Which of the following positions will be best demonstrate the left axillary portion of the ribs?

Which of the following apply to the lateral position of the sternum

1. perform in the preferred erect position
2. perform exposure on full inspiration
3. best image obtained at 60-72 SID
4. center at level of T7

-1, 2 and 4 only
-1, 3 and 4 only
-1, 2, and 3 only
-2, 3, and 4 only
-1, 2, 3, and 4


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bony thorax-sternum and ribs

List the 3 structures that make up the bony the bony thorax. sternum, thoracic vertebra and 12 pairs of ribs
What is the term for the long, middle aspect of the sternum? body
The most distal aspect of the sternum does not ossify until a person is approximately ___ years of age 40
The total sternum length on an average adult is about ____ inches (___cm). 6 inches (15cm)
The xiphoid process of the sternum is at the approximate level of the ____ vertebra T9 to 10
The sternal angle is at the level of T4 to 5
What is another term for the sternal angle? Manubriosternal joint
What is the name of the joint that connects the upper limb to the bony thorax (the only bony connection between the bony thorax and upper limb)? Sternoclavicular joint
What is the name of the section of cartilage that connects the anterior end of the rib to the sternum? Costicartilage
What distinguishes a true rib from a false rib? true ribs connect to the sternum by their own costicartilage. False ribs are connected to the sternum via the costicartilage of the 7th rib.
True/False: the 11th and 12th ribs are classified as false and floating ribs true
True/False: the anterior end of the ribs is called the vertebral end. False (called the sternal end)
Which aspect of the ribs articulates with the transverse process of the thoracic vertebrae? Tubercle
List the 3 structures found within the costal groove of each rib? 1. Artery, 2. Vein, 3. Nerve
Which end of the ribs is most superior- the posterior vertebral ends or the anterior stenal ends? Posterior vertebral ends
Approximately how much difference in height is there between these two ends of the ribs? 3 to 5 inches (7.5 to 12.5 cm)
Which ribs articulate with the upper lateral aspect of the manubrium of the sternum? 1st (anterior sternal end)
The bony thorax is widest at the lateral margins. 8th and 9th
How many posterior ribs are shown above the diaphragm? 11
what movement type is 1st sternocostal immovable- synarthrodial
what movement type is 1st through 12th costoverebral joints movable - diarthrodial (plane or gliding)
what movement type is 1st through 10th costochaondral unions (between costicartilage and ribs) immovable - synarthrodial
what movement type 1st through tenth costatransvertse joints (between ribs and transverse processes of T vertbrae movable - diarthrodial (plane or gliding)
what movement type is 2nd through 7th joints (between 2nd and 7th ribs and sternum) movable - diarthrodial (plane or gliding)
what movement type is 6th through 9th interchodral joints (between anterior 6th and 9th costal cartilage) movable -diarthrodial (plane or gliding)
what movement type is 9th and 10th interchondral joints between the cartilage fibrous - syndesmosis
The joints that have diarthrodial movement are classified as synovial
what is unique about the True ribs (1 through 7) Each rib attaches to the sternum by it own costicartilage
What is unique about Floating ribs (11 through 12) They don't connect to anything anteriorly (thus the term "floating" ribs).
True/False: It is virtually impossible to visualize the sternum with a direct PA or anteroposterior (AP) projection. True
True/False: A large, "deep-chested" (hyperstenic) patient requires more obliquity for a frontal view of the sternum as compared with a "thin-chested" (asthenic) patient. False (less obliquity)
How much rotation should be used for the oblique position of a sternum for a large, "deep-chested" patient? Approximately 15 degrees
List the recommended ranges for the following analog exposure factors as they apply to an oblique position of the sternum (orthostatic-breathing technique kv range:65 to 70 kV (5 to 10 kV higher typically for digital systems) mA (low or high):low Exposure time (short or long): high (2 to 3 seconds) with orthostatic breathing technique.
What is the advantage of performing an orthostatic (breathing) technique for radiography of the sternum? It blurs lung markings and ribs, which improves the visibility of the sternum
What is the primary reason that a source image receptor distance (SID) of less than 40 inches (102cm) should not be used for sternum radiography? Increase in patient dose, especially skin dose
What other imaging option is available to study the sternum if routine RAO and lateral radiographs do not provide sufficient information? CT or nuclear medicine
Identify the preferred positioning factors to demonstrate an injury to the ribs found below the diaphragm: general body position: recumbent breathing instruction: expiration recommended kV range: medium kV range 70 to 80kV and 80 to 90 kV for digital systems
An injury to the region of the 8th or 9th rib requires the_____ diaphragm technique above
The properly elongate and visualize the axillary aspect of the ribs, the patient's spine should be rotated ___ the area of interest. Away from
Which two rib projections should be performed for an injury to the right posterior ribs? AP and RPO (to shift spine away from area of interest)
Which projections should be performed for an injury to the anterior aspect of the ribs? PA and anterior obliques (placing the area of interest closest to the IR is one recommended routine)
How can the site of injury be marked for a rib series? By taping a small, metallic "BB" or other opaque marker over the site of injury
Which is preferred for a study of the sternum and why? RAO; it places the sternum over the heart to provide a uniform background for added visibility of the sternum.
Where is the CR centered for the oblique and lateral projections of the sternum? Midsternum (midway between jugular notch and xiphoid process)
What other position can be performed if the patient cannot assume a prone position for the RAO sternum? LPO (oblique supine position)
What is the recommended SID for a lateral projection of the sternum? Why 60 to 72 inches (152 to 183 cm); reduce magnification created by the long object image receptor distance (OID)
What criteria apply to a radiograph for an evaluation of the oblique sternum? the entire sternum should lie over the heart shadow adjacent to the spine.
Where is the CR centered for a PA projection of the sternoclavicular joints? Level of T2-T3
What type of breathing instructions should be given to the patient for a PA projection of the sternoclavicular joints? Suspend respiration on inspiration
How much rotation of the thorax is recommended for an anterior oblique of the sternoclavicular joints? 10 to 15 from PA position
Which specific oblique position best demonstrates the left sternoclavicular joint adjacent to the spine? LAO
What are the three points that must be included in the patient's clinical history before a rib series? 1. the nature of the trauma or patient complaint, 2. the location of the rib pain or injury, 3. whether or not the patient has been coughing up blood
Where is the CR centered for an AP projection of the ribs for an injury located above the diaphragm? 3 to 4 inches (8 to 10cm) below the jugular notch, level of T7
Which two specific oblique positions can be used to elongate the left axillary portion of the ribs? RAO or LPO elongates the left axillary ribs (and shifts the spine away from the injury site)
Which two basic projections or positions should be performed for an injury to the right anterior ribs? PA and LAO (to elongate the right axillary rib region)
How many degrees of rotation are required for an oblique projection of the axillary ribs? 45 degrees
What is the recommended SID for a bilateral lower rib study on a adult? 72 inches (183cm)
True/False: An RAO of the SC joints projects the left joints closest to the spine true
Which region of the ribs is best demonstrated with an RAO projection? left anterior
True/False: An RAO of the SC joints projects the left joints closest to the spine. False
To minimize patient dose for a RAO projection of the sternum, the patient's skin should be at least ___ below the collimator 38 inches (97cm)
Which one of the following conditions may require a chest routine be included along with a study of the ribs? Hemothorax
Bilateral ribs above diaphragm: anatomy demonstrated: 9th through 10th ribs are cut off at left lateral margin part positioning: tilt of body toward projected ribs nos. 9 to 10 below collimation field
Oblique sternum anatomy demonstrated: all pertinent anatomic structures included part positioning: sternum is over-rotated; sternum away from the spine and rotated beyond heart shadow and distorted
AP ribs below diaphragm anatomy demonstrated: Right lower ribs cut off; only lower three air of ribs demonstrated, including diaphragm is too low from poor expiration Collimation and CR: IR should be placed crosswise to prevent lateral margins of ribs from being cut
Lateral sternum anatomy demonstrated: lower aspect of sternum cut off
List the three parts of the sternum manubrium, body, xiphoid process
What is the most distal aspect of the sternum? Xiphoid process
What is the name of the palpable junction between the upper and midportion of the sternum? Manubrium
What distinguishes a true rib form a false rib? A true rib attaches directly to the sternum with its own costicartilag.
What distinguishes a floating rib form a false rib? A floating rib does not possess costicartilage
The 5th rib is an example of a ___ true rib
Which part of the sternum do the 2nd ribs articulate? sternal angle
Which of the following structures is (are) found in the costal groove of each rib? nerve, artery, vein
type of movement for costovertevral joint Plane (gliding) - diarthodial
type of movement for sternoclavicular Plane (gliding) - diarthodial
type of movement for 1st sternocostal joint immovable- synarthrodial
type of movement for 8th interchondral joint Plane (gliding) - diarthodial
type of movement for 3rd costochondral union immovable- synarthrodial
List the correct positioning consideration for a study of the ribs above the diaphragm a. breathing instructions: suspend inspiration b. kV range: 65 to 75 c. general body position: erecr
What is the minimum SID for radiography of the sternum? (note: This is a radiation safety concern) 40 inches
What breathing instructions should be employed for a RAO position of the sternum to maximize visibility of it? Orthostatic-breathing technique
List the two factors to be considered when determining which specific projections to include in the rib routine. patient clinical history department protocol
What is the range of body rotation for an RAO position of the sternum? 45 degrees
Does an asthenic patient require a little more or a little less obliquity than a hyperthenic patient? little more
What other position can be used for the sternum if the patient cannot assume the recumbent RAO position? LPO
how should the arms be positioned for an erect lateral projection of the sternum? arms above the head
Which radiograph sign can be evaluated to determine whether rotation is present on a PA projection of the sternoclavcular joint? by equal distance of sternoclavicular joints from vertebral column on both sides
How much rotation of the thorax is required for the anterior oblique projection of the sternoclavicular joints? by bony margins
Where is the CR centered for an AP projection of the ribs below the diaphragm? to level of xiphoid process
What range of kV for analog imaging should be used for ribs above the diaphragm? 65 to 75 kV range analog 75 to 85 kV range digital
Which one of the following positions or projections will best demonstrate the right axillary ribs? LAO and RPO

Which of the following positions can be used to demonstrate the axillary ribs of the left thorax?

The axillary portions of ribs are demonstrated in a 45-degree oblique position.

Which position will best demonstrate the axillary portion of the right ribs?

bony thorax-sternum and ribs.

Which of the following positions will demonstrate the right axillary ribs quizlet?

An RAO position of the ribs demonstrates the right axillary ribs and left axillary ribs to be about the same size. What was the error if any? Which projection and position must be taken for an injury to the right anterior upper ribs?

Where is the axillary portion of the ribs?

The apex is also referred to as the axillary inlet. The borders of the apex are made by the lateral surface of the first rib, the posterior surface of the clavicle, and the superior margin of the scapula.


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