Which of the following statements is not true regarding engle’s controlled attention model?


Multiple Choice Questions

  1. Which of the following statements is not true of the traditional cognitive view of information processing?
    1. Individuals process information like computers, or they receive information, process according to a program, and produce an output.
    2. Cognition has historically excluded subjective processes like judging, feeling, emotions, and meaning.
    3. Cognition has historically focused on objective processes like memory, attention, perception, and representations.
    4. Evaluating and problem solving are both objective processes of cognition.
  2. The post-cognitive view asserts that
    1. people passively receive information from their environment.
    2. people translate information into internal representations.
    3. do not engage in transformational interactions, judging, or evaluating
    4. assimilate themselves into an already formed and objective world
  3. Which are potential limitations of laboratory experiments on prejudice and conflict reduction?
    1. Testing theories based on individuals only
    2. Testing only one or two aspects of prejudice at a time
    3. Testing how cognitive, affective, and behavioral prejudice interact
    4. Only answers A & B above
  4. Who would be most likely to say that emotions have no effect on the ability to reason?
    1. Socratics, Stoics, and the ancient Greeks
    2. Medieval Christian psychologists
    3. None of the above
    4. All of the above
  5. Deprived of the ability to experience emotions, people
    1. might behave irrationally
    2. automatically intuit which actions are ethically or morally suspect
    3. are never able to learn societal norms
    4. always become a psychopath
  6. From an evolutionary perspective, what is not an advantage of an affective system?
    1. It is a danger signal system to recognize threats and react.
    2. It allows learning from immediate surroundings.
    3. It cannot exert control over attentional and cognitive resources.
    4. It can judge things and actions.
  7. What is true about ‘negativity bias’?
    1. It is not a result of natural selection.
    2. People tend to react more strongly to positive events.
    3. Negative events tend to produce stronger reactions.
    4. It is not very common.

Short Answer Questions – one word to two sentences maximum

  1. Is this question most likely a traditional cognitive approach or post-cognitive: “What are three attributes of the cognitive approach to information processing?” Why is it traditional cognitive or post-cognitive?

  2. Name three terms that post-cognitive researchers introduced. ________________________________________________________________________________

  3. Why might people who volunteer for behavioral research be different from others who do not? Give an example of such a volunteer compared to a non-volunteer. ________________________________________________________________________________

  4. How does the Descartes statement, “I think, therefore I am” treat emotions?

  5. According to Damasio, what two abilities are necessary for rationality? ________________________________________________________________________________

  6. How are the Elliot and Gage cases different? ________________________________________________________________________________

  7. What are somatic markers? Give one example. ________________________________________________________________________________

Possible Essay Questions

  • Many researchers have criticized the traditional cognitive approach. Why? Discuss at least three reasons and include at least one critic.
  • Is action research a more accurate research methodology? Why or why not? Give an example.
  • Have you ever experienced ‘negativity bias’? If so, describe and explain how the experience relates to the concept. If not, describe an example related to the text and how it relates to the concept.

Answer Key

Multiple Choice Questions

  1. D
  2. B
  3. D
  4. D
  5. A
  6. C
  7. C

Short Answer Questions

  1. Cognitive – because there are objective answers (such as memory, attention, problem solving, perception, or categorical representations).
  2. Accept any of the following: embodied cognition, ecological psychology, acts of meaning, enaction, situated cognition, embedded cognition, extended cognition (others at professor discretion).
  3. Accept any similar to this: volunteers tend to be better educated, of higher social class, more intelligent, more sociable, more unconventional, less authoritarian, more arousal seeking, more approval-motivated. Example is subjective and discretionary for marking.
  4. Answer should include mind is separate from the body / emotions or mind-body dualism
  5. emotion and reason
  6. Answers should resemble: Elliot only lost the ability to experience emotion and thus made irrational decisions. Gage had a personality disorder lacking empathy and presenting antisocial traits, possibly violent.
  7. Answer should include: feelings in the body connected with emotions; and one of the following: rapid heartbeat with anxiety, nausea with disgust.

Essay Questions – answers vary by class / professor

Key Points

  • The traditional cognitive approach to psychology did not allow subjective processes such as judging to be accurately researched.
  • Post-cognitive researchers established mind-body relationships, the importance of environment in judgment, and that laboratory experiments influence research results.
  • Although emotions were historically viewed as unimportant, the affective system evolved in cautionary and social roles. Researchers now know emotions are integral to reason.

Which of the following statements is true of working memory quizlet?

Which of the following statements is true of working memory? Working memory permits us to keep information in an active state briefly so that we can do something with the information.

What is the difference between short

While there's some debate in the field about this, it's generally held that short-term memory is super quick: It stores information briefly. Working memory is related to short-term memory, but it lasts slightly longer and is involved in the manipulation of information.

Which of the following memory stores is also referred to as working memory?

Working memory: Working memory (while sometimes used interchangeably with short-term memory) refers to the structures and processes for temporarily storing and using information. Short-term memory is just one component of this.

Why short

Working memory has been conceived and defined in three different, slightly discrepant ways: as short-term memory applied to cognitive tasks, as a multi-component system that holds and manipulates information in short-term memory, and as the use of attention to manage short-term memory.


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