Why did employers encourage racial and ethnic antagonism in American industries in the later 19th century?

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Terms in this set (71)

hat enhanced the mobility of people around the world after the 1870s?

The expansion of railroads and low steamship fares

In the nineteenth century, the schedule of most industrial and manufacturing work was


For what reason did large numbers of women join the clerical workforce in the late nineteenth century?

Educated women had few other career choices.

Why did the Knights of Labor deny bankers from being members in their organization?

he Knights considered bankers "parasitic" members of society.

Over the course of the nineteenth century, more and more domestics in the northern states were


Which of the following characterizes the national phenomenon of "bossism" in the latter nineteenth century?

he "bossism" of party leaders led both to corruption and to new public services.

For what purpose did old-stock American elites and organized labor join together toward the end of the nineteenth century?

To press for immigration restrictions

What was the Chicago school, which became famous in the late nineteenth century?

A group of skilled architects who made commercial architecture into an art form

Which of the following describes the world economy at the turn of the twentieth century?

An industrial core, an agricultural domain, and a third world tied to the industrial core by economic colonialism

Why did employers encourage racial and ethnic antagonism in American industries in the latter nineteenth century?

Ethnic and racial divisions inhibited labor organization.

How did Cyrus McCormick Jr. view labor organization in the 1880s?

Cyrus McCormick viewed labor organization as a threat.

By the turn of the twentieth century, New York's Coney Island was

the unofficial capital of the new mass culture.

Which of the following describes the patterns of American women's work in the late nineteenth century?

Women's work varied considerably, depending on race and ethnicity.

Approximately how many workers took part in the Great Railroad Strike of 1877?


How did the Haymarket Square riot affect labor's campaign for shorter working hours?

The riot undermined the campaign for an eight-hour work day.

How did the goals of the Knights of Labor reflect their diverse membership?

The Knights of Labor pursued broad social reforms to help members that worked in a variety of occupations.

Why did African Americans move into the cities of the North in the late nineteenth century?

African Americans looked for economic opportunity in northern cities.

Which of the following best characterizes William Vanderbilt's understanding of the public good?

did not care about it at all

How did economic conditions in the 1870s affect railroads?

They led to wage cuts for workers but did not prevent railroads from remaining profitable.

Asian immigrants, hired for low wages that were less acceptable to white workers, faced enormous prejudice in what area of the United States?

on the west coast

About how many people moved into cities in the United States between 1870 and 1900?

11 million

From where did the majority of new immigrants to the United States arrive after 1880?

southern and eastern europe

Why could even skilled workers not be assured of steady employment in the latter part of the nineteenth century?

work was seasonal

How did the Knights of Labor change as a result of the Great Railroad Strike of 1877?

The Knights dropped their mantle of secrecy and began openly recruiting any and all workers.

What attracted immigrants from southern and eastern Europe to the United States in the late nineteenth century?

Advertisements from steamship companies and reports from other sources that emphasized American prosperity

What change led to the massive redistribution of the American population over the last few decades of the nineteenth century?

Agricultural workers and immigrants were simultaneously moving to American cities.

How did mechanization transform the garment industry at the end of the nineteenth century?

Mechanization of the garment industry led to the creation of sweatshops.

How did Ellis Island become the gateway to the United States for millions of European immigrants?

The federal government took charge of immigration in 1890 and built a central facility on Ellis Island in New York harbor.

Why did female salesclerks consider themselves a cut above factory workers?

Their work was neither dirty nor dangerous

Why did native-born, single white women largely prefer secretarial work over other types of employment in the late nineteenth century?

It paid better than domestic service.

Why did President Grover Cleveland veto a literacy test for immigrants in 1896?

He believed new immigrants could contribute to the country just as previous generations had.

What were the goals of the Knights of Labor in the 1880s?

The Knights of Labor envisioned a workers' democracy.

How did employers respond to ethnic and racial antagonism in their workplaces?

Employers encouraged racial and ethnic antagonism because it inhibited workers from organizing.

What pseudoscientific ideology held that whites stood at the top of the evolutionary ladder?

Social Darwinism

By the late nineteenth century, secretarial work was increasingly dominated by

white women

How did department store saleswomen in the late nineteenth century believe they compared to factory workers of the period?

They saw themselves as superior to factory workers despite lower pay.

By the late nineteenth century, many middle-class Americans felt that the United States was turning into a

society ruled by the rich.

What development rearranged the social geography of American cities in the late nineteenth century?

the introduction of mass transit

Which of the following groups did the state of Illinois prosecute and punish for the Haymarket bombing?

Albert Parsons, August Spies, and six other protesters

How did patterns of hiring household help change during the nineteenth century?

More families hired live-in domestic servants than they had in the past

What did Frederick Law Olmsted promote to encourage the beautification of American cities in the late nineteenth century?

The development of urban public parks

Which of the following explains the difference between the wave of "new" immigration that occurred in the United States after 1880 and the "old" immigration of the early nineteenth century?

The "new" immigration originated from southern and eastern Europe, while "old" immigration originated from northern and western Europe

The Haymarket bombing in 1886 quickly led the general public to fear and resent?

the labor movement, anarchists, and immigrants

Which of the following defines the nineteenth-century cult of domesticity?

The cult of domesticity was a cultural ideology that dictated that a woman's place was in the home.

What contradictory view have Americans held of their cities for most of the nation's history?

Cities are pinnacles of sophistication, but also locations of sin and crime.

Which of the following describes the response of Irish Americans to the new immigrants who entered the United States after 1870?


Which of the following terms was used to refer to women who worked in the clerical field in the late nineteenth century?


Who was Leonora Barry?

The general investigator for women's work for the Knights of Labor in the 1880s

Why were so many children in the workforce in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries?

Families needed all members to contribute to their economic survival

In the late nineteenth century, working-class youth met and courted one another

in commercialized public spaces

What impact did Jacob Riis's best-selling book How the Other Half Lives have in the late nineteenth century?

It led to tenement reform and the construction of city playgrounds.

What was the White City, constructed in 1893 five miles down the shore from Chicago?

The home of the Columbian Exposition

What percentage of American homes in cities in the late nineteenth century employed live-in domestic help?

15 - 30%

Which of the following was a result of the Great Railroad Strike of 1877?

In Pennsylvania, the militia killed twenty workers and the railroad sustained over $2 million in property damage.

What effect did the possession of an industrial skill have on one's chances of finding employment in the late-nineteenth-century United States?

Possessing an industrial skill did not guarantee prosperity

Which of the following describes the immigrant women who came to the United States at the end of the nineteenth century?

wives, daughters, mothers

What was the function of political machines in late-nineteenth-century cities?

They allowed political parties to control many functions of a city.

What development led to the growth of live-in domestic help during the nineteenth century?

expansion of the middle class

What was the effect of the 1886 Haymarket Square riot on labor organizations?

The riot increased the popularity of the American Federation of Labor

What kinds of jobs did new immigrants perform at the end of the nineteenth century?

They built railroads, subways, and bridges in America's cities.

In 1897, the city of Boston pioneered the nation's first

subway system

What were working conditions at mechanized textile mills like in the late nineteenth century?

loud and dangerous

What were the Knights of Labor's preferred tactics for achieving reforms for workers?

Arbitration and boycotts

How did domestic employment reflect racial and ethnic divisions in the late nineteenth century?

Domestic employment drew upon the cheap labor provided by racial and ethnic minorities.

Which of the following events first displayed the power of workers' collective action to the entire nation?

The Great Railroad Strike of 1877

What was the nations first strike?

The Great Railroad Strike of 1877

What was one unintended and important consequence of the growth of domestic service in the late nineteenth century?

The expansion of white middle-class women's horizons outside the home

How did cities respond to technological developments in the late nineteenth century?

Cities embraced technological developments, undertaking an array of large public works projects.

Why did the national leader of the Knights of Labor, Terence Powderly, refuse to endorse the movement for shorter hours?

He worried about the increasing activism of the rank and file

What did Samuel Gompers, who established the American Federation of Labor in 1886, believe skilled workers should do to improve their status?

Organize into craft unions and employ strikes to achieve work-related reforms

The Knights of Labor, a prominent labor organization of the late nineteenth century that advocated a "universal brotherhood" of all workers, pursued

broad social reforms

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How did industrialization affect Americans daily lives in the late nineteenth century quizlet?

Industrialization caused more and more men to work outside the home for wages while their wives stayed in and either discharged a variety of domestic chores without pay or supervised paid servants who did the housework.

Why did female salesclerks consider themselves a cut above factory workers?

Why did female salesclerks consider themselves a cut above factory workers? Their work was neither dirty nor dangerous. Salesclerks counted themselves a cut above factory workers because the work was neither dirty nor dangerous.

How did department store saleswomen in the late nineteenth century believe they compared to factory workers of the period?

How did department store saleswomen in the late nineteenth century believe they compared to factory workers of the period? They saw themselves as superior to factory workers despite lower pay.

What kind of jobs did new immigrants perform at the end of the nineteenth century?

What kinds of jobs did new immigrants perform at the end of the nineteenth century? The most recent immigrant groups were often unskilled common laborers who performed the brute work necessary to building the nation's industrial infrastructure, such as railroads, subways, and bridges.


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