Was bedeuted i dare u

She didn't comment at first, and we drew nearer to a big red barn and a Beware of Dog sign on a fence post.

'I wasn't that close,' I told her.

'A filly or a colt?' she asked.

'He would bring his horses to you?' I asked.

'It's a foal, I guess. Black,' I went on.

'Did you know anything about a lady maybe staying with him in Warrenton?' I asked as we headed back outside again. 'Did you ever see anyone when you went to work with his horses?'

'What about a star-strip-snip?' she asked, referring to the white stripe on the horse's forehead.

'Is there someplace we can talk to him?' I asked Foster.

'Well, Windsong may have gotten out somehow,' I said again. 'And was spared.'

We picked plastic chairs and sat with our backs to the arena, overlooking woods.

'And he has no stable hand?' I asked.

'A filly or a colt?' she asked.

She didn't comment at first, and we drew nearer to a big red barn and a Beware of Dog sign on a fence post.

'It's a foal, I guess. Black,' I went on.

'It's a foal, I guess. Black,' I went on.

'Well, Kenny had a foal named Windsong,' Foster said. 'The mother, Wind, ran the Derby and came in last, but just being in it was enough. Plus the father had won a few big stake races. So Windsong was probably the most valuable horse in Kenny's stables.'

'The last one quit several months ago. Since then Kenny has been doing most of the work himself. It's not like he can hire just anyone. He has to be careful.'

'Well, Windsong may have gotten out somehow,' I said again. 'And was spared.'

'Is there someplace we can talk to him?' I asked Foster.

'A filly or a colt?' she asked.

'I'd like to know more about the stable hand,' Marino said, taking notes.

'There are chairs outside.' She pointed. 'Or you can use my office.'

'Sometimes he did that. Sometimes it was yearlings he would buy from me and just leave them here to be trained for two years. Then he'd add them to his stable. Or he'd breed racehorses and sell them when they were old enough to be trained for the track. And I also went up there to his farm, sometimes two or three times a week. Basically, I supervised.'

Sparkes picked up speed and thundered toward us, and the guinea hens lifted up their feathery skirts to hurry out of the way.

Sparkes picked up speed and thundered toward us, and the guinea hens lifted up their feathery skirts to hurry out of the way.

Bedeutung von dare im Englisch

dare | Amerikanisches Wörterbuch

dare verb (BE BRAVE)

present tense dares or dare

dare verb (ASK)

dare noun [C] (BRAVE ACT)

(Definition von dare aus dem Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

Beispiele von dare


What, we dare ask, could possibly be causing this?

No sovereign government would dare to issue debt without being rated by one or both of the agencies.

And nowhere had anyone dared monumentality on the scale of the great platform and tiled vaults soaring 15 storeys into the air above.

They dared not come out boldly for protective tariffs, or even for any considerable increase in imperial preference.

I guess this makes these other major scholars and publications also guilty of "fraud" and other related sins by daring to publish such thoughts!

Prior to 1910, plantation managers 'did not dare to report all deaths'.

The powerful resources of the digital universe allow the mental edifices of daring architects to be translated seamlessly into physical ones.

Without knowing more about the particulars -for instance, about engineers'concepts of pendulums - one cannot dare to give a definitive answer in this case.

There are still small differences both between models and variables, so one would not dare to draw any conclusion, if the two patterns were close.

Until very recently, indirect communication about 'the love that dares not speak its name' has been normative in most settings.

He brings in the nation-state, national literatures, the debts to revolutions and the shared, daring belief in progress.

I dare say specialists in other fields could find aspects to pick on too.

The upshot is that anyone who dares to question any item in these tables has to redo the entire research for themselves.

Ultimately the two societies, through confrontation and co-operation, remained more closely entwined than either would have cared or dared to admit.

He formulated the project of composing some; he dared to be a creator.

Die Meinungen in den Beispielen repräsentieren nicht die Meinungen von den Redakteueren der Cambridge Dictionary, Cambridge University Press oder Ihren Lizenzgeber.

Übersetzungen von dare

auf Chinesisch (traditionell)

勇敢/魯莽, 敢於, 膽敢,竟敢…

auf Chinesisch (vereinfacht)

勇敢/鲁莽, 敢于, 胆敢…

auf Spanisch

atreverse a hacer algo, desafiar a alguien a hacer algo, desafío…

auf Portugiesisch

atrever-se a fazer algo, desafiar alguém a fazer algo, desafio…

auf Deutsch

wagen, herausfordern, die Herausforderung…

in more languages

auf Japanisch

auf Türkisch

auf Französisch

auf Katalanisch

auf Arabisch

auf Tschechisch

auf Dänisch

auf Indonesisch

auf Thai

auf Vietnamesisch

auf Polnisch

auf Malaysisch

auf Norwegisch

auf Koreanisch

in Ukrainian

auf Italienisch

auf Russisch

cüret, cesaret, cesaret etmek…

oser, mettre au défi de, défier…

odvážit se, vyzvat, výzva…

berani, menantang, tantangan…

กล้า, ท้าทาย, ความท้าทาย…

dám, thách thức, sự thách thức làm gì…

wyzwanie, mieć śmiałość, ważyć się…

berani, bertaruh, cabaran…

сміти, наважуватися, підохочувати…

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