Which of the following statements are true regarding active transport and facilitated diffusion?


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Energy dependent process.

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Occurs across the plasma membrane against the concentration gradient

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Faciliated transport is a type of Active transport.

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Diffusion is a type of Active transport.

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Osmosis is a type of Active transport.

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The correct option is C Faciliated transport is a type of Active transport.
Active transport occurs across the plasma membrane against the concentration gradient from their lower to higher concentration. It requires ATP. So it is an energy dependent process. Faciliated transport is a type of active transport. Diffusion and Osmosis are types of Passive transport which don't require expenditure of energy ATP.

Diffusion requires a protein channel whereas active transport does not require any protein channels.

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Active transport requires a protein channel whereas diffusion does not require any protein channels.

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Both diffusion and active transport do not require any protein channel.

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Both diffusion and active transport require a protein channel.

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The correct option is D

Active transport requires a protein channel whereas diffusion does not require any protein channels.

In plants, molecules are transported across cell membranes by two major processes, diffusion and active transport. Diffusion is basically the movement from a high concentration to a low concentration of molecules whereas, in active transport, some special proteins help move molecules across cell membranes with the help of energy from the cell. The fundamental difference between the 2 processes is the requirement of energy which is present in active transport but not in diffusion.

Which of the following is common to facilitated diffusion and active transport?

Both active transport and facilitated diffusion do use proteins to assist in transport.

Which of the following is true regarding facilitated diffusion?

Answer and Explanation: The correct answer is C. facilitated diffusion involves movement that is passive and down a concentration gradient.

What do facilitated diffusion and active transport have in common quizlet?

What do the transport processes of facilitated diffusion and active transport have in common? Both facilitated diffusion and active transport use carrier proteins to move substances against the concentration gradient.

What is true about active transport?

Active transport: moving against a gradient To move substances against a concentration or electrochemical gradient, a cell must use energy. Active transport mechanisms do just this, expending energy (often in the form of ATP) to maintain the right concentrations of ions and molecules in living cells.


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