Which of the following positions will move the fundus of the gallbladder shown in Figure 7/6 away from the superimposed transverse process?


Correct preparation for a patient scheduled for an upper gastrointestinal (GI) series is most likely to be


The position shown in Figure A is known as


Which of the following statements is (are) correct with respect to evaluation criteria for a PA projection of the chest for lungs?

  1. Sternal extremities of clavicles are equidistant from vertebral borders.
  2. Ten posterior ribs are demonstrated above the diaphragm.
  3. The esophagus is visible in the midline.


The type of ileus characterized by cessation of peristalsis is termed


Which of the following positions is most likely to place the right kidney parallel to the IR?


Which of the following statements is (are) correct, with respect to a left lateral projection of the chest?

  1. The MSP must be perfectly vertical and parallel to the IR.
  2. The right posterior ribs will be projected slightly posterior to the left posterior ribs.
  3. Arms must be raised high to prevent upper-arm soft-tissue superimposition on lung field.


The PA chest radiograph shown in the figure below demonstrates
1. rotation
2. scapula superimposed on lung fields
3. adequate inspiration


Which of the following statements is (are) true regarding the figure below?

  1. The image was made in the LAO position.
  2. The CR should enter more inferiorly.
  3. The sternum is projected onto the left side of the thorax.


Which of the following anatomic structures is best demonstrated in the LPO position, in a positive-contrast exam?


Involuntary motion can be caused by
1. peristalsis.

2. severe pain.

3. heart muscle contraction.


All the following statements regarding large bowel radiography are true except

single-contrast studies help to demonstrate intraluminal lesions.


Which of the following procedures will best demonstrate the cephalic, basilic, and subclavian veins?


Which of the following positions will demonstrate the right axillary ribs?
1. RAO 2. LAO 3. RPO


During chest radiography, the act of inspiration
1. elevates the diaphragm
2. raises the ribs
3. depresses the abdominal viscera


Which of the following is (are) part of the bony thorax?

  1. Manubrium
  2. Clavicles
  3. 24 ribs


Operative cholangiography may be performed to
1. visualize biliary stones or a neoplasm.

2. determine function of the hepatopancreatic ampulla.

3. examine the patency of the biliary tract.


Free air in the abdominal cavity is best demonstrated in which of the following positions?

AP projection, left lateral decubitus position


Which of the following radiologic examinations can demonstrate ureteral reflux?


What instructions might a patient be given following an upper GI examination?
1. Drink plenty of fluids.

2. Take a mild laxative.

3. Increase dietary fiber.


Widening of the intercostal spaces is characteristic of which of the following conditions?


Which of the following statements referring to the images below is (are) correct?

  1. Image A was performed AP.
  2. Image B was performed AP.
  3. The AP image was obtained using ureteral compression.


Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) usually involves

  1. cannulation of the hepatopancreatic ampulla
  2. introduction of contrast medium into the common bile duct
  3. introduction of barium directly into the duodenum


The thoracic cavity is lined by


During IV urography, the prone position generally is recommended to demonstrate

  1. the filling of the ureters
  2. the renal pelvis
  3. the superior calyces


All the following positions are likely to be employed for both single- and double-contrast examinations of the large bowel except

right and left lateral decubitus abdomen.


Which of the following positions can be used to demonstrate the axillary ribs of the right thorax?
1. RAO
2. LAO
3. RPO


All of the following statements regarding the RAO position of the sternum are true, except

a thin thorax requires a lesser degree of obliquity than a thicker thorax.


What is the position of the stomach in a hypersthenic patient?


Which of the following examinations require(s) restriction of a patient's diet?

  1. Barium enema
  2. Pyelogram
  3. Metastatic survey


Free air in the abdominal cavity is demonstrated in which of the following?
1. Lateral recumbent abdomen

2. Erect AP abdomen

3. Left lateral decubitus abdomen


The pyloric canal and duodenal bulb are best demonstrated during an upper GI series in which of the following positions?


The ridge that marks the bifurcation of the trachea into the right and left primary bronchi is the


Following the ingestion of a fatty meal, what hormone is secreted by the duodenal mucosa to stimulate contraction of the gallbladder?


Which of the following structures will usually contain air, in the PA recumbent position on a sthenic patient, during a double-contrast upper GI (UGI) examination?


Inspiration and expiration projections of the chest are performed to demonstrate

  1. partial or complete collapse of pulmonary lobe(s)
  2. air in the pleural cavity
  3. foreign body


Which of the following examinations most likely would be performed to diagnose Wilm's tumor?


Which of the following structures will be filled with barium in the AP recumbent position of a sthenic patient during an upper GI examination?


When the erect position is requested as part of an IVU, it is used to demonstrate


The condition in which pulmonary alveoli lose their elasticity and become permanently inflated, causing the patient to consciously exhale, is


A patient suffering from orthopnea would experience the least discomfort in which body position?


To demonstrate the pulmonary apices with the patient in the AP position, the

central ray is directed 15° to 20° cephalad.


The sternoclavicular joints will be best demonstrated in which of the following positions?


Which of the following positions will move the fundus of the gallbladder shown in Figure 7–6 away from the superimposed transverse process?


Which of the following is represented by the number 3 in the figure below?


Which of the following will be demonstrated best in the 45-degree right anterior oblique (RAO) position?


A lesion with a stalk projecting from the intestinal mucosa into the lumen is a(n)


An aspirated foreign body is more likely to enter the lower respiratory tract via the

right main stem bronchus.


Which of the following positions is most likely to offer the best visualization of the pulmonary apices?


The stomach of an asthenic patient is most likely to be located

low, vertical, and toward the midline.


Which of the following positions will most effectively move the gallbladder away from the vertebrae in an asthenic patient?


An esophagram would most likely be requested for patients with which of the following esophageal disorders/symptoms?
1. Varices
2. Achalasia
3. Dysphasia


The figure below demonstrates which of the following conditions?


For the average patient, the CR for a lateral projection of a barium-filled stomach should enter

midway between the midcoronal line and the anterior abdominal surface


Which type of articulation is evaluated in arthrography?


Which of the following equipment is mandatory for performance of a myelogram?


Which of the following positions is required to demonstrate small amounts of air in the peritoneal cavity?

Lateral decubitus, affected side up


To obtain an exact axial projection of the clavicle, place the patient

in a lordotic position and direct the central ray at right angles to the coronal plane of the clavicle.


The structure indicated by the number 5 in Figure 6–11 is the


Deoxygenated blood from the head and thorax is returned to the heart by the


Below-diaphragm ribs are better demonstrated when

the patient is in the recumbent position.


In which of the following conditions is a double-contrast BE essential for demonstration of the condition?

  1. Polyps
  2. Colitis
  3. Diverticulosis


A patient is usually required to drink barium sulfate suspension to demonstrate which of the following structures?
1. Esophagus

2. Pylorus

3. Ilium


Which of the following are mediastinal structures?

  1. Heart
  2. Trachea
  3. Esophagus


Which of the following radiologic procedures requires that a contrast medium be injected into the renal pelvis via a catheter placed within the ureter?


The structure labeled number 2 in Figure 6–3, image B is the


Which of the following conditions would require an increase in exposure factors?
1. Congestive heart failure

2. Pleural effusion

3. Emphysema


Which of the radiographs shown in Figure 4–5 most likely required the greater exposure?


All the following statements regarding the position shown in Figure 2–17 are true except

the CR is directed vertically to the level of T7.


Which of the following structures is (are) located in the right upper quadrant (RUQ)?
1. Spleen
2. Gallbladder
3. Hepatic flexure


What is the name of the plane indicated by the number 1 in Figure 6–17?


The PA chest image shown in Figure 4–13 exhibits which of the following qualities?

  1. Adequate penetration of the heart
  2. Long-scale contrast
  3. Adequate inspiration


The figure below illustrates a sectional image of the abdomen. Which of the following is represented by the number 13?


Dorsal decubitus projections of the chest are used to evaluate small amounts of

  1. fluid in the posterior chest
  2. air in the posterior chest
  3. fluid in the anterior chest


Which of the following radiologic examinations requires preparation consisting of a low-residue diet, cathartics, and enemas?


Which of the following techniques would provide a posteroanterior (PA) projection of the gastroduodenal surfaces of a barium-filled high and transverse stomach?

Angle the CR 35 to 45 degrees cephalad.


Which of the following equipment is necessary for ERCP?

  1. A fluoroscopic unit with imaging device and tilt-table capabilities
  2. A fiberoptic endoscope
  3. Polyethylene catheters


Which projection(s) of the abdomen would be used to demonstrate pneumoperitoneum?
1. Right lateral decubitus

2. Left lateral decubitus

3. Upright


Which of the following structures is (are) located in the right upper quadrant (RUQ)?

  1. Hepatic flexure
  2. Gallbladder
  3. Ileocecal valve


Moderate hypertension can produce damage to which of the following organs?

1. Lungs

2. Kidneys

3. Brain


In what order should the following examinations be scheduled?

  1. Upper GI
  2. Intravenous pyelogram (IVP)
  3. Barium enema (BE)


Which of the following is the preferred scheduling sequence?

Abdomen ultrasound, lower GI series, upper GI series


During studies of the soft tissue of the neck, the exposure can be made
1. during phonation before/after opacification.

2. during Valsalva maneuver.

3. at the height of swallowing motion with opacification. A 1 only


The body habitus characterized by a long and narrow thoracic cavity and low midline stomach and gallbladder is the


Which of the following is (are) evaluation criteria for a PA chest radiograph of the heart and lungs?

  1. Ten posterior ribs should be seen above the diaphragm.
  2. The medial ends of the clavicles should be equidistant from the vertebral column.
  3. The scapulae should be seen through the upper lung fields.


In a posteroanterior (PA) projection of the chest being used for cardiac evaluation, the heart measures 14.7 cm between its widest points. If the magnification factor is known to be 1.2, what is the actual diameter of the heart?


The structure labeled number 6 in Figure 2–39 is the


Which of the following statements with respect to the PA chest seen in Figure 2–11 is (are) correct?

  1. Adequate inspiration is demonstrated.
  2. The shoulders are rolled forward adequately.
  3. Rotation is demonstrated.


Double-contrast examinations of the stomach or large bowel are performed to better visualize the


To radiograph an infant for suspected free air within the abdominal cavity, which of the following projections of the abdomen will demonstrate the condition with the least patient exposure?

Left lateral decubitus without grid


In myelography, the contrast medium generally is injected into the

subarachnoid space between the third and fourth lumbar vertebrae


Which of the following pathologic conditions probably will require a decrease in exposure factors?


The AP axial projection of the pulmonary apices requires the CR to be directed


Which of the following is the most likely site for a lumbar puncture?


With the patient recumbent on the x-ray table with the head lower than the feet, the patient is said to be in the


Fluoroscopic imaging of the ileocecal valve is generally part of a(n)


What is the position of the gallbladder in an asthenic patient?


The usual patient preparation for an upper GI examination is

nothing by mouth (NPO) 8 hours before the examination.


The act of expiration will cause the

  1. diaphragm to move inferiorly
  2. sternum and ribs to move inferiorly
  3. diaphragm to move superiorly


Routine excretory urography usually includes a postmicturition radiograph of the bladder. This is done to demonstrate
1. tumor masses.
2. residual urine.
3. prostatic enlargement.


During endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) examination, contrast medium is injected into the


Moderate hypertension can produce damage to which of the following organ(s)

1. Lungs

2. Kidneys

3. Brain


How should a chest examination to rule out air–fluid levels be obtained on a patient having traumatic injuries?

Include a lateral chest examination performed in dorsal decubitus position.


A flat and upright abdomen is requested on an acutely ill patient, to demonstrate the presence of air-fluid levels. Because of the patient's condition, the x-ray table can be tilted upright only 70° (rather than the desired 90°). How should the central ray be directed?


What are the positions most commonly employed for a radiographic examination of the sternum?
1. Lateral

2. RAO

3. LAO


Which of the following positions is required to demonstrate small amounts of air in the pleural cavity?

Lateral decubitus, affected side up


An increase in exposure factors usually is required in which of the following circumstances?

  1. Edema
  2. Ascites
  3. Acromegaly


Which of the following statements is (are) true regarding the CR image artifact seen in the erect PA projection of the chest shown in Figure 4–31? The object is located within the IP.

The object is located within the IP.


Which of the following is a radiologic procedure that functions to dilate a stenotic vessel?


Place the following anatomic structures in order from anterior to posterior:

Apex of heart

Apex of heart, trachea, esophagus


The following instructions should be given to a patient following a barium sulfate contrast examination:
1. Increase fluid and fiber intake for several days.
2. Changes in stool color will occur until all barium has been evacuated.
3. Contact a physician if no bowel movement occurs in 24 hours.


During an upper gastrointestinal (GI) examination, the AP recumbent projection of a stomach of average shape will usually demonstrate
1. anterior and posterior aspects of the stomach.

2. barium-filled fundus.

3. double-contrast body and antral portions.


What is the structure indicated by the number 8 in Figure 2–18?


Which of the following positions may be used to effectively demonstrate the right posterior axillary ribs?


In which of the following procedures is quiet, shallow breathing recommended during the exposure to obliterate prominent pulmonary vascular markings?

  1. RAO sternum
  2. Lateral thoracic spine
  3. AP scapula


The structure indicated as number 4 in Figure 2–9 is the


Which of the following sequences correctly describes the path of blood flow as it leaves the left ventricle?

Arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, veins


Which of the following statements regarding the image in Figure 2–4 is correct?

The left kidney is more parallel to the IR.


All the following statements regarding respiratory structures are true except

the inferior portion of the lung is the apex.


During GI radiography, the position of the stomach may vary depending on

  1. the respiratory phase
  2. body habitus
  3. patient position


During an upper gastrointestinal (GI) examination, a stomach of average shape demonstrates a barium-filled fundus and double contrast of the pylorus and duodenal bulb. The position used is most likely


Differences between body habitus types are likely to affect all the following except

the degree of bone porosity.


Which of the following groups of organs/structures are located in the left upper quadrant?

Left kidney, left suprarenal gland, and gastric fundus


Another name for Hirschsprung's disease, the most common cause of lower GI obstruction in neonates, is


The patient's chin should be elevated during chest radiography to

avoid superimposition on the apices


Which of the following statements is (are) true regarding the position illustrated in Figure 2–19?

  1. The left (elevated) ureter is parallel to the IR.
  2. The left (elevated) kidney is parallel to the IR.
  3. The degree of obliquity should be about 30 degrees.


In which of the following positions was the radiograph in Figure 2–9 taken?


All the following procedures demonstrate renal function except


Which of the following are characteristics of the hypersthenic body type?

  1. Short, wide, transverse heart
  2. High and peripheral large bowel
  3. Diaphragm positioned low


The image shown in Figure 7–4 was made in the following recumbent position


Abdominal viscera located in the retroperitoneum include the

  1. kidneys.
  2. duodenum.
  3. ascending and descending colon.


Which of the following conditions require(s) a decrease in technical factors?

  1. Emphysema
  2. Osteomalacia
  3. Atelectasis


The PA chest analog image shown in the figure below demonstrates

  1. excessive receptor exposure
  2. insufficient kilovoltage
  3. underpenetration


Which of the following radiographic examinations require(s) the patient to be NPO 8–10 hours prior to examination for proper patient preparation?

  1. Abdominal survey
  2. Upper GI series
  3. BE


The patient usually is required to drink barium sulfate suspension in order to demonstrate which of the following structures?

  1. Descending duodenum
  2. Ilium
  3. Splenic flexure


Demonstration of which anatomic structures require(s) ingestion of barium sulfate suspension?

  1. Duodenum
  2. Pylorus
  3. Ilium


Types of inflammatory bowel disease include

  1. ulcerative colitis.
  2. Crohn's disease.
  3. intussusception.


All the following positions are used frequently to demonstrate the sternoclavicular articulations except


Which of the following will best demonstrate the size and shape of the liver and kidneys?


Which of the following pathologic conditions would require an increase in exposure factors?


The pain experienced by an individual whose coronary arteries are not conveying sufficient blood to the heart is called


Particulate matter entering the respiratory bronchi can cause


Abnormal accumulation of air in pulmonary tissues, resulting in overdistention of the alveolar spaces, is


Which of the following procedures requires that the patient be placed in the lithotomy position?


Which of the following positions can be used to effectively demonstrate the left colic flexure during radiographic examination of the large bowel?

  1. RAO
  2. LAO
  3. RPO


Which cholangiographic procedure uses an indwelling drainage tube for contrast medium administration?


When a GI series has been requested on a patient with a suspected perforated ulcer, the type of contrast medium that should be used is

water-soluble iodinated media.


The esophagus commences at about the level of


Which of the following positions may be used to effectively demonstrate the hepatic flexure during radiographic examination of the large bowel?
1. RAO

2. LAO

3. LPO


A patient in a recumbent position with the head lower than the feet is said to be in which of the following positions?


Which of the following criteria are used to evaluate a PA projection of the chest?
1. Ten posterior ribs should be visualized.

2. Sternoclavicular joints should be symmetrical.

3. The scapulae should be lateral to the lung fields.


In which of the following examinations is exposure on full expiration required?


The number 1 in the radiograph in Figure A represents which of the following renal structures?


In which of the following positions was the radiograph in Figure A taken?


An acute infection of the lungs is called


Compared with that of the hypersthenic and sthenic body types, the gallbladder of an asthenic patient is most likely to be located


Correct preparation for a patient scheduled for a lower GI series is most likely to be

cathartics and cleansing enemas.


Gas-producing powder or crystals usually are ingested for which of the following examinations?

Double-contrast gastrointestinal (GI) series


Esophageal varices are best demonstrated in which of the following positions?


A near-frontal (AP/PA) view of the sternum is best accomplished in which of the following positions?


Which of the following statements is (are) true regarding the radiograph shown in Figure 6–16?
1. The part is rotated.
2. The patient is not shielded correctly.
3. There is excessive receptor exposure.


During an air-contrast BE, in what part of the colon is air most likely to be visualized with the body in the AP recumbent position?


The condition that allows blood to shunt between the right and left ventricles is called

ventricular septal defect.


To demonstrate esophageal varices, the patient must be examined in


To best visualize the lower ribs, the exposure should be made


The AP axial projection of the chest for pulmonary apices

  1. requires 15 to 20 degrees of cephalad angulation
  2. projects the apices above the clavicles
  3. should demonstrate the medial ends of the clavicles equidistant from the vertebral column


Which of the following projections of the abdomen may be used to demonstrate air or fluid levels?
1. Dorsal decubitus

2. Lateral decubitus

3. AP Trendelenburg


The plane that passes vertically through the body, dividing it into anterior and posterior halves, is termed the


Which of the following positions is required to demonstrate small amounts of fluid in the pleural cavity?

Lateral decubitus, affected side down


Which of the following statements is (are) true with regard to the two CT images seen below?

  1. Image A illustrates more superior structures.
  2. The images are sagittal reconstructions.
  3. The exam was performed without artificial contrast.


The sternal angle is at approximately the same level as the


The uppermost portion of the iliac crest is at approximately the same level as the


Which of the following examinations might require the use of 120 kVp?
1. AP abdomen

2. Chest radiograph

3. Barium-filled stomach


During an intravenous urogram (IVU), the RPO position is used to demonstrate the

  1. left kidney parallel to the IR
  2. right kidney parallel to the IR
  3. right kidney perpendicular to the IR


Double-contrast examinations of the stomach or large bowel are performed to better visualize the


What is the structure indicated by the number 7 in Figure 2–18?


The manubrial notch is at approximately the same level as the


The act of inspiration will cause elevation of the
1. sternum.
2. ribs.
3. diaphragm.


Using the PA projection, which of the following tube angle and direction combinations is correct for an axial projection of the clavicle?


The structure indicated by the number 2 in Figure 6–11 is the


The AP Trendelenburg position is often used during an upper GI examination to demonstrate


The radiograph pictured in Figure A may be used to evaluate

1. polypoid lesions.

2. the lateral wall of the descending colon.

3. the posterior wall of the rectum.


Which of the anatomic structures listed below is seen most anteriorly in a lateral projection of the chest?


Blood is returned to the left atrium, from the lungs, via the


High-kilovoltage exposure factors are usually required for radiographic examinations using
1. water-soluble, iodinated media.

2. a negative contrast agent.

3. barium sulfate.


Which of the following is a vessel that does not carry oxygenated blood?


Which of the following positions is obtained with the patient lying supine on the radiographic table with the CR directed horizontally to the iliac crest?

Dorsal decubitus position


All of the following statements regarding respiratory structures are true except

the right lung has two lobes.


The ileocecal valve normally is located in which of the following body regions?


Which of the following statements is (are) correct with respect to postoperative cholangiography?

  1. A T-tube is in place in the common bile duct.
  2. Water-soluble contrast material is injected.
  3. The patency of biliary ducts is evaluated.


The position illustrated in the figure below can be used successfully to demonstrate the

  1. PA oblique sternum
  2. barium-filled pylorus and duodenum
  3. left anterior axillary ribs


The position illustrated in the radiograph in Figure 2–28 may be obtained with the patient

  1. supine and the CR angled 30 degrees caudad.
  2. supine and the CR angled 30 degrees cephalad.
  3. prone and the CR angled 30 degrees caudad.


Ingestion of barium sulfate is contraindicated in which of the following situations?

  1. Suspected perforation of a hollow viscus
  2. Suspected large bowel obstruction
  3. Preoperative patients


Which of the following statements is/are true regarding Figure A?

1. The radiograph was made in the LAO position.

2. The central ray should enter more inferiorly.

3. The sternum is projected onto the left side of the thorax.

Which of the following positions will most effectively move the gallbladder away from the vertebrae in the asthenic patient?

The asthenic patient's gallbladder is most likely to occupy a low and medial position, occasionally superimposed on the vertebrae or iliac fossa. The LAO position is most often used to move the gallbladder away from the spine.

Which of the following positions gives the best image of the pyloric canal and the duodenal bulb?

The right lateral projection commonly affords the best image of the pyloric canal and the duodenal bulb in patients with a hypersthenic habitus.

Which of the following positions may be used to effectively demonstrate the hepatic flexure during radiographic examination of the large bowel?

Which of the following positions can be used to effectively demonstrate the left colic flexure during radiographic examination of the large bowel? right and left lateral decubitus abdomen.

Which of the following anatomic structures is best demonstrated in the LPO position in a positive contrast exam?

Thorax and Abdomen.


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