Which should be the first step in solving an organizations problems with a sharp increase in back orders of shipments?

What type of organizational effectiveness and development intervention might focus on changing the values guiding employees' relationships with each other and with stakeholders?

Team process






A cultural intervention targets an organization's values and the behaviors that demonstrate those values.

For more information, refer to Module Organization, Functional Area 6, Section 3

What obstacles to accomplishing a successful change to a new enterprise management system are unique to a global firm?

Complexity of these information systems

Difficulties in communication across borders and time zones

User resistance to the new system

Unexpressed management support for the decision

Difficulties in communication across borders and time zones


Change management requires effective and frequent communication, and this will be more difficult in a global firm where much of the communication cannot occur face to face and may be additionally challenged by significant differences in time zones.

For more information, refer to Module Organization, Functional Area 6, Section 3

What would be the most effective measure of an effort to improve customer service?

Number of calls handled per hour

Customer anecdotes related to positive service interactions

Proportion of employees who have completed customer service training

Specific numerical rating on a customer satisfaction survey

Specific numerical rating on a customer satisfaction survey


A numerical rating is a quantifiable measure of desired performance, and it serves as a target for improvement. The best measure in this case is a numerical rating indicating a high level of customer satisfaction. Training is often necessary for improving performance but does not reflect actual performance. The number of calls handled is a legitimate measurement, but it measures efficiency rather than quality. Anecdotal feedback is not quantifiable and is a problematic measurement tool.

For more information, refer to Module Organization, Functional Area 6, Section 4

What term describes the method by which work flows through an organization?

Organizational process

Organizational structure


Process implementation

Organizational structure


Organizational structure is the method by which work flows through an organization. It allows groups to work together within their individual functions to manage tasks. The structure chosen will affect an organization's success in carrying out its strategy and objectives.

For more information, refer to Module Organization, Functional Area 6, Section 3

In an effort to enrich jobs, management wants employees working at one of three assembly stations to complete the entire assembly job and put their names on the finished product. About half of the employees are resisting the change. What is the best course of action?

Talk with those opposed to the change to determine their concerns.

Set up a pilot program only for those who are in favor of the change.

Train everyone and make the change as soon as possible.

Institute positive reinforcement policies for those who welcome the change.

Talk with those opposed to the change to determine their concerns


If all employees were eager for the change, the change could be implemented with as much speed as practical. However, significant changes usually require management planning and communication. Taking the time to talk with the employees resisting the change may help identify new issues or misunderstandings and can turn resistance into acceptance.

For more information, refer to Module Organization, Functional Area 6, Section 3

What type of measure is an average value of increased production as a result of a development initiative?



Return on investment




A return is a measurable outcome as a result of a development initiative. Investment reflects input resources. Return on investment is a comparison of return and investment. Activity measures are distinguished from results measures.

For more information, refer to Module Organization, Functional Area 6, Section 4

Based on an analysis of future skills needs, an organization implements two new training courses. What type of intervention is this?







An organizational intervention is intended to change the organization's design, structure, and/or culture to improve performance across the organization.

For more information, refer to Module Organization, Functional Area 6, Section 3

Performance improvement involves accurately identifying sources of unacceptable outcomes and intervening to create effective practices. Impractical or outdated procedures are an example of which type of performance problem?







Impractical or outdated procedures interfere with process efficiencies. Therefore, these procedures should be evaluated and process improvement strategies should be implemented.

For more information, refer to Module Organization, Functional Area 6, Section 3

Of all the possible performance problems, cultural problems in the workplace tend to be the most challenging to remedy. Which possible solution may provide a more holistic and objective perspective of the performance issue?

Designing process improvement strategies

Clarifying expectations and work processes

Using an external tool or facilitator

Reviewing systems to obtain feedback

Using an external tool or facilitator


To balance the emotional components associated with internal relationships and performance history, using an external tool or facilitator may provide a more holistic and objective view.

For more information, refer to Module Organization, Functional Area 6, Section 3

Which task is critical to identifying the talent needs of a business?

Clarifying performance standards

Developing mentoring programs

Coordinating the selection process

Communicating performance expectations

Clarifying performance standards


Clarifying performance standards is part of identifying the talent needs of a business. All of the other listed tasks follow from that step.

For more information, refer to Module Organization, Functional Area 6, Section 3

What approach will most help the change process go more smoothly?

Assigning HR lead responsibility for the change initiative

Having representatives from senior management announce the change to the employees

Telling employees that the change is critical to the organization's survival

Ensuring that employees have input into change alternatives

Ensuring that employees have input into change alternatives


If possible, employees should be given the opportunity to discuss change options. This makes it more likely that they will accept whatever decision is made. At the very least, it helps change agents in the organization understand employee issues and reactions and plan for ways to deal with them.

For more information, refer to Module Organization, Functional Area 6, Section 3

What is the best way to demonstrate the effectiveness of an organizational effectiveness and development initiative?

Survey employee attitudes toward the initiative.

Tie the initiative to employee turnover.

Monitor internal social media activity related to the initiative.

Measure change over the course of the initiative.

Measure change over the course of the initiative.


Effectiveness is demonstrated by conducting accurate analysis at the beginning of the initiative and measuring change over its course.

For more information, refer to Module Organization, Functional Area 6, Section 4

A manager has come to you because an employee cannot meet production standards. After further investigation, you discover that several other employees cannot meet production standards. Records show that all employees have been properly trained and certified. What would you recommend to the manager?

Meet with each employee to determine the obstacles to production.

Provide remedial training with a different, more-experienced instructor.

Develop a new training program that is mandatory for all employees.

Provide underperforming employees with a verbal warning.

Meet with each employee to determine the obstacles to production.


Training is sometimes seen as the solution to all performance problems. In this case, the manager should meet with underperforming employees to determine why they are not producing. Since other employees are doing fine and have received the same training, it may be that there is a different issue that must be addressed.

For more information, refer to Module Organization, Functional Area 6, Section 2

What would be the first step in solving an organization's problems with a sharp increase in back orders of shipments?

Develop a training program on interpersonal skills.

Institute a job rotation program.

Recruit additional employees.

Perform a process analysis.

Perform a process analysis.


A process analysis defines a base line and can identify sources of problems. At the same time, first-hand information can be collected from employees, and workplaces can be observed. The other answers attempt to implement solutions before a cause is fully understood.

For more information, refer to Module Organization, Functional Area 6, Section 2

What strategy would be most helpful in obtaining commitment from managers when planning major changes in the performance appraisal process?

Have HR coach the managers on the use of the new process.

Ask the managers what changes they think should be made.

Conduct intergroup activity interventions.

Evaluate the organizational effectiveness and development effort.

Ask the managers what changes they think should be made.


The first stage of designing an organizational effectiveness and development intervention requires understanding the challenges fully. This would include determining the target audience's readiness for the upcoming change. In this case, soliciting management's input is a way to diagnose their readiness and obtain commitment. Then, managers could be involved in the design, implementation, and evaluation of the new performance appraisal process.

For more information, refer to Module Organization, Functional Area 6, Section 2

What is the first step HR should take to ensure that all employees are treated fairly in regard to pay benefits and working conditions?

What is the first step HR should take to ensure that all employees are treated fairly in regard to pay, benefits, and working conditions? Hold focus groups to understand the issues and recommend any changes to the leadership team.

Which approach is most effective for the HR manager to use to resolve his disagreement with the vice president of sales?

Which approach is most effective for the HR manager to use to resolve his disagreement with the vice president of sales? Suggest that HR conduct several focus groups and exit interviews to find out why employees are leaving the company and if they are dissatisfied with their jobs.

What is the best way to handle the confusion regarding changes to the compensation model?

What is the best way to handle the confusion regarding changes to the compensation model? Create a presentation that can be used by HR managers across the organization to communicate changes in compensation and bonuses. Encourage senior leadership to make a public effort to promote the new compensation model.

What is the critical first step the HR business consultant should do to determine the return on investment ROI of a new sales training program?

What is the critical first step the HR business consultant should do to determine the return on investment (ROI) of a new sales training program? > Talk to the IT department to determine what new skills the sales team needs to learn.


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