Word processing, spreadsheets, and presentation software are examples of what?

What is presentation software?

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Presentation software is defined as computer programs designed to allow the user to present information in an engaging way such as with text, pictures, sound and video. It is one of the application software that is used to display information in the form of a slide show. PowerPoint is an example of a presentation software.

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More questions on Application Package

Nikas Ghimire

What is an application package?

An application package is a collection of software programs that have been developed for the purpose of being licensed to third-party organizations. It is a type of software that can perform many different related tasks. Word processors, spreadsheets, databases, graphics and presentation software are all examples of application packages.

Nikas Ghimire

What are the special features of an office package software?

Nikas Ghimire

What is a word processing software? Explain its features.

Word processing software is an application software that basically helps in the creation of a document. It facilitates the creation of documents through computerized text editing, formatting, storing, and printing. Microsoft Word is an example of word processing software. Some of the major features of word processing software are as follows:-

  • Fast operation: Typing text in a word processor becomes very fast as there is no mechanical carriage movement associated.
  • Editing text features: Any...

Nikas Ghimire

What are the advantages of word processing software?

The advantages of word processing software are as follows:-

  1. A document can be stored in a computer for future reference.
  2. One can easily insert or replace a word or phrase without affecting the neatness of a document.
  3. One can easily produce many copies using a printer without retyping.
  4. One can save your work and come back to it at a later time.
  5. Useful tools such as spell checker, grammar checker available to improve the quality of your work.
  6. Many handy features available e.g. borders, text...

Nikas Ghimire

Define header, footer, end note and foot note in MS word.

Header: A header istext that is placed at the top of a page.

Footer:A footeris a text that islocated in the margin area at the bottom of a page.

Footnote: Afootnote is the note or text found at the bottom of a given page.

Endnote: An endnote is a note at the end of a text.

Nikas Ghimire

What are Page orientation and Page margin?

Page orientation is the direction in which a document is displayed or printed. The two basic types of page orientation areportrait (vertical) and landscape (horizontal).

A page margin isthe area between the main content of a page and the page edges. The margin helps to define where a line of text begins and ends.

Nikas Ghimire

Explain speller, thesaurus, watermark and indentation.

Speller: Speller is a word function thatis set to automatically check your spelling while you type. Errors in your document will have color-coded underlines reflecting your choices, like red for spelling errors, green for grammar errors, and blue for contextual spelling errors.

Thesaurus:Thesaurus is a tool, which is used in Ms Word or Microsoft Wordto search for synonyms and synonyms for a particular selected word. Thesaurus in Ms Word helps writers to find exact and suitable words to express...

Nikas Ghimire

What are Macros in Ms word? What are its advantages?

A macro isa series of commands and instructions that you group together as a single command to accomplish a task automatically.Itallows you to automate frequently used formatting settings. Rather than repeat all of those steps every single time, a macro allows you to record the steps and then execute all of them at once using a single button or keyboard command.

Its advantages are:-

  • Macros hold the details of an operation in a module that can be used "as if" it were a single instruction.
  • ...

Nikas Ghimire

What is mail merge? What are the advantages of using mail merge?

Mail Merge is a handy feature that incorporates data from both Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel andallows you to create multiple documents at once, such as letters, saving you the time and effort of retyping the same letter over and over.

Its advantages are:-

  1. The Mail Merge feature makes it easy to send the same letter to a large number of people.
  2. By using Mail Merge, we don’t have to type each recipient’s name separately in each letter.
  3. It is economical and saves a lot of time.
  4. It is one of...

Nikas Ghimire

What is a spreadsheet software?

A spreadsheet is a tool that is used to store, manipulate and analyze data. Data in a spreadsheet is organized in a series of rows and columns and can be searched, sorted, calculated and used in a variety of charts and graphs. Itisa software program you use to easily perform mathematical calculations on statistical data and totaling long columns of numbers or determining percentages and averages.Examples include:Lotus 1-2-3, Microsoft Works Spreadsheet, Open Office Calc and Google Drive...

Nikas Ghimire

Differentiate between workbook and worksheet.

The differences between workbook and worksheet are as follows:-

1. Workbook is an excel file containing many worksheets. 1. A worksheet has a single spreadsheet containing data.
2. Workbook cannot be added within the worksheet. 2. Worksheets can be added in a workbook.
3. Workbooks are used in a professional environment. 3. Worksheet is preferred in a learning or educational setup.

Nikas Ghimire

What is cell and cell address?

Cell:Cells arethe boxes you see in the grid ofan Excel worksheet, like this one. Each cell is identified on a worksheet by its reference, the column letter and row number that intersect at the cell's location.

Cell address:A cell reference, or cell address, isan alphanumeric value used to identify a specific cell in a spreadsheet. Each cell address contains 'one or more letters' followed by a number. The letter or letters identify the column and the number represents the row.

Nikas Ghimire

What is a function? How can functions be used to enhance calculations in excel?

Functions arepredefined formulas that perform calculations by using specific values, called arguments, in a particular order, or structure. Functions can be used to perform simple or complex calculations.

Once you are familiar with the function you want to use, all you have to do is enter an equal sign (=) in the cell, followed by the name of the function and the cell range it applies to. This is how functions can be used to enhance calculations in excel.

Nikas Ghimire

What is a chart? List some of the chart available in MS EXCEL.

A chart isa tool you can use in Excel to communicate data graphically. Charts allow your audience to see the meaning behind the numbers, and they make showing comparisons and trends much easier.

There are eight types of charts available in MS-Excel which are as follows:-

  • Column Chart.
  • Line Chart.
  • Pie Chart.
  • Doughnut Chart.
  • Bar Chart.
  • Area Chart.
  • XY (Scatter) Chart.
  • Bubble Chart.

Nikas Ghimire

What is IF function in Excel?

The IF function is one of the most popular functions in Excel, thatallows you to make logical comparisons between a value and what you expect. So an IF statement can have two results. The first result is if your comparison is True, the second if your comparison is False.

Nikas Ghimire

What are the advantages of a presentation software?

The advantages of presentation software are as follows:-

  1. It is incredibly easy to learn how to use.
  2. It is supplied with a large library of background templates and custom layouts.
  3. Multimedia can easily be added to the presentation.
  4. It is easy to edit.
  5. It can be easily output to different formats.
  6. It is excellent for summarizing facts.
  7. It can create a set of handouts for people to write on whilst presentation being given.

Nikas Ghimire

What is a slide? What are slide animations?

A slide is a single page of a presentation created with various presentation software. A presentation is composed of various slides. Slide transition isthe graphical effect while moving from one slide to another. Slide animation refers to the animation given to the various objects inside the slide itself. Theyare similar to transitions, but they areapplied to individual elements on a single slide such asa title,...

What is word processing and presentation software?

Word processing is used to type and edit plain text while Presentation software is used to edit and make visual aids to support your presentation.  In word processing software you can actually create documents and store your information with your self while in presentation software you cant do it.

What is word processing and spreadsheets?

MS Word is a processing software which is used for writing letters, essay, notes, etc. Whereas, MS Excel is a spreadsheet software where a large amount of data or information can be saved in a systematic tabular manner in numerical and alphabetical values.

What are spreadsheets databases and word processing programs called?

Application software (also called end-user programs) is designed for the user, and includes such programs as word processors, spreadsheets, database programs and many more.

What is word processing spreadsheet and photo editing are example of?

The correct answer is Application software. Spreadsheets, photo editing, PowerPoint, word documents, etc, are examples of Application software.


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