Which teaching method has the nurse employed when showing a patient how do you use a sphygmomanometer?

While teaching a patient, the nurse determines that the patient is not able to read above the fifth-grade level. This describes which inability?

Health literacy

Health illiteracy

Learning disability

Functional illiteracy

Functional illiteracy

Functional illiteracy is the inability to read above the fifth-grade level and is a major problem in America. Health literacy involves the cognitive and social skills that determine the motivation and ability of individuals to use information to promote good health. Health illiteracy is a lack of health literacy. A learning disability is the inability of an individual to learn new things because of various factors.

The nurse is teaching a group of patients the importance of using sunscreen. Which type of content is the nurse providing?


Restoring health

Coping with impaired function

Health promotion and illness prevention

Health promotion and illness prevention

Health promotion and illness prevention are the focus when nurses provide information that helps patients improve their health and avoid illness. Simulation teaches problem solving and independent thinking. Restoring health occurs when an individual already has a condition. Coping with impaired function teaches an individual who does not have full health function how to live with what they do have.

While teaching pregnant women about nutrition and diet planning, the nurse randomly selects several women and gives them an opportunity to share their diet plans to correct mistakes and reinforce the correct information. The nurse is following which method of teaching?

Role play

Group discussion


One-on-one discussion

Group discussion

After a lecture, learners often need the opportunity to share ideas and seek clarification in the form of structured group discussion. Group discussions allow patients and families to learn from one another as they review common experiences. During role play, learners are asked to play themselves or someone else. Patients learn required skills and feel more confident in being able to perform them independently. Demonstrations are used to teach psychomotor skills such as preparing a syringe, bathing an infant, crutch walking, or taking a pulse. During one-on-one discussions, information is usually given in an informal manner, allowing the patient to ask questions or share concerns.

Which basic step of the nursing process includes setting priorities based on the patient's immediate needs?






In the planning phase of the nursing process, priorities are identified based on a patient's needs and expected outcomes. Evaluation involves identifying success or failure in meeting desired outcomes and goals. Assessment involves collecting data about the patient's physical, psychosocial, and spiritual needs. In the implementation step, the nurse performs nursing care therapies.

Which instructional methods help decrease patient anxiety by providing a better idea of the procedure?


Group instruction

Preparatory instruction

One-on-one discussion

Preparatory instruction

Providing preparatory instruction gives patients information about procedures and often decreases anxiety because patients have a better idea of what to expect during the procedure, which helps give them a sense of control. Demonstrations are most effective for teaching self-care when learners first observe the educator and have the chance to practice the skill during a return demonstration. Group instruction often involves both lecture and discussion. Lectures are highly structured and efficient in helping groups of patients learn standard content about a subject. One-on-one discussions are unstructured and informal discussions, which help patients understand the implications of illness and ways to cope with health stressors.

Which teaching approach would be effective for informing a patient of an emergency appendectomy and the postoperative recovery he or she will experience?






The telling approach should be used for teaching when limited information is taught. It is more effective for the patient experiencing anxiety. Participating involves the nurse and patient working together to achieve learning objectives. Entrusting gives the patient the opportunity to manage self-care, and the patient accepts the responsibility. Reinforcement is using some stimulus to increase the probability of a response

The nurse has to teach a group of morbidly obese patients the significance of proper eating habits and exercise. Where would be an ideal setting to impart this teaching?


Hospital lobby




An ideal setting for teaching would be a classroom because patients would be able to sit comfortably, the room would have proper ventilation and light so that everyone could see and hear the teacher without distraction, and the patients would be able to observe one another during the teaching session. A cafeteria, hospital lobby, or noisy and busy places would have numerous distractions that could interfere with the teaching process. A gymnasium would not have comfortable seating arrangements for the patients to optimally concentrate on the teaching.

During a teaching session, a parent approaches the nurse for advice about managing a child's temper tantrums. The nurse enacts the role of the child to evaluate the parent's response to the child's behavior. The nurse is using which instructional method to teach the parent?

Role play




Role play

During role play, people are asked to play themselves or someone else. Patients learn required skills and feel more confident in being able to perform them independently. Analogies supplement verbal instruction with familiar images that make complex information more real and understandable. Simulation is a useful technique for teaching problem solving, application, and independent thinking. During individual or group discussions, the nurse poses a pertinent problem or situation for patients to solve. Demonstration is used when teaching psychomotor skills, such as preparing a syringe, bathing an infant, crutch walking, or taking a pulse.

Which approach by the nurse helps assess the patient's retention of information?


Teach back



Teach back

Remember : teach back is used when nurse is evaluating whether the patient knows information or can do skill

Teach-back is a closed-loop communication technique that assesses patient retention of the information imparted during a teaching session. The telling approach is used when limited information is being taught to the patient, not to assess the patient. Reinforcement requires the use of a stimulus to increase the probability of a desired response, not to assess the patient's retention of information. Participating is a teaching approach in which the nurse and patient set objectives and become involved in the learning process together. This approach is not suitable to assess patient retention.

Which domain is required for learning to use a walker?

Affective domain

Cognitive domain

Attentional domain

Psychomotor domain

Psychomotor domain

Using a walker requires the integration of mental and muscular activity. Affective domain expresses feelings and attitudes through discussion or role play. Cognitive domain would be useful if the nurse was telling the patient how to use a walker. Attentional domain allows a learner to focus on a particular skill.

Which teaching method does the nurse use for a patient newly diagnosed with diabetes who will be self-administering insulin?



Group instruction

One-on-one discussion


Demonstration is used to help patients learn psychomotor skills. Simulation is effective, but the patient needs to show the nurse he or she is able to perform the skill. A group discussion would be effective for individuals who have older diagnoses of diabetes to reinforce teaching. A one-on-one discussion is a successful strategy, but by the patient showing he or she knows how to administer the insulin, the nurse can be confident he or she will be able to do so at home.

Which information would the registered nurse (RN) include regarding learning in the nursing plan? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

A. Learning involves setting an appropriate pace.

B. It requires the educator to be knowledgeable about subject matter.

C. Learning includes both understanding and applying newly acquired concepts.

D. Learning involves imparting knowledge through a series of directed activities.

E. It is the acquisition of new knowledge, behaviors, and skills through an experience.

C. Learning includes both understanding and applying newly acquired concepts.

E. It is the acquisition of new knowledge, behaviors, and skills through an experience.

Learning is a process that includes both understanding and application of newly acquired concepts. It is the purposeful acquisition of new knowledge, behaviors, and skills through an experience. Teaching involves the educator or guide pacing the learning process appropriately. The educator should be knowledgeable about the subject matter in the process of teaching. Teaching imparts knowledge through a series of directed activities.

Which teaching method has the nurse employed when showing a patient how to use a sphygmomanometer to record blood pressure and asking the patient to perform the procedure to confirm understanding?



Independent projects

Return demonstration

Return Demonstration

Remember : return demonstration is when nurse does it first then tells patient to do it (demonstration is if the nurse only put on a presentation of skills)

Psychomotor learning involves acquiring motor skills that require coordination. It includes integration of mental and physical movements. With the return demonstration method of teaching, the nurse encourages the patient to use newly learned skills under the nurse's observation. The practice method of teaching involves the nurse providing a controlled environment for the patient to perform skills. With the demonstration method, the nurse provides presentations of the procedures or skills the patient should learn. An independent project involves a teaching method that promotes adaptation and origination of psychomotor learning. It also permits the learner to use new skills

The nurse teaches a patient with diabetes how to use a glucometer and then asks the patient to use the glucometer to measure his or her blood sugar. The nurse is using which teaching method?



Independent projects

Return demonstration

Return Demonstration

Remember : return demonstration is when nurse does it first then tells patient to do it (demonstration is if the nurse only put on a presentation of skills)

The nurse shows the patient how to use the glucometer and then asks the patient to measure his or her blood glucose level using the glucometer, which indicates that the nurse is using the return demonstration teaching method. If the nurse gives the patient an opportunity to perform skills using equipment in a controlled setting, it indicates the practice method. If the nurse provides a presentation of procedures or skills, it indicates the demonstration method. If the nurse promotes adaptation and origination of psychomotor learning, it indicates the independent project method.

When the nurse teaches a patient how to administer an epinephrine injection in case of a severe allergic reaction, the nurse instructs the patient to hold the syringe like a dart. Which instructional method did the nurse use?






Analogies use familiar images to help explain complex information. Telling is the process of informing the patient. Demonstration is showing an individual how to do a particular skill. Simulation involves critical thinking and recreating a process.

Which assessment determines the patient's motivation to learn?

Reading level

Sensory deficits

Cognitive function

Learning style preference

Learning style preference

The nurse should assess the patient's learning style preference to determine motivation to learn. Patient education is more effective if the patient and nurse coordinate on the method of instruction. Reading level, sensory deficits, and cognitive function help determine the patient's ability to learn.

What are patient teaching methods?

There are many ways to deliver patient education. Examples include one-on-one teaching, demonstrations, and analogies or word pictures to explain concepts. You can also use one or more of the following teaching tools: Brochures or other printed materials.

How you will assess the patient for a teaching need?

Your first step in the process of patient teaching is assessing the patient's learning needs, learning style, and readiness to learn. Assessment includes finding out what patients already know, what they want and need to learn, what they are capable of learning, and what would be the best way to teach them.

What are effective methods of providing patient education?

Consider these five strategies..
Take advantage of educational technology. Technology has made patient education materials more accessible. ... .
Determine the patient's learning style. ... .
Stimulate the patient's interest. ... .
Consider the patient's limitations and strengths. ... .
Include family members in health care management..

Which method is at most important in teaching of nursing?

I think outcomes based teaching and learning (OBTL) can now be considered as one of the best methods in teaching in any program including nursing..
Real-life scenarios that involve case studies and ways of analyzing current problems..
Peer-to-peer teaching, which involves students in their own education..


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