Which of the following is an accurate comparison of devolutionary movements in spain and canada?

  • School Kennesaw State University
  • Course Title GEOG 1101
  • Pages 17
  • Ratings 100% (5) 5 out of 5 people found this document helpful

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26. Which of the following is an accurate comparison of devolutionary movements in Spain andCanada?Topic 4.9A.There is an economic aspect to the Quebecois independence movement, while theCatalans focusmainly on culture.B.Both independence movements utilize cultural distinctiveness as their only reason forseeking independence.C Both independence belong to movements focus on religious differences with the nationsthey currently.D.There is an economic aspect to the Catalan independence movement, while theQuebecois focusmainly on cultural differences.E.Both independence movements utilize economic power as their main reason forseeking independence.

27. Compare the centralized power of the Soviet Union with the contemporary RussianFederation, in terms of the control of territory. Which of the following statements does theinformation in the map best support?Topic 4.9

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28. Which of the following events could be a threat to a state’s sovereignty at the national scale,whileholding a region together at the global scale?

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B.A member of the state’s minority political party being elected to lead the country.C.Admittance into a supranational organization such as the European UnionD.Decommitment to environmental resolutions established by the United NationsE.A shift from a federal system to a unitary system of governance within the state29. The European Union, the Arab League, and the United Nations are all examples ofTopic 4.9

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30. Which of the following correctly compares the impact of centripetal forces at the local scalewith theimpact of centripetal forces at the national scale?Topic4.10A.Centripetal forces may cause uneven development at the local scale but not at thenational scale.B.Centripetal forces at both the local scale and the national scale may lead to increasedcultural cohesion.C.Centripetal forces may lead to stateless nations at the national scale but not the localscale.D.Centripetal forces may result in nationalism at the local scale but not at the nationalscale.E.Centripetal forces at both the local scale and the national scale may lead to failedstates.

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26. Which of the following is an accurate comparison of devolutionary movements in Spain andCanada?Topic 4.9A.There is an economic aspect to the Quebecois independence movement, while theCatalans focusmainly on culture.B.Both independence movements utilize cultural distinctiveness as their only reason forseeking independence.C Both independence belong to movements focus on religious differences with the nationsthey currently.D.There is an economic aspect to the Catalan independence movement, while theQuebecois focusmainly on cultural differences.E.Both independence movements utilize economic power as their main reason forseeking independence.

26. Which of the following is an accurate comparison of devolutionary movements in Spain andCanada?Topic 4.9A.There is an economic aspect to the Quebecois independence movement, while theCatalans focusmainly on culture.B.Both independence movements utilize cultural distinctiveness as their only reason forseeking independence.C Both independence belong to movements focus on religious differences with the nationsthey currently.D.There is an economic aspect to the Catalan independence movement, while theQuebecois focusmainly on cultural differences.E.Both independence movements utilize economic power as their main reason forseeking independence.

Which of the following best explains why the region of Catalonia in Spain to be a viable country?

Which of the following best explains why the region of Catalonia in Spain could be a viable country? Catalonia is well developed economically compared to other regions in Spain.

Which of the following best compares the impact of the creation of Nunavut at both local and national scales?

Which of the following best compares the impact of the creation of Nunavut at both local and national scales? It created centripetal forces at both local and national scales.

Which of the following compares the impact of increased global communications technology quizlet?

Which of the following compares the impact of increased global communications technology to the impact of state-controlled media? Global communications technology may bring in new ideas that act as centrifugal forces, whereas state controlled media is utilized as a centripetal force to present a common message.

Which of the following best explains why Korea and Vietnam were viewed as Shatterbelts during the Cold War?

Which of the following explains why Korea and Vietnam were viewed as shatter belts during the Cold War? Korea and Vietnam experienced conflict due to a dispute between global powers.


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