Which statement best describes the first English sponsored expedition to North America multiple choice?

Section 4: Sample Multiple-Choice Questions
WEST–E History (027)

The sample test questions in this study guide are designed to give you an introduction to the nature of the questions included in the Washington Educator Skills Tests—Endorsements (WEST–E). They represent the various types of questions you may expect to see on an actual test in this test field; however, they are not designed to predict your performance on the test as a whole.

Work through the sample questions carefully before referring to the answers. The correct response and test objective being assessed are provided for each question. When you are finished with the sample questions, you may wish to review the test objectives and descriptive statements provided in the test framework for this test field.

In addition to reading and answering the sample questions, you should also utilize the following preparation materials available in this study guide:

  • Read Section 2: WEST–E Test-Taking Strategies to understand how test questions are designed to measure specific test objectives and to learn important test-taking strategies for the day of the test.
  • Review Section 3: Test Summary and Framework to familiarize yourself with the structure and content of the test. This section contains general testing information as well as the percentage of the total test score derived from each content domain described in the test framework.

Practice Questions

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U.S. History

Objective 0001: Understand major developments in early U.S. history from the precontact period to 1791.

1. Read the excerpt below, from the writings of a seventeenth-century English colonist; then answer the question that follows.

"Thus stands the cause between God and us. We are entered into covenant with Him for this work, we have taken out a commission . . . [and] if the Lord shall please to hear us, and bring us in peace to the place we desire, then hath He ratified this covenant and sealed our commission."

The excerpt above best reflects an important characteristic of which of the following colonies?

  1. Georgia
  2. Massachusetts Bay
  3. Virginia
  4. New York
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: B.

2. Which of the following issues addressed at the Constitutional Convention caused the greatest division between delegates from the most populous and least populous states?

  1. the allotment of senators and representatives to each state
  2. the establishment of an independent executive branch
  3. the division of power between the federal and state governments
  4. the inclusion of a bill of rights in the U.S. Constitution
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: A.

3. Which of the following best describes the Native Americans of North America prior to the arrival of Europeans?

  1. strikingly similar in customs, traditions, and religious beliefs
  2. organized into nomadic bands that followed the seasonal migrations of fish and large game
  3. divided into tribes that were closely linked through political and economic confederations
  4. enormously varied in physical appearance, language, and culture
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: D.

4. Which of the following developments most frequently led to conflict between English colonists and Native Americans in New England during the seventeenth century?

  1. competing claims over access to fur trapping lands
  2. Puritan attempts to convert Native Americans to Christianity
  3. expansion of agriculture further into interior regions
  4. Native American support of French mercantile interests
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: C.

5. The effectiveness of nonimportation as an economic strategy of resistance to the Stamp Act and the Townshend Acts may be explained primarily by:

  1. the necessity of colonial raw materials as fuel for emerging British industries.
  2. the desire of colonial merchants to compete with British joint-stock companies.
  3. the significance of colonial markets as consumers of British manufactured goods.
  4. the opposition of colonial farmers to the expansion of British cash crop plantations.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: C.

6. Read the passage below, an excerpt from the Montesquieu, Spirit of the Laws; then answer the question that follows.

But if there was no monarch, and the executive power was committed to a certain number of persons selected from the legislative body, there would be an end then of liberty; by reason the two powers would be united, as the same persons would actually sometimes have, and would moreover be always able to have, a share in both.

The passage reflects the influence of Enlightenment political thought on the development of which of the following ideas about government in the United States?

  1. the sovereignty of the people
  2. the system of checks and balances
  3. the need for effective federal authority
  4. the universality of inherent human rights
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: B.Objective 0002: Understand major political, economic, and social developments in U.S. history from 1791 to 1877.

7. The Trail of Tears (1838) was a direct consequence of which of the following U.S. government policies?

  1. assimilating Native Americans into Anglo-American culture
  2. confiscating Native American lands east of the Mississippi River
  3. restricting Native American population movement
  4. impeding Native American access to vital economic resources
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: B.

8. Conscription and food shortages during the Civil War placed the greatest strain on traditional relations between which of the following segments of Southern society?

  1. small farmers and large planters
  2. urban residents and rural settlers
  3. mill owners and factory workers
  4. slave owners and slaves
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: A.

9. The effort to impeach Andrew Johnson in 1868 centered on which of the following questions?

  1. Does an unelected president have the same powers as an elected president?
  2. Does the president have the authority to order military actions without congressional consent?
  3. Does the president have the right to disregard the expressed will of Congress?
  4. Does the president have the power to influence the deliberations of the Supreme Court?
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: C.

10. Hostility toward Great Britain that resulted in the War of 1812 was motivated in part by British policies that supported:

  1. Native American resistance to U.S. territorial expansion in the Ohio Valley.
  2. the reorganization of separate provinces into a unified territory of Canada.
  3. restrictions on the shipping of U.S. manufactured goods to Asian markets.
  4. prohibitive tariffs that reduced the profitability of southern cotton exports.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: A.

11. Which of the following developments most accurately reflects the policies and goals of the American System?

  1. reduction of high tariffs to support the growth of urban consumer markets
  2. construction of interstate road and canal networks to facilitate transportation.
  3. immigration of inexpensive labor from Europe to stimulate industrialization
  4. acquisition of territory in the Caribbean to expand sugar and cotton production
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: B.

12. Read the excerpt below from the writings of George Fitzhugh (1857); then answer the question that follows.

We do not know whether free laborers ever sleep. They are fools to do so, for whilst they sleep, the wily and watchful capitalist is devising means to ensnare and exploit them. The free laborer must work or starve. He is more of a slave than the Negro because he works longer and harder for less allowance than the slave and has no holiday, because the cares of life with him begin when its labors end. He has no liberty, and not a single right.

The ideas expressed in the excerpt are best understood as directed toward advocates of which of the following movements?

  1. industrialization in the New South
  2. abolitionism in the North
  3. educational reform in the South
  4. trade unionism in the North
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: B.

13. The Nullification Crisis resulting from South Carolina's opposition to the Tariff of 1832 reflected the emergence of:

  1. tensions between a Northern industrial, factory-based and Southern agrarian, export-oriented economy.
  2. the opposition of Northern labor interests to the mechanization of Southern cotton production.
  3. a coalition of Southern planters and yeoman farmers to promote regional economic independence.
  4. a well-organized and popular Northern abolitionist movement to oppose the expansion of slavery.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: A.Objective 0003: Understand major political, economic, and social developments in U.S. history from 1877 to 1945.

14. Which of the following excerpts from Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points can best be used to show why critics argued that Wilson's post-World War I foreign policy aims threatened U.S. sovereignty?

  1. "Open covenants of peace, openly arrived at, after which there shall be no private international understandings of any kind but diplomacy shall proceed always frankly and in the public view."
  2. "Absolute freedom of navigation upon the seas, outside territorial waters, alike in peace and in war, except as the seas may be closed in whole or in part by international actions for the enforcement of international covenants."
  3. "Adequate guarantees given and taken that national armaments will be reduced to the lowest points consistent with domestic safety."
  4. "A general association of nations must be formed under specific covenants for the purpose of affording mutual guarantees of political independence and territorial integrity to great and small states alike."
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: D.

15. Dust Bowl conditions in the southern plains most influenced which of the following developments in the United States during the Great Depression?

  1. the formation of radical political parties
  2. the large-scale migration of people to the Pacific Coast
  3. the decline in prices for agricultural goods
  4. the creation of the Public Works Administration
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: B.

16. Read the passage below, written in the early twentieth century; then answer the question that follows.

Is it possible, and probable, that nine millions of men can make effective progress in economic lines if they are deprived of political rights, made a servile caste, and allowed only the most meagre chance for developing their exceptional men? If history and reason give any distinct answer to these questions, it is an emphatic No. . . .

The passage above most likely refers to the challenges faced by which of the following groups in U.S. society during the early twentieth century?

  1. Eastern European immigrants
  2. Southern sharecroppers
  3. African Americans
  4. industrial workers
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: C.

17. Early twentieth-century journalists known as "muckrakers" most influenced U.S. public opinion at the turn of the twentieth century by writing articles that:

  1. exposed social problems associated with industrialization.
  2. called for greater U.S. involvement in international affairs.
  3. denounced racial and ethnic discrimination.
  4. described the latest developments in popular culture.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: A.

18. Read the following excerpt from a scholarly article analyzing the causes of the Spanish-American War; then answer the question that follows.

The most fruitful approach to the war of 1898 might be from the inside out (from the domestic to the foreign), and by remembering that chance is the "valuable collision of two or more independent chains of causes." Three of these "chains" can be identified: the economic crisis of the 1890s which caused extensive and dangerous maladjustments in American society; the opportunities which suddenly opened in Asia after 1895 and in the Caribbean and the Pacific in 1898, opportunities which officials began to view as poultices [remedies], if not cure-alls, for the illnesses at home; and a growing partnership between business and government which reached its nineteenth-century culmination in the person of William McKinley.

The ideas expressed in the excerpt best support the argument that U.S. expansion in the 1890s was primarily motivated by the desire to:

  1. halt recent European expansion in Asia and Latin America.
  2. secure access to new markets for U.S. manufactured goods.
  3. provide new immigrant laborers with employment opportunities abroad.
  4. combat the increasing appeal of socialism among the U.S. working class.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: B.

19. Which of the following developments reflects an effect of the Harlem Renaissance on the United States during the 1920s?

  1. widespread airplay of jazz music on mass-market radio
  2. inclusion of African American authors in public school curricula
  3. the racial integration of American Federation of Labor
  4. coverage of the civil rights movement in the mainstream press
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: A.

20. Increasing tensions between the United States and Japan that culminated in the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 were primarily a result of:

  1. U.S. financial support of anti-militarist political parties in Japan.
  2. Japanese aggression against civilian populations in China and Korea.
  3. U.S. aid to anti-Japanese independence movements in Indochina.
  4. Japanese expansion into areas of U.S. economic interest in the Pacific.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: D.Objective 0004: Understand major political, economic, and social developments in U.S. history from 1945 to the present.

21. Read the excerpt below from a 1950 speech by Senator Margaret Chase Smith attacking McCarthyism; then answer the question that follows.

Those of us who shout the loudest about Americanism in making character assassinations are all too frequently those who, by our own words and acts, ignore some of the basic principles of Americanism. . . . The American people are sick and tired of being afraid to speak their minds lest they be politically smeared as "Communists" or "Fascists" by their opponents.

Which of the following provisions of the U.S. Constitution most reflects Smith's concerns?

  1. "No state shall . . . deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."
  2. "Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
  3. "No person shall be . . . deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law."
  4. "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated."
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: B.

22. Which of the following best describes the primary U.S. objective in both the Korean and Vietnam wars?

  1. to create stable democratic governments in Asia
  2. to protect U.S. economic interests in Asia
  3. to contain the expansion of communism in Asia
  4. to establish a political balance of power in Asia
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: C.

23. In the decade after World War II, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) made significant contributions to the civil rights movement by implementing which of the following strategies?

  1. celebrating the unique cultural heritage of African Americans
  2. challenging the constitutionality of racial segregation in federal courts
  3. staging nonviolent demonstrations against racial segregation
  4. garnering international support for the civil rights movement
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: B.

24. During the generation after World War II, which of the following areas of the U.S. economy experienced the fastest rate of growth?

  1. steel production in Pennsylvania
  2. aircraft production in California
  3. petroleum production in Texas
  4. automobile production in Michigan
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: D.

25. The ascendancy of conservatism and the New Right in U.S. politics during the 1970s and 1980s primarily reflected the perception among supporters of these movements that:

  1. excessive defense spending was detrimental to the economy.
  2. elite interests in West Coast cities exercised a malign influence on the culture.
  3. the social changes of the 1960s had undermined traditional values.
  4. U.S. foreign policy needed to confront aggressively international terrorism.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: C.

26. During the 1950s, the development of television as a national medium most transformed which of the following areas of U.S. society?

  1. public education
  2. the mainstream press
  3. the advertising industry
  4. political campaigns
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: C.

27. Which of the following events best reflects the influence of neoconservative ideology on U.S. foreign policy?

  1. ratification of North American Free Tree Agreement, 1993
  2. participation with United Nations peacekeeping forces in Kosovo, 1999
  3. non-implementation of the Kyoto Protocol on greenhouse gases, 2001
  4. invasion and military occupation of Iraq, 2003
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: D.Objective 0005: Understand major events, individuals, themes, and developments in Washington State history.

28. In which of the following ways did the traditional societies established by Native Americans of the Northwest Coast cultural area differ most from the traditional societies of Native Americans of the Plateau cultural area?

  1. The social structure of Native Americans of the Northwest Coast was highly stratified.
  2. The subsistence activities of Native Americans of the Northwest Coast varied from season to season.
  3. The primary social unit of Native Americans of the Northwest Coast was the extended family.
  4. The economy of Native Americans of the Northwest Coast was based on hunting and gathering.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: A.

29. Which of the following best describes an important consequence of the creation and use of the Oregon Trail?

  1. It established a basis for U.S. domination of the fur trade of the Pacific Northwest.
  2. The forts that grew up along the Trail established U.S. military control of the Great Plains.
  3. It enabled the United States to prevent Mexican expansion into territory north of California.
  4. The settlers who traveled the Trail to Oregon solidified U.S. claims to the Pacific Northwest.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: D.

30. Read the passage below about Washington state during the 1980s and 1990s; then answer the question that follows.

Most areas of Washington State witnessed a steady rise in real estate values during the 1980s. At the same time, growing pressure on state and local services led to major increases in the cost of government. By 1990, the state's $6 billion annual budget was twice what it had been a decade earlier, and taxation had become one of the most hotly contested issues in Washington politics.

Which of the following best describes a major underlying cause of the developments described in the passage above?

  1. the aging of the state's population
  2. educational reform
  3. the expansion of the high-tech industry
  4. population growth
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: D.

31. Chinese immigrants to Washington Territory during the 1860s and 1870s were primarily employed in which of the following industries?

  1. textile production
  2. iron manufacturing
  3. shipbuilding
  4. railroad construction
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: D.

32. The Stevens treaties of the 1850s reflect the desire on the part of white settlers in Washington Territory to:

  1. acquire Native American hunting and gathering lands for agriculture.
  2. gain control of the British Canadian fur trade from Native American agents.
  3. utilize Native American laborers for mining and construction projects.
  4. secure navigation rights on the Columbia River from Native American peoples.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: A.

33. Which of the following best illustrates the influence of President Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal programs in Washington State?

  1. atomic weapons research at Hanford Engineer Works
  2. expansion of voting rights for women and African Americans
  3. construction of the Grand Coulee Dam on the Columbia River
  4. dissolution of United Aircraft and Transport into Boeing and two other firms
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: C.

34. Which of the following statements most accurately describes the effects of World War II on the demographics of Washington State?

  1. The rural population increased as a result of movement of people away from coastal cities thought to be vulnerable to air attack.
  2. The African American population increased as a result of the migration of workers from the rural South to defense industries.
  3. The Native American population decreased as a result of the construction of military bases in previously protected reservations.
  4. The suburban population decreased as a result of the internment of Japanese American residents from areas near Seattle and Tacoma.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: B.

World History

Objective 0006: Understand the development of major world civilizations from 8000 BCE to 600 CE.

35. The peoples who established the first civilizations in the Fertile Crescent and the Nile River valley both benefited most from which of the following geographic advantages?

  1. valuable mineral resources that were used to fabricate tools, weapons, and trade goods
  2. numerous species of game animals that provided an abundant and stable source of food
  3. extensive forests that furnished timber for the construction of homes and fortifications
  4. rich soil that was renewed each year by the silt deposited by river flood waters
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: D.

36. Which of the following best describes the main accomplishment of the emperors who ruled China during the Qin (221 to 206 BCE) and Han (206 BCE to 220 CE) dynasties?

  1. extending Chinese rule throughout all of Southeast Asia
  2. establishing an effective bureaucratic structure capable of maintaining a unified empire
  3. developing an ethical code for commercial transactions
  4. creating an agriculture system capable of feeding a growing population
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: B.

37. The emergence of Hinduism as the dominant religion of ancient India was a direct result of which of the following historical developments?

  1. the diffusion of Chinese culture to India
  2. the Aryan migration to India
  3. the expansion of trade between Africa and India
  4. the Greek invasion of India
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: B.

38. Which of the following best describes a major reason for the collapse of the Roman Republic in the first century BCE?

  1. A succession of Roman military defeats undermined popular support for the Republic's government.
  2. The leaders of the Republic refused to grant full citizenship to non-Roman subjects.
  3. Personal conflicts among the Roman nobility destabilized the political institutions of the Republic.
  4. Economic mismanagement provoked dissension among Roman farmers and workers.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: C.

39. Confucianism contributed to the political and social foundations of Chinese culture in which of the following ways?

  1. providing a set of ethical principles that reinforced hierarchy
  2. justifying the racial superiority of the Chinese over other peoples
  3. establishing an orderly state based upon rigid laws and regulations
  4. adding an element of divine sanction for the authority of the emperor
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: A.

40. The presence of Hellenistic Greek cultural artifacts in present-day Afghanistan, such as an amphitheater at Ai Khanoum, reflects which of the following historical developments?

  1. the adoption of Western cultural practices by Persian elites
  2. the diffusion of culture via conquest and colonization
  3. the decline of Buddhism after the first century CE
  4. the migrations of nomadic steppe peoples
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: B.

41. Which of the following sections of the Christian New Testament would be most effective as a historical source for the formation, beliefs, and practices of early Christian communities in the Mediterranean basin during the first century CE?

  1. Gospel of Mark
  2. Book of Revelati
  3. Acts of the Apostles
  4. Epistles of Paul
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: D.Objective 0007: Understand major developments in world history from 600 to 1600.

42. Which of the following best describes Mohammed's role in the establishment of Islamic civilization?

  1. He constructed numerous mosques throughout the Arabian Peninsula that provided the physical infrastructure for Islamic worship and expansion.
  2. He conveyed a series of divine revelations to his followers that became the basis of the Islamic belief system.
  3. He organized military campaigns to drive representatives of competing faiths out of the Arabian Peninsula during the formative stages of Islamic development.
  4. He developed a system that combined missionary techniques developed earlier by Christians and Jews.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: B.

43. Which of the following best describes a major difference between the Inca and Aztec empires?

  1. The Aztec required commoners to labor for the state.
  2. The Inca developed an extensive trade network in the area they ruled.
  3. The Aztec excelled as engineers and builders.
  4. The Inca exercised direct rule over the peoples they conquered.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: D.

44. Which of the following best describes a major difference between Japanese feudalism and feudal society in north-western Europe during the Middle Ages?

  1. In medieval Japan, a centralized royal court appointed civil governors to provincial districts.
  2. Mounted warriors constituted medieval Japan's military forces.
  3. In medieval Japan, merchant guilds established prices and regulated trade in most areas.
  4. Peasant-farmers worked the estates of Japanese feudal lords.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: A.

45. Which of the following best explains why the Renaissance began in late medieval Italy?

  1. Italian cardinals and bishops dominated the leadership of the Catholic Church.
  2. Italian city-states functioned as economic and cultural gateways between East and West.
  3. Italian principalities maintained a balance of power between the pope and the Holy Roman Emperor.
  4. Italian city-states established democratic institutions that supported intellectual inquiry.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: B.

46. Read the passage below, an excerpt from Ibn Battuta, Travels, fourteenth century; then answer the question that follows.

On certain days the sultan (the king of Mali) holds audiences in the palace yard, where there is a platform under a tree, with three steps. It is carpeted with silk and has cushions placed on it. [Over it] is raised the umbrella, which is a sort of pavilion made of silk, surmounted by a bird in gold, about the size of a falcon.

The sultan comes out of a door in a corner of the palace, carrying a bow in his hand and a quiver on his back. On his head he has a golden skull-cap, bound with a gold band which has narrow ends shaped like knives, more than a span in length. His usual dress is a velvety red tunic, made of the European fabrics called "mutanfas." The sultan is preceded by his musicians, who carry gold and silver guimbris [two-stringed guitars], and behind him come three hundred armed slaves.

The source can best be used to show that a major source of the Kingdom of Mali's power during the fourteenth century came from:

  1. tribute payments made by conquered peoples in central and east Africa.
  2. political alliances with expanding Islamic empires in the Middle East.
  3. the control of major trans-Saharan and trans-Sahel trading networks.
  4. the confiscation of large estates to generate substantial tax revenue.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: C.

47. Which of the following developments can best be attributed to the growth and expansion of the Mongol Empire in the thirteenth century?

  1. the displacement of Sunni Islam by a revitalized Shi'a Islam in Persia
  2. the establishment of a unified Japanese state to resist outside invasion
  3. the growth of trade between the western and eastern ends of Eurasia
  4. the creation of a centralized bureaucracy in conquered lands of Russia.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: C.

48. Which of the following developments best describes a significant consequence of the Crusades?

  1. theological conflict and breakdown of unity in the Roman Catholic Church
  2. the revival and territorial expansion of a politically unified Islamic caliphate
  3. the growth of cotton and sugar production in North Africa for European markets
  4. increased European interest in trading opportunities in the eastern Mediterranean
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: D.

49. The popularity of the ideas of Luther and Calvin among European Christians during the sixteenth century may best be explained by which of the following developments?

  1. the desire to spread Christianity among native peoples in the Americas
  2. increased literacy and access to printed books for the urban middle classes
  3. new scientific discoveries that challenged traditional theological concepts
  4. the revived emphasis on good works as keys to living a proper Christian life
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: B.Objective 0008: Understand major developments in world history during the Era of Global Expansion and Encounter (1450 to 1750).

50. Use the excerpt below from an early seventeenth-century work to answer the question that follows.

There are and can be only two ways of searching into and discovering truth. The one flies from the senses and particulars to the most general axioms, and from these principles, the truth of which it takes for settled and immoveable, proceeds to judgment and to the discovery of middle axioms. And this way is now in fashion. The other derives axioms from the senses and particulars, rising by a gradual and unbroken ascent, so that it arrives at the most general axioms last of all. This is the true way, but as yet untried.

The excerpt can best be used to show how the Scientific Revolution of the early modern era helped establish the foundations of modern science by promoting the belief that:

  1. scientific knowledge should be organized and classified.
  2. there is a logical order in nature.
  3. scientific knowledge should be derived from direct observation.
  4. all physical systems are hierarchical.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: C.

51. Which of the following best describes a major consequence of the Columbian Exchange of the 1500s and 1600s?

  1. European diets became more varied and animal husbandry became a major economic activity in the Americas.
  2. Europeans made major advances in the treatment of disease, while American craft production expanded rapidly to satisfy European demand.
  3. Europeans began importing a Native American labor force and Native Americans began using European manufacturing processes.
  4. European land transportation improved, while ships built for coastal navigation became a new means of transportation in the Americas.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: A.

52. Which of the following colonial activities most directly influenced the expansion of a money economy in Europe during the era of global encounter and expansion?

  1. French sugar cultivation in the Caribbean
  2. British textile operations in South Asia
  3. Spanish mining activities in the Americas
  4. Portuguese trade with China's Ming Empire
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: C.

53. Use the map below, which shows a major triangular trade route of the eighteenth century, to answer the question that follows.

The first route, labeled A, shows a line with an arrow that extends from the United States and points to England. The second route, labeled B, shows a line with an arrow that extends from England and points to West Africa. The third route, Labeled C, shows a line with an arrow that extends from West Africa and points to the United States.

Which of the following best lists a major commodity carried on ships in each of the three stages of the triangular trade route shown on the map above?

    1. tobacco
    2. manufactured goods
    3. enslaved Africans
    1. fish
    2. beef
    3. whale oil
    1. timber
    2. wheat
    3. spices
    1. sugar
    2. iron
    3. precious metals
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: A.

54. The observations of Galileo through his telescope directly contradicted which of the following prevailing beliefs in seventeenth century Europe?

  1. celestial bodies are shaped as perfect spheres
  2. space consists of a finite number of layers
  3. the universe was divinely created
  4. planets travel in circular orbits
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: A.

55. Which of the following statements accurately describes a significant difference between the Spanish and Portuguese colonial empires c.1600?

  1. The Portuguese empire primarily consisted of coastal regions while the Spanish empire controlled large amounts of continental territory.
  2. The Portuguese empire was primarily based on agriculture while the Spanish empire derived its wealth from urban trade and manufacturing.
  3. The Portuguese empire was governed by a centralized administration while the Spanish empire relied on predominantly local authorities.
  4. The Portuguese empire was ruled exclusively by Europeans while the Spanish empire granted political power to its creole population.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: A.

56. Read the following excerpt from a collection of religious songs composed in 1583 by Bernardino de Sahagún, a Spanish Roman Catholic priest in Mexico; then answer the question that follows.

Noblewomen - they esteem good chocolate and good food, with flowers, with vanilla, with pepper, rubber. But Saint Clare drank nothing but pure water.

Folded tortillas, meat tamales, a strained, fine drink of ground tortillas with chocolate, and its sauce; these are the portion of the noblewomen that they value. But Saint Clare did not taste these foods; she had only old tortillas, crumbled ones.

Skirts woven with designs, with the transverse band design, with a design of tawny squared cornerstones, like bed coverlets, are noblewomen's. But as her possessions, Saint Clare had a wretched fiber cape.

The excerpt reveals that the Catholic Church sought to spread Christianity among the Aztec in Mexico primarily by:

  1. encouraging the adoption of Catholic ideals through familiar imagery.
  2. establishing new religious orders consisting exclusively of women.
  3. confiscating land from Aztec aristocrats to distribute among the poor.
  4. discouraging social interaction between Aztec women and Spanish men.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: A.Objective 0009: Understand major developments in world history during the Age of Revolutions (1750 to 1914).

57. Enlightenment ideas about the relationship between the individual and the state are best illustrated by which of the following excerpts from the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen (1789)?

  1. "Every citizen, when summoned or seized by virtue of law, ought to obey instantly; he renders himself culpable by resistance."
  2. "Law is the expression of the general will."
  3. "A society in which a guarantee of rights is not assured, nor the separation of powers determined, has no constitution at all."
  4. "Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. Social distinctions can be found only upon common utility."
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: C.

58. Which of the following technological innovations of the Industrial Revolution had the greatest effect on women's work both inside and outside the home?

  1. the mechanization of spinning and weaving
  2. the invention of the telegraph
  3. the development of the electric generator
  4. the invention of the steam engine
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: A.

59. Which of the following was the most important factor spurring Japanese modernization at the end of the nineteenth century?

  1. the conversion of influential Japanese leaders to Christianity
  2. peasant demands for greater economic power in Japan
  3. the return of Japanese migrants from North and South America
  4. government concerns about European interventions in Japan
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: D.

60. Which of the following socioeconomic developments most contributed to the onset of the French Revolution?

  1. social conflict exacerbated by the early phases of industrialization
  2. heavy state indebtedness following expensive colonial wars
  3. expropriation of common agricultural land by aristocratic landlords
  4. seizure of church property by the state to secure tax revenue
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: B.

61. An important similarity between the American Revolution and the Latin American revolutions of the early nineteenth century was that in both regions:

  1. there was a well-established tradition of constitutional self-government.
  2. native peoples were crucial allies in the struggle against royal authority.
  3. the principal leaders came from the ranks of well-educated colonial elites.
  4. geography facilitated the maintenance of political unity after independence.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: C.

62. Read the excerpt below from the writings of Jules Ferry (1890), former Premier of France; then answer the question that follows.

Beyond France's borders, protectionist regimes have multiplied factories, reduced our traditional trading partners, and thrown new aggressive competitors on the European market. Defending our markets by raising our own tariff barriers is one response, but it is not enough. … The European consumer-goods markets are saturated. We must stimulate new consumer demands in other parts of the world or declare our modern society bankrupt, and at the dawn of the twentieth century prepare ourselves for its liquidation by way of a cataclysm of unspeakable consequences.

The ideas expressed in the excerpt best illustrate which of the following motives for the European pursuit of colonial empires in the nineteenth century?

  1. acquiring a supply of cheap labor to keep production costs low
  2. securing unrestricted access to necessary raw materials
  3. increasing exports to maintain adequate levels of employment
  4. obtaining agricultural land for settlement of excess population
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: C.

63. Which of the following statements provides the best explanation for why efforts at modernization in Japan were more successful than similar efforts in China during the late nineteenth century?

  1. Japan possessed a large supply of the necessary natural resources for industrialization, such as coal and iron ore.
  2. Recent political developments in Japan removed power from elites who had been resistant to innovation and change.
  3. Imperial expansion in Russia and Korea provided Japan with an infusion of tax revenue to finance modernization.
  4. The migration of people from various parts of East Asia and the Pacific provided Japan with an abundance of cheap labor.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: B.Objective 0010: Understand major developments in world history during the modern era (1914 to the present).

64. China's emergence as a major economic power in the late twentieth century was largely a consequence of the:

  1. expansion of the Chinese system of higher education.
  2. introduction of market incentives in Chinese industry and agriculture.
  3. opening of Chinese markets to foreign imports.
  4. acceptance of China into the World Trade Organization.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: B.

65. Which of the following best describes a major cause of the Russian Revolution?

  1. the rise of nationalist movements within the Russian Empire
  2. the assassination of the Russian royal family
  3. the defeat of the Russian military forces during World War I
  4. the dissolution of the Russian parliament
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: C.

66. A combination of which of the following factors played the most important role in the abolition of South Africa's apartheid system?

  1. international boycotts and the resistance of black South Africans
  2. the end of the Cold War and western sanctions against South Africa
  3. economic development and demographic change in South Africa
  4. the liberation of Namibia and the emigration of white South Africans
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: A.

67. Japanese military aggression and German rearmament during the 1930s were both motivated by the:

  1. expulsion of each state from membership in the League of Nations.
  2. need to secure stable national borders against potential invasion.
  3. implementation of policies for the resettlement of ethnic minorities.
  4. devastating impact of the Great Depression on each state's economy.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: D.

68. Which of the following best describes the main role played by India during the Cold War?

  1. a leader of the non-aligned movement while maintaining mostly cordial relations with the Soviet Union
  2. a pro-United States counterweight to Soviet outreach to Muslim movements in Pakistan and Afghanistan
  3. a source of arms and funding for anti-capitalist revolutionary movements in many areas of the world
  4. a staging area for Soviet and Chinese activities in Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean basin
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: A.

69. Efforts to control population growth in China through the implementation of the One-Child Policy demonstrated long-term continuity in Chinese society in which of the following ways?

  1. unwillingness to adopt Western attitudes toward children
  2. overt hostility to state involvement in private familial practices
  3. patriarchal preference for male children over female children
  4. prejudice of urban classes toward rural familial practices
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: C.

70. The Great Depression's impact on Latin America was particularly severe because the:

  1. region's lack of adequate natural resources discouraged economic development.
  2. severe political instability of the region discouraged significant foreign investment.
  3. Catholic church enjoyed a near monopoly on the region's productive arable land.
  4. economies of the region were largely driven by exports to industrialized nations.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: D.

Social Studies Concepts and Skills

Objective 0011: Understand and apply social studies terms, concepts, and perspectives.

71. Many world history textbooks divide the time period between 9000 BCE and 1815 CE into three broad eras:

  • the Ancient Era (9000 BCE to 450 CE)
  • the Middle Ages (450 to 1400 CE)
  • the Early Modern Period (1400 to 1815 CE)

These chronological divisions are most closely related to:

  1. significant social and political developments in Western Europe.
  2. the emergence of influential world religious and philosophical traditions.
  3. notable milestones in the formation of the global economy.
  4. major Eurasian demographic changes and population movements.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: A.

72. Which of the following best matches a reference resource with a type of information that would most likely be found in that resource?

  1. historical atlas: demographic statistics for past civilizations
  2. library catalog: abstracts summarizing the contents of each of the library's holdings
  3. periodical index: lists of articles in academic journals arranged by subject
  4. almanac: guidelines for writing bibliographic citations
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: C.

73. Which of the following accurately lists four major events of world history in the sequence in which they occurred?

    1. the fall of the Roman Empire
    2. the founding of the Han Dynasty
    3. the First Crusades
    4. the Muslim conquest of Spain
    1. the founding of the Han Dynasty
    2. the fall of the Roman Empire
    3. the First Crusades
    4. the Muslim conquest of Spain
    1. the fall of the Roman Empire
    2. the founding of the Han Dynasty
    3. the Muslim conquest of Spain
    4. the First Crusades
    1. the founding of the Han Dynasty
    2. the fall of the Roman Empire
    3. the Muslim conquest of Spain
    4. the First Crusades
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: D.

74. A historian would most likely employ the concept of theocracy when examining events surrounding which of the following developments?

  1. Mexican Revolution in the 1910s
  2. emergence of Nazi Germany in 1933
  3. independence of French Indochina in the 1950s
  4. Iranian Revolution of 1979
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: D.

75. Historians or teachers of history sometimes simplify the period known as the Scientific Revolution by defining it as a development of the seventeenth century. This periodization excludes which of the following important developments of the Scientific Revolution?

  1. Galileo Galilei's descriptions of his telescopic observations
  2. publication of Isaac Newton's Principia
  3. Nicolas Copernicus' book about the structure of the solar system
  4. creation of the Royal Society of London
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: C.

76. Throughout the first half of the twentieth century, many U.S. historians believed the policies of the Radical Republicans had led to a failure of Reconstruction after the Civil War. Later in the century, the general trend among historians was to see the Radical Republicans as playing a more positive role in Reconstruction. This change in the historical assessment of Radical Republicans is most likely related to which of the following factors?

  1. the Cold War and the place of the United States in international power politics
  2. the civil rights movement and the experience of African Americans
  3. the shifts of population and relative prosperity toward Southern and Sun Belt states
  4. the Conservative movement and the realignment of political parties
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: B.Objective 0012: Understand how to locate social studies information.

77. When a historian who is examining Isaac Newton's role in the development of calculus enters the phrase Isaac Newton Calculus in an Internet search engine, it displays thousands of Web sites that are not related to the research topic. The historian can best create a smaller list of Web sites that are more closely related to the research topic by entering which of the following phrases?

  1. Isaac AND Newton AND Calculus
  2. Isaac/Newton/Calculus
  3. Isaac OR Newton OR Calculus
  4. left quote Isaac right quote left quote Newton right quote left quote Calculus right quote
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: A.

78. Which of the following cites a primary source?

  1. Tooker, Elizabeth. "The League of the Iroquois: Its History, Politics, and Ritual." In Bruce Trigger, ed., Handbook of Native American Indians, Volume 15: Northeast, 418 to 41. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, 1978.
  2. Snow, Dean R., Charles T. Gehring, and William Starna, eds. Mohawk Country: Early Narratives About a Native People. Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University Press, 1996.
  3. Starna, William. "Aboriginal Land Title and Traditional Iroquois Land Use: An Anthropological Perspective." In Starna and Christopher Vecsey, eds. Iroquois Land Claims, 31 to 48. Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University Press, 1988.
  4. Richter, Daniel K., and James H. Merrill, eds. Beyond the Covenant Chain: Iroquois and Their Neighbors in Indian North America, 1600 to 1800. Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University Press, 1987.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: B.

79. A historian conducting a study of colonial Philadelphia would most likely examine probate records for which of the following purposes?

  1. to determine the size of the average Philadelphia household
  2. to assess the personal wealth of Philadelphia residents
  3. to analyze the ethnic and religious composition of Philadelphia
  4. to evaluate the rate of literacy among Philadelphia residents
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: B.

80. A historian studying the United States political history would most likely consult the official voting results of the election of 1860 to help answer which of the following questions?

  1. How did the election of Abraham Lincoln lead to the decision of several states to secede from the Union?
  2. Were the candidacies of John Breckenridge and John Bell responsible for the failure of Stephen Douglas to win the election?
  3. What role did incumbent President James Buchanan play in the election to determine his successor?
  4. What were the party preferences of the parents of future Presidents Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and Woodrow Wilson?
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: B.

81. A researcher is using the "Find on a page" function inside a long text file, readable-text image, or Website to find information related to the culture and religion of the Jewish people in Europe during the medieval period. Knowing that search terms are not case-specific, the researcher can achieve the best balance between including too many irrelevant search results and excluding relevant results by conducting which of the following searches?

  1. separate searches for "jew" and "juda"
  2. one search for "jew- OR jud- AND israel"
  3. separate searches for "israel" and "jewi"
  4. one search for "jews OR jewish OR judaism"
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: A.

82. For which of the following statements would a historian most likely provide supporting evidence in a citation?

  1. Around the year 1800 Native Americans in the Pacific Northwest formed about 125 distinct groups and spoke at least 50 languages and dialects.
  2. The Chinook and Lummi peoples were two of the principal groups of Native Americans in the coastal areas of what became Washington State.
  3. The Salish Sea is named for the large family of Native American peoples who were in contact with the Lewis and Clark expedition in 1805.
  4. The United States Army's victory in the Battle of Four Lakes in 1858 concluded major hostilities in the Yakima War.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: A.Objective 0013: Understand methods for analyzing and interpreting social studies information and applying critical reasoning to evaluate presentations of social studies data.

83. In 1995, a U.S. historian researching the Battle of Stalingrad conducted interviews with seventy-five Russian World War II veterans. When evaluating the reliability of information obtained from the interviews, it is most important that the historian be aware of which of the following?

  1. Veterans often are reluctant to discuss their combat experiences.
  2. Misunderstandings occur when people from different cultures converse with each other.
  3. An individual's memories of an event often change over time.
  4. Soldiers have a limited perspective on the battles in which they participated.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: C.

84. Use the graph below to answer the question that follows.

Image of a line graph titled price of wheat in France. The graph has a left vertical axis labeled Price of 100 Hectoliters in francs with values ranging from 0 to 24 in increments of 4. The bottom horizontal axis is labeled year. The years range from 1730 to 1790 with tick marks indicating five-year increments. The right vertical axis labeled equivalent price in constant 2015 U S dollars with values ranging from 0 to 200. The values appear in increments of 50. There are two line plots. A dottted line indicating prices in U S dollars and a solid line indicating prices in francs. The plot points for both lines for each year are as follows: 1730 9.5 francs 122 dollars 1735 8.5 francs 108 dollars 1740 12 francs 138 dollars 1745 8 francs 108 dollars 1750 13 francs 153 dollars 1755 9.5 francs 95 dollars 1760 10.5 francs 129 dollars 1765 9.5 francs 103 dollars 1770 19 francs 170 dollars 1775 13 francs 122 dollars 1780 12 francs 109 dollars 1785 16 francs 142 dollars 1789 21 francs 181 dollars 1790 20 francs 192 dollars

Based on information presented in the graph, which of the following is the most accurate interpretation of the price of wheat in France between 1730 and 1790?

  1. The price of bread fluctuated erratically based on weather conditions and political developments in both France and the United States.
  2. Compared with other wages and prices, the price of bread rose continuously in each of the decades of the period shown.
  3. People had a harder time affording bread at the end of the period, whether measured in francs or converted to modern U.S. dollars.
  4. The price exhibited no clear trend when measured in francs, but bread became increasingly affordable to most people over time.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: C.

85. When assessing the usefulness of these data for drawing valid conclusions about the price and affordability of wheat in eighteenth-century France, it is most important for a researcher to consider which of the following factors?

  1. Comparing the purchasing power of one currency to another over a period of centuries is inherently difficult and inexact.
  2. Wheat formed an increasing share of the typical diet for most of the population of western Europe during the time period.
  3. Because the United States and its currency did not exist during most of the period, the price of wheat in U.S. dollars is hard to interpret.
  4. The French Revolution most likely contributed to an increase in both the supply and the demand for bread and other types of food.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: A.Objective 0014: Understand methods for presenting social studies information, communicating about social studies topics, and deliberating effectively with others.

86. A line graph would be the most appropriate graphic format for displaying which of the following kinds of information?

  1. the number of automobiles produced in Korea and Japan in 1990
  2. sources of major global migrations between 1450 and 1600
  3. the ethnic composition of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1910
  4. fluctuations in world sugar production between 1650 and 1800
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: D.

Read the excerpt below from Jacob Burckhardt's book, The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy (1860); then answer the two questions that follow.

Just as in the Romanesque architecture of the North [of Europe], beside the general outlines inherited from antiquity, remarkable direct imitations of the antique also occur, so too monastic scholarship had not only gradually absorbed an immense mass of materials from Roman writers, but the style of it, from the days of Eginhard onwards shows traces of conscious imitations.

But the resuscitation of antiquity took a different form in Italy from that which it assumed in the North. The wave of barbarism had scarcely gone by before the people, in whom the former life was but half effaced, showed a consciousness of its past and a wish to reproduce it. Elsewhere in Europe men deliberately and with reflection borrowed this or the other element of classical civilisation; in Italy the sympathies both of the learned and of the people were naturally engaged on the side of antiquity as a whole, which stood to them as a symbol of past greatness. The Latin language, too, was easy to an Italian, and the numerous monuments and documents in which the country abounded facilitated a return to the past.

87. Which of the following best summarizes the main idea in the excerpt?

  1. In Southern Europe the Renaissance started later and focused more on imitating ancient Rome than it did in the North.
  2. The Renaissance was primarily concerned with artistic matters and only secondarily with intellectual pursuits.
  3. Italy experienced a more thorough and comprehensive version of the Renaissance than did the rest of Europe.
  4. Christian authorities played a crucial role in preserving ancient languages and thus making the Renaissance possible.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: C.

88. A historian could best assess Burkhardt's assertion in the first paragraph about the relationship between Renaissance styles and Roman antiquity by seeking answers to which of the following questions?

  1. Can examples be found to demonstrate that Northern European scholars took inspiration from classical sources?
  2. How did pre-modern conceptions of forgery and intellectual property differ from those of today?
  3. How do the architectural features of German monasteries differ from other nearby structures from the same period?
  4. What types of evidence did Eginhard rely upon in his historical scholarship?
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: A.

Multiple-Objectives Passages

Read the passage below from the writings of James Madison; then answer the question that follows.
The influence of factious leaders may kindle a flame within their particular States but will be unable to spread a general conflagration through the other States. A religious sect may degenerate into a political faction in a part of the Confederacy; but the variety of sects dispersed over the entire face of it must secure the national councils against any danger from that source. A rage for paper money, for an abolition of debts, for an equal division of property, or for any other improper or wicked project, will be less apt to pervade the whole body of the Union than a particular member of it. . . . In the extent and proper structure of the Union, therefore, we behold a republican remedy for the diseases most incident to republican government.
Objective 0001: Understand major developments in early U.S. history from the precontact period to 1791.

89. The excerpt above best illustrates how James Madison influenced the development of the United States through his assumption of which of the following roles?

  1. founder of a national political party
  2. proponent of the separation of church and state
  3. architect of a federal system of government
  4. advocate for free-market capitalism
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: C.Objective 0013: Understand methods for analyzing and interpreting social studies information and applying critical reasoning to evaluate presentations of social studies data.

90. Madison's sentence that refers to paper money and abolition of debts serves which of the following purposes within the excerpt?

  1. offering additional examples of the central idea
  2. presenting an intensified version of the initial claim
  3. extending the claim from documented to imagined instances
  4. D. presenting a partial concession to anticipated counterarguments
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: A.

Use the excerpt below from the writings of Horace Mann to answer the two questions that follow.

Now, surely nothing but universal education can counterwork this tendency to the domination of capital and servility of labor. If one class possesses all the wealth and the education, while the residue of society is ignorant and poor, it matters not by what name the relation between them may be called: the latter, in fact and in truth, will be the servile dependents and subjects of the former. But, if education be equably diffused, it will draw property after it by the strongest of all attractions, for such a thing never did happen, and never can happen, as that an intelligent and practical body of men should be permanently poor. Property and labor in different classes are essentially antagonistic; but property and labor in the same class are essentially fraternal.

Objective 0002: Understand major political, economic, and social developments in U.S. history from 1791 to 1877.

91. According to Mann's observations in the excerpt above, the movement for universal education was necessary to create a society in which:

  1. all people placed the public good above individual interests.
  2. wealth was distributed equally among all social groups.
  3. capitalism was no longer the basis of the U.S. economy.
  4. all people had similar opportunities for economic advancement.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: D.Objective 0014: Understand methods for presenting social studies information, communicating about social studies topics, and deliberating effectively with others.

92. Which of the following questions best frames the main issue addressed in the excerpt above?

  1. How can employers be induced to improve working conditions?
  2. What is the most effective means of promoting economic development?
  3. How can working people be made more productive?
  4. What is the most effective means of preventing class conflict?
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: D.

Read the passage below about the stock market crash of 1929; then answer the two questions that follow.

Where does capital go when firms have more plant and equipment than they need and productive investments have largely disappeared? Do investors put their funds under the mattress and wait it out? Some may, but this is not the usual response. More often than not, money begins moving into speculative channels. That was what happened during the 1920s. By the decade's end, nearly all of this money was going to one place, the stock market. This set the stage for the most incredible event in the history of U.S. capitalism—the great bull market of 1928 to 1929. Between early 1928 and September of the following year, the Dow Jones index went from 191 to 381. According to newspapers of the time, everybody appeared to be getting rich. There was a story of one investor who entered the market with a million dollars and in eight months parlayed it into a fortune of thirty million. It all seemed too good to be true, and as things turned out, it was.

The first drop in the stock market occurred in early September 1929. Then the market rallied before falling again. There was still no panic at this point. Most people felt that these developments represented no more than a temporary adjustment and were reassured when Yale economist Irving Fisher announced that "[s]tock prices have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau." Unfortunately, Fisher was wrong—about as wrong as a person could be. Prices continued to slip through October, and as they did, investor uneasiness mounted. On the 29th, "Black Tuesday," the bottom fell out, and the stock exchange had to close two and half hours early because brokers could not keep up with the volume of sell orders. A group of major banking houses pooled their resources in an effort to halt the plunge, but it was to no avail. By mid-November, the average price of stocks was half what it had been in early September. The Great Depression had begun.

Objective 0011: Understand and apply social studies terms, concepts, and perspectives.

93. According to information presented in the passage, there was a cause-and-effect relationship between:

  1. the shortage of productive investments and the collapse of the U.S. economy.
  2. speculative investment and the stock market crash of 1929.
  3. the actions of U.S. bankers and the onset of the Great Depression.
  4. Irving Fisher's announcement and the stock market crash of 1929.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: B. Objective 0013: Understand methods for analyzing and interpreting social studies information and applying critical reasoning to evaluate presentations of social studies data.

94. Which of the following statements from the passage expresses an opinion rather than a fact?

  1. This set the stage for the most incredible event in the history of U.S. capitalism—the great bull market of 1928 to 1929.
  2. Between early 1928 and September of the following year, the Dow Jones index went from 191 to 381.
  3. On the 29th, "Black Tuesday," the bottom fell out, and the stock exchange had to close two and half hours early because brokers could not keep up with the volume of sell orders.
  4. A group of major banking houses pooled their resources in an effort to halt the plunge, but it was to no avail.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: A. Read the excerpt below from William Jennings Bryan's "Cross of Gold" speech, July 9, 1896; then answer the three questions that follow.

Mr. Carlisle said in 1878 that this was a struggle between "the idle holders of idle capital" and "the struggling masses, who produce the wealth and pay the taxes of the country"; and, my friends, the question we are to decide is: Upon which side will the Democratic party fight; upon the side of "the idle holders of idle capital" or upon the side of "the struggling masses"? That is the question which the party must answer first, and then it must be answered by each individual hereafter. The sympathies of the Democratic party, as shown by the platform, are on the side of the struggling masses who have ever been the foundation of the Democratic party. There are two ideas of government. There are those who believe that, if you will only legislate to make the well-to-do prosperous, their prosperity will leak through on those below. The Democratic idea, however, has been that if you legislate to make the masses prosperous, their prosperity will find its way up through every class which rests upon them.

You come to us and tell us that the great cities are in favor of the gold standard; we reply that the great cities rest upon our broad and fertile prairies. Burn down your cities and leave our farms, and your cities will spring up again as if by magic; but destroy our farms and the grass will grow in the streets of every city in the country.

My friends, we declare that this nation is able to legislate for its own people on every question, without waiting for the aid or consent of any other nation on earth; and upon that issue we expect to carry every State in the Union. I shall not slander the inhabitants of the fair State of Massachusetts nor the inhabitants of the State of New York by saying that, when they are confronted with the proposition, they will declare that this nation is not able to attend to its own business. It is the issue of 1776 over again. Our ancestors, when but three millions in number, had the courage to declare their political independence of every other nation; shall we, their descendants, when we have grown to seventy millions, declare that we are less independent than our forefathers? No, my friends, that will never be the verdict of our people. Therefore, we care not upon what lines the battle is fought. If they say bimetallism is good, but that we cannot have it until other nations help us, we reply that, instead of having a gold standard because England has, we will restore bimetallism, and then let England have bimetallism because the United States has it.

Objective 0011: Understand and apply social studies terms, concepts, and perspectives.

95. In the excerpt shown, Bryan suggests that the gold standard was causing which of the following effects as of the 1890s?

  1. giving an electoral advantage to the Democratic Party
  2. contributing to national prosperity and population growth
  3. leading to tensions with one or more European powers
  4. harming the agricultural interests of the Great Plains
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: D.Objective 0013: Understand methods for analyzing and interpreting social studies information and applying critical reasoning to evaluate presentations of social studies data.

96. Which of the following logical fallacies is evident in Bryan's argument?

  1. false choice or false dichotomy in the first paragraph
  2. ad hominem attack in the second paragraph
  3. circular reasoning or begging the question in the third paragraph
  4. slippery slope argument in the third paragraph
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: A.Objective 0014: Understand methods for presenting social studies information, communicating about social studies topics, and deliberating effectively with others.

97. Bryan could have most enhanced the persuasive power of his speech by including evidence or arguments concerning which of the following lines of inquiry?

  1. How has the balance of influence between rural and urban areas shaped other countries' histories?
  2. In what ways does the supply of money affect producers in different sectors of the economy?
  3. How have the ideals stated in the Declaration of Independence been implemented in practice?
  4. What were the ideas, sympathies, and legislative program of the Republican Party in 1896?
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: B. Read the excerpt below from a 1933 speech by Franklin D. Roosevelt; then answer the three questions that follow.

Plenty is at our doorstep, but a generous use of it languishes in the very sight of the supply. Primarily this is because rulers of the exchange of mankind's goods have failed through their own stubbornness and their own incompetence, have admitted their failure, and have abdicated. Practices of the unscrupulous money changers stand indicted in the court of public opinion, rejected by the hearts and minds of men.

True they have tried, but their efforts have been cast in the pattern of an outworn tradition. Faced by failure of credit they have proposed only the lending of more money. Stripped of the lure of profit by which to induce our people to follow their false leadership, they have resorted to exhortations, pleading tearfully for restored confidence. They know only the rules of a generation of self-seekers. They have no vision, and when there is no vision the people perish.

The money changers have fled from their high seats in the temple of our civilization. We may now restore that temple to the ancient truths.

Objective 0013: Understand methods for analyzing and interpreting social studies information and applying critical reasoning to evaluate presentations of social studies data.

98. Which of the following assumptions most influenced Roosevelt's perspective in the excerpt above?

  1. The economic system of the United States is based on the principle of freedom of exchange.
  2. Individual advancement has costs as well as benefits.
  3. The economic interests of powerful individuals can undermine the public good.
  4. The main function of government is to identify and punish wrongdoers.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: C.Objective 0013: Understand methods for analyzing and interpreting social studies information and applying critical reasoning to evaluate presentations of social studies data.

99. Which of the following is the most accurate evaluation of Roosevelt's statements in the passage?

  1. The speaker makes assertions about the situation he is describing, but does not support his opinions with evidence.
  2. Despite an argumentative tone, the speaker's statements are based on clear evidence.
  3. Despite the one-sidedness of his argument, the speaker's statements are for the most part soundly reasoned.
  4. The speaker's statements are a mix of established fact and carefully considered opinion.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: A.Objective 0014: Understand methods for presenting social studies information, communicating about social studies topics, and deliberating effectively with others.

100. Franklin Roosevelt most likely wrote the speech above for which of the following audiences?

  1. federal officials who executed Roosevelt's New Deal policies
  2. economic scholars who studied the causes of the Great Depression
  3. business leaders who opposed Roosevelt's New Deal policies
  4. U.S. citizens who suffered from the effects of the Great Depression
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedCorrect Response: D.


Item 18: Walter LaFeber, "That 'Splendid Little War' in Historical Perspective," Texas Quarterly, 11 (1968), pp. 89–98, cited in Major Problems in American Foreign Policy, Volume I: To 1914, 3rd ed., ed., Thomas G. Patterson (Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath & Co., 1989), p. 388.

Item 56: Bernardo de Sahagún, Christian Psalmody cited in Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks, ed., Religious Transformations in the Early Modern World: A Brief History with Documents (Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2009), p. 39.

What was the main motivation for the Dutch to establish a presence in North America quizlet?

The primary motivation for Dutch settlement of this area was financial—the country wanted to add to its treasury. To this end, Dutch traders formed powerful alliances with Native Americans based on the trade of beaver pelts and furs. Farmers and merchants followed. Success was short-lived, however.

Which statement best describes population trends in Europe during the early era of exploration multiple choice question?

Which of the following best describes population trends in Europe during the early era of exploration? They reduced poverty, unemployment, and overcrowding.

What was Columbus's primary goal for the voyages of 1493 and 1498?

The explorer Christopher Columbus made four trips across the Atlantic Ocean from Spain: in 1492, 1493, 1498 and 1502. He was determined to find a direct water route west from Europe to Asia, but he never did. Instead, he stumbled upon the Americas.

Why was Cortés's military expedition against the Aztecs perfectly timed multiple choice question?

Why was Cortés's military expedition against the Aztecs "perfectly timed"? His arrival seemed to fulfill a popular Aztec prophecy.


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