing the same object at different distances), but perception of the physical world remains the same, an infant is experiencing:

A.) perceptual constancy.
B.) sensory perception.
C.) perceptual awareness.
D.)sensory engagement.


______ of the eye is the eye's ability to focus and maintain an image on the retina.

A.) Depth perception
b.) Accommodation
C.) Adaptation
D.) Nearsighting


Although it is not fully developed, babies can show size constancy as young as:

a.) 2 weeks of age.
b.) 1 week of age.
c.) 3 months of age.
d.) 1 month of age.


Which of the following is a common treatment for cataracts?

A.) Eyedrops
B.) Cochlear implant
C.) Surgical removal
D.) Medication


Motor activity is important for toddlers. What is one of the few restrictions that should be placed on a 2-year-old's gross motor activity?

A.) No feeding themselves
B.) No running
C.) Not doing anything that is unsafe
D.) No playing with younger children


Select all that apply
Which of the following are true of glaucoma? (Select all that apply)

A.) If untreated, it can result in blindness.
B.) Surgery is usually recommended.
C.) It involves a thickening of the lens of the eye.
D.) It can be treated with eyedrops.

A, D

Select all that apply
Which of the following declines in vision begin to happen in middle age? (Select all that apply)

A.) Need for more light to work or read
B.) Decreased blind spot
C.) Reduced blood supply to eyes
D.) Decline in motion sensitivity
E.) Presbyopia

A, C, E

______ is a disease that involves deterioration of the focal center of the visual field.

A.) Cataracts
B.) Glaucoma
C.) Presbyopia
D.) Macular degeneration


What condition involves a thickening of the lens of the eye, which causes vision to become cloudy, opaque, and distorted?

A.) Cataracts
B.) Glaucoma
C.) Macular degeneration
D.) Presbyopia


When can sound first be perceived?

A.) Immediately at birth
b.) Approximately one week after birth
c.) Sometime during the second trimester of pregnancy
D.) During the last two months of pregnancy


What is the medical condition that happens when excess pressure inside the eye causes damage to the optic nerve?

A.) Astigmatism
B.) Glaucoma
C.) Cataracts
D.) Macular degeneration


Which of the following reflexes demonstrates that infants can feel touch?

A.) The rooting reflex
B.) The swimming reflex
C.) The Moro reflex
D.) The blinking reflex


People with macular degeneration:

A.) have a damaged optic nerve because of the pressure created by a buildup of fluid in the eye.
B.) see everything in a cloudy, opaque, and distorted manner.
C.) may be able to see on the periphery but not what is directly in front of them.
D.) can no longer see color or understand depth.


Those who emphasize learning and experience in perceptual development are called:

A.) reservationists.
B.) nativists.
C.) empiricists.
D.) integrationists.


What is the common understanding regarding infants and the sensation of touch?

A.) The sensation of touch has not been studied; therefore, we do not know if infants sense touch at birth.
B.) Newborns are capable of feeling touch.
C.) Infants' sensitivity to touch is not fully developed at birth.
D.) Infants can feel deep pressure but not light pressure.


Select all that apply
Which of the following are factors in perceptual completion? (Select all that apply)

A.) Self-directed exploration with eye movements
B.) Learning
C.) Consistent training by a caregiver
D.) Ability to move to the location of the object
E.) Experience

A, B, E

When watching a hockey game, spectators can hear the sound of the stick hitting the puck and see the puck slide across the ice. This ability is known as:

A.) intermodal perception.
B.) temporal-occipital integration.
C.) visio-auditory integration.
D.) multisensory perception.


Select all that apply
Which of the following can be inferred as an outcome of the research by DeCasper and Spence (1986) in which mothers read The Cat in the Hat to their fetuses and then to the children post-birth?

A.) Fetuses can hear.
B.) Fetuses can learn.
C.) Infants are capable of localizing sound.
D.) Infants do not remember sounds heard prenatally.

A, B

One of the key debates in developmental psychology as it relates to perceptual development is the longstanding issue of:

A.) free-will versus determinism.
B.) reductionism versus holism.
C.) nature versus nurture.
D) .idiographic versus nomothetic.


The current view of perceptual-motor coupling in infants is the:

A.) evolutionary behavior view.
B.) genetic determination view.
C.) passive systems view.
D.) dynamic systems view.


In Piaget's theory, actions or mental representations that organize knowledge are called:

A.) habituation.
B.) schemes.
C.) equilibration.
D.) classifications.


The ______ stage is the name of the Piagetian stage that occurs

A.) formal operational
B.) sensorimotor
C.) preoperational
D.) concrete operational


The sensorimotor substage in which sensation and action are coordinated primarily through such behaviors as rooting and sucking is called:

A.) coordination of secondary circular reactions.
B.) simple reflexes.
C.) secondary circular reactions.
D.) internalization of schemes.


Piaget believed that children ______ their own cognitive worlds.

A.) passively construct
B.) actively construct
C.) actively absorb
D.) passively absorb


Grasping, strategies for problem solving, driving a car, and balancing a budget are all examples of ______, according to Piaget.

A.) accommodations
B.) schemes
C.) strategies
D.) encoding


In the first habits and primary circular reactions substage, the main focus is on:

A.) the infant's own body.
B.) the parent.
C.) an object that the infant can hold.
D.) an object that the infant can watch.


According to Piaget, at what age does the sensorimotor period end?

A.) 12 months
B.) 36 months
C.) 15 months
D.) 24 months


______ is the understanding that objects continue to exist even when they cannot be seen, heard, or touched.

A.) Tertiary circular reactions
B.) Intermodal perception
C.) Object permanence
D.) Deferred imitation


Infants are born with domain-specific innate knowledge systems according to:

A.) the core knowledge approach.
B.) the intuitive thought substage.
c.) transitivity.
D.) the symbolic function substage.


True or false: Piaget believed that children were like sponges and passively absorbed information from the world around them.


What is the second stage of Piaget's cognitive theory of development?

A.) Formal operational stage
B.) Sensorimotor stage
C.) Preoperational stage
D.) Concrete operational stage


What is the sensorimotor substage in which infants become more object-oriented and less focused on their own body?

A.) Secondary circular reactions
B.) Coordination of secondary circular reactions
C.) Tertiary circular reactions, novelty, and curiosity
D.) First habits and primary circular reactions


According to the core knowledge approach, which of the following plays the most important role in infant development?

A.) Environment
B.) Nature
C.) Nurture
D.) Experience


True or false: Concrete operations do not allow the child to consider multiple characteristics of an object.


Select all that apply
Formal operational thought includes which of the following? (Select all that apply)

A.) Hypothetical and logical reasoning
B.) Idealism
C.) Lack of presentation
D.) Abstract propositions

A, B, D

What is the sensorimotor substage in which infants become more object-oriented and less focused on their own body?

A.) Secondary circular reactions
B.) First habits and primary circular reactions
C.) Tertiary circular reactions, novelty, and curiosity
D.) Coordination of secondary circular reactions


MacKenzie is an elementary student who has demonstrated the understanding that even though the levels of liquid in two glasses may appear different, they can still have the same amount depending on the size of the glass. She can also line up items from smallest to biggest. Which stage of Piaget's cognitive development is MacKenzie most likely in?

A.) Preoperational stage
B.) Sensorimotor stage
C.) Formal operational stage
D.) Concrete operational stage


Select all that apply
According to the neo-Piagetians, Piaget's theory needs more emphasis on which of the following? (Select all that apply)

A.) Memory
B.) Adolescent vulnerability
C.) Attention
D.) Children's strategies
E.) Culture
F.) Information-processing speed

A, C, D, F

Select all that apply
The effectiveness of the zone of proximal development is increased by which of the following?

A.) stubbornness
B.) complete independence
C.) emotional regulation
D.) secure attachment
E.) compliance

C, D, E

Compared to Piaget's theory of children's cognitive development, Vygotsky's theory places more emphasis on:

A.) children as active, constructive thinkers.
B.) cultural context and social interaction.
C.) interaction with the physical world.
D.) the ability of children to adapt their schemes to fit their environment.


All the following methods reflect Piaget's ideas about learning, EXCEPT:

A.) directing rather than facilitating learning.
B.) considering the child's knowledge and level of thinking.
C.) taking a constructivist approach.
D.) turning the classroom into a setting of exploration and discovery.


According to Piaget, during the ______ substage, young children gain the ability to represent mentally an object that is not present.

A.) object permanence
b.) symbolic function
C.) formal operational
D.) circular reaction


Like Piaget, Vygotsky emphasized that children actively construct their:

A.) understanding and schemes.
B.) knowledge and understanding.
C.) cognition and knowledge.
D.) physical world and cognition.


In Vygotsky's theory, the use of language for self-regulation is called:

A.) private speech.
B.) informative speech.
C.) oratory.
D.) dialogue.


Which of the following emphasizes the social contexts of learning and the construction of knowledge through social interaction?

A.) Piagetian theory
B.) Social constructivist approach
C.) Stages of development
D.) Cognitive constructionism


Select all that apply
The effectiveness of the zone of proximal development is increased by which of the following?

A.) complete independence
B.) emotional regulation
C.) compliance
D.) stubbornness
E.) secure attachment

B, c, E

The zone of proximal development is clearly linked to _____ , another concept from Vygotsky, which is defined as temporary support to help a child master a task.


Vygotsky's theory stressed the importance of sociocultural influences on children's development, which fits the belief that it is important to evaluate:

A.) a child's family background.
B.) componential factors in learning.
C.) the income level of a child's family.
D.) contextual factors in learning.


According to Piaget, ___ ______ thought is the final stage in cognitive development and characterizes adolescents as well as adults.

formal operational

According to Lev Vygotsky, the range of tasks that are too difficult for a child to master alone but can be mastered with guidance is known as the zone of ________ development.


Some developmental psychologists propose that as young adults enter the world of work, their thinking changes. They face the constraints of reality, and their:

A.) skepticism decreases.
B.) idealism decreases.
C.) idealism increases.
D.) curiosity increases.


As Trevor learns about long division, his mother first helps him a lot but gradually decreases the level of support. This is an example of:
A.) frameworking.
B.) appropriate limiting.
C.) scaffolding.
D.) proximal assistance.


In Vygotsky's theory, the use of language for self-regulation is called:

A.) oratory.
B.) informative speech.
C.) dialogue.
D.) private speech.


According to Piaget, the level of thought of young adults is ______, as compared to that of adolescents.

A.) qualitatively advanced
B.) more efficient
C.) qualitatively the same
D.) more prone to cognitive error


Gisela Labouvie-Vief and her colleagues emphasize that in middle age, individuals become ______ inwardly reflective and ______ context-dependent in their thinking than they were as young adults.

A.) less; less
B.) less; more
C.) more; less
D.) more; more


Some developmentalists propose that the thinking of young adults changes when they enter the world of ______, since they have to face the constraints of reality.

A.) education
B.) play
C.) work


Some theorists have proposed a cognitive stage beyond Piaget's last stage of formal operational thought. They call this fifth stage ______ thought.

A.) pragmatic
B.) cognitive
C.) crystallized
D.) postformal


Select all that apply
According to Vygotsky's theory, children use speech and language directed toward themselves and others for which of the following reasons? (Select all that apply)

A.) Social communication
B.) Problem solving
C.) Planning their behaviors
D.) Expressing behaviors

A, B, C

Select all that apply
Which of the following apply Vygotsky's concepts in the classroom? (Select all that apply)

A.) Discouraging the use of private speech
B.) Focusing lessons on the upper limit of a child's zone of proximal development to teach advanced cognitive skills
C.) Using peer teaching and encouraging children to practice their skills
D.) Using standardized tests to provide the best way to assess a child's cognitive level

B, C

Gisela Labouvie-Vief and her colleagues argue that it is necessary to consider how _____ maturity might affect cognitive development to understand cognitive changes in adulthood.


According to developmentalist William Perry, as compared to adolescence, thinking in adulthood is:

A.) reflective.
B.) absolutist.
C.) polarized.
D.) dualistic.


The stage of _____ thought involves complex thinking, which is more reflective, relativistic, and contextual.


Brent is an emerging adult studying cross-cultural anthropology, which gives him the opportunity to examine a range of variable perspectives regarding marriage and family structures and attitudes. This kind of thinking is best described as:

A.) abstract.
B.) concrete.
C.) relativistic.
D.) black and white.


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