Which process includes the planning of how the package looks and involves creating a design for the product being packed?

A. Planning
B. Evaluation
C. Production
D. Selling

2. The following are materials used for paper-bag making except
A Cartolina
B. Scissors
C. Adhesive tape
D. MS Power Point

3. Packaging is done to?
A. protect sellers
B. protect products for storage, sale and use
C. protect buyers from damaging the product
D. protect the viewers from viewing the product

4. This process of design involves the printing of the packages,
A. Planning
B. Evaluation
C. Production
D. Selling

5. All the choices are software that can be used to create electronic collage except
A Boxshot-5
C. Picture Collage Maker
B. MS PowerPoint
D. Adobe Photoshop Elements

6. The following can be used to create collage made of physical materials except
A. Printed picture
B. Letter cui-outs
C. Audio file
D. Paper

7. Collage originated from the
word "coller" which means to glue.
A. Japanese
B. Chinese
C. Filipino
D. French

8. Is an art production in which several materials are put together to form a new work of art.
A. painting
B. sculpting
C. collage
D. printmaking

9. Is the method of protecting products for storage, sale, and use.
B. printing
C, packaging
D. sculpting

10. It is made or composed of electronic images or photographs and is prepared digitally.
A. painting
B. sculpting
C. printmaking
D. electronic collage


What Is Packaging Design?

Packaging design is the connection of form, structure, materials, color, imagery, typography, and regulatory information with ancillary design elements to make a product suitable for marketing. Its primary objective is to create a vehicle that serves to contain, protect, transport, dispense, store, identify, and distinguish a product in the marketplace. Ultimately, the goal of a packaging design is to meet marketing objectives by distinctively communicating a consumer product's personality or function and generating a sale.

There are tens of thousands of different products lining the shelves of the average supermarket. Department stores, mass merchandisers, specialty stores, outlets, and the Internet are all retail marketing sites where products are brought to life and attract consumers through their packaging design. The vastness of consumer choice brings about product competition that, in turn, fosters the need for market distinction and differentiation. In a consumer society, products and the design of their packaging become so intertwined that they are no longer perceived as either separate objects—or, ultimately, objects of necessity. Successful packaging design, in fact, creates desire (fig. 2.1).

Planning, execution, pricing, placement, promotion, advertising, merchandising, distribution, and sales are all part of the mix of activities involved in moving goods from producer to consumer. Packaging design is one component of this multivariate series ...

Get Packaging Design: Successful Product Branding From Concept to Shelf, 2nd Edition now with the O’Reilly learning platform.

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The 5 Stages of Packaging You Need to Consider in the Design Process

Everything has a life cycle and this includes packaging. From the first inception of the packaging design to the moment it is opened by the consumer, every step matters. There are five separate stages that packaging goes through and each of these presents its own unique challenges. A brand’s packaging can be divided into five separate stages:

  1. manufacturing
  2. fulfillment
  3. transportation
  4. shelf life
  5. user experience

How do each of these stages matter and what should a brand consider during each of these steps? What impact does this have on the final product?

1. The Manufacturing Process

The first step in the packaging process is the manufacturing of that packaging. The manufacturing process needs to be considered when thinking about the design of the packaging. Some of the factors that will impact the manufacturing process include:

  • The material or substrate of the packaging
  • The cost of these materials
  • Where the packaging is going to be manufactured
  • The time it will take to manufacture the packaging
  • Whether automation or hand assembly will be utilized

When thinking about the design of the packaging, all of these factors need to be considered. They will impact not only the manufacturing process but also the overall cost of the product and your timeline.

2. The Filling & Assembling Process

After the manufacturing process is completed, the packaging needs to be filled and assembled. This can take many forms depending on the nature of the product. Some of the examples include:

  • Is the package a simple box inside of which the product will sit?
  • Does the packaging require a separate tray or insert to encompass the product?
  • Is assembly and filling automated or manual?

These are only a few of the many points that need to be considered during the filling and assembly process. Both the product and packaging have to be protected while expediting the process.

3. The Transportation of the Product

Once the packaging has been fulfilled, the product will be transported to wherever it is being sold. It is imperative for the product to be protected during this important step. Whether it is being moved by land, sea, or air, steps need to be taken to protect the integrity of the product. This needs to be incorporated into the design of the packaging. Consider the transportation of the product and take steps to protect it. In addition to protecting the packaging and final product, it’s important to note that packaging efficiency is also important when it comes to logistics. Well thought-out packaging means more efficiency in transportation which can reduce costs.

4. The Shelf Life

Shelf life is yet another area to consider when designing a packaging design. While we’re mostly familiar with shelf life in terms of perishable items, shelf life also represents how well the product will appear on the shelf. From tamper protection to fragility, these have to be considered well in advance. A design that is too intricate and fragile might easily damage on a store shelf or on display, making it unattractive to consumers.

5. The User Experience

The last step in the packaging process is the experience of the user. Industry-leading brands know this and value this part of the packaging process significantly. They understand that packaging is a vehicle for communicating with the customer. In addition to protecting the product, packaging should create an experience for the consumer. It should tell a story and build the customer’s loyalty. This alone, provides a solid return on the brand’s marketing investment.

Considering the Packaging Carefully

In order for a brand’s packaging be successful in the marketplace, it be well thought-out and for each of the different stages of packaging development. Each stage must be considered carefully. With this goal in mind, it is crucial for every brand to enlist the help of trained professionals. At JohnsByrne, we have extensive experience in helping countless brands achieve their end goal when it comes to packaging. Contact us today to learn how we can guide you and your brand through each of these stages.

What is the process of packaging design?

The Packaging Design Process is a series of steps that a manufacturer or entrepreneur takes to prepare their product for retail sales. The process includes consideration of structure and shape for best store display, material, and artwork to entice customers to notice and purchase the product.

What are the five steps in the package design process?

5 Key Steps of the Packaging Design Process. Choosing a packaging design that makes your product stand out is important for your company's brand and representation. ... .
Conceptualization. The design of your packing can be based on your consumers' wants and needs. ... .
Design. ... .
Revisions. ... .
Manufacturing. ... .
Market Launch..

What can be referred as the process of developing and designing package?

The correct option is A Packaging.
refers to designing and developing the label to be put on the package..
______________ refers to designing the label to be put on the package..

What are the methods of package design?

Different Types of Packaging Methods: Explained.
Paperboard Boxes. Paperboard boxes are one of the most common types of packaging. ... .
Bottle & Jars. Bottles and jars are another popular packaging method. ... .
Shrink Wrap. ... .
Hinged Containers. ... .
Plastic Containers. ... .
Clamshell Packaging. ... .
Foil-Sealed Bags. ... .
Chipboard Packaging Boxes..


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