Which sinus is projected through the mouth on the open-mouth modification of the waters method?


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Test Question

3. At what age are all of the sinuses completely developed 18
4. Largest Sinus is the Maxillary
5. Which sinus is located immediately below the sella turcica Sphenoidal
6. Patients who are having an exam of the paranasal sinuses should always be examined in the upright position to (X2) 1.Demonstrate the presence or absence of fluid. 2. Differentiate between fluid and other pathological conditions.
7. the most effective way to protect the patient from unnecessary radiation during sinus radiography is to use proper collimation.
8. for a lateral projection of the paranasal sinuses the central ray is directed 1 inch posterior to the outer canthus.
9. Which of the following should be clearly demonstrated on a lateral projection of the paranasal sinus D all of them. 1.all 4 sinus groups. 2. Superimposed orbital roofs. 3. Superimposed Mandibular rami.
10. which projection will best demonstrate the frontal and anterior ethmoidal sinuses PA AXIAL CALDWELL only.
11. when using the angled grid technique for the PA Axial Caldwell projection of the sinuses, the vertical grid device must be angled 15 degrees.
12. Which of the following must be projected below the maxillary sinuses for the parietocacanthial projection waters of the sinuses Petrous pyramids.
13. the parietoacantial projection waters of the sinuses requires the orbitomeatal line to be placed how many degrees from the plane of the IR 37degrees.
14. which sinus is projected through the mouth on the open-mouth modification of the waters method sphenoidal.
15. which of the following projections will best demonstrate the maxillary sinuses parietoacantial waters only.
16. for the open-mouth modification of the waters method, the central ray should exit the acanthion.
17. the waters drawing is the one on the left with the chin touching the IR.
18. to successfully demonstrate the ethmoidal and sphenoidal sinuses on the SMV projection which of the following must occur (x2) the infraorbitomeatal line must be parallel with the IR. The central ray must be perpendicular to the infraorbitomeatal line and horizontal.
19. at which level should the central ray enter the base of the skull for the SMV projection of the sinuses ¾ inch anterior to the level of the EAM.
20. which projections will demonstrate the ethmoidal sinuses All of them.
21. respiration phase for facial bones and sinuses suspended.
22. which of the following are included as functions of the sinuses All of them.
23. which of the sinuses is developed at birth and visible radiographically Maxillary.
24. the two ethmoidal sinuses are located within which bone Ethmoid.
25. which reference line is positioned horizontal to ensure proper extension of the head during a lateral projection of the sinuses IOML.
26. which reference line is positioned perpendicular to the angled IR for the PA Axial Caldwell of the sinuses OML
27. the central ray forms an angle of how many degrees with the OML for the PA Axial Caldwell of the sinuses 15degrees
28. which of the following reference lines is placed perpendicular to the IR for a parietcoacanthial waters MML.
29. where is the IR centered for the parietoacanthial waters of the sinuses Acanthion.
30. where are the petrous ridges seen on a parietoacanthial waters Inferior to the floor of the maxillary sinuses.
31. which of the following foramina will be demonstrated in the orbit on a parietoacanthial waters Rotundum.
32. the OML forms an angle of how many degrees from the plane of the IR for an open mouth parietocacanthial waters 37degrees.
33. the central ray is directed perpendicular to which reference line for the SMV sinuses IOML.

Which sinus is projected through the mouth on the open mouth waters method?

Test Question.

Which projections will demonstrate the ethmoidal sinuses?

Skull & Sinus.

What sinus group is demonstrated through the mouth on the open mouthed Parietoacanthial waters projection?

-The parietoacanthal (Waters method) projection demonstrates the maxillary sinuses. The modified Waters position, with the CR directed through the open mouth, will demonstrate the sphenoid sinuses through the open mouth.

Which sinus is projected through the oral cavity with a Parietoacanthial transoral transoral waters projection?

Where are the ethmoid sinuses located within the ethmoid bone? Situation: A radiograph of a parietoacanthial transoral (open-mouth Waters) projection reveals that the mouth is open but the sphenoid sinus is superimposed over the maxilla and upper teeth.


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