Which of the following explains why Korea and Vietnam were viewed as Shatterbelts during the Cold War quizlet?

the world economy has a three-tier structure:
-core: where one is most likely to find higher levels of education, higher salaries, more technology, better rights, and generates more wealth in the economy = Western Europe, East Asia, US, Netherlands, Japan (& South Korea)
-semi-periphery: places where core and periphery processes are both occurring (BUFFER) = UAE, Saudi Arabia
-periphery: processes associated with low levels of education, salaries, technology, and generates less wealth in the economy = South America, Africa, and Central Asia

core exploits the periphery deliberately so that it stays that way
-takes cheap labor, resources, etc.
-kind of like old imperialism
-semi-periphery can exploit periphery too b/c have more power

different regions separate into subnational levels of government (not central)
-occurs when: states fragment into autonomous regions (Native American Reservations), subnational political-territorial units (Canada, Spain, Belgium), states disintegrate (Eritrea used to be Ethiopia, South Sudan used to be part of Sudan)
-causes: physical geography, ethnic separatism (India and Yugoslavia), ethnic cleansing, terrorism, economic (Italy; North Sea oil and Scotland/UK - locals want resources by GB want for whole country), social problems, irredentism

Sets with similar terms

(1945-1991) Between the U.S. and U.S.S.R.
Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD, if we nuked the USSR, they would nuke us, so they never fought directly).
Instead they fought through proxy wars: when someone else fights for you, the Korean war, Vietnam war, Afghanistan. The cold war created shatterbelts in Vietnam, Eastern Europe, Afghanistan, Korea.
Countries had to pick sides: 1st world countries allied with the U.S, 2nd countries world allied with the USSR, 3rd world were new nations that didn't ally with any side yet.
Truman Doctrine: The US would try to stop the spread of communism around the world, lead to the Vietnam and Korean proxy wars

A process whereby regions within a state demand and gain political strength and growing autonomy at the expense of the central government. Break up of a state (Balkanization).

ex. Yugoslavia, Nunavut, Native american reservations
- Formation of new states of governments. Balkans
- More power to regions (government power). Scotland in the UK
- Local ethnonationalism (linguistic/religious revival, Welsh, Gaelic, Belgium).
- Regional separation (Catalonia Spain, Scotland, and Quebec).
- Political Instability (civil war, fighting, ethnic cleansing, genocide).
- Mass migration out when a state fails.

What are Shatterbelts in AP Human Geography?

Shatterbelt. a region caught between stronger colliding external cultural-political forces, under persistent stress, and ofter fragmented by aggressive rivals.

What is the primary reason for establishing a Proruption in a boundary?

What is the primary reason for establishing a proruption in a boundary? To claim total control. Q. This type of boundary line is established before an area well populated.

Which of the following best explains the government of the shaded areas shown on the map?

Which of the following best explains the governance of the shaded areas shown on the map? These areas show territory occupied by indigenous peoples as stateless nations at a local scale. These areas show territory controlled by indigenous peoples as a single multistate nation.

Which of the following best explains why the region of Catalonia and Spain could be a viable country?

Which of the following best explains why the region of Catalonia in Spain could be a viable country? Catalonia is well developed economically compared to other regions in Spain.


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