Which of the following most aptly describes the Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia


Globalisation is often presumed to be an economically, socially and culturally homogenising force. The deterioration of capitalism's major rival in the early 1990s has paved the way for a truly global economy in which all participants increasingly operate under the general logic of capitalism--that is, a market-orientated system of production and exchange, private ownership and a flexible labour market predicated upon self-interest. Yet, while the pressures of globalisation are obviously formidable and increasingly felt by all, economic societies remain diverse and have responded to these pressures in unique ways. This article makes its case for the continued diversity of capitalism by emphasising the unique mode of economic organisation that has emerged in Southeast Asia; one rooted in the demands of globalisation as well as in the cultural foundations of the Overseas Chinese. The evolution of ethnic-Chinese business networks, which define Southeast Asia's political economy, constitutes a unique reaction to the pressures of globalisation and has laid the basis for a distinct articulation of capitalism in the region.

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Third World Quarterly (TWQ) is the leading journal of scholarship and policy in the field of international studies. For two and a half decades, it has set the agenda on development discourses of the global debate. As the most influential academic journal covering the emerging worlds, TWQ is at the forefront of analysis and commentary on fundamental issues of global concern. TWQ looks beyond strict "development studies," providing an alternative and over-arching reflective analysis of micro-economic and grassroot efforts of development practitioners and planners. It furnishes expert and interdisciplinary insight into crucial issues before they impinge upon media attention, as well as coverage of the very latest publications in its comprehensive book review section. TWQ acts as an almanac linking the academic terrains of the various contemporary area studies - African, Asian, Latin American and Middle Eastern - in an interdisciplinary manner with the publication of informative, innovative and investigative articles.

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journal article

Ethnicity and Adaptation: Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurship in Papua New Guinea

Southeast Asian Journal of Social Science

Vol. 5, No. 1/2 (1977)

, pp. 85-95 (11 pages)

Published By: Brill


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BRILL, founded in 1683, is a publishing house with a strong international focus. BRILL is renowned for its publications in the following subject areas; Asian Studies, Ancient Near East & Egypt, Biblical Studies & Religious Studies, Classical Studies, Medieval & Early Modern Studies, Middle East & Islamic Studies. BRILL's mainly English language publications include book series, individual monographs and encyclopaedias as well as journals. Publications are increasingly becoming available in electronic format (CD-ROM and/or online editions).BRILL is proud to work with a broad range of scholars and authors and to serve its many customers throughout the world. Throughout its existence the company has been honored with many awards which recognise BRILL's contribution to science, publishing and international trade.

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Southeast Asian Journal of Social Science © 1977 Brill
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Who are the Chinese in Southeast Asia?

The southern Chinese, who form the core of immigrants to Southeast Asia, also refer to themselves as "Tangren" (people of Tang), alluding to the fact that their ancestors migrated to southern China at the demise of the Tang dynasty in the tenth century a.d. In the Philippines they are called "Sangley," from a Southern ...

What does the term overseas Chinese refer to quizlet?

What does the term Overseas Chinese refer to? It refers to Chinese immigrants that settled in Southeast Asia by the mid 20th century. Which of the following best describes the densest populations of Southeast Asia?

Which country in Southeast Asia has the most Chinese?

Country statistics There are over 50 million overseas Chinese. Most of them are living in Southeast Asia where they make up a majority of the population of Singapore (75%) and significant minority populations in Malaysia (22.4%), Thailand (14%) and Brunei (10%).

What is the best description to where Southeast Asia is located?

Southeast Asia is a vast subregion of Asia, roughly described as geographically situated east of the Indian subcontinent, south of China, and northwest of Australia.


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