Which of the following measures of central tendency is sensitive to extreme scores in a distribution quizlet?

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The average dispersion about the mean of the distribution.

For populations, represented by LOWERCASE SIGMA, very important to divide by N.

For sample scores represented by LOWERCASE s, very important to divide by N-1. In most cases when calculating s it is for the purposes of inferential statistics and will be used to ESTIMATE population scores, and N-1 is better for this. So essentially s also represents estimated LOWERCASE SIGMA. N-1 is used bc algebra has shown that otherwise the calculations tend to be too small when estimated, so this compensates for that.

Two methods of calculation: deviation method and raw score method.

Which of the following measures of central tendency is sensitive to extreme scores in distribution?

The mean is sensitive to all scores in a sample (every number in the data affects the mean), which makes it a more "powerful" measure than the median or mode. The mean's sensitivity to all scores also makes it sensitive to extreme values, which is why the median is used when there are extreme values.

Which of the following is most sensitive to extreme scores in a skewed distribution?

Thus, it is concluded that Arithmetic mean is most affected by extreme scores. Median is a point in any distribution below and above which lie half of the scores.

Which measure of central tendency is sensitive to the value of every score in a data set?

However, in this situation, the mean is widely preferred as the best measure of central tendency because it is the measure that includes all the values in the data set for its calculation, and any change in any of the scores will affect the value of the mean.

Which measure of central tendency is affected most by a few extreme scores?

Answer and Explanation: Option A is the solution since the mean involves every point in the data set in its calculation, it becomes the measure of central tendency most susceptible to outliers or extreme values.


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