Das cafe am rande der welt englisch

Das cafe am rande der welt englisch

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Das cafe am rande der welt englisch

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Das cafe am rande der welt englisch

JamiG4 In a capitalistic consumer culture, many of us are selling our lives for dollars. What we need to decide is how many dollars to we need (how much stuf…moreIn a capitalistic consumer culture, many of us are selling our lives for dollars. What we need to decide is how many dollars to we need (how much stuff do we need as well) and how long are we willing/able to stay in the rat race to get there. My husband and I saved for years and then retired young to enjoy life. We watch our spending, have no mortgage and few bills and are very lucky to have found our way to here. We live in the woods and enjoy nature more than we ever have. And we recommend owning your time. And we comprehend that privilege and blessing has allowed us much of our success. (less)

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Das cafe am rande der welt englisch

Jun 11, 2018 René Roth rated it did not like it

Offensive rant incoming.

Fuck everything about this book. Over 100 pages of "just do what you love and everything will work out :)))) just be yourself bro :))))"


This book is thinly veiled New Thought Law of Attraction esoteric feel good wish wash, which at least explains why so many people like it. (Spoiler: many people are kind of stupid)
This book is your college stoner roommate telling you that advertising just like, totally makes you unhappy and plays on

Offensive rant incoming.

Fuck everything about this book. Over 100 pages of "just do what you love and everything will work out :)))) just be yourself bro :))))"


This book is thinly veiled New Thought Law of Attraction esoteric feel good wish wash, which at least explains why so many people like it. (Spoiler: many people are kind of stupid)
This book is your college stoner roommate telling you that advertising just like, totally makes you unhappy and plays on your fears, man, just to get you to buy stuff, man, ever think about it like that, man, so deep, man.
This book is your teenage rebel punk kid that just hit puberty and is trying to explain to you how all grown ups do is work and sleep until they get old and die and there is absolutely nothing worse than working for a living.
This book is a trust fund baby telling you to just quit your job and go backpacking through Europe.
This book is Brad Pitt telling you to just be yourself if you want to be more attractive, because it obviously works for him.
This book is assholes in the comment section of articles about mental health telling clinically depressed people to "just man up and get over it".
This book is the one guy you kinda knew in High School and now have in your Facebook list for whatever reason posting inspirational quotes, self-affirming rants, selfies in ill-fitting suits and huge excerpts about his business plans on a bi-hourly schedule.
This book is like Paulo Coelho's literary works had an orgy with every spiritual health pop science bullshit blog on the internet and somebody took the afterbirth of the resulting miscarriage and translated it in 33 languages just to fuck with the world.
This book reads like it was written by one of those creepy "life coach" gurus preying on unhappy and unstable personalities and trying to sell 10 easy tricks on how to have AWESOME SEX and A BETTER LOVE LIFE and - oh wait, it actually was written by exactly one of those guys.

This book personally offends me on a deep level. Fuck you.
And if you found anything in this book even just slightly enlightening, you make me both ashamed and scared of being human.


Das cafe am rande der welt englisch

The Why Cafe, John P. Strelecky

In a small cafe at a location so remote it sits in the middle of the middle of nowhere, John--a man in a hurry--is at a crossroads. Intent only on refueling before moving along on his road trip, he finds sustenance of an entirely different kind.

In addition to the specials of the day, the cafe menu lists three questions all diners are encourage to consider.

Why are you here?

Do you fear death?

Are you fulfilled?

With this food for thought and the guidance of three

The Why Cafe, John P. Strelecky

In a small cafe at a location so remote it sits in the middle of the middle of nowhere, John--a man in a hurry--is at a crossroads. Intent only on refueling before moving along on his road trip, he finds sustenance of an entirely different kind.

In addition to the specials of the day, the cafe menu lists three questions all diners are encourage to consider.

Why are you here?

Do you fear death?

Are you fulfilled?

With this food for thought and the guidance of three people he meets at the cafe, John embarks on a journey of self-discovery that takes him from the executive suites of the advertising world to the surf of Hawaii's coastline. Along the way he discovers a new way to look at life, himself, and just how much you can learn from a green sea turtle.

عنوانهای چاپ شده در ایران: «کافه‌ ی چرا»؛ «کافه چرا: رمانی در معنای زندگی»؛ «‏‫کافه‌ ای به نام چرا‏‫: (مکانی برای یافتن چراهای زندگی)»‏‫؛ «کافه چرا: یک داستان»؛ نویسنده: جان پی استرلکی؛ تاریخ نخستین خوانش روز هشتم ماه دسامبر سال 2011 یلادی

عنوان: ‏‫کافه‌ ای به نام چرا‏‫: (مکانی برای یافتن چراهای زندگی)‏‫؛ نویسنده: جان‌ پی استرلکی‏‫؛ مترجم: امیرحسن مکی؛ تهران، نشر لیوسا، سال1389؛ در112ص؛ شابک9786005138115؛ چاپ دوم سال1391؛ چاپ سوم سال1392؛ چاپ چهارم سال1393؛ چاپ پنجم سال1394؛ چاپهای ششم و هفتم سال1395؛ چاپهای هشتم و نهم سال1396؛ چاپهای دهم و یازدهم و دوازدهم سال1397؛ موضوع: زندگی از نویسندگان ایالات متحده آمریکا - سده ی21م

عنوان: کافه چرا: رمانی در معنای زندگی؛ نویسنده: جان استرلکی؛ مترجم: شعله ربانی؛ تهران: نشر تالیا، سال1389؛ در107ص؛ شابک9786009036042؛ چاپ دوم سال1389؛ چاپ سوم سال1391؛ چاپ چهارم سال1392؛ چاپ پنجم سال1394؛ چاپ هفتم سال1396؛

عنوان: کافه‌ ی چرا؛ نویسنده: جان پی استرلکی؛ مترجم: مهرناز شیرازی‌ عدل؛ تهران: نشر هنوز‏‫، سال1389؛ در117ص؛ شابک9786009140053؛ چاپ دیگر: تهران، نشر قطره، چاپ ششم سال1396؛ در116ص؛ شابک9786001193392؛ چاپ هفتم سال1397؛

عنوان: کافه چرا : یک داستان؛ نویسنده: جان استرلکی؛ مترجم فاطمه نصیری‌ماهینی؛ ویراستار: فاطمه محمد‌بیگی‌ خالدی؛ تهران: نشر پنگوین آبی‏‫، سال1397؛ در100ص؛ شابک9786229912935؛

ماجرای این کتاب از این قرار است که «جان» مردی عجول و شتابزده، که در چهارراههای واقعی و استعاری سرگردان شده، خود را مقابل غذاخوری کوچک، و دورافتاده‌ ای می‌یابد، که گویا در وسط ناکجا آباد واقع شده است؛ او که فقط به قصد بنزین زدن برای ادامه ی سفر پیاده شده، به طرزی کاملاً متفاوت تغذیه می‌شود؛ در آن مکان استثنایی، مشتریان تشویق می‌شوند درباره این سه پرسش بیاندیشند: چرا اینجا هستید؟ آیا از مرگ می‌ترسید؟ آیا راضی هستید؟ «جان» با این غذای فکر، و راهنمایی سه شخصیتی که در کافه با آنها دیدار می‌کند، وارد سفر خودشناسی می‌شود، و در طول راه به نگرشی تازه نسبت به زندگی و روابط دست می‌یابد…؛

فردی که چرایی زندگی‌ خویش را یافت، با هر چگونه‌ ای می‌سازد، این جمله ی «نیچه»، مبنای کتاب «کافه‌ ای به نام چرا» است؛ «فردی» که هدف خود در زندگی را بیابد، و بداند که برای رسیدن به آن هدف به دنیا آمده است، متوجه منحصر به فرد بودنش در این دنیا می‌شود، و به تدریج سایر دشواریها برای او رنگ می‌بازند؛ در جای جای کتاب از اهمیت یافتن هدف زندگی، و تلاش برای رسیدن به آن سخن گفته شده است

در این کتاب نویسنده به خوانشگرش یادآوری می‌کند، که زندگی بدون هدف یک زندگی بیهوده است؛ پرسش «چرا اینجا هستی؟» که در این کتاب طرح می‌شود نیز، بیشتر از هر چیز، تلنگری به روح خوانشگر وارد می‌کند، تا در تکاپوی یافتن هدف زندگی‌ خویش باشد؛ پرسش دیگر نویسنده مبنی بر اینکه «آیا از مرگ می‌ترسی؟» نیز، با هدف زندگی در ارتباط است؛ فردی که هدفش در زندگی را یافته، و همه ی تلاشش را برای رسیدن به آن به کار می‌گیرد، از مرگ ترسی نخواهد داشت، زیرا ماموریتش در دنیا را انجام داده است؛ چگونگی طرح موضوع ترس از مرگ در این کتاب، ارتباطی با باورهای دینی ندارد، زیرا نویسنده از دنیای پس از مرگ سخنی به میان نمی‌آورد

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 25/04/1399هجری خورشیدی؛ 04/03/1401هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی


Das cafe am rande der welt englisch

Aug 08, 2016 Mike rated it did not like it

I got it from a friend and it was the worst book I've ever read! The writing is terribly boring (I don't know how it is in English, I've read it in German) but the language is so easy and the sentences are so awfully structured... sometimes I wanted to puke...

The story is a typical esoteric story for people who never, I mean absolutely never thought about their life... A tree should have thought more about his life than the people who enjoy this book. The moral of the story is boring and could b

I got it from a friend and it was the worst book I've ever read! The writing is terribly boring (I don't know how it is in English, I've read it in German) but the language is so easy and the sentences are so awfully structured... sometimes I wanted to puke...

The story is a typical esoteric story for people who never, I mean absolutely never thought about their life... A tree should have thought more about his life than the people who enjoy this book. The moral of the story is boring and could be from a fortune cookie.

The beginning was okay, first I thought it would be interesting but then from page to page it got worse and worse. And then always the sentence "do what you want to do and become happy" that's utter trash! If I would live my life like this I would have played games and watched TV series as a kid and would never have achieved anything in my life.

At the end of the day, I can't really recommend this book, not even as toilet paper because it would try to make something meaningful out of your poop...


Das cafe am rande der welt englisch

My Amazon review: It is hard to ignore how insulting this book is.

It takes advantage of a political climate that thinks we must be told what our morals are going to be.

It says nothing anyone with a moral compass and a brain hasn't figured out for themselves.

The idea that someone would find this book enlightening is more frightening than the thought that someone would find The Five People You Meet in Heaven refreshingly insightful.

The writing is below sub-par.

Here is all you need to prove what a

My Amazon review: It is hard to ignore how insulting this book is.

It takes advantage of a political climate that thinks we must be told what our morals are going to be.

It says nothing anyone with a moral compass and a brain hasn't figured out for themselves.

The idea that someone would find this book enlightening is more frightening than the thought that someone would find The Five People You Meet in Heaven refreshingly insightful.

The writing is below sub-par.

Here is all you need to prove what a waste of time this book is: You know those unbearable (and laughable) re-training films most corporate offices require folks to watch every few years that go over "moral dilemmas" and have titles like "Harassment in the Workplace: It's No Laughing Matter" or "Bribes: The Buck Stops Here," etc.? This book is like reading a screenplay for one of those. The one that was made in 1950 and had to be produced for under $100 and use all the CEO's family members as actors. It is not even good enough to be as bad as those old 1970's after-school specials.

Trust me on this one - your "purpose for existing" does NOT include reading this book (although interestingly enough, mine does...).


Das cafe am rande der welt englisch

Jan 29, 2021 Rebecca rated it did not like it

BAHAHAHAHAHAHA not to shame anyone's favourite book but if this is the most inspiring book you've ever read you should sit down for like 5 minutes and think about your life bc every aspect of this book people could find mildly interesting will come to you by itself

let me quote Melissa Marie Green from 2000's Emo-Crunkcore Band "Millionaires" to sum up this book: "I do what I want, middle finger in the air"

1,5 ⭐️

why not 1 ⭐️ if it bored the fuck outta me you ask? because if this book is what it t

BAHAHAHAHAHAHA not to shame anyone's favourite book but if this is the most inspiring book you've ever read you should sit down for like 5 minutes and think about your life bc every aspect of this book people could find mildly interesting will come to you by itself

let me quote Melissa Marie Green from 2000's Emo-Crunkcore Band "Millionaires" to sum up this book: "I do what I want, middle finger in the air"

1,5 ⭐️

why not 1 ⭐️ if it bored the fuck outta me you ask? because if this book is what it takes to make average people question capitalism then so shall it be


Das cafe am rande der welt englisch

Just don't waste your time on reading this book, even on considering reading this book. Don't repeat my mistake... Just don't waste your time on reading this book, even on considering reading this book. Don't repeat my mistake... ...more

Das cafe am rande der welt englisch

Jan 05, 2016 Naushika rated it did not like it

Horrible. Worst of all the author is taking this seriously. Awfully written and the content itself is the worst esoteric and pseudo-personality-coaching stuff around.

The only way to read this book is together with friends and passing the book round to read it aloud. You will certainly have a great laugh.

Das cafe am rande der welt englisch

This book, written on a second-grade level, was loaned to me by a friend and so (as I'm a bit of a book slut) I took to reading it. Suffice it to say, I read at least half of it while stuck on a taxiway before a flight. It is quite simple, almost to the point of being overgeneralizing, but in all seriousness, it has a couple of good points based on the questions the protagonist encounters on a menu at a Normal Rockwell cafe in the middle of BFE. It's premised on a story of Western culture and ci This book, written on a second-grade level, was loaned to me by a friend and so (as I'm a bit of a book slut) I took to reading it. Suffice it to say, I read at least half of it while stuck on a taxiway before a flight. It is quite simple, almost to the point of being overgeneralizing, but in all seriousness, it has a couple of good points based on the questions the protagonist encounters on a menu at a Normal Rockwell cafe in the middle of BFE. It's premised on a story of Western culture and civilization we've heard too many times: We're too hectic and caught up in the prisons of our lives, brought up on certain tenets which go unchallenged by generations of people, and we sleepwalk through our lives until or unless we wake up and learn to (a) figure out what our passions and purpose is for existing (not the "why am I here?" as in "because my parents mated" reason for existence, but what we're meant to do), (b) not fear death, and (c) figure out how to move the golf ball while watching green sea turtles swim. Or something like that.

In all seriousness, I hate self-help books, but there were a couple of nuggets worth considering if you're the least bit introspective.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a ton of actually challenging books to read...


Das cafe am rande der welt englisch

Jun 20, 2020 CrowAndKraken rated it did not like it

This book was recommended to me in the highest terms. "Read it, it's life-changing! And it's absolutely not like any other life guide!" Well... it absolutely is just like any other life guide. Just because it comes in a novel wrapper doesn't make it new, you diddies. It's exactly the same platitudes that I can hear from a kitchen table philosopher on any street corner. Seriously, I had deeper, more insightful conversations when I was a student and drunk at parties than this wishy-washy "Do what This book was recommended to me in the highest terms. "Read it, it's life-changing! And it's absolutely not like any other life guide!" Well... it absolutely is just like any other life guide. Just because it comes in a novel wrapper doesn't make it new, you diddies. It's exactly the same platitudes that I can hear from a kitchen table philosopher on any street corner. Seriously, I had deeper, more insightful conversations when I was a student and drunk at parties than this wishy-washy "Do what you love, then everything will be fine!"-bullshit Strelecky puts out!

Or as my dear friend Babsi put it: "in my opinion you could have just bought up the postcard stand and glue it together."

Put the money in other books, this one's too bad even for Dirty Santa!


Das cafe am rande der welt englisch

Jul 25, 2018 Dennaleia rated it did not like it

I seldom read a book that is so uncritical and obviously unresearched regarding philosophy, capitalism and the american way of life. And really, it is almost funny (or not) how Strelecky couldn't reflect his personal position as a rich, white, male manager, who could afford to go to and eat at a café at the back of beyond.

But let's briefly integrate the two positive things (spoiler: they doesn't save the book from an angry one-star-rating). The book is written in easy words and obviously makes a

I seldom read a book that is so uncritical and obviously unresearched regarding philosophy, capitalism and the american way of life. And really, it is almost funny (or not) how Strelecky couldn't reflect his personal position as a rich, white, male manager, who could afford to go to and eat at a café at the back of beyond.

But let's briefly integrate the two positive things (spoiler: they doesn't save the book from an angry one-star-rating). The book is written in easy words and obviously makes an effort to be understandable, which is really great and should be the base of more (philosophy) books. Second it isn't sexist at all (not the point of the book, I know, but), the waitress is as 'competent' in philosophical 'inspiration' as the cafés owner and all her winking and smirking is in no situation interpreted as flirting. So maybe one star for that?

But boy, oh boy, the rest. Let's start with the aforementioned ideology, which bugs me the most. Can someone be so unaware of the fact, that there are systemic reasons for being happy or unhappy? Strelecky only focused on the individual level, which means for him: If you are happy, because you find your reason for being and lived that way (hello, there are maybe people who couldn't afford doing what they like, because of lacking money or depending on others), than happy things happen to you. The (of course) not mentioned opposite is that it is your own fault, if you're unhappy. And did I really need to mention the fact, that this is capitalistic bullshit? And the 'empirical source' of this is the observation and questioning of café visitors by a fictional waitress. Ehem.
So Strelecky is clearly only reflecting his own position in life. And everybody with another experience and less privilege or a bit empathy or a basic class of philosophy knows that the 'white-man-represents-everybody'-trope is absolutely out of fashion since decades (and in fact never was reasonable).

A few minor but nonetheless annoying points:
- Spelling style. Didn't want to go into that. Maybe a subjective preferences thing.
- All the excitement of the narrator given the interesting questions he never asked himself during all of his life. Uff. It is so over the top, that it would make a better book worse. He must have slept during all his school classes and never read a newspaper.
- The philosophical questions aren't handled in a very new way and the plagiarism without mentioning (or wanting to research) the original sources is really bad. Mike told the narrator John that the examined questions could possibly traced back to the eldest philosophers. 'Possibly', hahahahaha. Nice try to disguise.

Maybe my non existent connection to the book is partially based on my own position. I think it isn't the right inspiration for everyone, who knows just a little bit about philosophy and has an intellectual upbringing or maybe your are really so stressed as a manager that you couldn't think of anything else than money. But the ideology is the really problematic thing here for me and I honestly think nobody should see past that, irrespective of the inspiration you otherwise get from this book.


Das cafe am rande der welt englisch

Das cafe am rande der welt englisch

I won this book in a Goodreads Giveaway & got it yesterday.

**Do not read this book if you don't want to be tempted by breakfast food that you can't have**

This is small, fast read. It's a quick "thinking" book that asks the reader to look at their daily life and really think about what they are living for.

Do I think this book does it job in helping people in their everyday struggles? Kinda, but not really.

This book does not straightforwardly tell you how to do something or make those life change

I won this book in a Goodreads Giveaway & got it yesterday.

**Do not read this book if you don't want to be tempted by breakfast food that you can't have**

This is small, fast read. It's a quick "thinking" book that asks the reader to look at their daily life and really think about what they are living for.

Do I think this book does it job in helping people in their everyday struggles? Kinda, but not really.

This book does not straightforwardly tell you how to do something or make those life changes happen, it instead scripts out converstations that may or may not really happen at a Cafe that may or may not really exist. I kept waiting for more concrete things to be said, but it just circled around the questions constantly, not stating the answer, but telling the reader that the answer may not be the same for everyone. It may be helpful for someone who is really lost and struggling with the monotony of the struggles of the common worker. I am not that person so much; I already know things that need to be done, I just have to get to the step on how to change them.

One of the examples in this book that looks good on paper really would not work in today's world if you live in America. Maybe it would work if you were in Costa Rica, where the example took place & if you were not used to the luxuries we live by now (and you didn't want the internet or electricity or you didn't have bills or owe taxes or something).

I had the book as a 3 ★ ★ ★, but then the more I thought about and the more I was talking to a friend who I just passed the book to, I had to change it to a 2 ★ ★. Why would I give it to a friend to read? Because it was free and some people might preceive things differently than I do and may enjoy it more and get something from it that I did not.


Das cafe am rande der welt englisch

I am sorry for everyone who hasn't been touched by this. It is a book which truly can change your life. It changed mine.
Whoever knows their purpose for existing has no need to read this book. But they will understand how important it is to find out the answer for that simple yet existential question: Why am I here?

I did not know my purpose before reading this book. I just lived an average life. Success was something which was "out there", which was said to important to achieve, and for which you

I am sorry for everyone who hasn't been touched by this. It is a book which truly can change your life. It changed mine.
Whoever knows their purpose for existing has no need to read this book. But they will understand how important it is to find out the answer for that simple yet existential question: Why am I here?

I did not know my purpose before reading this book. I just lived an average life. Success was something which was "out there", which was said to important to achieve, and for which you have to make sacrifices in order to get it. Or so I thought.
When I read the book (much better: I had the author read it on an audio book) I knew that there was an X on my treasure map, too. I could't ignore it any longer. Had to find out what that X was. I had to figure out my PFE. And I did. What a difference this has made!

The book is written in a very authentic style. Just as an internal monologue which Average Joe would hear inside his head. But is well crafted, as it shows how, gradually, John, the protagonist, opens to the idea that life may not be an accident after all.

As Anne says, the woman who explaines how the ad industry creates desire in order to sell by charging up items emotionally (If I get diamonds as a present for my birthday, it means I have found love/am being loved): do not let yourself be told by me what is right and what is wrong - find out for yourself!

Enjoy reading this book - and how it can help you to find out what you truly want.


Das cafe am rande der welt englisch

Aug 12, 2011 Dani rated it really liked it

So many people wandering around without any thought or idea why they're in this world... Just in case you call the book cliché - there is a pure necessity of such books to exist. So many people wandering around without any thought or idea why they're in this world... Just in case you call the book cliché - there is a pure necessity of such books to exist. ...more

Das cafe am rande der welt englisch

Mar 22, 2020 Jersy rated it really liked it

Sweet story that motivates to do the things you enjoy. The message isn't groundbreaking but reading this at the exact right moment can most certainly be nice.
I liked the writing and the characters much more than I would have thought.
Sure, the examples and messages could be more general at some parts and less at others but at its core it has the right attitude and conveys it in a way that is actually fun.
Sweet story that motivates to do the things you enjoy. The message isn't groundbreaking but reading this at the exact right moment can most certainly be nice.
I liked the writing and the characters much more than I would have thought.
Sure, the examples and messages could be more general at some parts and less at others but at its core it has the right attitude and conveys it in a way that is actually fun.

Das cafe am rande der welt englisch

I think the three main questions mentioned in the book are worth thinking about. But I don‘t need a clumsily written book with unconvincing characters to tell me on 122 pages that I have to answer them by myself.
The best thing you can do is to read the three questions on the backcover before you buy the book and use the time you would spend reading it to actually think about them.

Das cafe am rande der welt englisch

Simple, short read that will make you re-think your entire reason for existing. I would not consider this the most eloquently-written book I have ever read. The author does not even attempt to make you fall in love with his characters, but that's the beauty of it. Instead, you will find yourself deep in self-reflection as you turn the pages.

I loved how the supporting characters tell short stories that you can refer back to in your own life. Such as how Casey couldn't out-swim a Green Sea Turtle

Simple, short read that will make you re-think your entire reason for existing. I would not consider this the most eloquently-written book I have ever read. The author does not even attempt to make you fall in love with his characters, but that's the beauty of it. Instead, you will find yourself deep in self-reflection as you turn the pages.

I loved how the supporting characters tell short stories that you can refer back to in your own life. Such as how Casey couldn't out-swim a Green Sea Turtle because she was wasting too much energy on the incoming waves (outside influencers), instead of saving it for the outgoing waves (supporting factors).

Or what about Mike's story of the businessman and the fisherman? The businessman's first response was how the fisherman could capitalize on what he was already doing, by working more hours, to build wealth for retirement. But the wise fisherman knew he already had what he needed and was living his retirement dreams NOW instead of later.

And don't forget Anne's important lesson about what marketers are really targeting - do you "buy" right into their hands?

If nothing else, I suggest reading this power life-changing book to see if you can answer the 3 main questions - Why are you here? Do you fear death? Are you fulfilled? And then I challenge you to be one of those that open the gate instead of just peaking through it.


Das cafe am rande der welt englisch

Nov 30, 2021 teresahelena rated it did not like it

To be honest i hated this book more than any other one i have ever read.

Das cafe am rande der welt englisch

This book needs to be read and judged in the context in which it was written, more exactly 20 years ago (in 2002) when there was no social media, no smarthphones and nobody was even dreaming about the days when we would be spammed daily by influencers living glamorous lives, talking all the time about following your dreams and passions and trying to sell this type of life to you through various books and courses. Call it life purpose, life design, life coaching, energy manifestation, it is the s This book needs to be read and judged in the context in which it was written, more exactly 20 years ago (in 2002) when there was no social media, no smarthphones and nobody was even dreaming about the days when we would be spammed daily by influencers living glamorous lives, talking all the time about following your dreams and passions and trying to sell this type of life to you through various books and courses. Call it life purpose, life design, life coaching, energy manifestation, it is the same idea sold to us from rudimentary books like this one (although in 2002 it was probably considered a revealing book) to highly curated (and artificial) Instagram and Tik Tok accounts.

It's interesting for me to read these type of books now and compare them to actual reality as nowdays everyone has more possibilities to pursue their passions, to give up 9-5 office jobs and follow their dreams, to live any life design they want but still people did not become happier, they still experience burnout, frustrations, dissatisfaction, loneliness and mental issues like depression and anxiety have actually increased. The me, me culture and extreme focus on our individual lives also has its demons.

Personally, I think that life purpose is a very overrated notion just like the concept of soul-mate and it is something that you build yourself through hard work, resilience and many times sacrifice, boredom and even grief, you won't be happy all the time or full of energy and motivation like this book and all the other hundreds of courses out there imply. Also life purpose changes several times in life as we change as well and that is ok. Looking more at the deeper layers of life, minimalism, spirituality, being part of a community and helping others might be also keys to a higher life satisfaction rather than being obsessed with your individual self.


Das cafe am rande der welt englisch

It is actually a 3.5/5 stars. It was a nice read, pretty refreshing and if I had no idea about the concepts that are presented in the book, I mat have been more impressed.
Overall, I think the short lenght of the book gives the reader a small life lesson.

Das cafe am rande der welt englisch

This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Maybe it was an interesting subject, but it was taken in a direction that for me felt dry and a bit aberrant. Surely you can think about what it is in life that brings you fulfillment and do things to achieve that (take time for yourself, focus on your growing), but I also believe that you can have a normal job that you maybe don’t love from the bottom of your heart and still accomplish that. When you think about it a lot of people lose their passion about something when they transform it into a Maybe it was an interesting subject, but it was taken in a direction that for me felt dry and a bit aberrant. Surely you can think about what it is in life that brings you fulfillment and do things to achieve that (take time for yourself, focus on your growing), but I also believe that you can have a normal job that you maybe don’t love from the bottom of your heart and still accomplish that. When you think about it a lot of people lose their passion about something when they transform it into a full time job.
Nevertheless I enjoyed some dialogues but it wasn’t life changing.

Das cafe am rande der welt englisch

Das cafe am rande der welt englisch

A friend of mine lent me her book to see what I thought. It's a short book, so I figured-why not.
She enjoyed the book very much as a spiritual fiction book, while I felt it was a self help book.
Though this "style" is not in my top ten- I did learn a thing or two.
I am bothered by some of the reviews and comments that reflect opinions and reactions of a book which is fiction based. I found them to be a rant of hurtful words and chosen verbiage.
Assuming there was no-one holding a gun to their
A friend of mine lent me her book to see what I thought. It's a short book, so I figured-why not.
She enjoyed the book very much as a spiritual fiction book, while I felt it was a self help book.
Though this "style" is not in my top ten- I did learn a thing or two.
I am bothered by some of the reviews and comments that reflect opinions and reactions of a book which is fiction based. I found them to be a rant of hurtful words and chosen verbiage.
Assuming there was no-one holding a gun to their heads to make them read, there must be more to this issue to cause such hostile reactions.
I am certainly no Saint and was caught off guard reading them, but I know
not every author has thick skin.

Das cafe am rande der welt englisch

I don't know how to rate this book, guys. A friend of mine recommended it to me and that's probably why I would have really liked to love this book but it's just... nothing new, nothing extremely special, nothing that makes you realize things. To make it short; it was unsatisfying for me. (⇀‸↼‶) I think that the whole "café-idea" is really cool but it was not that well made (e.g. the dialogues were flat, the messages were the same and repeated X times, etc.).

All in all, this book is just overhy

I don't know how to rate this book, guys. A friend of mine recommended it to me and that's probably why I would have really liked to love this book but it's just... nothing new, nothing extremely special, nothing that makes you realize things. To make it short; it was unsatisfying for me. (⇀‸↼‶) I think that the whole "café-idea" is really cool but it was not that well made (e.g. the dialogues were flat, the messages were the same and repeated X times, etc.).

All in all, this book is just overhyped in my opinion and makes everything sound much too easy. Sure, it was fast-paced and easy to read but that's basically all. It's not character-based which does make sense but if you want to read something completely different that you may enjoy much more... here's my recommendation: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. 🐑


Das cafe am rande der welt englisch

Aug 24, 2020 Nana rated it did not like it

(Strong language ahead!)

Deep breath. Probably one of the worst books I've ever read. Fuck that, this book is the equivalent to "live, love, laugh" and I wanna throw up just typing this.

I have so much hatred stored inside of me right now. Guys, did you know that all you have to do to find a reason to live is... do what you like? And that everyone else is doing it wrong? And that this book is the most offensive, stupid shit I've ever read? I'm so mad. I knew this'd be a bad book but I hadn't antic

(Strong language ahead!)

Deep breath. Probably one of the worst books I've ever read. Fuck that, this book is the equivalent to "live, love, laugh" and I wanna throw up just typing this.

I have so much hatred stored inside of me right now. Guys, did you know that all you have to do to find a reason to live is... do what you like? And that everyone else is doing it wrong? And that this book is the most offensive, stupid shit I've ever read? I'm so mad. I knew this'd be a bad book but I hadn't anticipated how. Fucking. Stupid. This book would be even though I'd been warned and only read it because I wanted to form my own opinion.
The book's condescending tone made me so angry, if it were a physical copy instead of an ebook, I would have thrown it to the ground from the third floor or burned it. How can people like this? They could've googled "how to find a reason to live" or "how to be happier" and found out more information than this book holds, for fuck's sake. 100+ pages of nothing. I still can't comprehend what I just read or what the actual reason for this book to exist is. Seriously. The only "advice" in this book is "jUsT bE hApPy" which to me is the first step to "Just smile and your depression will fuck off forever". YES, THANKS! I'm cured now that I know I just need to do more of what makes you happy.

Deep breath. If you didn't know you should do at least one thing per day that makes you happy, then... scratch that, everyone already knew about this and no one needs this fucking book. It's not even self-help or advice or whatever. It's just a waste of energy and life. I lost 51 minutes of my life reading this that I will never get back. Should've taken me like 25 but I had to take short breaks during which I tried to remember how to breathe.

I couldn't even see the funny side of it. Sometimes a bad book is so horrible, you can't stop laughing about the stupidity. In this case, it was just horrible and I guess I'll just sign off now and try to find that one thing that makes me happy today just to gradually do... more and more of that until everything makes me happy and we all know, this is how the world and your mind works!

Last deep breath for tonight. Don't read this book. Not even for shits and giggles.


Das cafe am rande der welt englisch

Das cafe am rande der welt englisch

This book was nothing like I expected it to be. I picked it up for sale in a bookstore last month because it said something about advertising and changing career paths, which is my field and my professional status at the moment, so it caught my attention.

As it was, the book has an inspirational brand into it. It's porpoise is to make you reflect about your life and decisions, if you ae wasting your time in something you don't actually care about and how to be aware of it, in order to change it a

This book was nothing like I expected it to be. I picked it up for sale in a bookstore last month because it said something about advertising and changing career paths, which is my field and my professional status at the moment, so it caught my attention.

As it was, the book has an inspirational brand into it. It's porpoise is to make you reflect about your life and decisions, if you ae wasting your time in something you don't actually care about and how to be aware of it, in order to change it and be more happy than not.

It's definitely not my kind of book because I prefer fantasy and inspirational books, like Coelho, are not really my thing. But I enjoyed this story. It follows the author as he goes to a mysterious cafe where he starts thinking about life changing questions. It has a good message and some metaphors were inspired and cool. I recommend this book to fans of Coelho, obviously. I'm giving it 3 stars, it was enjoyable and good for a time of changing your ways in life.


Das cafe am rande der welt englisch

Too superficial and not deep enough for me..the book shows interesting first signs for ideas, but doesn't question enough. Actually, it only says: "Do what you love" which is basically a good idea, but there are so many questions that weren't even considered like: WHY are we actually here? Is there a creator who is beyond everything? Is there nothing more? Would that change our behavior or PFE? How easy and realistic is "doing what you love"? And is it egoistic/do we have any responsibilities th Too superficial and not deep enough for me..the book shows interesting first signs for ideas, but doesn't question enough. Actually, it only says: "Do what you love" which is basically a good idea, but there are so many questions that weren't even considered like: WHY are we actually here? Is there a creator who is beyond everything? Is there nothing more? Would that change our behavior or PFE? How easy and realistic is "doing what you love"? And is it egoistic/do we have any responsibilities that keep us from doing what we love and is there a solution then? For beginners who just start to figure out that there is more to life than material things and money it might be a good starter book, but I exspected way more depth. ...more

My path to being a writer has been an interesting one. It started when I left my “normal” life behind and decided to follow a life-long dream of seeing the world. I was thirty-two years old at the time. Too old to be leaving a lucrative career and acting like a college kid, many people told me. I heard the word “crazy” a lot when people learned what I was planning.

I’d crawled my way up from the po

My path to being a writer has been an interesting one. It started when I left my “normal” life behind and decided to follow a life-long dream of seeing the world. I was thirty-two years old at the time. Too old to be leaving a lucrative career and acting like a college kid, many people told me. I heard the word “crazy” a lot when people learned what I was planning.

I’d crawled my way up from the poverty level, and the general thought was once you’ve done that, you don’t go and throw it all away. The thing was though, I’d arrived at a point where I just couldn’t imagine myself continuing on the same path and being OK with it. Tough crawl or not, something had to change.

Although to most of the world it seemed crazy, I headed off on an adventure. A year of backpacking around the world. After just a week, I wrote in my journal that before I left, there were a thousand reasons why the trip made no sense. But after just seven days on the road, none of them were true anymore.

That year changed my life. I experienced the people, animals, ruins and cultures I’d been dreaming of seeing since I was a kid. I learned more about life, the world, and myself than in all my previous years combined. Perhaps most importantly, I felt free for the first time in a very long time.

About four months after returning home, something told me to sit down and start typing. It was like an internal guiding thought. When you’re on the road in countries where you don’t speak the language and don’t know the nuances, you learn to trust this sort of internal guidance. Often it’s all you have. So when it said, “type” I sat and typed.

Over twenty-one days, something flowed through me and onto the pages. I never thought what I was going to type. I never even read what flowed each day. I just typed. At the end of the twenty-one days, it felt like the flow was complete. So I printed out what I’d typed, put it on a shelf, and let it sit for a little while. What was on those pages when I read it a week later, was almost word for word, what is in my first book, The Cafe on The Edge of The World.

It has not been all flow since that day. I’ve been rejected by at least a hundred publishers around the world. Maybe closer to two hundred. I even got a rejection letter while my book was on the bestseller list from someone who hadn’t gotten around to reading it when it was sent.

Yet here we are. That little story has been translated into 42 languages and been a #1 bestseller for over 5 years on three different continents. Most importantly, it has connected with readers in a way which has inspired them. Which is awesome.

It was also the starting place for more books. Return to The Cafe on The Edge of The World., Reconnection – A Third Visit to The Cafe on The Edge of The World, The Big Five for Life, The Big Five for Life Continued, Life Safari, Ahas! Moments of Inspired Thoughts…. They too, have touched and inspired readers. Over six million of them. Which is humbling and amazing all at the same time.

When I was a child, my favorite books were adventure books. I loved them because I too wanted to be an adventurer. It was when I turned that dream into my reality and backpacked the world, that my life really took off. Being an author has been a very big part of that. I’m still an adventurer at my core. And one of my great thrills is hearing from readers that my books have in some way helped them take the leap into their own adventures.


Other books in the series

Das cafe am rande der welt englisch

Here’s a challenge: Before you scroll down, make a mental list of what you think are the biggest books of the past decade, in terms of...

“Why is it that we spend so much of our time preparing for when we can do what we want, instead of just doing what we want right now?” — 9 likes

“Why are you here? Do you fear death? Are you fulfilled?” — 2 likes

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