Most of the hard work of considering legislative alternatives and drafting legislation occurs

  1. Social Science
  2. Political Science
  3. Politics of the United States

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Where in the legislative process do most changes to bills occur quizlet?

Where does most of the legislative work occur? Most of the legislative work on a bill occurs in congressional committees.

Which of the following is extremely powerful congressional committee that determines when debate on a bill will take place?

when debate on a bill will take place? a select committee. When different versions of the same bill pass in the House and Senate, a conference committee is formed to bridge the gap between the bills.

What are the types of legislation quizlet?

Terms in this set (26).
Administrative Law. Government and/or organization-related issues that can be handled outside of a courtroom..
Civil Law. Laws about relationships between individuals, businesses, organizations. ... .
Common Law. ... .
Constitutional Law. ... .
Criminal Law. ... .
Statutory Law. ... .
Public Law. ... .
International Laws..

What are the two major roles of Congress?

Make laws. Declare war. Raise and provide public money and oversee its proper expenditure.


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