Who among the following are most likely to be considered the external stakeholders of a firm?

Every company has both internal and external stakeholders. The internal stakeholders are often easily defined, because they have a financial interest in the company. External stakeholders are not as easily defined – they are not involved in the operations or decisions of the company. While the external stakeholder has no direct financial stake in the company, they do have an interest in the success, failure and direction of a company. They are critical to the overall success of businesses growing in any community.

Internal vs. External Stakeholders

There are two primary categories of stakeholders for any company: internal and external. Both have a reason, some "stake" in the success and direction of the company. Internal stakeholders generally have a financial stake and a direct relationship with the company. Internal stakeholders include owners, investors, stockholders and employees who have a direct or indirect financial risk tied to the company's success.

While employees may or may not have a profitability stake or financial risk stake, they do have their financial livelihood at stake. If the company fails, the employee is out of a job. Thus, the employee has every interest in seeing the company succeed. An employee who has potential growth opportunities with the company has an even bigger stake. Some companies offer company stock plans and profit sharing, adding to the employees' interest in doing well at work. As such, employees are considered internal stakeholders.

External stakeholders are those who do not have a direct tie to the company. They are not employees and do not have any direct financial interest in the profit or loss of the company. Instead, they have an interest in how the company affects the community or a part of the community. External stakeholders include government entities such as city councils, local schools, other businesses and residents in the area where the company conducts business.

External Stakeholder Definition

The external stakeholder maintains an interest in the success, failure or direction of a company because it directly impacts his own interests. A company with a large manufacturing plant in a city will have external stakeholders who want to see the plant stay in the community rather than move to another, because the plant may have a financial impact on other businesses, suppliers and the overall financial health of the town. For example, the mayor of the city is an external stakeholder seeking to maintain a positive relationship and create a conducive environment for the plant to stay.

External stakeholders may also seek to prevent a business from doing something in a community. Many local school districts across the country have stood against medical marijuana dispensaries being located near schools. The school district's stake isn't financial; it is a moral or ethical stake in the development and protection of its students and families. The school could work to set regulations about how close a dispensary can be and other rules and regulations that may hinder the ability of such a company to succeed in the area.

Needs of External Stakeholders

The external stakeholder is looking to protect his personal, financial and business interests. Not every external stakeholder has the same type of stake or interest in any one particular business. The school district concerned about dispensaries has no financial concern. When the school district and its people lobby the city lawmakers and representatives, the politicians have a two-fold stake. They must meet their voters' needs and demands while fostering a business community for success. So the local representatives are external stakeholders in the company who may have conflicting interests based on their own stakeholders.

Other external stakeholder needs include local business development that stimulates a city economy with jobs, revenues and bigger industry. Businesses in competition with a company are external stakeholders seeking fairness in trade and pricing. This need is widely seen when a company like Walmart moves into a community and small businesses start to close because they cannot compete with the prices of Walmart.

Roles of External Stakeholders

The role of external stakeholders starts with voicing opinions on the direction a company is taking. External stakeholders will feel that a company is doing something positive or negative in relation to their own personal issues. That opinion serves an advisory role for companies. The external stakeholder has no control over whether the business follows the advice.

With that said, when it comes to external stakeholders clashing with a business direction or action, it could create a lot of issues for the company. If the local small businesses get together to oppose a new big-box store getting a permit to build a large center, there could be issues where city planning ends up opposing and preventing the opening. A real estate developer could run into permit problems if the residents don't want the company to build on a bird sanctuary or don't want high rise buildings next to their residential homes.

While external stakeholders have no direct control in a company, their indirect control has great impact on major business development decisions.

Issues With External Stakeholders

It is important that business leaders understand the impact of their company in the community. Consider external stakeholders as partners rather than adversaries. Managing external stakeholder input and expectations is important when a business is growing and needs the support of the surrounding power players.

One of the best ways to manage issues external stakeholders have with your business is to prepare ahead of time for them. Plan growth strategies and consult with external stakeholders while in the planning process to get input and develop strategies where everyone wins. While this doesn't prevent every adverse action coming from external stakeholders, it greatly mitigates aggressive adverse actions.

External stakeholders appreciate being part of the process; it gives the appearance of some level of control. You want the external stakeholders on your side whenever possible. Business is just easier that way. This is why a CEO's role is critical while the operations officer is managing day-to-day operations. The CEO must get buy-in among stakeholders, internal and external, to move the company strategically toward its next set of goals. Without external stakeholder buy-in, companies often face a long road to growth.

Company Culture and External Stakeholders

It is usually senior level management that people think about when dealing with external stakeholders. After all, it is generally the CEO who meets with city officials, other business leaders and key external stakeholder leaders. However, a company can do a lot with public relations with external stakeholders by having a positive company culture. When the employees are excited to go to work every day, people notice.

It is a social proof PR campaign that holds a lot of weight with external stakeholders. After all, the employees are most likely people who live in the community, send their kids to school, vote and pay property taxes. They are the influencers of many key external stakeholders. If they are happy and successful, the community expands.

Another way a large corporation can build positive relationships with external stakeholders is to run community campaigns in which employees are given time to volunteer for local organizations supported by the company. This gets people out in the community building positive relationships from the ground up. A CEO is better served walking into meeting with an external stakeholder who is already excited about all the great things the company does in the community.

Who is an external stakeholder of the firm?

External (secondary) stakeholders External stakeholders include clients or customers, investors and shareholders, suppliers, government agencies and the wider community. They want the company to perform well for a multitude of reasons. Customers want to receive the best possible product or service.

Which of the following can be considered a firm's stakeholder?

In business, a stakeholder is any individual, group, or party that has an interest in an organization and the outcomes of its actions. Common examples of stakeholders include employees, customers, shareholders, suppliers, communities, and governments.

What are the 4 types of stakeholders?

The easy way to remember these four categories of stakeholders is by the acronym UPIG: users, providers, influencers, governance.

Who are the 5 main stakeholders in a business?

Types of stakeholders.
Customers. Customers are some of the largest stakeholders of a business because they are directly impacted by the quality and availability of a company's products or services. ... .
Investors. ... .
Employees. ... .
Local community. ... .
Suppliers and partners. ... .
Government. ... .
Consider expectations. ... .
Manage expectations..


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