Which of the following scenarios best represents an example of party line voting quizlet?

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Which of the following quotes from the Federalist Papers best supports the decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010) ?

A. "But the most common and durable source of factions has been the various and unequal distribution of property. Those who hold and those who are without property have ever formed distinct interests in society."
B. "Liberty is to faction what air is to fire. . . . But it could not be less folly to abolish liberty, which is essential to political life, because it nourishes faction, than it would be to wish the annihilation of air, which is essential to animal life, because it imparts to fire its destructive agency."
C. "If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself."
D. "If, then, the courts of justice are to be considered as the bulwarks [defensive walls] of a limited Constitution against legislative encroachments, this consideration will afford a strong argument for the permanent tenure of judicial offices, since nothing will contribute so much as this to that independent spirit in the judges, which must be essential to the faithful performance of so arduous a duty."

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Terms in this set (41)

All of the following are traditional political values held by most Americans EXCEPT *

representative democracy
individual freedom
equality of outcome
equality of opportunity
due process of law

equality of outcome

The process by which an individual acquires his/her political orientations is known as political:



Which of the following groups would be most likely to support a constitutional amendment banning all abortions?



Party ideology in the United States is most successfully transmitted by which of the following?

The media
Educational system


Which of the following ideological perspectives is most consistent with the passage?
"A society that puts equality—in the sense of equality of outcome—ahead of freedom will end up with neither equality nor freedom. The use of force to achieve equality will destroy freedom, and the force, introduced for good purposes, will end up in the hands of people who use it to promote their own interests. On the other hand, a society that puts freedom first will, as a happy by-product, end up with both greater freedom and greater equality. . . . A free society releases the energies and abilities of people to pursue their own objectives. It prevents some people from arbitrarily suppressing others. It does not prevent people from achieving positions of privilege, but so long as freedom is maintained, it prevents those positions of privilege from becoming institutionalized. —Milton Friedman, Free to Choose (1980)"



Which of the following concepts refers to the beliefs about government and politics that people in the United States hold most deeply?

Policy attitude
Political culture
Ethnic pride
Group identity
Party identification

political culture

Gender gap refers to

greater poverty of women compared to men.
difference in wages between men and women.
higher political contributions made by men compared to women.
greater success of men than women in winning public office.
a pattern where women are more likely than men to vote Democratic.

a pattern where women are more likely than men to vote Democratic.

The term "horse-race journalism" refers to the tendency of the media to

compete to be first with major breaking stories rather than trying to present full, accurate accounts of such stories
cover Congress by focusing on committee chairs rather than on the work of committees
cover campaigns by emphasizing the relative standings of the candidate in the polls rather than the issues they discuss
compete for access to sources rather than to cooperate in gathering news
cover politics by concentrating on scandal and corruption rather than on instances of integrity and honorable action

cover campaigns by emphasizing the relative standings of the candidate in the polls rather than the issues they discuss

Which of the following best describes an exit poll?

A poll that asks voters at randomly selected voting places whom they voted for so that election results can be predicted more quickly
An opinion poll that is used to intentionally sway people's opinions by using false or misleading information in the conversation
A poll conducted by having a computer randomly select phone numbers from around the country
A poll that randomly samples a population to capture public opinion at a given time

A poll that asks voters at randomly selected voting places whom they voted for so that election results can be predicted more quickly

Which of the following is most important for getting an accurate measure of public opinion in a survey?

Asking leading questions
Conducting the survey online
Selecting a random sample
Surveying only cell phone users
Contacting only registered voters

selecting a random sample

Which of the following scenarios best represents an example of party-line voting?

A homeowner votes for a candidate based on the candidate's promise to lower property taxes.
A citizen always votes for the candidate who supports conservation of the environment.
A citizen votes for the incumbent member of the House of Representatives after receiving help processing his disability claim.
A citizen casts votes for all Republicans based solely on the candidates' affiliation with the Republican Party

A citizen casts votes for all Republicans based solely on the candidates' affiliation with the Republican Party.

The greater one's sense of political efficacy, the

more likely one is to be an independent.
less likely one is to view the election process in the United States as legitimate.
lesser one's chance of winning an election.
more likely one is to vote.
more likely one is to be politically apathetic.

more likely one is to vote

Which of the following scenarios is most related to the Twenty-Sixth Amendment?

An interest group purchases a television ad prior to an election.
A woman votes in a local election.
A primary election is held to determine the candidate who will run as the Republican for the United States Senate.
An eighteen-year-old votes in a presidential election.

An eighteen-year-old votes in a presidential election.

Which question is asked if an individual is engaging in retrospective voting?

Who is the more attractive candidate?
What have the candidates done while in office?
Which political party is the candidate aligned with?
Who will be lowering taxes?
Who will do more for me next year?

What have the candidates done while in office?

Voter turnout tends to be highest among

African American voters
young voters
low-income voters
working-class voters
college-educated voters

college-educated voters

The National Voter Registration Act of 1993 was designed to

increase voter turnout
reduce voter registration fraud
prevent states from denying suffrage to convicted felons
reduce the number of qualifications for voting
eliminate voter registration

increase voter turnout

The most widely performed act of political participation in the United States is

contributing money to political candidates
voting in local elections
attending local party meetings
voting in presidential elections
writing letters to public officials

voting in presidential elections

A major reason for America's level of voter turnout compared to other industrialized countries is

lower literacy rates in other industrialized nations.
a more cumbersome registration process in the United States.
Americans' high sense of political efficacy.
greater interest in democracy in the United States.
the use of compulsion penalties in the US.

a more cumbersome registration process in the United States

Which of the following statements about voting behavior in national elections is most accurate?

Blue-collar workers are more likely to vote than are professionals.
Democrats are more likely to vote than are Republicans.
Those with less than a high school education are more likely to vote than are college graduates.
Men are more likely to vote than are women.
Senior citizens are more likely to vote than are college students.

Senior citizens are more likely to vote than are college students

Senator Hoffman is campaigning for reelection in her state. Her campaign message emphasizes how the policies she has supported have benefited her constituents. She has spotlighted job creation and an overall improvement in the standard of living in the state in the past six years. Senator Hoffman is hoping to appeal to which of the following voting behavior models?

Party-line voting
Prospective voting
Retrospective voting
Rational-choice voting

retrospective voting

Which of the following is TRUE about American elections over the past 50 years?

Suffrage has broadened, and the turnout has decreased.
Suffrage has broadened, and the turnout has increased.
Suffrage has narrowed, and the turnout has increased.
Suffrage has narrowed, and the turnout has decreased.
Suffrage has broadened, but there has been no change in turnout.

Suffrage has broadened, and the turnout has decreased.

The development and persistence of the two-party system in the United States is best accounted for by

proportional representation
multimember legislative districts
strong party loyalty of elected representatives
single-member legislative districts
the Twelfth Amendment

single-member legislative districts

The party's vice-presidential nominee is chosen

on the basis of the second largest number of delegates at the convention.
by the platform committee.
by party caucuses.
through a competitive roll-call vote on the final day of the convention.
on the basis of the presidential nominee's recommendation.

on the basis of the presidential nominee's recommendation.

Which of the following best accounts for the lack of success generally encountered by minor political parties in electing members to the House or Senate?

General elections in the United States are based on the winner-take-all principle.
House and Senate rules exclude members of minor parties from organizing coalitions with the major parties.
The public has great faith in the two major political parties.
Political action committee (PAC) contributions are restricted by law to the two major parties.
Some states outlaw minor political parties.

General elections in the United States are based on the winner-take-all principle.

When party members meet to nominate a candidate for office, they participate in which of the following?

Closed primary
General election
Blanket primary
Open primary


Which of the following is a provision of federal election laws?

A small fee must be paid by persons voting in federal elections
On-site registration to vote must be permitted on the day of any federal election.
Electoral districts must be apportioned to equalize the numbers of Democratic and Republican voters wherever a historic imbalance exists.
Citizens must be automatically registered to vote on their eighteenth birthday.
In areas with significant populations of linguistic minorities, voting materials must be made available in the preferred languages of the population.

In areas with significant populations of linguistic minorities, voting materials must be made available in the preferred languages of the population.

As compared to the general population, voters in presidential primaries and caucuses tend to be

minorities and notably younger.
more affluent and more activist
very similar in terms of education and income.
somewhat less educated and somewhat poorer.
far less educated and much poorer.

more affluent and more activist

The National Voter Registration Act of 1993 was designed to

prevent states from denying suffrage to convicted felons
reduce the number of qualifications for voting
eliminate voter registration
reduce voter registration fraud
increase voter turnout

increase voter turnout

Which type of primary election strengthens political parties?



An electoral system based on single-member districts is usually characterized by

legislative representation of each party in proportion to the number of votes it receives
higher rates of voter turnout than are common in other systems
domination of the legislature by two political parties
ideological rather than mass-based parties
strong, centralized political parties and a weak executive

domination of the legislature by two political parties

Congressional district boundaries are usually redrawn every 10 years by the

Federal Election Commission
House Rules Committee
Bureau of the Census
state legislatures

state legislatures

Establishing the boundaries of United States congressional districts to give one party an advantage over another party is referred to as



The franking privilege refers to the

practice whereby legislators with the most seniority select the committees on which they want to serve
Federal Reserve Board's control over interest rates
right of the chair to control the schedule of his or her congressional committee
practice of permitting senators to preview lists of judicial nominees
right of members of Congress to sent mail to their constituents at the government's expense.

right of members of Congress to sent mail to their constituents at the government's expense.

The purpose of front loading is for

political parties to have a smooth nominating process
presidential candidates to save money that they might need in the general election
the political parties to obtain the strongest presidential candidate possible
states to have greater influence in choosing the presidential nominees
states to have a chance to nominate "favorite son" candidates

states to have greater influence in choosing the presidential nominees

The best predictor for how a citizen votes is

Labor union status
Party identification

party identification

The party's vice-presidential nominee is chosen

on the basis of the presidential nominee's recommendation.
on the basis of the second largest number of delegates at the convention.
by the platform committee.
by party caucuses.
through a competitive roll-call vote on the final day of the convention.

on the basis of the presidential nominee's recommendation.

Typically, presidential candidates implement their campaign strategies by

focusing on competitive states, because they might tip the balance of the electoral college
ignoring the electoral college, because the popular vote determines the outcome of the election
ignoring the electoral college, because more states are moving away from the winner-take-all system
applying their resources evenly among the states, because they must win popular votes in a majority of the states to be elected

focusing on competitive states, because they might tip the balance of the electoral college

Which of the following best accounts for the lack of success generally encountered by minor political parties in electing members to the House or Senate?

Political action committee (PAC) contributions are restricted by law to the two major parties.
General elections in the United States are based on the winner-take-all principle.
Some states outlaw minor political parties.
House and Senate rules exclude members of minor parties from organizing coalitions with the major parties.
The public has great faith in the two major political parties.

General elections in the United States are based on the winner-take-all principle.

The electoral college system generally allocates electoral votes on the basis of

proportional representation.
majority rule.
the winner in each congressional district.
candidate performance in each county within a state.


The electoral college system leads presidential candidates of both parties to

raise money from a diverse mix of states
campaign in states in which their parties are dominant
mobilize poor voters in urban areas
focus their campaigns on competitive swing states
lobby state legislatures for their support

focus their campaigns on competitive swing states

The concept of realignment refers to changes in

the rate of voter participation
the United States system of international alliances
the social bases of the parties' voting support
spending priorities in the federal budget
the media's criticism of the president and Congress

the social bases of the parties' voting support

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