Which term refers to a childs ability to connect his or her own intentions with a peers intentions and use this understanding to interact with the peer to reach a goal quizlet?

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Emotional Development and Attachment

Terms in this set (157)

What is emotion?

Feeling, or affect, that occurs when a person is in a state or interaction that is important to him or her, especially to his or her well-being.

What are the 2 important roles of emotions in infants?

1. Communication with others.

2. Behavioral organization.

What is associated / parallel to emotion?

Physiological arousal (increase in heart rate, etc.)

What are emotions influenced by?

biological foundations

cognitive processes

A person's experience

Biologically, what three areas of the brain are associated with emotions, and develop early in life?

Brain Stem

What is emotional regulation?

the ability to control when and how emotions are expressed

Effectively managing arousal to adapt and reach a goal.

What are three states that may be too intense to manage emotion?

1. Hangry
2. Being an infant/toddler
3. Alcohol / Drugs / Etc.

What is ineffectual emotional regulation linked with?

1. Lower levels of executive functioning.

2. Difficult peer relations.

3. Lower level of moral development.

What is the best method for teaching emotional regulation?

Emotion-Coaching Parents:

Monitor child's emotions, and view negative emotions as a teaching opportunity.

Assist child in labeling emotions, and coach on how to effectively deal with emotions.

What are some positive results from emotion-coaching?

Better able to self-soothe

More effective in regulating negative affect

Focus attention better

Fewer behavioral problems

What is the worst method of teaching regulation of emotion?

Emotion-Dismissing Parents:

Deny, ignore, or change negative emotions

What is emotion-dismissing linked with?

Poor emotional regulation

What are the primary emotions?


Who has primary emotions?

All species of animals

Appear in first 6 months

When do we first see self-conscious emotions? Why?

1.5 years (18 months)

The brain is not mature enough to have those emotions.

What are the first methods of communication for babies?

Cries & Smiles

What are the three types of baby cries?

Basic (hunger, etc)

What are the two types of smiles?

reflexive and social

What is a reflexive smile?

smile that does not occur in response to external stimuli

What is a social smile?

smiling in response to other individuals

When does fear first occur in children?

First at 6 months

Peaks at 18 months

When is stranger anxiety most intense?

9-12 months

What is the more frequent infant expression of fear?

Stranger anxiety

When does separation protest occur (crying when caregiver leaves)?

First appears at 7-8 months.

Peaks at 13-15 months

At what age can children define their emotions?

2 years

How did Watson deal with crying babies?

He left the alone.

Watson thought that rewarding a crybaby with attention would increase the crying.

How did Ainsworth and Bowlby deal with crying babies?

Respond to every cry, you cannot respond too much during their first year of life.

Should you let your baby cry it out?


Why does emotional regulation increase between 2-4 years?

Kids learn new ways and terms to describe their emotions.

They also learn about causes and consequences of emotions.

Why does emotional regulation further increase between 4-5 years (kindergarten)?

Kids gain an increased ability to reflect upon emotions.

They understand that emotions must be managed in certain situations, and emotions affect behavior.

Growing awareness of need to manage emotions to meet social standards

What can most kids to by the time they are 5 years old (regarding emotional management)?

Most kids can accurately identify emotions produced by challenging circumstances, and they have ways to cope.

socioemotional selectivity theory

The theory that older adults become more selective about their social networks. Because they place a high value on emotional satisfaction, older adults often spend more time with familiar individuals with whom they have had rewarding relationships.

Ainsworth's secure attachment

infant uses the caregiver as the secure base to explore the environment.

children who are securely attached are comfortable with others and trustworthy

Ainsworth's attachment categories

1. Secure,
2. Insecure avoidant,
3. Insecure resistant,
4. Insecure disorganized

Securely Attached

child uses the parent as a safe base to explore, when separated the child may cry during absence, but be soothed when the parent returns, decrease crying if present (~60% of U.S. infants)

insecure-avoidant attachment

Shows insecurity by avoiding caregiver

Not bothered when they leave, not bothered when they return.

insecure-resistant attachment

baby seeks closeness to parent (clingy),

is distressed or angry when parent returns. Resists by fighting against the closeness

insecure-disorganized attachment

Shows insecurity by being confused, disoriented, fearful.

Typically seen in kids who have been abused.

classification of parent-child attachment in which the child shows little exploratory behavior when the parent is present, great distress when the parent leaves the room, and ambivalence upon the parent's return

What are Sternberg's three dimensions of love?


A feeling or affect that occurs when individuals are in a state or an interaction that is important to them, especially to their well-being, is called:


Emotion regulation is key to which of the following? (Select all that apply)

Social competence
Child development
Emotional adaptiveness
Coping with stress

Social competence

Child development

Emotional adaptiveness

Coping with stress

The ability to develop skills contextually and focus on the adaptive nature of emotional experience is called emotional:


Which individuals are displaying self-conscious emotions?

7-year-old Harry, who is embarrassed
4-year-old Sam, who feels shame
11-year-old Mike, who is angry with his sister
4-month-old Jill, who is giggling

7-year-old Harry, who is embarrassed

4-year-old Sam, who feels shame

The jealousy research study in which infants observed their mothers holding a lifelike baby doll illustrates the:

difficulty of interpreting infant emotion.

___ is characterized by behavior that reflects the pleasantness or unpleasantness of the state that individuals are in, or the transactions they are experiencing.


A(n) ______ cry is a rhythmic pattern that usually consists of a cry, followed by a briefer silence, then a shorter inspiratory whistle that is higher pitched than the main cry, and then a brief rest before the next cry.


Emotion ______ plays a key role for young children when managing the demands and conflicts that arise when interacting with others.


Which type of infant smile does NOT depend on external stimuli?


Being skilled at perceiving and expressing emotion, understanding emotion, using feelings to facilitate thought, and managing emotions effectively is a description of emotional:


In the United States, separation protest typically begins at about the age of:

7 to 8 months.

What emotion would an infant younger than 6 months likely NOT to experience?


A research study was performed in which 6-month-old infants observed their mothers either giving attention to a lifelike baby doll or gently rocking it (Hart & others, 2004). Researchers had to decide if infant emotional expressions constituted ___. This illustrates the complexity of indexing early emotions.


Self-conscious emotions do not appear until the second half of the ______ year of life.


Which of the following are characteristic of an infant's pain cry? (Select all that apply)

An inspiratory whistle
Breath holding
Shouting sound
Rhythmic pattern
Lack of preliminary moaning

Breath holding

Lack of preliminary moaning

Which statement is FALSE regarding emotional development in middle and late childhood?

Children in middle and late childhood have an increased understanding of complex emotions.
Children in middle and late childhood have difficulty suppressing their negative emotional reactions.
Children in middle and late childhood understand that more than one emotion can be experienced in a particular situation.
Children in middle and late childhood have a capacity for genuine empathy.

Children in middle and late childhood have difficulty suppressing their negative emotional reactions.

A ___ (reflexive/social) smile in an infant does not occur in response to external stimuli, but a ___ (reflexive/social) smile does.

reflexive; social

Ineffective emotion regulation in adolescence is linked to all of the following EXCEPT:

a lower level of executive function.
difficulty with peers.
rule following.
a weak conscience.

rule following.

An infant's fear of a caregiver leaving, which results in crying when the caregiver leaves, is called:

separation protest.

Emotional changes in adulthood include which of the following? (Select all that apply)

Moving toward a more predictable lifestyle
Deciding not to internalize rules
Realizing things will always be successful
Making decisions about a life partner
Making decisions about occupations

Moving toward a more predictable lifestyle

Making decisions about a life partner

Making decisions about occupations

Which of the following are true about older adults' emotional lives as compared to younger adults? (Select all that apply)

Older adults tend to live sad, more lonely lives.
Older adults tend to experience more positive emotion.
Older adults' emotional lives are on a more even keel.
Older adults pay more attention to negative information.

Older adults tend to experience more positive emotion.

Older adults' emotional lives are on a more even keel.

Which of the following are self-conscious emotions? (Select all that apply)



As children progress from the ___ (early/middle/late) through the ___ (early/middle/late) childhood years, they come to recognize emotions, are able to identify and explain them, are increasingly concerned with self-regulating them, and appreciate that they can be ambiguous.


As compared to the parents, adolescents are more likely to experience:

more extreme and more fleeting emotions.

Because they place a high value on ______, older adults spend more time with familiar individuals with whom they have had rewarding relationships.

emotional satisfaction

A key theme in emotional development in adulthood is the adaptive ______ of emotional experience and daily life.


One way to describe temperament involves the variation in the speed and intensity with which an individual responds to situations with positive or negative emotions. This is referred to as:


Compared with younger adults, older adults experience:

fewer emotional highs and lows.

Chess and Thomas' classification system placed children into which categories of temperament? (Select all that apply)





After developing self-awareness, children around the age of 18 to 24 months begin experiencing what type of emotion?


According to twin studies, heredity has a ______ influence on differences in temperament within a group of people.


Which statement is FALSE regarding emotional development in middle and late childhood?

Children in middle and late childhood have difficulty suppressing their negative emotional reactions.

Older adults are motivated to spend more time pursuing ______ satisfaction.


Jeremy is a very active toddler whose parents try to avoid putting him in situations where he must sit still for long periods of time. This illustrates

the concept of goodness of fit.

One way to describe temperament is in terms of predispositions toward which two of the following?



______ is defined as the close emotional bond between two people.


According to Chess and Thomas' temperament classification system, a(n) ___ child is generally in a positive mood, quickly establishes regular routines in infancy, and adapts readily to new experiences.


True or false: In development, biological, cognitive, and social processes are intricately intertwined.


These process are intricately intertwined in development.

True or false: Temperament remains stable throughout an individual's development.


Temperament develops and changes as an individual grows.

The use of ___ to ___ play begins at about 2 to 3 months of age and includes vocalizations, touch, and gestures.

face to face

Nine-year-old Aaron used to get really angry with his classmates, but that is not the case now. This example illustrates that in middle-to-late childhood, children learn to:

suppress or conceal negative emotional reactions.

Research has found that decreases in infants' negative emotionality are linked to which of the following? (Select all that apply)

More instances of parents ignoring the behavior
Higher parental involvement
Higher levels of parental responsiveness
Higher levels of parental sensitivity

Higher parental involvement

Higher levels of parental responsiveness

Higher levels of parental sensitivity

The development of locomotor skills is the result of which of the following? (Select all that apply)

Nervous system development
Environmental support for the skill
Infant motivation to reach a goal
Infant social sophistication
Face-to-face play

Nervous system development

Environmental support for the skill

Infant motivation to reach a goal

The close emotional bond between mothers and infants is called ___.


Which of the following are important social cognitive accomplishments that are established at the end of the first year? (Select all that apply)

Goal-directed behavior
Joint attention

Goal-directed behavior


Joint attention

Which of the following are aspects of the development of social orientation?

goal-directed behaviors


goal-directed behaviors


Social ______ occurs when one can understand the emotional cues in others to help determine how to act in a given situation.


Which of the following statements are true regarding face-to-face play? (Select all that apply)

It does not include vocalization, touch, or gestures.
It includes vocalization, touch, and gestures.
It begins when the infant is about 2 to 3 months of age.
It begins at about 6-7 months of age.

It includes vocalization, touch, and gestures.

It begins when the infant is about 2 to 3 months of age.

Researchers are discovering that infants are ___ (more/less) socially sophisticated and insightful at younger ages than was previously envisioned.


Which statement is FALSE regarding emotional development in middle and late childhood?

Children in middle and late childhood have difficulty suppressing their negative emotional reactions.
Children in middle and late childhood have a capacity for genuine empathy.
Children in middle and late childhood understand that more than one emotion can be experienced in a particular situation.
Children in middle and late childhood have an increased understanding of complex emotions.

Children in middle and late childhood have difficulty suppressing their negative emotional reactions.

Which of the following theorists proposed influential theories of infant attachment?



As the nervous system in infants develops, locomotion becomes possible and children are able to develop a certain amount of:


Which of the following ideas are stressed by John Bowlby in his concept of attachment? (Select all that apply)

Caregiver responsiveness is involved.
Attachment is crucial in the first year.
Most children are not biologically prepared to elicit attachment behavior.
Attachment emerges suddenly.

Caregiver responsiveness is involved.

Attachment is crucial in the first year.

Which of the following refers to a child's ability to connect his or her own intentions with a peer's intentions and put this understanding to use in interacting with the peer to reach a goal?


Bowlby argued that infants develop an internal of attachment.

working model

Which of the following refers to an infant's ability to "read" the emotions of other people?

social referencing

The Strange Situation, which was an observational means to identify individual differences in infant attachment, was developed by:


Infants' social sophistication and insight are reflected by which of the following? (Select all that apply)

Motivation to share and participate in others' intentionally motivated actions.
Shedding of the need for attachment.
Increase in emotional understanding and communication.
Perceptions of others' actions as intentionally motivated.

Motivation to share and participate in others' intentionally motivated actions.

Increase in emotional understanding and communication.

Perceptions of others' actions as intentionally motivated.

Baby Jordan engages in little interaction with his mother and isn't distressed when she leaves the room. When she returns, Jordan does not reestablish contact with her and even turns his back on her. Which of Ainsworth's categories best describes Jordan?

He is an insecure avoidant baby.

Which of the following statements apply to Bowlby's concept of attachment? (Select all that apply)

Attachment is important for survival.
There are five phases of attachment.
Infants and caregivers are biologically predisposed to form attachments.
Attachment is the first phase of development in the infant's life, the trust versus mistrust phase.

Attachment is important for survival.

Infants and caregivers are biologically predisposed to form attachments.

What is the general research conclusion regarding the Strange Situation?

The experiment continues to have some merit.

Bowlby's internal working model of attachment eventually:

influences the child's subsequent responses to other people.

Ainsworth created the ___ Situation, an observational way to identify differences in infant attachment.


What term describes an infant who sees the caregiver as a base from which to explore the environment?

securely attached

Early secure attachment has been linked with which of the following?

positive interaction with peers and teachers
negative romantic partners in adolescence
high self-esteem and self-confidence
positive emotional health

positive interaction with peers and teachers

high self-esteem and self-confidence

positive emotional health

Which of the following statements are true based on Harlow's conclusions from studying infant monkeys? (Select all that apply)

Feeding is not the crucial element in the attachment process.
Contact comfort is crucial in the attachment process.
The first stage of infant development is the trust-versus-mistrust stage.
Providing nourishment is the most important factor in the attachment process.

Feeding is not the crucial element in the attachment process.

Contact comfort is crucial in the attachment process.

The developmental ___ model involves connections across domains over time that influence developmental pathways and outcomes.


What is one of the main criticisms of the Strange Situation?

The research may have been poorly designed.
It may be culturally biased.
It is outdated.
Psychoanalysis is inappropriate for infants.

It may be culturally biased.

Which of the following is a criticism of attachment theory?

It overemphasizes the attachment bond and ignores infant resiliency.

Bowlby argued that infants develop an internal ___ ___ of attachment.

working model

True or false: Secure attachment in infancy has been linked to social competence with peers and lower rates of peer conflict in early childhood.


Secure attachment has been linked to social competence with peers in early childhood and lower rates of peer conflict at 3 years of age.

Caregivers of ______ babies tend to be unavailable or rejecting.


Which of the following are true about the developmental cascade model? (Select all that apply)

It can produce positive or negative outcomes at different points in development.
It has been completely debunked by research.
It can include connections between biological, cognitive, and socioemotional processes.
It can involve social contexts such as families, peers, schools, and culture.
It focuses solely on the the biological underpinnings of attachment.

It can produce positive or negative outcomes at different points in development.

It can include connections between biological, cognitive, and socioemotional processes.

It can involve social contexts such as families, peers, schools, and culture.

Which two of the following has developmental social neuroscience linked to mother-infant attachment?



Which of the following are criticisms of attachment theory?

Some cultures value attachments to several caregivers for a child.
Some cultures value early childhood independence.
It is critical that an infant has attachment to one single caregiver only.
It ignores the diversity of socializing agents in an infant's world.

Some cultures value attachments to several caregivers for a child.

Some cultures value early childhood independence.

It ignores the diversity of socializing agents in an infant's world.

Research has found secure attachment during middle and late childhood has been linked positively with which of the following? (Select all that apply)

Lower levels of anxiety
Increased social anxiety
Lower levels of depression
Higher levels of emotion regulation

Lower levels of anxiety

Lower levels of depression

Higher levels of emotion regulation

Which of the following has been associated with the undermining of attachment stability?


According to a recent longitudinal study, which of the following predicted secure attachment in adolescence and emerging adulthood?

Maternal sensitivity in childhood and adolescence

Caregivers of insecure ______ babies often neglect or physically abuse them.


Caregivers of insecure avoidant babies tend to be unavailable or rejecting, but not neglectful or abusive.

The 15 to 20 percent of 11- to 13-year-olds who say that they are currently in a romantic relationship are considered early ___.


Developmental social neuroscience involves the brain regions, hormones, and neurotransmitters that are important in motivating mother-infant ___.


According to research, which of the following is true about parents of children who showed more avoidant attachment?

They were less responsive and more punitive.

According to studies, adult attachment styles with romantic partners are:

reflective of childhood attachment patterns but also influenced by later experience.

According to a study by Joseph Allen and his colleagues, adolescents who were securely attached at age 14 were more likely to report which of the following at age 21? (Select all that apply)

That they were attaining increased financial independence
That they struggled with emotion regulation
That they were in an exclusive relationship
That they were putting work in front of romantic relationships
That they were comfortable with intimacy

That they were attaining increased financial independence

That they were in an exclusive relationship

That they were comfortable with intimacy

Adults with a(n) ______ attachment style demand closeness, are less trusting, and jealous.


What percentage of adults describe themselves as securely attached?

60 to 80 percent

Which of the following regions of the brain is likely the LEAST related to mother-infant attachment?

occipital lobe

Mikulincer and Shaver (2019) have identified which of the following benefits for securely attached individuals? (Select all that apply)

Ability to control their emotions
False sense of security
Well-integrated sense of self-acceptance
Mindful of what is happening around them

Ability to control their emotions

Well-integrated sense of self-acceptance

Mindful of what is happening around them

True or false: Older adults tend to have both fewer attachment relationships and decreasing attachment anxiety.


With increasing age, adults have fewer attachment relationships; and attachment anxiety decreases.

Adults with a(n) ______ attachment style are hesitant about getting involved in romantic relationships.


Romantic love has strong components of ______ and infatuation.


Which of the following characterize relationships of securely attached adults? (Select all that apply)



What relationships are characterized by both elevated levels of support and higher levels of control and jealousy?

Long-term adolescent relationships

Individuals with a(n) ___ attachment pattern have the ability to show resiliency and a greater ability to face stress with effective coping strategies.


Affectionate love is also called ______ love and occurs when someone desires to have the other person near.


Which of the following are true of attachment in older adults? (Select all that apply)

Caregiver burden is related to insecure attachment.
Attachment is unrelated to well-being in old age.
They have fewer attachment relationships than younger adults.
They have a decrease in attachment anxiety.

Caregiver burden is related to insecure attachment.

They have fewer attachment relationships than younger adults.

They have a decrease in attachment anxiety.

What type of love is also called passionate love and has strong components of sexuality and infatuation?


Sternberg's triangle of love consists of passion, intimacy, and commitment. Various combinations of these result in which of the following types of love? (Select all that apply)
Multiple select question.
Sexual love
Affectionate love
Consummate love
Fatuous love

Affectionate love

Consummate love

Fatuous love

Which of the following is a major problem with online romantic relationships?


As individuals move into emerging adulthood, which of the following is true about their romantic relationships?

Short-term relationships are more common.

Which type of love occurs when someone desires to have the other person near and has deep, caring feelings for the person?


If passion and commitment are present but intimacy is not, such as when one person worships another from a distance, which of the following is present according to Sternberg?

Fatuous love

Which of the following has been associated with the undermining of attachment stability?


The most frequent expression of an infant's fear involves

stranger anxiety.

Research on attachment indicates a likelihood that

young adults who had secure attachments to parents have secure attachments to romantic partners.

Which emotion type develops in the first six months of life and is also present in animals?


Devon clings to his mother. When she leaves the room, he cries loudly, but when she returns to comfort him, he kicks and squirms. Mary Ainsworth would say he is

insecure resistant.

Janice is a sensitive and responsive caregiver. She anticipates her baby's needs and is available and flexible. What type of attachment is Janice's baby likely to form?


Romantic love emphasizes __________, while affectionate love emphasizes __________.

passion; companionship

According to Chess and Thomas, a child who has a low activity level, is somewhat negative, and displays a low intensity of mood is characterized as


Children of emotion-coaching parents are more likely to

self-soothe, focus attention, and have fewer behavior problems.

With which Rothbart and Bates' temperament classification does Kagan's uninhibited category most closely coincide?


Tricia is independent and adventurous, and she likes to explore new places. Her mother, however, is overly controlling and rigid. This is an example of

poor goodness of fit.

Older adulthood emotional experience is characterized by __________ emotions than in young adulthood.

All answer choices are correct.

less intense

fewer negative

more positive

Adam reacts to difficult or negative situations at such a high level that it affects his normal effective functioning. He has a high level of emotional


What is the crucial element in attachment, as demonstrated by Harry Harlow's experiment with monkeys?

contact comfort

Jackson checks his mother's expression before venturing toward the sidewalk. This is an example of

social referencing.

Mary Ainsworth and John Bowlby stress that

quick attention to crying is important in the development of a strong bond between parent and child.

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Ainsworth. Which of the following ideas are stressed by John Bowlby in his concept of attachment? - caregiver responsiveness is involved. - Attachment is crucial in the first year.


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