What efforts were made to strengthen English control over the colonies in the seventeenth century and why did they generally fail?

The motives for founding the new England colonies; massachusetts, rhode island, new Hampshire, and Connecticut, were religous, as they were making a pilgrimage from England as the only acceptable religion in England at the time was Anglicanism an most of these colonists were english puritans. Though they had left England for religious freedoms, most of the new England colonies would only allow those religions closest to their own if not just there own, to settle there. There were no social castes yet, as most everyone in new England was poor until the 1700s. The economic foundations were minimal, the colonists were usually subsistence farmers, fishermen, or vice royals. There was little or no democracy in these colonies and they were rules by a monarch appointed governor. In the middle colonies, new york, Pennsylvania, new jersey, and sometimes delaware is considered a middle colony, the motives for founding were usually economic. Delaware was founded by the Swedes for solely economic gain. New Jersey was founded by a man who had received it as a gift and he promised settlers representative government, and freedom of religion. Pennsylvania was founded mainly by Quakers to escape religious persecution elsewhere. New York was founded by the Dutch in an attempt at economic gain. All of these colonies had no real religious composition other than Pennsylvania which was afore mentioned. Most people in these colonies were not wealthy, though not poor, their lives usually depended on trade. The political development in these colonies were similar to that of the new England colonies, once British rule was installed, so was a royal governor

I think that the European encounter should definitely be understood as a story of conquest, exploitation, and brutality. The Europeans came into the Native American's lands and promptly began to take their resources, wipe out their traditions, and force them into slave labor (Zinn 3-5). However, it is also important to see this encounter as an important time in history and a learning experience. Even during the brutality of the Europeans, something more significant was happening. The Columbian exchange began and the New World was introduced to animals, plants, African slave labor, and diseases that would change the lands and effect later generations of both surviving Native Americans and Europeans (Pageant 16). Also the Europeans brought plants, crops, precious metals, a sexually transmitted disease, and new farming techniques back to Europe (Pageant 16). Centuries later, after the United States has been created, the Columbian exchange will still be in use. I think that the story of the discovery of the New World should be remembered as a story of a cultural encounter of conquest, exploitation, and introduction. It should be remembered as a tragic story that lead to the beginning of the world we live in today.

Life for the African Americans in the Deep South was severe because of the climate and excessive labor. The rice plantations were really far away from each other and most male Africans died, so only the newly imported slaves could survive. In the Chesapeake region though, the work conditions were much better because they grew tobacco which didn't need much care. Tobacco plantations were much larger and closer together. Because the plantations were large and closer together, it permitted the African slaves to frequent their friends and relatives easier.

In 1720, female population began to rise, so it made it possible for the males to have families, therefore making the population grow. Native-born African Americans contributed to the growing slave culture. They started mixing the cultures in elements of speech, religion, and folkways. Off the islands of South Carolina's coast, Africans evolved a language with elements of English and African dialect called Gullah. The ring shout, a dance Africans performed in Africa, were brought from the slaves and contributed to the development of jazz.

Other contributions to the American culture by the Africans were the banjo and bongo drums. Slaves also help build the community with their labor. They became artisans, carpenters, bricklayers, and tanners. They mostly did all the hard work the colonists didn't want to do. Slaves were a large part in making up the American society. They contributed to many parts of our culture we have today. If it wasn't for them, we probably would have learned about these things as part of their culture.

Why was it possible for England to establish successful colonies by 1700s?

Why was it possible for England to establish successful colonies by 1700? They knew how to plant crops and they also had strong leaders to run the government. What were the social ethnic and economic difference among the southern, middle, and new England colonies?

What was the main reason for the founding of the New England colonies?

The New England colonies were founded to escape religious persecution in England. The Middle colonies, like Delaware, New York, and New Jersey, were founded as trade centers, while Pennsylvania was founded as a safe haven for Quakers.

What economic reasons prompted the English to establish colonies?

What were the reasons the English wanted to establish colonies in America? To market English exports, for a new source of raw material, to increase in trade to get more money, and to spread the protestant religion.

How did the transition of leadership during the Glorious Revolution impact the power of the English monarchy?

How did the transition of leadership during the Glorious Revolution impact the power of the English monarchy? 1. Parliament was able to reassert its legislative prerogatives and reign in the power of the monarchy.


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