Why does the principle of unity of command not hold good in case of functional Foremanship?

| Why does the principle of Unity of Command not hold good in case of Functional Foremanship?

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As per Unity of Command, an employee should receive instructions from one boss only and he should be responsible and accountable to him alone.

Principle of functional foremanship states that every worker should receive instructions from eight functional specialists, four from planning department and four from production department.

If an organisation has 8 functional specialists, it will not be possible to allow only one superior to give orders to the subordinates.

Hence, unity of command cannot be exercised in case of presence of functional foremanship.

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Table of Contents

  • 1 Which of the following is violation of unity of command?
  • 2 What violates the unity of command principle?
  • 3 What is Projectized organizational structure?
  • 4 Why does the principle of unity of command not hold good in the case of a functional organization?

Which of the following is violation of unity of command?

Some staff personal may impose direct orders to the workers misleading them. Thus, unity of command is violated among functional organization. This type of organizational structure overcomes the disadvantages of pure line organizational structure.

Which project Organisation does not follow unity of command principle?

(i) The matrix organisation violates the classical principle of unity of command. The personnel from functional departments have to face the situation of two bosses, project manager and functional manager.

What is violation of unity of command?

The principle of unity of command is violated under functional organisation . Thus unity of command is violated among functional organisation . This type of organisational structure overcomes the disadvantages of pure line organisational structure .

What violates the unity of command principle?

in matrix structure, employees who report to two supervisors simultaneously (dual authority)- violates unity of command concept. Authority is pushed down to lower levels and front line employees are often given the freedom to make decisions and take action on their own.

What is principle violated?

If someone violates an agreement, law, or promise, they break it.

Which type of organization violates the principle of unity of command and why?

Explanation : An important feature of matrix organization is that it violates the classical principle of unity of command. The employees in this organization have two bosses-their functional departmental managers and their product managers. So this design has a dual chain of command.

What is Projectized organizational structure?

Projectized Organization Structure A projectized organization works by arranging activities into portfolios or programs and executing them through projects. In these types of structures, the project manager is the final authority over the project they are handling.

Which of the following factors affects unity of command?

In the opinion of Fayol the crucial aspects of unity of command are- there must exist an authority who has the power or right to issue order, the power to extract obedience, and there is an atmosphere of implementation.

Which technique of scientific management is violation of unity of command?

Whereas, in functional foremanship there are at least eight bosses under sub departments which are assigned to a single employee. This technique clearly violates the principle of unity of command as it is in contrast with what the principle says.

Why does the principle of unity of command not hold good in the case of a functional organization?

Principle of untiy of command not hold good in the case of functional foremanship because according to the principle of Unity of Command, any person should be answerable to just one boss. If an individual receives command from two or more people then, this principle is violated.

Which principle is violated under matrix structure?

An important feature of matrix organization is that it violates the classical principle of unity of command. The employees in this organization have two bosses-their functional departmental managers and their product managers.

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Which principle is Violate by functional Foremanship?

Functional foremanship violates 'Unity of Command' principle.

What happens if principle of unity of command is violated?

As per Fayol's principle of unity of command there should be one boss and if it is violated it results in authority is undetermined, discipline is in jeopardy, order distributed and stability threatened. Same we are observing in the above case.

What is functional Foremanship and unity of command?

Unity of command is when a worker follows the order of the boss at a time while functional foreman-ship is when a worker gets order under two departments like ( production and planning ) from different boss. Unity of command is also related to effective functioning of subordinate in the organization.

Why does the principle of unity of command?

Under the principles of war, unity of command means that all the forces fall under one responsible commander. It requires a single commander with the requisite authority to direct all forces in pursuit of a unified purpose. Simply put, it means one mission, one boss.


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