Who is responsible for obtaining the clinical history from the patient for the diagnostic procedure?





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final exam 9/22/11 paitent care tests chap. 12 and chapter 15

Terms in this set (56)

Who is responsible for obtaining the clinical history from the patient for the diagnostic procedure?

The radiographer

What is the significance of a good clinical history?

It focuses the radiologist's attention on a specific area.

according to Dr. Eric Cassell, how do radiographers become part of the healing process?

By showing interest in the patient's well-being

which of the following is the professional way to greet the patient?

A. Robin Jones
B. Mrs. Jones
C. R. Jones
D. all of the above

B. Mrs.Jones

A patient's vital signs are a follows: heart rate 95, blood pressurer 120/75, temperature 99.2 degrees F. All of this information is considered

Objective data

The patient describes her chest pain by saying, " It feeels like someone is standing on my chest" this information is considered:

Subjective data

All of the following are used to provide a better history to the radiologist except
A. encouraging elaboration
B. using probing questions
C. summarizing the details
D. asking close-ended questions

D. asking close-ended questions

A clinical history for an abdominal x-ray should begin with what question?

what type of abdominal problems are you having?

Does the radiographer use leading questions?

No they should be avoided

The primary medical problem as defined by the patient is called

the chief complaint

When the radiogrpaher asks a patient how many days the person has had a fever, what part of the clinical history is being assessed?


What clinical history element is described as defining the precise area for the patient's complaint?


One patient decribes a cough as productive, and another patient describes a cough as nonproductive; under which element of the clinical history do these descriptions fall?


In determining the severity of a patient's ankle injury, which of the following questions would be appropriate?

A. when did the injury Happen?
B. how did the injury happen?
C. can you put any weight on the injured ankle?
D. have you previously injured your ankle?

C. can you put any weight on the injured ankle

The patient must perceive the radiographer as a genuine, respectful, and empathic to establigh an open dialog? True OR False


Patients are interviewed by the radiographer? True OR False


Which branch of science applies the laws of physics, specifically the action of forces on bodies at rest or in motion?


The ideal way to perform a transfer is to?

Allow the patient to do as much work as possible

Which of the following pathologic conditions requires special handling?
A. pelvic girdle fractures
B. painful inflamed joints
C. debilitated condition
D. a and c
E. all of the above

E. all of the above

When lifting a patient, why would you stand with your feet apart?

to increase the base of support

Why does orthostatic hypotension occur in patients who have been in bed for long periods?

A decrease in vasomotor tone in blood vessels results in a decrease in oxygen to the brain.

How can the severity of orthostatic hypotension be minimized?

by moving slowly

What applies to all types of wheelchair transfers?

transfer toward the strong side

What type of wheelchair transfers requires minimal assistance by the radiographer?

Standby assist

When assessing the wheelchair patient for transfer how do you determin the patient's abbilities??

By talking to the patient

In a two-person lift, who should lift the torso?

The stronger person

The person lifting the torso will grab what part of the patient to light the person?

Crossed forearms

What type of patient is it appropriate to use a hydraulic lift?

Obese patient

What describes the narrowest base of support?

Standing on one foot

When immobilization techniques are used, which radiographic factor is being controlled?


What is an effective way to reduce motion?

Good communication with the patient

What exam can't you use a positioning sponge?

PA Chest

What immobilization devices are used for a lateral chest film on a nonambulatory patient?

Velcro Straps

Why are Velcro straps used for the axial projection of the calcaneus?

They assist the patient in dorsiflexing the foot

What immobilization device is used to help keep the patient from falling off the table?

Velcro restraints

What reason cant a sandbag be placed directly over the injured site?

Because it is radiopaque

While radiographing a trauma patient an Immobilization device must be left in place during the initial filming. True OR False


What is the pupose of the cervical collar?

to place traction on the spine to prevent movement

A backboard immobilizes the thoracic spine, the pelvis, and the lower extremity. True OR False


What fracture would a traction splint be used for?

Fracture of the Femur

What immobilization device will the paramedics use for a patient with internal bleeding of the abdomen and is unstable vital signs.

inflatable trousers

What is meant by statement "to stand tall in pediatric radiology, you have to get down on your knees"?

Communication with the patient is best accomplished at eye level

Does the statement "you can adjust them to any part of the body" apply to Velcro strap restraints?

NO this is a False statement

What immobilization device is radiopaque?


What is the purpose of inflatable trousers?

Slow the rate of hemorrhage

What three immobilization device is useful for pediatric imaging?

Pigg-O-Stat, Octastop board, & sheet restraint

Proper immobilization can reduce the need for repeat radiographs and increases radiation exposure. True OR False


Tape, Velcro restraints, and Plexiglass all can be useful immobilization devices. True OR False


Positioning sponges are the most commonly used immobilization devices. True OR False


Traction splints should be removed for radiographic procedures. True OR False


What term describes the body's maintenance of heat production and loss?


What body temperature measurement takes the shortest length of time?


A 42 year old patient has a temperature of 101.3 degrees F. What term or terms describes the patient's condition?

Hyperthermic and Febrile

A patient comes to the emergency department with an oral temperature of 96.6 F. this finding is consistent with ?


The average adults respiratoy rate is

12 to 20

The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the external environment and the blood circulating in the body is called what?


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What is the significance of a good clinical history taken from a radiographer quizlet?

What is the significance of a good clinical history? It focuses the radiologist's attention on a specific area.

Why does the radiologic technologist palpate a patient while collecting his or her clinical history?

Why does the radiologic technologist palpate a patient while collecting his or her clinical history? The radiologic technologist uses two types of touch when gathering a clinical history: touching for emphasis and touching for palpation. Touching for palpation helps localize the pain within a particular region.

What are the sacred seven in obtaining a clinical history?

Information available regarding a patient's condition; traditionally comprises data on (the sacred seven) localization, quality, quantity, chronology, setting, aggravating or alleviating factors, and associated manifestations.


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