Age of empires 3 verbindung zu eso servern fehlgeschlagen

Age of empires 3 verbindung zu eso servern fehlgeschlagen
posted 12-24-10 12:54 PM EDT (US)   

Started happening several days ago...

When I try to play multiplayer on AOE3 vanilla it always says "Failed to connect to ESO servers" after hanging for a little big on the "Connecting to ESO..." part.

My internet is working fine, as I can browse and play other online games without a hitch.

I've tried turning off windows firewall, disabling windows security essential real time protection, and turning off the verizon router firewall.
I've tried port forwarding, and tried a system restore, no results.

I tried playing on a different computer on the same network, and got the same problem, so it doesn't seem to be a problem with just my computer. I know the servers aren't down because my friend was playing at his house during this time no problem.

Grrr what should I do? Suggestions? Thanks!!

Age of empires 3 verbindung zu eso servern fehlgeschlagen
AoE3H Seraph
(id: fred_ernie)

Age of empires 3 verbindung zu eso servern fehlgeschlagen
posted 12-24-10 01:04 PM EDT (US)     1 / 7  

Sounds like the problem is likely to be your router in that case, what router are you using and do you have the correct ports forwarded for AoE3?

First this to try is resetting the router.

This month I have mostly been playing Zelda Breath of the Wild
Steam - Maffia GFWL - Maffia01 YouTube - HGMaffia Twitter - @HGMaffia
Age of Empires 3 Heaven Seraph

What is this life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare.
[This message hasn't been edited by fred_ernie (or Maffia) (not edited 12-29-2005 @ 09:57 AM).]

Age of empires 3 verbindung zu eso servern fehlgeschlagen

Age of empires 3 verbindung zu eso servern fehlgeschlagen
posted 12-24-10 02:07 PM EDT (US)     2 / 7  

Tried resetting my router, didn't work. =(
I have an Actiontec MI-424-WR router.

I used verizon's Age of Empires III service for ports and it matched the specified ones at

Age of Empires III
TCP Any -> 2300
UDP Any -> 2300-2310
TCP Any -> 80

I finally contacted verizon FIOS support....they refreshed my WAN connection and now everything works fine!!

[This message has been edited by acornman37 (edited 12-25-2010 @ 00:28 AM).]

Age of empires 3 verbindung zu eso servern fehlgeschlagen
AoE3H Seraph
(id: fred_ernie)

Age of empires 3 verbindung zu eso servern fehlgeschlagen
posted 12-30-10 08:43 AM EDT (US)     3 / 7  

Sorry I couldn't be more help, glad you got it sorted though.

This month I have mostly been playing Zelda Breath of the Wild
Steam - Maffia GFWL - Maffia01 YouTube - HGMaffia Twitter - @HGMaffia
Age of Empires 3 Heaven Seraph

What is this life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare.
[This message hasn't been edited by fred_ernie (or Maffia) (not edited 12-29-2005 @ 09:57 AM).]

Age of empires 3 verbindung zu eso servern fehlgeschlagen

Age of empires 3 verbindung zu eso servern fehlgeschlagen
posted 03-05-11 02:05 AM EDT (US)     4 / 7  

Same issue, 'failed to connect to ESO server'
My bro is on ESO online through a different router so ESO is definately online. Any ideas?

Age of empires 3 verbindung zu eso servern fehlgeschlagen
AoE3H Seraph
(id: fred_ernie)

Age of empires 3 verbindung zu eso servern fehlgeschlagen
posted 03-05-11 09:37 AM EDT (US)     5 / 7  

Well it sounds like its almost definitely your router or firewall, check your ports are forwarded on both.

If your brother is in the same house, try connecting your PC to your brothers router to narrow it down further.

This month I have mostly been playing Zelda Breath of the Wild
Steam - Maffia GFWL - Maffia01 YouTube - HGMaffia Twitter - @HGMaffia
Age of Empires 3 Heaven Seraph

What is this life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare.
[This message hasn't been edited by fred_ernie (or Maffia) (not edited 12-29-2005 @ 09:57 AM).]

Age of empires 3 verbindung zu eso servern fehlgeschlagen

Age of empires 3 verbindung zu eso servern fehlgeschlagen
posted 03-30-11 09:40 AM EDT (US)     6 / 7  

check if you have tried all these steps. If you don know how to try these steps let me know I will help you with this:

1) Try to check the connection type and check for method used to play online. check if the router is conflicting in order to play the game
2) Check the IP address.
3) Disable any firewalls.
4) Check for required ports.
5) Check for the game version.
6) Delete the temp files.
7) Create a new user account and then try to play a multiplayer game.
8) Update the Direct X version.
9) Try to connect the network cable to another machine and check if it works.
10) Uninstall and reinstall the TCP/IP protocol in safe mode in windows and check.
11). Clean boot.
12). Uninstall the cyber sitter application if its installed
13). Update the game to the latest version.
14). Disable Nat (Network Address Translation)
15). Bypass the router.

Check if you have missed any of these steps then try that out and let me know the results

Age of empires 3 verbindung zu eso servern fehlgeschlagen

Age of empires 3 verbindung zu eso servern fehlgeschlagen
posted 04-13-11 11:58 AM EDT (US)     7 / 7  


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[This message has been edited by red527890 (edited 04-15-2011 @ 08:04 PM).]

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Wie kann man Age of Empires Online spielen?

Age of Empires Online spielen: Nicht mehr möglich seit 1.Juli 2014.
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