Which procedure can reduce problems associated with the use of deception by a researcher?

Studies may use deception if it is necessary to answer the research question.

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  • How do you deal with deception in research?
  • Which of the following is a rule that researchers must follow when using deception in their research?
  • What steps can you take to minimize the risk of psychological harm to participants in a psychology research study?
  • Is it ethical to use deception in research?

Disclosure of Research Hypothesis

If, in order to counter the demand effect, researchers cannot disclose their research hypotheses, the failure to disclose is not considered deception.

General statements about the purpose of the research, as well as a full description of the research tasks and activities, should be provided in the consent form.

Inappropriate Use of Deception

The IRB discourages the use of deception when:

  • Alternative methods can be used that will yield valid study results.
  • The deception deprives participants of the opportunity to protect their own interests.
  • The missing information affects the participants’ ability to assess the risks of participation.

Justification for Using Deception

If the subjects will be deceived, the ethical and regulatory requirement to fully inform subjects must be waived by the IRB.

There are three criteria that must be met in order for the waiver to be approved. In addition, it is usually necessary to debrief subject after the research.

  1. The risk must be no more than minimal.

“Minimal risk means that the probability and magnitude of harm or discomfort anticipated in the research are not greater in and of themselves than those ordinarily encountered in daily life or during the performance of routine physical or psychological examinations or tests.”

  1. The rights and welfare of the subjects will not be adversely affected. 
  2. The research could not practicably be carried out without the waiver. This does not mean that it would be inconvenient to conduct the study without the waiver. It means that deception is necessary to accomplish the goals of the research.

Ameliorating Deception

Protocols must include procedures for ameliorating possible negative effects of deception. In addition to thorough debriefing that explains the need for deception, emphasis should be placed on correcting any false feedback given to participants about their performance, competency, or other personal characteristics.

Participants whose behavior was recorded without their knowledge, such as during a fake “break” in study, should be given the opportunity to request that the recording be destroyed.

If a study was designed to provoke negative behaviors, participants should be told that most people react the way they reacted and that their behavior was a normal response.


Debriefing for participants who were deceived includes a description of the deception and an explanation about why it was necessary. The discussion should presented in lay language and should be sufficiently detailed that participants will understand how and why they were deceived.  If the study included multiple deceptions, each should be addressed.

If participants were filmed without their knowledge, they must be given the option to ask that the researchers do not use the film

Delayed Debriefing

Delayed debriefing is an option if participants are part of a group that may share information about their experience in the research.

If researchers will use a delayed debriefing, the consent form must state additional information will be available at the study and participants’ contact information should be collected. The contact information should not be linked to the study data.

Informed Consent

Informed consent forms and scripts may never contain deception. Researchers may not make false statements during the consent process.

Review Type for Protocols Involving Deception

Research involving deception cannot be screened for exemption.

Generally, research using the following deceptions may be reviewed using expedited procedures:

  • Confederates: Attributing statements to or providing feedback from non-existent individuals or confederates in another room. Using actors in videos presented to participants.
  • Giving people impersonal false information:  Information about the performance of groups that participants will use to measure their own performance, for example, “Most Duke students can solve these anagrams in 3-7 minutes.”
  • Priming designed to focus participants’ attention or awareness, but not on a sensitive topic. For example, having participants complete sentence scramble tasks with words affiliated with different goals.
  • Presenting false scientific “facts,” articles, or profiles of individuals or companies.
  • Studies that activate stereotype threat.
  • Experiments in which participants are told that two studies are unrelated when the first study is the manipulation, depending upon population and nature of manipulation.

Generally, research using the following deceptions will be reviewed by the full IRB:

  • Any use of confederates in which the confederate engages in in-person dialog with a participant. For example, attempting to persuade a participant to make a certain decision or enter into a negotiation process.
  • Studies in which participants are given false feedback about their own attributes, performance or abilities, for example, a manipulation in which students are told that their performance falls in the lowest quartile of Duke students following the completion of a task.
  • Any study in which debriefing cannot be undertaken because to do so would cause more harm than good or when participants cannot be contacted, e.g. some types of Internet research.
  • Any study involving subliminal priming.
  • Covert observation and/or videotaping.
  • Mood manipulations designed to induce feelings of guilt, sadness, depression.
  • Any study in which participants are given false information about themselves in phase one of a study that is not corrected until a later session.
  • Any deception of minors.
  • Any study in which the researcher assumes a false identity.
  • Manipulations designed to elicit behaviors about which participants’ may feel shame or other strong negative emotions.

How do you deal with deception in research?

Whenever possible, researchers must debrief subjects about the deception. This should include specifics about the deception that was used, the rationale for the deception, and a corrected account of the information that was false or incomplete.

Which of the following is a rule that researchers must follow when using deception in their research?

Deception in psychological research is often stated as acceptable only when all of the following conditions are met: 1) no other nondeceptive method exists to study the phenomenon of interest; 2) the study makes significant contributions to scientific knowledge; 3) the deception is not expected to cause significant ...

What steps can you take to minimize the risk of psychological harm to participants in a psychology research study?

What steps can you take to minimize the risk of psychological harm to participants in a psychology research study? Have a plan of what to do if someone cries during the study. Ask people to leave the room immediately if they seem distressed. Ask people to leave if they become angry during the study.

Is it ethical to use deception in research?

Deception in research is unethical because the spirit of research requires a high moral standard. Medical ethics has reiterated the importance of integrity and justice, and the protection of the participant should always be of the utmost concern.

What is the most important reason to use operational definitions in psychological research?

The most important reason to use operational definitions in psychological research is it. assures that the data will be approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB).

Which would a cognitive psychologist be most likely to study?

Cognitive psychology is the study of mental processes, including memory, attention, perception, and language processing, and how they impact human behavior. Cognitive psychologists develop strategies to help people who are experiencing difficulties with one or more of these processes.

Which of the following has had the most profound impact on ethical issues in psychological research?

Which of the following studies has had the most profound impact on ethical issues in psychological research? Stanley Milgram's study of obedience.

Which of the following statements is true of the experimental method of research?

Which of the following statements is true of the experimental method of research? In the experimental method of research, participants in control groups obtain the treatment being tested.


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