Which of the following findings would the nurse determine are presumptive signs of pregnancy?

1. 1, 2, 3, and 4 are correct.
1. Amenorrhea is a presumptive sign of
2. Breast tenderness is a presumptive sign
of pregnancy.
3. Quickening is a presumptive sign of
4. Frequent urination is a presumptive sign
of pregnancy.
5. Uterine growth is a probable sign of

TEST-TAKING TIP: There are three classifications
of signs of pregnancy: presumptive,
probable, and positive. Signs that are totally
subjective, or presumptive, include amenorrhea,
breast tenderness, quickening, and frequent
urination. Signs that are objective, but
not totally absolute, are termed probable and
include alterations in uterine shape and size
and softening of the cervix. Signs that are
absolute, or positive, include hearing the fetal
heartbeat, detecting fetal movement, and
seeing ultrasound images of the fetal outline.

The nurse is evaluating the 24-hour dairy intake of four gravid clients. Which of the
following clients consumed the highest number of dairy servings during 1 day? The
client who consumed:
1. 4 oz whole milk, 2 oz hard cheese, 1 cup of pudding made with milk and 2 oz
cream cheese.
2. 1 cup yogurt, 8 oz chocolate milk, 1 cup cottage cheese, and 11/2 oz hard cheese.
3. 1 cup cottage cheese, 8 oz whole milk, 1 cup buttermilk, and 1/2 oz hard cheese.
4. 1/2 cup frozen yogurt, 8 oz skim milk, 4 oz cream cheese, and 11/2 cup cottage cheese.

Sets with similar terms

Which findings would the nurse determine are presumptive signs of pregnancy?

Breast changes (swollen), nausea and vomiting, amenorrhea, frequent urination, fatigue, uterine enlargement, quickening, linea nigra, melasma, and striae gravidarum are the presumptive signs of pregnancy. However, these signs may also denote other conditions that the body is undergoing.

Which of these are presumptive indicators of pregnancy select all that apply quizlet?

These are all presumptive signs of pregnancy: amenorrhea, breast tenderness, quickening, and frequent urination.

What are presumptive signs of pregnancy that the nurse would expect when assessing a client at 10 weeks gestation?

nausea and vomiting. cravings and food aversions. heartburn and indigestion. bloating, gas, constipation.

Which of the following are considered probable signs of pregnancy?

Probable signs of pregnancy are those signs commonly noted by the physician upon examination of the patient. These signs include uterine changes, abdominal changes, cervical changes, basal body temperature, positive pregnancy test by physician, and fetal palpation.


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