A nurse is caring for a child who has legg-calve-perthes disease and is in buck extension traction


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A nurse is caring for a child who has legg-calve-perthes disease and is in buck extension traction

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test 4

The nurse is caring for a 4-year-old child immobilized by a fractured hip. Which complication should the nurse monitor related to the child’s immobilization status Venous stasis leading to thrombi or emboli formation
The nurse is caring for a preschool child immobilized by a spica cast. Which effect on metabolism should the nurse monitor on this child related to the immobilized status Decreased metabolic rate
The nurse should monitor for which effect on the cardiovascular system when a child is immobilized Venous stasis
Which can result from the bone demineralization associated with immobility Osteoporosis
A young girl has just injured her ankle at school. In addition to calling the child’s parents, the most appropriate, immediate action by the school nurse is to apply ice
Kristin, age 10 years, sustained a fracture in the epiphyseal plate of her right fibula when she fell off of a tree. When discussing this injury with her parents, the nurse should consider which statement Growth can be affected by this type of fracture
The nurse is conducting a staff in-service on casts. Which is an advantage to using a fiberglass cast instead of a plaster of Paris cast Dries rapidly
The nurse is conducting teaching to parents of a 7-year-old child who fractured an arm and is being discharged with a cast. Which instruction should be included in the teaching Elevate casted arm when resting and when sitting up
The nurse uses the palms of the hands when handling a wet cast for which reason To avoid indenting the cast
Which should cause a nurse to suspect that an infection has developed under a cast “Hot spots” felt on cast surface
A child is upset because, when the cast is removed from her leg, the skin surface is caked with desquamated skin and sebaceous secretions. Which should the nurse suggest to remove this material Soak in a bathtub
An adolescent with a fractured femur is in Russell’s traction. Surgical intervention to correct the fracture is scheduled for the morning. Nursing actions should include which action Maintaining continuous traction and checking position of traction frequently
Which is a type of skin traction with legs in an extended position Buck extension
Which type of traction uses skin traction on the lower leg and a padded sling under the knee Russell
Four-year-old David is placed in Buck extension traction for Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease. He is crying with pain as the nurse assesses that the skin of his right foot is pale with an absence of pulse. Which action should the nurse take first Notify the practitioner of the changes noted
Which is an appropriate nursing intervention when caring for a child in traction Assess for tightness, weakness, or contractures in uninvolved joints and muscles
The nurse is teaching a family how to care for their infant in a Pavlik harness to treat developmental dysplasia of the hip. Which should be included Return to clinic every 1 to 2 weeks
A neonate is born with bilateral mild talipes equinovarus (clubfoot). When the parents ask the nurse how this will be corrected, the nurse should give which explanation Frequent, serial casting is tried first
A 4-year-old child is newly diagnosed with Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease. Nursing considerations should include which action Teaching the family the care and management of the corrective
The nurse is taking care of an adolescent diagnosed with kyphosis. Which describes this condition Increased convex angulation in the curve of the thoracic spine
A school nurse is conducting a staff in-service to other school nurses on idiopathic scoliosis. During which period of child development does idiopathic scoliosis become most noticeable Preadolescent growth spurt
The nurse is preparing an adolescent with scoliosis for a Luque-rod segmental spinal instrumentation procedure. Which consideration should the nurse include Nasogastric intubation and urinary catheter may be required
The nurse is taking care of a 10-year-old child who has osteomyelitis. Which treatment plan is considered the primary method of treating osteomyelitis Intravenous antibiotic therapy
A nurse is conducting a staff in-service on childhood cancers. Which is the primary site of osteosarcoma Femur
The nurse is taking care of an adolescent with osteosarcoma. The parents ask the nurse about treatment. The nurse should make which accurate response about treatment for osteosarcoma Treatment usually consists of surgery and chemotherapy
An adolescent with osteosarcoma is scheduled for a leg amputation in 2 days. The nurse’s approach should include which action Answering questions with straightforward honesty
Which medication is usually tried first when a child is diagnosed with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) NSAIDs
The nurse is caring for a school-age child diagnosed with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). Which intervention should be a priority Teach the child and family correct administration of medications
The nurse is caring for a 12-year-old child with a left leg below the knee amputation (BKA). The child had the surgery 1 week ago. Which intervention should the nurse plan to implement for this child Encourage the child to use an overhead bed trapeze when repositioning
A nurse is conducting discharge teaching for parents of an infant with osteogenesis imperfecta (OI). Further teaching is indicated if the parents make which statement “We’re glad there is a cure for this disorder.”
The nurse is caring for an adolescent with osteosarcoma being admitted to undergo chemotherapy. The adolescent had a right above-the-knee amputation 2 months ago and has been experiencing “phantom limb pain.” Which prescribed medication is appropriate to Elavil
The nurse is caring for an infant with developmental dysplasia of the hip. Which clinical manifestations should the nurse expect to observe Positive Ortolani click and Unequal gluteal folds
A clinic nurse is conducting a staff in-service for other clinic nurses about signs and symptoms of a rhabdomyosarcoma tumor. Which should be included in the teaching session Abdominal mass, sore throat and ear pain, ecchymosis of conjunctiva
The nurse is caring for a preschool child with a cast applied recently for a fractured tibia. Which assessment findings indicate possible compartment syndrome Severe pain not relieved by analgesics, tingling of extremity, Cap refill >2 seconds