Which action would the nurse perform immediately for a client with Dysrhythmias according to priority?


At the time of a fracture or orthopedic surgery, fat globules may move from the bone marrow into the bloodstream. Also, elevated catecholamines cause mobilization of fatty acids and the development of fat globules. In addition to obstructing vessels in the lung, brain, and kidneys with systemic embolization of small vessels from fat globules, petechiae are noted in the buccal membranes, conjunctival sacs, hard palate, chest, and anterior axillary folds

Which is the priority nursing action when providing care to a trauma client?

A client with trauma should be assessed for airway, breathing, circulation, disability, and exposure. A jaw-thrust maneuver helps to establish an airway and breathing, and bag-valve-mask (BVM) ventilation with 100 percent oxygen source ensures ventilatory assistance.

Which action would the nurse perform as the highest priority for a client with trauma in the emergency unit?

Which action would the nurse perform as the highest priority for a client with trauma in the emergency unit? Providing adequate oxygen (O 2) supply. Providing adequate oxygen (O 2) supply. The nurse would prioritize care while caring for a client with trauma in the emergency department.

In what priority order should the actions of care be implemented for clients in an emergency?

In what priority order should the actions of care be implemented for clients in an emergency? The client care begins firstly by contact with clients and secondly, identification of clients' requirements for immediate treatment followed by the determination of appropriate interventions and the initiation of treatment.

Which factor would the nurse consider when setting priorities for care during a shift quizlet?

When setting priorities for care, the nurse must consider client acuity, organization of the unit, assessment of available resources, recognition of own experience and expertise, and an understanding of care philosophies and models of care used on the unit.


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