The goal of cross cultural training is to ease the adjustment to the new environment by reducing

Felix Department Store has over 900 stores in the U.S. and over 300 stores in Mexico and Canada. Felix has been particularly successful in Mexico, and the firm's executives believe Felix should expand into other Latin American countries. As a result, plans are underway for the construction of a new Felix store in Managua, Nicaragua. The construction, once started, is expected to be completed within a year, so staff selection needs to begin soon. Felix's executives are considering the idea of using parent-country nationals to manage the new store in Nicaragua.

Which of the following, if true, best supports the argument that parent-country nationals should manage the Felix store in Managua, Nicaragua?
A) Felix encourages employees to participate in community outreach programs.
B) The top management of Felix is unlikely to endorse the recruitment of cheap, incompetent workers.
C) Felix wants to maintain close control of the Nicaragua store for at least three years.
D) Felix's managers in Nicaragua will choose what items to stock based on local needs and customs.

(1) honeymoon, when positive attitudes and expectations, excitement, and a tourist feeling prevail (which may last up to several weeks); (2) irritation and hostility, the crisis stage when cultural differences result in problems at work, at home, and in daily living--expatriates and family members feel homesick and disoriented, lashing out at everyone (many never get past this stage); (3) gradual adjustment, a period of recovery in which the "patient" gradually becomes able to understand and predict patterns of behavior, use the language, deal with daily activities, and the family starts to accept their new life; and (4) biculturalism, the stage in which the manager and family members grow to accept and appreciate local people and practices, and are able to function effectively in two cultures.

Sets with similar terms

What is the purpose of cross

The main objective of cross-cultural training is to bring a new level of cultural awareness and appreciation into the workplace. Cross-cultural training attempts to achieve clearer lines of communication and mutual trust, respect, and understanding by raising employee awareness.

What is a cross

The term "cross cultural training" refers to training courses that develop an awareness between people where a common cultural framework does not exist or is not recognized.

What cross

Cross-cultural adjustment is a process where a person interacts with and adapts to a foreign environment.

Why is cross

Through cultural training, an expatriate can gain an understanding of the management and communication style that's most likely to be effective for the assignment. Of course, that doesn't mean the road ahead will necessarily be easy.


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