Wer ist administrator mac


  • Change user privilege settings so that you can edit your Username, Password and configuration settings in ESET home products for macOS and ESET business products for macOS


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If you cannot view or change your Username and Password, configuration settings or other options are unavailable in your ESET product for Mac, you may not have sufficient privileges to make changes. Follow the steps below to determine and change your login account privileges.


  1. Click the Apple logo at the top left of your screen and click System Preferences.

Figure 1-1

  1. In the System section, click Users & Groups.

Figure 1-2

  1. Your account name will be displayed under Current User. User privilege level is displayed below your account name as Admin, Standard, Managed or Sharing only.

    Figure 1-3

  2. To grant a user administrative privileges, click the lock, enter your root password, click your desired user and then select the check box for Allow user to administer this computer.

Figure 1-4

  1. Restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

Last Updated: Aug 10, 2022

Related articles:

  • How do I add or remove Privileged users to protect configuration settings in ESET Cyber Security or ESET Cyber Security Pro?
  • Password protect program settings on client workstations (6.x)

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More Information

You will need to have administrative privileges in order to install software or perform certain other functions. To find out if you are an administrator on your particular computer, choose one of the links below:

  • Microsoft Windows 10
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2003
  • Mac OS X 

If you have problems while performing these steps, contact the NC State Help Desk for assistance.

Microsoft Windows 10

  1. Click on the Start button.
  2. Select Control Panel.
  3. In the Control Panel window, click on the User Accounts link.
  4. In the User Accounts window, click on the User Accounts link.
    • On the right hand side of the User Accounts window will be listed your account name, account icon and a description.
    • If the word “Administrator” is in your account’s description, then you are an administrator.
    • If the words “Standard user” are there, then you are not an administrator and will need to log in as a different user.

Microsoft Windows Server 2003

  1. Click on the Start button.
  2. Select Control Panel.
  3. In the Control Panel window, double click on the User Accounts icon.
  4. In the lower half of the User Accounts window, under the or pick an account to change heading, find your user account.
  5. If the words “Computer administrator” are in your account’s description, then you are an administrator.
    If the words “Limited user” are there, then you are not an administrator and will need to log in as a different user.

Mac OS X

  1. Open the Apple menu.
  2. Select System Preferences.
  3. In the System Preferences window, click on the Users & Groups icon.
  4. On the left side of window that opens, locate your account name in the list.
    • If the word Admin is immediately below your account name, then you are an administrator on this machine.
    • If the word Standard is there, then you are not an administrator and your account cannot be used to install software or make administrative changes.

All Mac computers need an administrator account to be able to function properly and perform certain tasks, ranging from installing certain software, to changing some system preferences. A variety of situations can arise causing a Mac to lose an administrator account, often if a user attempted to add a new admin account or new user account to the Mac, or rename an existing users account.

Whatever the case, if the Mac does not have an administrator account available, here’s how you can add an admin account to macOS in macOS Monterey, Big Sur, and earlier.

Missing Mac Admin Account? Create a New Admin Account in macOS

This process will involve booting into Recovery Mode to remove a setup file from the Mac, which allows the macOS setup assistant to run again, thereby allowing you to create a new admin account on the Mac. This works with macOS Monterey and Big Sur, and earlier, for both M1 and Intel Macs.

  1. Boot the Mac into Recovery Mode by restarting the Mac and holding down Command+R (Intel Macs) or the Power button (M1 Macs)
    • For M1 Macs, choose “Options” at the boot menu that appears
  2. At the macOS Utilities screen, open Disk Utility
  3. Select “Macintosh HD – Data” from the side bar and choose to “Mount” the Data drive
  4. Exit out of Disk Utility
  5. Pull down the ‘Utilities’ menu and choose “Terminal”
  6. Enter the following command into the Terminal:
  7. cd /Volumes/Macintosh HD/var/db/

  8. Next enter the following command exactly as shown:
  9. rm .AppleSetupDone

  10. Restart the Mac and go through the Setup Assistant procedure as if the Mac was new to create a new admin user account on the Mac, this will be an administrator account

You’ll now have created a new admin account which is fresh and completely different user account than your standard user account. The standard user account and all user data still exists, assuming this was done properly.

You can either use this admin user account to authenticate as needed with administrator requests and logins, or you can modify the original user account to become an admin account again. We’ll cover that next.

How to Set Standard User Account to be Admin Account in macOS

Want to restore your original Mac user account to be an admin account again? That’s easy:

  1. Boot into the newly created admin account, then pull down the  Apple menu and choose “System Preferences”
  2. Go to “Users & Groups” and click the padlock icon to be able to modify user accounts
  3. Select the original user account that you want to modify to Admin account privileges
  4. Check the box for “Allow user to administer this computer”
  5. Restart the Mac again, this time logging into the original user account which now has upgraded privileges to be an administrator user account again

If you feel so inclined, you can then delete the temporarily created admin user account from the Mac, or leave it be and have it available as a backup admin account, or even the only admin account.

There are other options available if you end up in a situation where the admin account becomes a standard user account, for example you can go about
converting a standard user account to admin account via command line, which is more appropriate for advanced users.

Have you run into this issue where an admin account becomes downgraded to a standard user account? Did the above solution fix this problem for you by creating a new admin account and then giving admin access to the original user account? Did you find another solution? Let us know your experiences in the comments.

Wo finde ich mein Administrator Passwort Mac?

Haben Sie Ihr Kennwort vergessen, können Sie es über Ihre Apple-ID zurücksetzen..
Nachdem Sie Ihr Kennwort bei der Anmeldung drei Mal falsch eingegeben haben, erhalten Sie den Hinweis, dass Sie Ihr Kennwort mit der Apple-ID zurücksetzen können. ... .
Geben Sie nun Ihre Apple-ID und das dazugehörige Kennwort ein..

Wie kann man den Admin bei Mac ändern?

Wähle im Menü "Apple" () > "Systemeinstellungen", und klicke auf "Benutzer & Gruppen". Klicke auf. , und gib den für die Anmeldung verwendeten Administratornamen und das Passwort ein.

Was tun wenn Administrator Passwort vergessen Mac?

Zurücksetzen des Mac-Anmeldepassworts.
Klicke neben dem Passwortfeld auf das Fragezeichen . Wenn du kein Fragezeichen siehst, halte den Ein-/Ausschalter gedrückt, bis sich der Mac ausschaltet. ... .
Klicke neben „Mit deiner Apple-ID zurücksetzen“ auf den Pfeil . ... .
Gib eine Apple-ID und ein Passwort ein und klicke auf „Weiter“..


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