What will the nurse tell the patient to expect while synthetic cast material is being applied

Assist as needed while the health care provider applies the casting tape.
Compress the wrapping lightly with both hands to aid in bonding the cast layers.
Supply cast stabilization devices, such cast braces or bars, or walking heels as ordered.
Finish the cast by folding the edge of the stockinette over the cast to form a smooth edge. Secure the edge with dampened fiberglass roll and cushion any rough edges with tape or moleskin.
If needed, trim the cast around fingers, thumbs, and toes to aid in movement and circulation.
Remove gloves and perform hand hygiene.
Allow the cast to air dry. Avoid covering the cast, which will delay drying. Do not rest the heel of the cast on the bed or pillows.
Provide patient teaching using Teach Back.
If the patient is not being immediately discharged, reposition the patient every 2 to 3 hours. Perform neurovascular assessment immediately and repeat every 1 to 2 hours for the first 24 hours.
If the patient is being immediately discharged, assist the patient in transferring to a stretcher or wheelchair.
After completing the procedure, discard used supplies and dispose of used equipment appropriately.
Perform hand hygiene.
Document patient teaching, patient's response and expected or unexpected outcomes.

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What will the nurse tell the patient to expect while the cast saw is being used? Rationale: The nurse prepares the patient for cast removal by explaining that the patient will hear a loud noise and feel heat and vibration while the cast saw is being used.

What interventions should you do for a patient with a cast?

Elevate the affected area. For the first 24 to 72 hours after your child's cast is applied, use pillows to raise the cast above the level of your child's heart. ... .
Apply ice. Loosely wrap an ice pack covered in a thin towel around your child's cast at the level of the injury. ... .
Keep moving..

What should you check after cast application?

Identify signs and symptoms requiring medical evaluation (severe pain, fever, chills, foul odors; changes in sensation, swelling, burning, numbness, tingling, skin discoloration, paralysis, white or cool toes or fingertips; warm spots, soft areas, cracks in cast).

What should the nurse do immediately after cast application?

The primary concern following new cast application is to prevent complications. Circulation should be checked hourly during the first 24 to 48 hours, then every 4 hours. (1) Check the skin temperature of the injured extremity. It should not be colder than the unaffected limb.


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