Which of the following texts would be the best choice to accurately assess a third grade ELL students reading comprehension?

Over the course of the semester, a first-grade teacher has been reading fiction and non-fiction texts with students about the natural world. The words rocks, soil, water, streams, lakes, ocean, and wind have come up often in the texts. A recent science experiment asked students to describe the sizes, colors, and textures of different types of soil they gathered from a recent nature walk. The class walks to a nearby lake to look for frog eggs, tadpoles, and frogs after talking about the life cycle of a frog. They discussed the terms eggs, tadpole, gills, toad, frog, and leap. As part of each activity, the teacher adds to the word wall list on the wall of the classroom. Every day during class, the teacher points to the wall and invites the students to use the newly acquired terms in their writing and speaking.
The activities show the teacher implementing which of the key principles of effective vocabulary instruction as described in the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for First Grade?

Over the course of the semester, a first-grade teacher has been reading fiction and non-fiction texts with students about the natural world. The words rocks, soil, water, streams, lakes, ocean, and wind have come up often in the texts. A recent science experiment asked students to describe the sizes, colors, and textures of different types of soil they gathered from a recent nature walk. The class walks to a nearby lake to look for frog eggs, tadpoles, and frogs after talking about the life cycle of a frog. They discussed the terms eggs, tadpole, gills, toad, frog, and leap. As part of each activity, the teacher adds to the word wall list on the wall of the classroom. Every day during class, the teacher points to the wall and invites the students to use the newly acquired terms in their writing and speaking.
After the trip to the pond, the teacher asks students to write a journal entry describing what they experienced during the field trip and to include a description of the life cycle of a frog. To accomplish this, students will need to include the terms eggs, tadpole, gills, and frog. She notices a group of English Language Learners, as well as some students with lower reading scores, are unable to describe the order of the life cycle correctly. Which of these extension activities would be the best for the teacher to implement to help students learn these vocabulary words and use them in their writing?

A first-grade teacher is reading aloud from an instructional text on the life cycle of a butterfly. During the reading, she stops to think-aloud with the goal of teaching the class a specific reading skill. Here is an excerpt of the think-aloud with the teacher's dialogue in italics.
There are four parts to the life cycle of a butterfly. First, a butterfly lays an ovum, or egg,
on a leaf. I wonder what an "ovum" is. I'm going to reread the sentence before and look
at the phrases around the word to see if I can figure it out. The word "egg" is right after,
and that makes sense. The butterfly chooses a plant that can provide the larvae with
food. Once born, the tiny caterpillar starts eating and molts its skin often. I wonder what
the word "larvae" means. After reading before and after the word, it seems like the next
sentence calls the "larvae" a "tiny caterpillar." You might see pieces of skin coming off
the larvae as it grows. Then, the larvae forms a pupa, or chrysalis. Inside the chrysalis,
the pupa is growing into a butterfly. Finally, the chrysalis opens and a beautiful butterfly
emerges to dry its wings and fly away. I wonder if a pupa and a chrysalis are the same
thing? It seems like the words are used close together and that they both mean the
home where the butterfly grows.
While conducting this think-aloud, the teacher is modeling which aspect of textual analysis?

A third-grade class contains students at various levels of English language proficiency. Some have been learning English for less than a year. This week, the teacher has been conducting read alouds featuring biographies as part of a unit on book genres. So far, the teacher has read from the following biographies: Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, and Harriet Tubman. However, next week, the teacher plans to incorporate excerpts from biographies on Caesar Chavez and Frida Kahlo. Then, the students will pick another person of interest, conduct research, and complete the organizer below
After the organizers are complete, the teacher tells students to take the information they have learned and form a paragraph summarizing the most important aspects of their research. At a later date, students will revise and edit their paragraphs with a peer and then read them aloud individually to the class.
By including biographies on the lives of Caesar Chavez and Frida Kahlo, the teacher is demonstrating the importance of:

Sets with similar terms

What type of assessments can be used to assess comprehension?

The typical type of reading comprehension assessment involves asking a child to read a passage of text that is leveled appropriately for the child's age or grade, and then asking explicit, detailed questions about the content of the text.

What types of assessments are used to assess student learning?

Common types of assessment of learning include: Summative assessments..
Diagnostic assessments..
Formative assessments..
Summative assessments..
Ipsative assessments..
Norm-referenced assessments..
Criterion-referenced assessments..

Which of the following practices by prekindergarten teacher best reflects an assets based approach to reading instruction?

Which of the following practices by a prekindergarten teacher best reflects an assets-based approach to reading instruction? Option A is correct because an assets-based approach to reading instruction focuses on what children know rather than on what they do not know.

Which an assessment is are used to determine grade of students?

The process of arriving at a grade for a student (either for a test or assignment, or for an entire course) is known as summative assessment. Summative assessments (e.g., exams or term papers) are formal, usually graded, and focused on letting students show a range of skills and knowledge.

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