Which of the following statements is true about both Mughal and Ottoman empires in the 16th century?

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Pope Leo X, in the bull in which he put me under the ban, condemned my statement that 'to fight against the Turk is the same thing as resisting God, who visits our sin upon us with this rod.' I still confess freely that this statement is mine. The popes and bishops called for war against the Turks in the name of Christ. Yet because Christ taught that Christians shall not resist evil with violence or take revenge, it is against His name.
In how many wars against the Turks have the bishops and clergy prevented Christians from enduring heavy losses? Indeed, the king of Hungary and his bishops were beaten by the Turks at Varna* and more recently a German army would perhaps have fought with more success, if it had not contained priests. If I were an emperor, a king, or a prince in a campaign against the Turks, I would encourage my bishops and priests to stay at home and mind the duties of their office, praying, fasting, saying mass, preaching, and caring for the poor, as not only Holy Scripture, but their own canon law teaches and requires. To this I say Amen, Amen."
*a reference to a failed Christian Crusade launched against the Ottoman Turks in 1444
Martin Luther, German theologian, sermon addressed to a German prince, 1528
A historian interpreting the passage would most likely explain that the audience of the sermon is an illustration of the fact that
papal alliances with the Holy Roman emperors led to widespread religious persecutions in Germany
the Protestant German nobility was wary of confronting the Ottomans without Catholic support
political support from the German nobility aided in the development of the early Protestant community
the Protestant German nobility adopted pacifist attitudes during religious disputes with their Catholic and Muslim opponents

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Which of the following is true of both the Ottoman and Mughal empires?

Which of the following is true of both the Ottoman Empire and the Mughal Empire between 1450 and 1750 ? The rulers of both believed in strictly separating secular and religious concerns. The top administrators in both empires were chosen by a system of competitive examinations.

What did the Ottoman Empire and the Mughal Empire have in common?

What characteristics did the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal empires have in common? The Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal empires all practiced Islam, used gunpowder, had strong militaries, were tolerant of other religions, and valued trade, art, literature, and architecture.

How are the Ottoman and Mughal empires similar and different?

Although the Ottoman and Mughal Empire both did not force conversions into Islam, the Ottoman's development relied on their tough military force, while the decline of the Mughal Empire was caused by Aurangzeb's policy of religious persecution and high taxes.

Why were the Ottoman and Mughal empires able to coexist in the same region quizlet?

Why were the Ottoman and Mughal Empires able to coexist in the same region? Both tolerated religious diversity.


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