Damian bedeutung name


Der Jungenname Damian ist griechischen Ursprungs und bedeutet "der Mächtige" oder "der Bezwinger". Der heilige Damian und sein Zwillingsbruder Kosmas waren der Legende nach zwei Ärzte, die im 4. Jahrhundert den Martertod erlitten.

NAME "Damian"


Von griechisch „damázein" = bezwingen, bändigen bzw. „daman" = mächtig




26. September, 14. April



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Bekannte Namensträger

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−·· ·− −− ·· ·− −·

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  • Übersicht: Jungennamen
  • Übersicht: Vornamen

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Bedeutung, Herkunft, Bewertung und Kommentare zum Vornamen Damian sind von Benutzern eingetragene Inhalte. Sie werden von der Redaktion gelesen, eine Prüfung auf Richtigkeit und Vollständigkeit ist aber leider nicht möglich. Wir freuen uns, wenn wir von dir Hinweise zu Bedeutung oder Herkunft bekommen!

Hier findest du 5 Jungennamen, die dem Namen Damian ähnlich sind:

Hier findest du 5 Mädchennamen, die dem Namen Damian ähnlich sind:

What Does Damian Mean? 

Damian is a historic name that means “to tame” or “subdue.” It is derived from the Greek word “Damianos” which can mean “master,” “overcome,” or “conquer.” The name Damian has also been linked to the Greek goddess of fertility, Damia (also known as Demeter). In Roman mythology, she’s known as Ceres.

Damian is a very popular name in England and Ireland. It’s even more popular in these countries than in Greece where it originated. The name was particularly popular amongst early Christians across Europe. This is because of Saint Damian who was martyred alongside his brother Cosmas in the 4th century. They are currently the patron saints of physicians. 

Damian is also a popular name in literary works and other works of art. The most common being Damian Wayne, the son of Bruce Wayne in the Batman comics. A common variant of the name is Damien, although the name Damian is used more commonly in the United States. 

After its use in “The Omen films,” where the character Damian was portrayed as an evil child, the name Damian was attached to some negativity. However, this only lasted a couple of years after the film’s debut and is nothing to worry about. The name continues to be widely loved and used all across the world. 

  • Origin: Damian has Greek origins. It’s derived from the Greek name Damianos, which means to tame.
  • Gender: Damian is a name predominantly given to boys but can be given to any gender.
  • Pronunciation: Day-mee-an

Although many baby names are separated by gender, Verywell Family believes that sex does not need to play a role in your name selection process. It’s important to select a name that you feel suits your new baby the best.

How Popular is the Name Damian? 

The name Damian is popular in the United States. It reached the top 1,000 names in the year 1952, when it debuted in spot No. 940 of the most common names for boys. It has since risen and continues to rise in popularity.

Between the years 1978 and 1981, the name lost some popularity, no thanks to the release of the movie “The Omen”, in which a character who was portrayed as the child of the devil was named Damian. During this period, people reported being creeped out by the name. That sentiment has since been forgotten.

According to 2020 data from the Social Security Administration, Damian is the 110th most popular name for boys in the United States. Around 1968, it was briefly used to name girls but didn’t gain a lot of popularity. 

Name Variations 

Damian has several name variations. Some of them include: 

  • Damion (English)
  • Damiaan (Dutch)
  • Damianos (Ancient Greek)
  • Damyan (Bulgarian)
  • Damon (Greek)
  • Demyan (Russian)
  • Damjan (Macedonian)
  • Damião (Portuguese) 
  • Damien (French)
  • Daymian 

Similar Names

If you aren’t quite sold on the name Damian for your baby, here are other names that sound and feel similar to consider: 

  • Damon 
  • Dane
  • Darian 
  • Davian 
  • Davion
  • Dominic
  • Duncan 
  • Jameson 
  • Nicholas
  • Orion 
  • Simeon

Common Nicknames

Being just three syllables, some people may opt not to use any nicknames. However, some nicknames for Damian include:

  • Dame
  • Damies
  • Dames

Suggested Sibling Names 

Here are some sibling names that have the same feel as Damian: 

  • Andrew
  • Dominic
  • Elias
  • Juliet
  • Lucas
  • Raphael
  • Theodore 
  • Sophia 
  • Veronica 

Famous People Named Damian    

If you are thinking of naming your baby Damian, here are some famous people who also bear the name: 

  • Damien Echols, American author 
  • Damian Higgins, the real name of the American DJ known as DieselBoy 
  • Damian Marley, Reggae artist and son of the famous Bob Marley 
  • Damian Conway, Australian computer science professor 
  • Damian Green, British politician 
  • Damian Mackle, Irish professional wrestler also known as Killian Dain
  • Damian McBride, special adviser to the former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown 
  • Damian Wilson, English musician and songwriter 
  • Damian Lewis, British actor and film producer 
  • Damian Lillard, basketball player for the Portland Trail Blazers 

Verywell Family uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

  1. Social Security Administration. Popular baby names. Updated 2021.

By Toketemu Ohwovoriole
Toketemu has been multimedia storyteller for the last four years. Her expertise focuses primarily on mental wellness and women’s health topics.

Thanks for your feedback!

Ist Damian ein russischer Name?

Der Name Damian hat eine griechische Herkunft und geht auf das Wort „daman“ zurück, was übersetzt „mächtig“ bedeutet. Auch das Wort „damazein“, was übersetzt „bezwingen“ bedeutet, steht im Zusammenhang mit dem Namen Damian, dessen griechische Form Damianos ist.

Wo kommt der Vorname Damian her?

Damian wird aus der griechischen Form „Damianos“ abgeleitet, dessen Ursprungswort „daman“ (= mächtig) ist.

Ist Damian ein schöner Name?

Damian - in Deutschland bekannt und beliebt! Im Beliebtheitsranking aller Jungennamen belegt er in der SmartGenius-Vornamensstatistik Platz 120. In den letzten Jahren erhielten von 1.000 neugeborenen Jungen ungefähr 2 den Namen Damian.

Woher kommt der Name Damion?

Damion ist ein männlicher Vorname altgriechischer Herkunft.


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