The degree to which bureaucrats must answer for the power that they exercise is called ______.

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Terms in this set (68)

When people at different levels of an organization have authority over people in lower levels of the organization, it creates

a hierarchical authority.

What are some of the reasons the federal bureaucracy has grown so rapidly since the United States was founded?

bureaucrats who wanted more power

increased demands on government

the failures of state government bureaucracies

Which of these duties is not the responsibility of the federal bureaucracy?

running the public schools

The Department of ______ has the smallest number of employees, while the Department of ______ has the largest.

Education; Defense

True or false: Some federal agencies function as independent agencies rather than within a cabinet-level department, because putting the agencies in a department would make their missions subordinate to the department's primary mission.


What are characteristics of job specialization in a bureaucracy?

a precise division of labor within the bureaucracy

the explicit definition of duties for each position

The federal bureaucracy experienced its greatest expansion during the

1930s under president Franklin Roosevelt.

U.S. bureaucrats administer ______ of programs.


Federal departments are each responsible for one

broad policy area

What kind of government agencies make and enforce public policy with regard to a specific type of economic activity?


Which of the following are examples of independent agencies?

the National Aeronautics and Space Administration

the Central Intelligence Agency

Which of the following statements about presidential commissions is true?

They provide advice to the president on specific issues.

What are the two primary ways to attain a merit-based civil service job?

having specialized training

performing well on a competitive exam

Regulatory agencies were originally created to regulate ______ activities.


Civil servants are prohibited from doing which of the following?

negotiating salaries

striking to get what they want

An organization with specialization of job tasks, vertical chain of command, and standard operating procedures is called

a bureaucracy.

Congress and the president decide how much money each bureaucratic agency will be authorized to spend in the ______ process.


Government agencies such as Amtrak that sell a product or service are called

government corporations.

For which type of spending do Congress and the president deliberate over how much money to allocate?


The merit system of hiring civil servants was instituted because of the need for a

skilled workforce.

workforce that could serve everyone, not just a particular political party.

Which branch of government is granted constitutional authority over government spending?


Once the House and Senate vote on their budget bills, what happens next?

Differences in House and Senate bills are reconciled in conference committee.

For what reason are national civil servants prohibited from going on strike?

They are essential to public operations and safety.

The final authority of approving budgets for federal agencies rests with the

members of Congress.

During the budgetary process, federal agencies follow guidelines that

include limits on the amount of money they can request.

Bureaucrats make policy as they fill in the details necessary to implement legislation through the process of


The House and Senate ______ Committees are responsible for reviewing each agency's budget, which includes interviewing top officials from each federal agency.


For its estimates on government spending and revenues, Congress relies mainly on what organization?

Congressional Budget Office

Regarding pay and benefits, federal employees

receive good fringe benefits, such as full health insurance.

From beginning to end, how long does the budgetary process last?

a year and a half

An agency that is trying to retain or increase its funding would be well advised to

seek support where it can be found, regardless of politics.

Which of the following statements about an administrative agency's implementation of policy is correct?

Bureaucrats can only spend money appropriated by Congress.

Which of the following is not a source of bureaucratic power in promoting an agency's interests?

the support of the general public for the bureaucracy

Which committees in Congress are responsible for reviewing the president's budget and for recommending overall spending and revenue levels?

budget committees

Groups in society that benefit directly from a bureaucratic agency's programs and thus usually lobby Congress and the president on behalf of the agency are known as ______ groups.


Bureaucratic agencies are at odds with democratic principles because the agencies have

a fixed hierarchy.

workers who serve permanent terms.

What policy perspective tends to dominate over time among most high-ranking bureaucrats who have spent years working in the same agency?

agency point of view

Bureaucrats often have expertise over other government workers because

bureaucrats have trained and worked in specialized areas.

Which of the following are tools available to the president to help hold the bureaucracy accountable and to make them more responsive to the will of the president?

executive orders that force agencies to act

reform panels, such as the Volcker commission

initiatives such as the National Performance Review

True or false: The president submits his budget to Congress in April, where it will undergo varying degrees of change.


Bureaucratic agencies can benefit from

focusing on policies a president wants to address

addressing the concerns of voters important to members of congress

What functions, to a degree, as the president's personal bureaucracy?

the Executive Office of the President

Which of the following are actions the president can perform to hold bureaucratic agencies responsible for their actions?

pick leaders for them

budget funds for them

Bill Clinton campaigned on the issue of "reinventing government" and, once elected, put that promise into action through the

National Performance Review.

The role of presidential appointees to a federal bureaucracy is to provide

day-to-day oversight of the bureaucracy.

When attempting to control bureaucracy through reorganization, presidents have generally found what to be most effective?

shifting activities out of agencies and into the Executive Office of the President

The degree to which bureaucrats must answer for the power that they exercise is called

bureaucratic accountability.

Scholar William West has described the Office of Management and Budget's rule-making oversight as


Some ways the president exerts control over the bureaucracy include

appointing particular people to head agencies or departments.

issuing executive orders to require bureaucrats to do certain things.

A clause in legislation that sets an expiration date for the authorized program unless Congress reauthorizes it is known as a(n) ______ clause.


Presidential appointees to which type of federal agency will likely have the most influence?

regulatory agencies

After 9/11 President Bush sought to streamline the intelligence bureaucracy and thus make it more efficient by

consolidating all of the intelligence services under a single director.

How does the court system hold federal bureaucratic agencies accountable?

It reviews the actions of the executive and legislative branches to ensure that they are following the Constitution and the law.

Which of the following organizations provides oversight through review of all agency regulations and policy proposals in order to verify that the benefits outweigh the costs?

Office of Management and Budget

What are some reasons bureaucrats are accountable to Congress?

Congress creates bureaucracies.

Congress funds bureaucracies.

Which of the following statements does not apply to Senior Executive Service (SES) bureaucrats?

SES personnel receive special leadership training.

Since Congress authorizes bureaucratic agencies, the agencies

can be sued in court if a party does not feel that the agency carried out the law properly.

As compared to regular federal judges, administrative law judges

operate less formally.

If Congress is displeased with a bureaucracy's performance or behavior, what are some actions it can take?

cut its budget

modify its authority

Typically, a presidential appointee stays on the job for

two years.

Congress passed the Whistleblower Protection Act for which of the following reasons?

to provide whistleblowers with financial reward for reporting misdeeds

to protect employees from retaliation if they report their supervisors' misdeeds

Which of the following are ways in which accountability is encouraged within bureaucracies?

Senior Executive Service

administrative law judges

whistleblower protections

Top-paying bureaucratic jobs are most likely to be held by

white men.

When citizens believe that they have been harmed by a bureaucratic decision, they can contest the ruling in front of

an administrative law judge.

The case of Bunnatine Greenhouse illustrates what aspect of whistleblowing?

Even with protections in place, whistleblowers put themselves at risk.

Which of the following accurately describe the Senior Executive Service?

They cannot be fired.

Its members are paid more than their peers.

The president can assign them to any position in the bureaucracy.

The idea behind making the federal bureaucracy more demographically representative of the nation as a whole is that it will make the bureaucracy

more responsive to the people it serves.

Which of the following accurately describes the demographic representativeness of the U.S. federal bureaucracy?

At the top levels, white males still dominate the federal bureaucracy.

The bureaucracy as a whole comes close to being representative of the U.S. population.

Women are better represented among the top ranks of administrators than they are in Congress or the judiciary.

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What is one power that belongs to the bureaucracy?

Bureaucrats fulfill important roles, including implementing laws, making and enforcing rules when legislative prescriptions are vague, and settling disputes (as courts would) through administrative adjudication.

How can the President exercise control over the federal bureaucracy?

Most directly, the president controls the bureaucracies by appointing the heads of the fifteen cabinet departments and of many independent executive agencies, such as the CIA, the EPA, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. These cabinet and agency appointments go through the Senate for confirmation.

What are the major checks on the power of the bureaucracy?

Both Congress and the president exercise direct oversight over the bureaucracy by holding hearings, making appointments, and setting budget allowances. Citizens exercise their oversight powers through their use of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and by voting.

Who exercises control over the bureaucracy quizlet?

The executive branch controls the bureaucracy by appointing all federal employees.


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