Which of the following statements accurately describes the phenomenon known as social loafing?

A psychologist provides information regarding the limits of confidentiality in the informed consent and discusses it with her client at the outset of the relationship. The client then later moves away and the psychologist agrees to engage in email therapy. Which of the following options best captures the psychologist’s responsibility regarding confidentiality?

Choose one answer.

a. As the psychologist had discussed this with the client at the outset of therapy and provided information about confidentiality in the informed consent, he or she has no further responsibility to discuss confidentiality
b. The psychologist would only need to bring up the limits of confidentiality again if he or she became obliged to report something discussed when engaged in the therapeutic endeavor
c. As the psychologist is now entering into a new service in which confidential information is transmitted via electronic transmission, he or she must inform clients/patients of the risks to privacy and limits of confidentiality in this setting
d. The psychologist would only need to bring up the limits of confidentiality again if he or she had knowledge that the information was compromised



As a beginning counselor, your readings recommend that you do which of the following?

Choose one answer.

a. First, learn one theory in depth, and then use this theory as an anchor point on which to build your own counseling perspective
b. Learn how to be a behavioral psychotherapist, as this particular type of therapy has been shown to be most effective
c. Learn about all therapies first, and then choose one theoretical orientation that best matches your personality
d. Get creative and inspired and create your own theoretical orientation



Dr. Smith has a 12-year-old client and is thinking of using an assessment tool whose validity and reliability have not yet been established for children under the age of 14. How should Dr. Smith proceed?

Choose one answer.

a. Find another tool, as it is unethical to use assessments whose validity and reliability have not yet been established
b. Describe the potential strengths and limitations of the test results and interpretations in the test report, including the information that this assessment has not yet been validated in children under fourteen
c. Consider the client’s age and alter the test to try to maximize the possibility that the test is an accurate assessment
d. Use the test, as 12 is relatively close to 14, and logically, two years should not make a difference



Dr. Smith receives a threatening email and voice message from her client’s boyfriend. Dr. Smith ends treatment with her client as she feels her welfare/health is endangered by continuing to work with this client. Which of the following options describes Dr. Smith’s conduct?

Choose one answer.

a. Dr. Smith’s sudden termination of treatment with her client is under violation of the American Psychological Association’s (APA) ethical guidelines, as therapists may only terminate with their clients when therapeutic goals have been met and/or their client’s needs surpass the therapist’s competency
b. Dr. Smith’s sudden termination of treatment with her client is considered justifiable as she was threatened/felt endangered by a person with whom her client has a relationship
c. Dr. Smith’s sudden termination of treatment with her client is only justifiable if she had as many therapy sessions at it took to explain and discuss with the client her reasoning for termination
d. Dr. Smith’s sudden termination with her client violates the APA’s ethical guidelines as she is only allowed to end treatment with a client if the threat came directly from her client



Given your knowledge of ethical guidelines for psychotherapy, which of the following most likely represents the PRIMARY purpose of informed consent?

Choose one answer.

a. To protect the therapist from liability
b. To give therapists an avenue for grievances should the client not abide by the contractual arrangements of therapy
c. To document progress of the client in order to provide evidence that the therapist is proceeding according to standard practice
d. To provide the clients with information so they are aware of their rights in the process and terms and conditions of the therapeutic relationship



Gottlieb’s (1986) decision-making model asks therapists to consider which of the following dimensions when deciding whether or not to engage in a relationship with a previous client?

Choose one answer.

a. Power, connection, and psychological stability of client
b. Power, duration, and nature of termination
c. Potential for longevity, duration, and nature of termination
d. Potential for longevity, type of relationship, and nature of termination



Making an ethical decision involves which of the following?

Choose one answer.

a. Simply applying a clear and definitive set of guidelines for ethical conduct
b. Deciding that an ethical decision is good if it makes you happy
c. Identifying what ethical guidelines are relevant in a situation and what is at stake for all
d. Asking as many people for advice as possible, so long as you don’t use your client’s name



When consulting with another psychological professional, a psychologist must do which of the following?

Choose one answer.

a. Make sure not to disclose information which might reasonably lead to the identification of a client
b. Get written consent from the client
c. Keep the consulting exchange limited to non-sensitive material
d. None of the above; other psychological professions are also bound to confidentiality



Which of the following is FALSE?

Choose one answer.

a. One goal a counselor should have is to maintain a value-free neutral approach as a therapist
b. One goal of a counselor is to maintain appropriate and healthy boundaries with their clients
c. Multiple relationships with clients should generally be avoided if at all possible
d. There is only one viable and empirically validated therapy



Which of the following option(s) is FALSE regarding evidence-based practices in psychology (EBPP)?

Choose one answer.

a. EBPP is the more comprehensive concept than empirically supported treatments (ESPs)
b. EBPP starts with the patient and asks what research evidence will assist the psychologist to achieve the best outcome
c. EBPP articulates a decision-making process for integrating multiple streams of research evidence
d. EBPP relies solely on the results from randomized control trials, as this is the only acceptable form of research



Which statement best describes a psychotherapist’s goal of avoiding all dual relationships?

Choose one answer.

a. This goal is more like a rule with no exceptions
b. This goal is flexible and can be ignored in many situations
c. This goal allows psychotherapists to avoid all ethical dilemmas around dual relationships
d. This goal is aspirational in that it represents something psychotherapist should strive for if at all possible



Which statement is the most accurate concerning the American Psychological Association’s (APA) views on psychological services?

Choose one answer.

a. Psychological services are most effective when responsive to the patient’s specific problems, strengths, personality, sociocultural context, and preferences
b. Psychological services are most effective when responsive across patients regardless of their individual differences
c. Psychological services are most effective when they utilize behavioral techniques
d. Psychological services are most effective when they are carried out by licensed psychologists as compared to any other mental health practitioners



_____ represents a departure from standard practice that could potentially benefit clients.

Choose one answer.

a. Ethical dilemmas
b. Boundary violations
c. Boundary crossings
d. None of the above



Which option best captures the primary force behind the movement toward shorter-term therapy?

Choose one answer.

a. A rejection of/reaction to traditional psychoanalysis
b. The advent of managed care and other economic forces
c. Research evidence suggesting that shorter-term therapy is more effective than long-term therapy
d. There has been no such movement



According to Erikson, a toddler’s (ages 2–3) psychosocial task is to achieve which of the following?

Choose one answer.

a. Industry versus inferiority
b. Trust versus mistrust
c. Initiative versus guilt
d. Autonomy versus shame and doubt



Dolly is a patient of Dr. Smith. Recently, Dolly has been expressing great admiration for Dr. Smith and attributing all of her therapeutic success to his expertise. This might be an example of which of the following?

Choose one answer.

a. A Genuine connection
b. Countertransferce
c. Positive transference
d. Negative transference



Free association is best associated with what type of therapy?

Choose one answer.

a. Psychoanalysis
b. Cognitive-behavioral
c. Interpersonal
d. Existentialism



Freud’s first discoveries in psychology centered on Anna, a patient who exhibited which type of psychological dysfunction?

Choose one answer.

a. Bipolar disorder
b. Conversion disorder
c. Hysteria
d. Depression



Freud’s major contribution to psychology included which of the following?

Choose one answer.

a. A focus on early childhood development
b. The acknowledgement that we are sometimes unaware of our true motivating factors (i.e., the unconscious)
c. The notion of developmental stages
d. All of the above



In psychoanalysis, a psychotherapist takes a ___ stance, which allows the clients to develop ____ towards their therapist.

Choose one answer.

a. Genuine, an attachment
b. Objective, countertransference
c. Neutral, transference
d. Genuine, rapport



People who have not had the chance to love someone develop close relationships with their pets, feeding them human food and thinking about them as if they are human beings. This might be an example of which defense mechanism?

Choose one answer.

a. Reaction Formation
b. Projection
c. Intellectualization
d. Displacement



The notion that psychic activity is not subordinated to free choice and most of what our mind produces has an unconscious root is best captured by what term?

Choose one answer.

a. Free will
b. Psychic determinism
c. Death anxiety
d. Parapraxes



The process of “working through” in psychoanalysis involves which of the following?

Choose one answer.

a. Making unconscious material conscious and explicit
b. Removing the ego’s resistance to instinctual repressed processes
c. Work and strenuous effort
d. All of the above



This theorist discussed the importance of the interaction of generations, which he called mutuality.

Choose one answer.

a. Sigmund Freud
b. Eric Erikson
c. Carl Rogers
d. John B. Watson



This type of defense mechanism is akin to “motivated forgetting.”

Choose one answer.

a. Denial
b. Repression
c. Regression
d. Projection



Which statement is FALSE regarding the psychoanalytic theory?

Choose one answer.

a. The idea that all adult behavior is based in part on previous learning
b. The notion that having knowledge of your own instinctual processes can be enriching and freeing
c. Patients/clients often project unresolved conflicts, wishes, and fantasies onto their therapist
d. None of the above



“Displacement of affect” is a concept most closely related to which term?

Choose one answer.

a. Denial
b. Transference
c. Conditioned response
d. Conditions of worth



According to Freud, the id is a part of the psyche that works in keeping with the __ principle, while the ego is the part of the psyche that works in keeping with the ___ principle.

Choose one answer.

a. Pleasure, superego
b. Reality, superego
c. Pleasure, Reality
d. Reality, Morality



"One repays a teacher badly if one always remains nothing but a pupil." This quote is most likely from ____, who greatly influenced ____ therapy.

Choose one answer.

a. Nietzsche, existential
b. Watson, behavioral
c. Nietzsche, humanism
d. Watson, psychoanalytic



Greg comes into therapy and explains that he has learned to effectively communicate with his wife through marital therapy. His existential therapist might believe which of the following?

Choose one answer.

a. Communication skills are the most important tool in obtaining happiness in a relationship
b. Communications skills are necessary but not sufficient for true intimacy and connection
c. Greg’s relationships are not of great importance; instead, the therapeutic work must move to a more intrapersonal level
d. None of the above



Parks, Cohen, and Murch (1996) found that these types of coping mechanisms help people to sustain difficult times AND are associated with growth, a major goal of existential therapy.

Choose one answer.

a. Adaptive avoidance and venting
b. Turning to God and exercise
c. Venting and turning to God
d. Sense of humor and adaptive avoidance



Sally comes to her first session in therapy and states that she “wants to learn to be more in control.” An existential therapist might conclude which of the following?

Choose one answer.

a. What Sally really means is that she wants to get away from the anxiety of feeling out of control
b. As a child, Sally became fixated at the anal stage of development and is still striving to master her infantile instincts
c. Sally has learned from her parents that she is not worthwhile or loveable unless she can control the situation around her
d. None of the above



The notion that human beings cannot be adequately explained as the summation of their parts comes from which type of therapy?

Choose one answer.

a. Existential
b. Psychoanalytic
c. Humanistic
d. Behaviorist



The term Anam Cara, which is Gaelic for soul friend or soul mate, is most closely related to which concept in existential therapy?

Choose one answer.

a. Death anxiety
b. Authenticity
c. Freedom and Responsibility
d. I-Thou relationship



Therapists from these two types of theoretical orientations would most strongly agree with the following statement: “The difficulty is not that individuals have drives, instincts, and an unconscious, it is instead the fact that individuals remain unaware of these forces and are, therefore, controlled by them.”

Choose one answer.

a. Psychoanalytic, Cognitive
b. Psychoanalytic, Existential
c. Humanistic, Behavioral
d. Humanistic, Existential



This theory of psychotherapy focuses heavily on the notion of responsibility and choice.

Choose one answer.

a. Humanistic Therapy
b. Behavioral Therapy
c. Existential Therapy
d. Cognitive Therapy



This/these psychotherapy(ies) focus(es) specifically on helping clients to be more authentic.

Choose one answer.

a. Existential Therapy
b. Psychoanalytic Therapy
c. Humanistic Therapy
d. A and C



Which item represents a major criticism of the existential theory of therapy?

Choose one answer.

a. It is very similar to psychodynamic and humanistic theories of therapy
b. It lacks a coherent philosophical basis
c. Its focus on responsibility often denies the importance of culture and the environment
d. It does not contain stages



Which option best captures the existential notion of anxiety?

Choose one answer.

a. Anxiety can lead to alienation from the world and from oneself
b. Anxiety is a conditioned response which stems from years of learned associations
c. Anxiety draws individuals away from the immediate experience they can have when fully engaging in their own existence
d. A and C



Which statement best captures the main difference between the theory associated with psychoanalytic therapy and the theory associated with existential therapy?

Choose one answer.

a. The focus on anxiety
b. The focus on will
c. The focus on forces of which we are sometimes unaware
d. None of the above; these theories are mainly identical



___ was powerfully influenced by his experience in the concentration camps where he learned of psychological freedom or the notion that one can find and embrace meaning in the midst of what appears to be meaningless suffering. This is an example of the sort of insight a ______ therapist might hope his or her client would find.

Choose one answer.

a. Frankl, cognitive
b. Erikson, psychodynamic
c. Frankl, existential
d. Erikson, cognitive



This type of therapy was as much a literary and philosophical phenomena as it was a psychological one.

Choose one answer.

a. Humanistic
b. Psychoanalytic
c. Existential
d. Behaviorist



According to your readings, students studying to be client-centered therapists should do which of the following to help them empathize with people from backgrounds that are different than their own?

Choose one answer.

a. Take a course in social/behavioral sciences, particularly anthropology
b. Immerse themselves in literature regarding different cultures
c. Live with people of a particular group as a visiting professional
d. It is impossible to learn about another’s experience, so there is no suggested way to gain more empathy and knowledge



Client-centered therapists are most likely to exhibit a higher degree of empathy in their therapeutic endeavors if they have which of the following characteristics?

Choose one answer.

a. If the therapist is younger versus older
b. If the therapist has less experience versus more experience
c. If the therapist has a more versus less fully integrated self
d. None of the above



Humanistic therapy is based on the assumption/philosophy that human beings are basically ____.


In client-centered therapy, genuineness requires which of the following?

Choose one answer.

a. The therapist must always express his or her thoughts
b. Whatever is expressed in a therapeutic environment must be genuine and real, although not all things must be expressed
c. The therapist must share what’s on his or her mind even if it is the expression of negative affect toward the client
d. A and C



In regard to the ideal level of genuineness exhibited by a client-centered therapist, the evidence suggests which of the following?

Choose one answer.

a. Low levels of genuineness are impediments to client progress made in therapy
b. The higher the level of genuineness the better
c. Above a certain minimal level, very high levels of genuineness are not related to additional increases in client functioning
d. A and C



It is more likely that a ___ therapist will pathologize his or her client while a ___ therapist will actively seek to “nonpathologize” his or her client.

Choose one answer.

a. Humanistic, Cognitive
b. Behavioral, Humanistic
c. Psychoanalytic, Humanistic
d. Existential, Psychoanalytic



Many client-centered therapists complain that in “nondirective therapy,” . . .

Choose one answer.

a. Empathy is taught to be the same as simplistic listening/reflective skills
b. Empathy is incorrectly defined as possessing a complete and total understanding of the other person’s experience
c. Empathy is simplistic and not a nuanced and complicated skill/ability
d. A and C



One of the main differences between humanistic psychology and existential psychology is represented by which of the following statements?

Choose one answer.

a. Humanistic psychology tends to focus on human potential, while existential psychology focuses on realities of existence.
b. Humanistic psychology tends to focus on empathy, while existential psychology has no concern for the quality of the therapeutic relationship
c. Humanistic psychology holds a positive view of human nature, while existential psychology holds a negative one
d. Humanistic psychology is more concerned with the darker concepts of evil, while existential psychology is more concerned with the joys of being in the moment



Research has shown that a therapeutic relationship with a high degree of empathy is associated most directly with which of the following?

Choose one answer.

a. Self-exploration and process movement
b. Insight and expression of previously unconscious material
c. A decrease in the amount of irrational thoughts
d. Less death anxiety



This famous psychologist grew up in a strict religious household and attended a seminary for two years before switching to clinical psychology.

Choose one answer.

a. Sigmund Freud
b. Otto Rank
c. Carl Rogers
d. Albert Ellis



Unconditional positive regard is sometimes referred to as which of the following?

Choose one answer.

a. Nonpossessive warmth
b. Empathy
c. Genuineness
d. Total validation



Which of the following is NOT one of the indicators of a fully functioning person?

Choose one answer.

a. An individual who is open to experience
b. An individual who exhibits an existential mode of living
c. An individual who does what “feels right” based on relevant data available, which results in adequate or satisfying behavior
d. An individual who is uninhibited in his or her expression of affect/thoughts



Which of the following represents a major debate within the client-centered community?

Choose one answer.

a. Whether or not a therapist can be “directive” and client-centered
b. Whether or not therapist genuineness is required to facilitate therapeutic change in clients
c. Whether a directive approach directly contradicts the notion of the actualizing tendency assumed to be present in all individuals
d. A and C



Which statement is the most accurate regarding the findings related to empathy and therapeutic outcomes?

Choose one answer.

a. Empathy does not seem to factor into the success of therapy
b. Empathy is clearly related to positive outcomes
c. Empathy is only important in short-term therapy
d. There is mixed evidence with, more research needed, to determine whether empathy is clearly related to positive outcomes



Which term does NOT represent a necessary and sufficient therapist position for therapeutic personality change in client-centered therapy?

Choose one answer.

a. Empathic understanding
b. Unconditional positive regard
c. Genuineness
d. None; they all do



A behavioral psychologist takes on more of a ___ role while a humanistic psychologist tends to engage in more of a ___ role.

Choose one answer.

a. Consultant, facilitator
b. Supervisor, coach
c. Coach, educator
d. Consultant, supervisor



As a behavioral psychologist, you are most likely to describe your client’s phobic response to heights as resulting from which of the following?

Choose one answer.

a. The client likely had a traumatic experience with heights in his or her childhood .
b. The client inappropriately reacts to a low-threat object with a heightened fight-or-flight physiological response usually associated with intense threats. In other words, the client has a faulty brain “warning” system.
c. The client has an unfulfilled wish to be cared for and protected from the dangers of the world.
d. Through avoiding the feared stimulus (i.e., the bridge), the individual gains a sense of relief from the negative feelings (i.e., fear, nervousness) associated with the feared situation. The association between avoidance and relief is strengthened every time the individual avoids the feared stimulus.



As a behavioral psychologist, you instruct your client to create an anxiety hierarchy, which is a list of those situations involved in and leading up to your target situation ranked in order from the lease disturbing to the most disturbing. You are engaging in ___ training and will likely next provide your client with ___ training.

Choose one answer.

a. Desensitization, role-play
b. Assertiveness, relaxation
c. Desensitization, relaxation
d. Relaxation, role-play



Assertiveness training, a set of psychotherapy techniques drawn from behaviorism, defines assertiveness as which of the following?

Choose one answer.

a. The absence of aggression
b. The balance between aggression and passivity
c. The absence of passivity
d. The relaxation process



During the first session with a behavioral psychologist, you might expect which of the following to occur?

Choose one answer.

a. The psychologist would allow you to talk freely and take on a nondirective approach
b. The psychologist would ask you a series of questions designed to assess the specific nature of your concerns (i.e., when does this occur, with whom does this occur, etc.)
c. The psychologist would immediately begin forming a treatment plan, as an individualized approach is not needed
d. The psychologist would attempt to uncover the childhood experience that might be associated with your particular issues



George’s behavioral psychotherapist asked him to think about and list the areas in his life in which he has difficulty asserting himself. Next, in accordance with most assertiveness training programs, George’s therapist will probably ask him to do which of the following?

Choose one answer.

a. Participate in role-plays in order to help George practice how to communicate in a clear and direct manner
b. Practice assertive techniques in everyday life, as there is no alternative to real-life experience
c. Practice relaxation techniques, as he will need to progress through a hierarchy of least to most anxiety-provoking situations
d. Explore the potential underlying reasons for his difficulties with assertiveness, as this insight will help him to be more motivated to change his behaviors



In terms of operant condition, a “positive” type of operant condition refers to those situations where which of the following occur?

Choose one answer.

a. The person gets something taken away in response to the behavior
b. The person gets something in response to behavior regardless of whether it encourages the continuation or extinction of that behavior
c. A positive outcome occurs (e.g., the extinction of a negative behavior or the continuation of a positive one)
d. The person gets something in response to behavior but only if it encourages the continuation of that behavior



In this classic classical conditioning experiment, Pavlov trained dogs to salivate at the sound of the bell. In this case, the bell becomes a ___ response because it is ____.

Choose one answer.

a. Unconditioned stimulus, not an innate involuntary response
b. Conditioned response, a physical object
c. Conditioned stimulus, not an innate involuntary response
d. Unconditioned response, a physical object



Psychologists that strictly adhere to the most fundamental form of this type of theoretical orientation reject the notion of consciousness.

Choose one answer.

a. Humanistic
b. Behavioral
c. Cognitive
d. Psychoanalytic



What is one of the main criticisms of behaviorism?

Choose one answer.

a. It ignores basic scientific principles
b. By ignoring internal processes, it presents an oversimplified explanation of human behavior
c. An individual’s reinforcement history cannot account for all behaviors
d. A and C



Which of the following statements/views is FALSE in regard to the behavioral theory of psychology?

Choose one answer.

a. Psychology is viewed as a natural science
b. Psychology is committed to methodological objectivism
c. Behavior is a direct result of the stimulus-response phenomenon
d. None of the above



Which of the following statements/views is FALSE in regard to the behavioral theory of psychology?

Choose one answer.

a. Psychology is the science of behavior
b. Psychology is the science of habits and stimulus-response phenomena
c. Psychology is the science of the mind
d. Psychology is committed to objective and systematic scientific research



Which of the statements is/are TRUE of the following example: A parent and child are waiting in line to check out at the grocery store. The child asks for a candy bar but is denied by his parent. The child begins to whine and cry and grows louder and more persistent with his request. The parent responds by giving him the candy bar.

Choose one answer.

a. The parent’s behavior of providing him the candy is negatively reinforced
b. The child’s behavior of whining and crying when he doesn’t initially get what he wants is negatively reinforced
c. The child’s behavior of whining and crying when he doesn’t initially get what he wants is positively reinforced
d. Both A and C



You get a speeding ticket for going 20 miles per hour over the speed limit. This is an example of which type of operant conditioning?

Choose one answer.

a. Positive punishment
b. Negative punishment
c. Positive reinforcement
d. Negative reinforcement



Behaviorism was strongly influenced by the study of which of the following?

Choose one answer.

a. Animal behavior
b. Introspection
c. Cognitive illusions
d. Philosophy



A cognitive-behavioral psychologist would most likely agree with which of the following statements?

Choose one answer.

a. Cultural oppression and subjugation cause maladaptive feelings/behaviors
b. Childhood experiences cause maladaptive feelings/behaviors
c. Environmental stressors and biological heredity cause feelings/behaviors
d. Events do not cause feelings/behaviors; rather it is our interpretation of events that do



A therapist responds to her client’s comment that conflict is terrible by saying, “Can you think of a circumstance when conflict is good?” This is an example of the therapist using a ___, which would most likely occur in ___ therapy?

Choose one answer.

a. Corrective statement, Humanistic
b. Disputation, Cognitive
c. Cognitive distortion, Cognitive
d. Disputation, Behavioral



Beck and Rogers both focused in on the importance of therapist qualities, which foster a strong therapeutic relationship; however, they differed on which point?

Choose one answer.

a. Beck believed that unconditional positive regard was unnecessary
b. Rogers and Beck defined genuineness differently
c. Beck believed that the relationship was necessary but not sufficient for client change
d. They did not differ on any point in regard to the therapeutic relationship



Beck’s Rational-Emotive-Behavior Therapy (REBT) differed from Ellis’s Emotional Behavior Therapy (EBT) in which significant way(s)?

Choose one answer.

a. Ellis’s theory was less clear about what tools and techniques a therapist could use to help his or her client
b. Beck believed that a major tool for change involved challenging the way people speak about themselves, others, and the world
c. Beck did not focus on the quality of the therapeutic relationship
d. Ellis believed there were objective irrational and rational thoughts, while Beck believed that some thoughts were maladaptive in that they lead to undesirable responses



In Beck’s cognitive therapy, ABC stands for which of the following?

Choose one answer.

a. Action, behavior, consequences
b. Affect, behavior, cognitions
c. Activating event, belief, emotional/behavioral consequences
d. Affect, belief, emotional/behavioral consequences



Regarding the origins of mental illness, which theory proposed that a person’s expectations and interpretations create and sustain emotional reactions?

Choose one answer.

a. The behavioral model
b. The cognitive model
c. The Freudian model
d. The humanistic model



Stacey loses a loved one and thinks that she is “not worthy of being happy.” This thought in turn causes her to feel sad, which causes her to isolate herself from her friends and family. The isolation makes her more unhappy and leads her to confirm her belief that she is “not worthy of happiness.” This example best captures which of the following concepts in cognitive-behavioral therapy?

Choose one answer.

a. A self-perpetuating cycle
b. Continual conditions of worth
c. Emotional dysregulation
d. Downward Arrow



Which of the following best captures what Albert Ellis was trying to do when working with Gloria?

Choose one answer.

a. Confront and ultimately change her core belief that life is awful if she is not special or unique
b. Provide unconditional positive regard for her by being empathic and genuine
c. Change her environmental contingencies in order to alter her maladaptive behaviors
d. Provide her with psychoeducation on maladaptive thoughts and work collaboratively with her toward her goals



Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding cognitive-behavioral therapy?

Choose one answer.

a. It often focuses on identifying and changing irrational thoughts/cognitive distortions
b. It cannot be applied in family therapy, but research supports its use in individual and group therapy
c. There is often a focus on creating measureable and observable goals
d. Homework is often used to help learning continue outside of therapy



Which of the following statements most accurately captures the conclusions drawn from the research on the therapeutic efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapies?

Choose one answer.

a. Empirical evidence suggests it has limited applicability to a handful of phobias and anxiety disorders
b. Empirical evidence suggests it is mainly ineffective in its most fundamental form
c. Empirical evidence suggests it is effective with every type of client in every type of situation
d. Empirical evidence suggests it is mainly effective across a wide range of psychological disorders and populations



Which statement(s) represents one potential difficulty in applying cognitive-behavioral techniques in a culturally sensitive way?

Choose one answer.

a. There is less focus on the importance of the environment
b. The underlying theoretical roots assume that people of different cultures have varying degrees/types of irrational beliefs
c. The challenging nature of some techniques might be in conflict with certain cultural values
d. A and C



“Door knob comments” refers to which of the following phenomenon?

Choose one answer.

a. When clients provide important information regarding central and important issues at the end of treatment
b. When clients provide feedback on their perceptions of progress at the end of treatment
c. When clients comment passive-aggressively on therapeutic dynamics
d. When clients shut the door on possible progress through a singular comment



“Our words both reflect the world and create the world we live in.” Which famous psychologist would be most likely to perceive a truth/power in this statement?

Choose one answer.

a. Aaron Beck
b. Carl Rogers
c. Albert Ellis
d. Fritz Perls



Rational-Emotive Therapy (RET) is a type of ____ therapy, while Client-Centered Therapy is a type of ___ therapy.

Choose one answer.

a. Behavioral, Humanistic
b. Cognitive, Behavioral
c. Humanistic, Behavioral
d. Cognitive, Humanistic



A ____ therapist is interested in helping individuals to fully describe/articulate their life stories and trajectories, modes of living, and possibilities associated with them.

Choose one answer.

a. Strategic Family
b. Structural Family
c. Experiential Humanist Family
d. Narrative Family



As a structural family therapist following Minuchin’s guide, you might use which of the following therapeutic interventions?

Choose one answer.

a. Strategically manipulate the space and positioning (seating) within the room
b. Discuss sibling positioning and create a genogram
c. Have particular family members watch other family members behind a one-way mirror and point out the dysfunctional family patterns/roles which perpetuate problems
d. A and C



In this type of strategic family therapy, after the immediate problem is resolved, other problems would be explored. The goal is to change the structural factors that caused the problems; thus therapy will not necessarily end with the immediate problem resolved.

Choose one answer.

a. Milan’s Model of Family Therapy
b. Haley’s Model of Family Therapy
c. Mental Research Institute’s (MRI) Family Therapy
d. Madanes’s Model of Family Therapy



Narrative therapy and existential therapy are similar in what way?

Choose one answer.

a. They focus on meaning making
b. They focus on death anxieties
c. They use bibliotherapy
d. They use drama therapy as a technique



One creative way to help your client(s) become aware of what Bowen called “intergenerational transmission process” is which of the following therapeutic techniques?

Choose one answer.

a. Role play
b. Conduct an intake interview
c. Create a genogram
d. Engage in drama therapy



One major contemporary concept in General Systems Theory is that ____ define membership in a system and represent the point of contact between the system and other systems.

Choose one answer.

a. Feedback loops
b. Family taxonomies
c. Boundaries
d. Open systems



Sally is having difficulty dealing with stress and is having several problems in school. Bowen might hypothesize which of the following?

Choose one answer.

a. Sally is likely undifferentiated as a person.
b. Sally is the youngest, which means she is most susceptible to psychological symptoms
c. Sally’s symptoms have arisen because the stress she experiences exceeds the family system’s ability to bind or neutralize it.
d. A and C



Social psychologist studied this phenomenon in the 1920s, which influenced the development and evolution of family therapy.

Choose one answer.

a. Altruism
b. Small group dynamics
c. Aggression
d. Social loafing



This strategic family therapy term describes entities (i.e., people) that are a whole unto themselves and a part of some other, superordinate whole.

Choose one answer.

a. Holon
b. Transactional Patterns
c. Cross-Generational
d. Rigid Triads



This type of family therapist would be interested in family atmosphere, birth order, and family constellation.

Choose one answer.

a. Adlerian
b. Interpersonal
c. Family Systems
d. A and C



Which example best captures the triangulation phenomenon?

Choose one answer.

a. A couple gets into an argument and as a result, one partner remains angry and resentful but is unable to express his or her feelings to the other partner
b. In a family in which there is alcoholism present, the non-drinking parent goes to the child and expresses dissatisfaction with the drinking parent
c. A couple decides to have a child
d. A couple gets divorced and splits the family into two units



Which of the following does NOT represent one of the goals of family therapy detailed under Satir’s Growth Model?

Choose one answer.

a. Expanding self-discovery and self-responsibility
b. Building self-esteem
c. Creating rich narrative accounts of key values and hopes
d. Enhancing awareness and understanding of communication patterns



Which theorist/therapist would be most likely to make the following statement: “Differentiation of self is an important psychological task, which is characterized by being able to have different opinions and values than your family members but being able to stay emotionally connected to them.”

Choose one answer.

a. Bowen
b. Haley
c. Minuchin
d. Satir



_____ therapists propose that psychological problems are best explained in terms of circular, recurring events that focus on the mutually influential and interpersonal context in which they developed.

Choose one answer.

a. Family
b. Group
c. Individual
d. A and C




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