What is the proper technique of assessing skin temperature which part of the hand should you use and why?

Regulation of Body Temperature

Walter F. Boron MD, PhD, in Medical Physiology, 2017


Effect of Skin Temperature on the Response to Hypothalamic Drive

In the experiments on rabbits (seeeFigure 59-4), the investigators implanted water-perfused thermodes to control the temperature of thepreoptic area/anterior hypothalamus (POAH), shown on the x-axis. Metabolic rate, shown on the y-axis, was calculated from

, and the animals were placed in a temperature-controlled chamber. Mean skin temperature (three different symbols) was also measured.eFigure 59-4 demonstrates how changes in ambient (skin) temperatures (Tskin) affects the POAH gain (the slope of a fitted line). This gain was determined by plotting the metabolic responses to brief step changes in the POAH temperature away from its normal level of 39.2°C (vertical dashed line in the figure). The POAH gain is flattest at the warmest skin temperature (Tskin = 34.3°C) and it is steepest at the coldest skin temperature (Tskin = 30.5°C). It can also be seen that when hypothalamic tempera­ture is left undisturbed at its normal level of 39.2°C, the metabolic rate is at resting level (3.0 watt/kg) when Tskin is 34.3°C (i.e., with the subject in a relatively warm room). On the other hand, when Tskin is 30.5°C (i.e., with the subject in a cooler room), the metabolic rate rises to >6.0 watt/kg, due to the shivering thermogenesis induced by the low skin temperatures.

eFigure 59-4. Thermoeffector responses. These results are from experiments in rabbits

N59-7 in which the investigators implanted water-perfused thermodes to control the temperature of the preoptic/anterior hypothalamic area N59-4 (x-axis) at three different skin temperatures (Tskin).

Vascular Ulcers

Bonnie J. Sparks-DeFriese, in Physical Rehabilitation, 2007

Skin Temperature.

Skin temperature may be a physiological indicator or precursor to the development of leg ulcers in certain diagnostic groups.42,43 A small study (with 6 adults) compared leg skin temperature in patients with chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) to skin temperature in patients without CVI and found that the temperature in those with CVI was an average of 1.8° F higher.43

It is generally recommended that skin temperature measurements not be compared with typical norms, but rather that the temperature of the involved limb be compared with the temperature of the uninvolved limb (if there is one) and that temperatures be compared along the limb, from proximal to distal. It is postulated that differences in skin temperature may help identify pathology such as arterial compromise (which can cause a reduction in skin temperature distally, often with a sharp line of demarcation43). Temperature changes may also predict ulceration in the patient with venous pathology (temperature is increased in areas of ulceration2), and temperature elevation can be associated with a local inflammatory response or infection.12 Skin temperature gradients or differences may be estimated subjectively by the sensation in the dorsum of the clinician's hands2 or more objec-tively and quantitatively with an infrared thermographic scanner.

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Body Temperature Regulation and Fever

John E. Hall PhD, in Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology, 2021

Skin Temperature Can Slightly Alter the Set Point for Core Temperature Control

The critical temperature set point in the hypothalamus above which sweating begins and below which shivering begins is determined mainly by the degree of activity of the heat temperature receptors in the anterior hypothalamic-preoptic area. However, temperature signals from the peripheral areas of the body, especially from the skin and certain deep body tissues (e.g., spinal cord and abdominal viscera), also contribute slightly to body temperature regulation by altering the set point of the hypothalamic temperature control center. This effect is shown inFigures 74-8 and74-9.

Figure 74-8 demonstrates the effect of different skin temperatures on the set point for sweating, showing that the set point increases as skin temperature decreases. Thus, for the person represented in this figure, the hypothalamic set point increased from 36.7°C when the skin temperature was higher than 33°C to a set point of 37.4°C when the skin temperature had fallen to 29°C. Therefore, when the skin temperature was high, sweating began at a lower hypothalamic temperature than when the skin temperature was low. One can readily understand the value of such a system because it is important that sweating be inhibited when the skin temperature is low; otherwise, the combined effect of low skin temperature and sweating could cause far too much loss of body heat.

A similar effect occurs in shivering, as shown inFigure 74-9. That is, when the skin becomes cold, it drives the hypothalamic centers to the shivering threshold even when the hypothalamic temperature is still on the hot side of normal. Here again, one can understand the value of the control system because a cold skin temperature would soon lead to a deeply depressed body temperature unless heat production were increased. Thus, a cold skin temperature actually “anticipates” a fall in internal body temperature and prevents it.

Diagnostic Testing in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Madhuri Dholakia MD, Anupam Sinha DO, in Challenging Neuropathic Pain Syndromes, 2018

Skin Temperature Measurement (Thermometry and Thermography)

Skin temperature is an indicator of skin blood flow. Skin temperature should be measured at several corresponding points on the affected and contralateral limb and on several different occasions using an infrared thermometer. Alternately, skin temperature can be assessed via infrared thermography (IRT). The standard protocol for infrared thermography includes acclimating the patient in a room warmed to 23°C and relative humidity 50% for 20 min without clothing. IRT images are then obtained using a computer-assisted infrared camera that detects infrared energy emitted from the surface of the body.5

A limb temperature difference of >1°C between the affected and unaffected limb is significant.6 Temperature in the affected limb can be increased or decreased compared with the unaffected side. Note that skin temperature is dynamic; therefore, the presence of symmetric thermometric or thermographic findings does not exclude the diagnosis of CRPS.5–7 Gulevich et al.8 found a 93% sensitivity and 89% specificity of infrared thermography for the diagnosis of CRPS type 1; however, it should be noted that this study was performed before the creation of the Budapest Criteria.

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Properties of the Vasculature

Bruce M. Koeppen MD, PhD, in Berne and Levy Physiology, 2018

The Role of Temperature in the Regulation of Skin Blood Flow

The primary function of the skin is to maintain a constant internal environment and protect the body from adverse changes. Ambient temperature is one of the most important external variables with which the body must contend. Exposure to cold elicits a generalized cutaneous vasoconstriction that is especially pronounced in the hands and feet. This response is chiefly mediated by the nervous system. Arrest of the circulation to a hand by a pressure cuff plus immersion of that hand in cold water induces vasoconstriction in the skin of the other extremities that are exposed to room temperature. When the circulation to the chilled hand is not occluded, the reflex-generalized vasoconstriction is caused in part by the cooled blood that returns to the general circulation. This returned blood then stimulates the temperature-regulating center in the anterior hypothalamus, which then activates heat preservation centers in the posterior hypothalamus to evoke cutaneous vasoconstriction.

The skin vessels of the cooled hand also respond directly to cold. Moderate cooling or a brief exposure to severe cold (0°C to 15°C) constricts the resistance and capacitance vessels, including the AV anastomoses. Prolonged exposure to severe cold evokes a secondary vasodilator response. Prompt vasoconstriction and severe pain are elicited by immersion of the hand in ice water. However, this response is soon followed by dilation of the skin vessels, with reddening of the immersed part and alleviation of the pain. With continued immersion of the hand, alternating periods of constriction and dilation occur, but the skin temperature rarely drops as much as it did in response to the initial vasoconstriction. Prolonged severe cold, of course, damages tissue. The rosy faces of people exposed to a cold environment are examples of cold-induced vasodilation. However, blood flow through the skin of the face may be greatly reduced despite the flushed appearance. The red color of the slowly flowing blood is mainly caused by reduced O2 uptake by the cold skin and the cold-induced shift of the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve to the left (seeChapter 23).

Direct application of heat to the skin not only dilates the local resistance and capacitance vessels and the AV anastomoses but also reflexively dilates blood vessels in other parts of the body. The local effect is independent of the vascular nerve supply, whereas the reflex vasodilation is a combined response to stimulation of the anterior hypothalamus by the returning warmed blood and stimulation of cutaneous heat receptors in the heated regions of the skin.

The close proximity of the major arteries and veins allows countercurrent heat exchange between them. Cold blood that flows in veins from a cooled hand toward the heart takes up heat from adjacent arteries; this warms the venous blood and cools the arterial blood. Heat exchange takes place in the opposite direction when the extremity is exposed to heat. Thus heat conservation is enhanced during exposure of extremities to cold environments, and heat conservation is minimized during exposure of the extremities to warm environments.


Frank Andrasik, Carla Rime, in Pain Management, 2007

Skin Temperature–Assisted Relaxation

Skin temperature–assisted relaxation was discovered unexpectedly. During a standard evaluation at the Menninger Clinic, an individual's migraine attack abruptly subsided with a flushing in the hands and a rapid increase in hand temperature.58 Consequently, the clinicians who observed this event tested hand-warming treatment in migraineurs. Increasing hand temperature became a method of regulating stress and headache activity. Skin temperature is believed to provide an indirect measure of activity in the sympathetic nervous system. A reduction in arousal, or sympathetic outflow, leads to an increase in vasodilation and blood flow to the peripheral areas of the body, which is indicated by an increase in skin temperature. Conversely, an increase in arousal and sympathetic outflow constricts peripheral blood flow and results in a lower skin temperature.

Thermistors containing semiconductors and, occasionally, thermocouples are used to monitor temperature change in the skin. These temperature-sensitive sensors are placed on the fingers. Thermal-assisted biofeedback generally involves aspects of autogenic training59 in an effort to achieve an increase in peripheral skin temperature. The procedure has been named “autogenic feedback.” While recording an individual's skin temperature activity, the practitioner needs to keep in mind that measurements may be influenced by clinic, laboratory, and outdoor temperature and humidity. Heat build-up on the conductive leads and sensors can also affect the accuracy of the measurements.

The primary procedures in the general biofeedback approach are EMG-, skin conductance–, and skin temperature–assisted relaxation, also known as the “workhorses.” These therapies promote a decrease in sympathetic arousal and an overall state of relaxation. A common feature of relaxation is distraction, which has been illustrated by functional MRI research to activate areas within the periaqueductal gray region.60 This brain region has been associated with higher cortical control of pain. General relaxation-assisted biofeedback may be influencing these central mechanisms of pain.51 For a more detailed description of relaxation therapies, including autogenic training, see Chapter 123. In some instances, a brief psychophysiologic assessment, or psychophysiologic stress profile, is used for biofeedback-assisted relaxation. A more thorough psychophysiologic assessment is used in the specific biofeedback approach, which is described in the ensuing portion of this chapter. (For more information on biofeedback instrumentation, see Peek54).

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Thermoregulation: From Basic Neuroscience to Clinical Neurology, Part II

Mike J. Price, Michelle Trbovich, in Handbook of Clinical Neurology, 2018

Mean skin temperature

Mean skin temperature values are often reported in studies of thermoregulation as the skin represents the interface between the body and the environment. Similarly to estimates of core temperature, there are a number of methods for obtaining estimates of mean skin temperature.

Although mean skin temperature formulae are widely employed in interpreting the results obtained during thermoregulatory studies, they may not be applicable for examining the thermoregulatory responses of spinal cord-injured participants (Ready, 1984). The loss of sensory information below the level of spinal cord lesion (Rawson and Hardy, 1967) would result in the calculation of mean skin temperature values which do not accurately represent the extent of peripheral influences on the thermoregulatory system. Furthermore, a single mean skin temperature value would likely not be able to differentiate between differences in upper- and lower-body thermal state such as those observed for persons with SCI during heat exposure at rest (Guttman et al., 1958) and during exercise (Gass et al., 1988; Hopman et al., 1993a; Dawson et al., 1994; Price and Campbell, 1997). Furthermore, due to the variation in thermoregulatory responses between persons with different levels and types of SCI, particularly below the 10th thoracic vertebra (T10) (Normell, 1974; Burkett et al., 1988; Gass et al., 1988; Ishii et al., 1995), the assessment of individual skin temperature sites may be more appropriate for this population.

There are a number of factors, such as regional differences in heat production and dissipation, which mean that in general skin temperature responses are far more variable than those of core temperature. Differing ambient temperatures for baseline measurement of skin temperature between studies may add to this variability. However, a number of key differences between skin temperatures of the able-bodied and those with SCI are apparent. For example, mean skin temperature (calculated using the formula of Ramanathan (1964)) at rest in neutral ambient temperatures (20°C) for able-bodied and SCI groups have been reported to be similar (i.e., 31.7°C and 31.4°C, respectively; Price and Campbell, 1997) as those for persons with paraplegia and tetraplegia (29.5°C and 30.6°C, respectively; Griggs et al., 2015b). However, the thigh and calf skin temperatures of those with paraplegia were reported to be much lower (30.3°C and 29.0°C, respectively; Price and Campbell, 1997) than for able-bodied individuals, whose data were similar to the mean weighted value (31.6°C and 31.7°C, respectively).

Figure 50.1 demonstrates the difference between skin temperatures for a range of sites for persons with SCI and the able-bodied. The consistently warmer upper-body skin temperature sites for persons with paraplegia may reflect the habitual mode of locomotion, i.e., the upper arms and chest. However, most apparent are the cooler skin temperatures for the thigh and calf sites across studies, particularly the calf site. The greater difference for the calf site observed by Price and Goosey-Tolfrey (2008) may be a result of seasonal differences (i.e., data recorded in the colder winter months), suggesting peripheral regions are more susceptible to environmental conditions.

Fig. 50.1. Difference in skin temperatures between persons with spinal cord injury (SCI) and able-bodied persons (AB).

Data from studies as indicated in legend. AB, abdomen; BK, back; CA, calf; CH, chest; FA, forearm (N.B.: no data reported by Price and Goosey-Tolfrey (2008)); FH, forehead; TH, thigh; UA, upper arm. (N.B.: Positive values represent warmer skin temperature values in persons with SCI and negative values represent cooler skin temperatures in those with SCI.)

Using digital infrared thermography rather than skin thermistors Song et al. (2015) observed similar anterior thigh and calf skin temperatures for able-bodied persons and those with low-level SCI (below the seventh thoracic vertebra), whereas in those persons with lesions above the sixth thoracic vertebra these temperatures were cooler (Fig. 50.2). Thus, mean skin temperature values mask regional differences in skin temperature (Price, 2006), a factor which should be considered in the analysis of skin temperature data.

Fig. 50.2. Lower-body skin temperatures for able-bodied persons (control) and persons with high-level spinal cord injury (SCI) (above T6; upper SCI, predominantly cervical injury) and low-level SCI (below T7; lower SCI).

(Data taken Song YG, Won YH, Park SH, et al. (2015) Changes in body temperature in incomplete spinal cord injury by digital infrared thermographic imaging, Ann Rehabil Med 39: 696–704.)

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The History and Physical Examination

Joshua A. Beckman, Mark A. Creager, in Vascular Medicine: A Companion to Braunwald's Heart Disease (Second Edition), 2013

Limb ischemia

Skin color and temperature can provide information about severity of limb arterial perfusion. The feet, hands, fingers and toes should be examined for temperature and skin color, and the nails for evidence of fragility and pitting. Limb temperature can best be appreciated using the back of the examiner's hand. Temperature changes of adjacent segments on the ipsilateral limb and comparisons with the contralateral limb can be made. Presence of foot pallor while the leg is horizontal is indicative of poor perfusion and may be a sign of ischemia. Foot pallor may be precipitated in patients with PAD (who do not have CLI) by elevating the patient's leg to 60 degrees for 1 minute. Repetitive dorsiflexion and plantar flexion of the foot may also precipitate pallor on the sole of the foot when PAD is present. To qualitatively assess collateral blood flow, the leg is then lowered as the patient moves to the seated position. This is done to elicit rubor, indicative of reactive hyperemia, and determine pedal vein refill time. The time to development of dependent rubor is indicative of the severity of PAD. Severe PAD and poor collateral blood flow may prolong reactive hyperemia by more than 30 seconds. Normally, pedal venous refill occurs in less than 15 seconds. Moderate PAD subserved by collateral vessels is suspected if venous refill is 30 to 45 seconds; severe disease with poor collateral development is likely when venous filling time is longer than 1 minute.

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Case studies in a musculoskeletal out-patients setting

Adrian Schoo, ... James Selfe, in Clinical Case Studies in Physiotherapy, 2009

Objective examination


Visibly overweight

Wide hips, but knees are touching each other

Valgus position of knees and ankles

Pronated feet with reasonable longitudinal arches


Although skin temperature (Tsk) around hip and along the thigh appeared normal, that of the posterior aspect of the trochanter may have been a little elevated

Tenderness of the iliotibial tract and the bony posterior aspect of the greater trochanter, with a boggy feeling around the location of the bursa (Hoppenfield 1986)

Muscle length

Tensor fasciae latae – tight

Gluteus medius – tight

Gluteus minimus – tight

Functional testing, including ROM and strength

Walking with a positive Trendelenburg and with pronated feet

Difficulty lifting opposite hip in standing and when walking (VAS rises to 4)

Flexing and adducting the hip during the swinging phase of the right leg when walking slowly is associated with an audible and palpable click on the lateral side of the hip, whereas the standing phase of the right leg is associated with pain and difficulty holding the pelvis horizontal

Resisting abduction in supine showed reduced strength on right side

Joint mobility appeared normal, although combined hip flexion, adduction and internal rotation of the hip (in supine) felt tight and was associated with lateral hip pain and pain along the lateral side of the thigh

True leg length discrepancy (Hoppenfield 1986). Left leg almost 3 cm shorter than right leg

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Neuropathic Ulcers

Rose Little Hamm, Pamela Scarborough, in Physical Rehabilitation, 2007


Measurement of plantar skin temperature is recommended to help locate infection, inflammation, or the fracture of an acute Charcot neuroarthropathy (Fig. 30-8). In a study of 1,588 patients with diabetes, those with Charcot neuroarthropathy had significantly higher mean plantar foot temperatures (84.8° ± 4.6° F versus 82.5° ± 4.7° F); however, there was not a significant temperature elevation in patients who developed ulcers or infections or who had amputations.37 There were no differences in plantar skin temperature based on neuropathy, foot laterality, foot-risk category, the presence of foot deformity, or elevated plantar foot pressures. Vascular disease was also not associated with lower skin temperatures. Baseline measurement of nonfocal mean skin temperatures are not an effective means of screening patients for future foot complications; however, using the contralateral side as a control for an individual patient may be helpful for identifying problems.37 Thermography, in conjunction with radiography and quantitative bone scanning, may also be used to monitor the progress of Charcot neuroarthropathy.38

Temperature discrepancies may initially be detected qualitatively by palpation. Quantitative measures can be made with thermistors, thermocouples, or infrared scanners. Temperature should be measured at ten areas on the plantar surface of the foot. An increase of 3° F above the surrounding area or a comparable area on the opposite foot indicates a problem.39,40 If, in addition to the skin temperature discrepancy with the surrounding tissue or the opposite foot, the examiner can probe a wound to the bone, there is a high probability of osteomyelitis.41

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What part of the hand is used to assess skin temperature?

The dorsa (backs) of the hands and fingers are best for determining temperature because the skin is thinner on the dorsal surfaces than on the palms. Fingertips are best for fine, tactile discrimination.

What is the best technique to use to assess the patient's skin temperature?

What is the best technique to use to best assess the patient's skin temperature? Use the: ANS: dorsal surface of the hand because the skin is thinner than on the palms. The dorsa (backs) of hands and fingers are best for determining temperature because the skin there is thinner than on the palms.

What surface of the hand will the nurse use to assess skin temperature?

The nurse uses the back of his or her hand to assess the temperature of the patient. This is because the skin on the back of the hand is thinner than the skin on the palm of the hand and it is more sensitive to temperature.

Which part of the hand is best used to feel for superficial body temperature of a client?

The dorsal aspect of your hand has thin skin relative to the rest of your hand and is therefore more sensitive to temperature.


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