Do you believe that the motivation for helping behavior is more self serving egoism or selfless?

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Make sure to read the section entitled Prosocial Behavior and Altruism in your text and watch the brief video on these topics that are posted below. Then, respond in detail to the following question:
Do you believe that the motivation for helping behavior is more self-serving (egoism) or selfless (altruism)? Note: You must choose one (egoism or altruism) and defend your answer. (Explain your answer in detail).

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Part 1 (Paragraph)
In this chapter, you learned about the numerous theoretical viewpoints on personality and the different ways that it is assessed.
If you have not already done so take the Jung Typology Test. The link is presented below. This test will give you some insight into your own personality traits. After you complete the test answer the following questions:
What was your 4-letter personality type?
Do you feel that the results accurately reflect your personality? Why or why not? (Give an example).
Which career paths match your personality type?

Part 2 ( Paragraph or less)

Make sure to read the section entitled Prosocial Behavior and Altruism in your text and watch the brief video on these topics that is posted below. Then, respond to the following question:
Do you believe that the motivation for helping behavior is more self-serving (egoism) or selfless (altruism)? (Explain your answer in detail).

Do you believe that the motivation for helping behavior is more self serving egoism or selfless?


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Make sure to read the section entitled Prosocial Behavior and Altruism in your text and watch the brief video on these topics that are posted below. Then, respond in detail to the following question:
Do you believe that the motivation for helping behavior is more self-serving (egoism) or selfless (altruism)? Note: You must choose one (egoism or altruism) and defend your answer. (Explain your answer in detail).

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  • School Eastern Gateway Community College
  • Course Title BUSINESS M ECO102
  • Pages 1
  • Ratings 100% (3) 3 out of 3 people found this document helpful

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Do you believe that the motivation for helping behavior is more self-serving (egoism) or selfless(altruism)? (Explain your answer in detail).

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Do you believe that the motivation for helping behavior is more self serving or selfless?

Answer and Explanation: Motivation for helping is often more altruistic than egoistic. People who volunteer their time and abilities to a good cause generally want to serve others altruistically.

Is the motive for helping behavior egoism or altruism?

Although many researchers believe that egoism is the only motivation for helping, others suggest that altruism—helping that has as its ultimate goal the improvement of another's welfare—may also be a motivation for helping under the right circumstances.

Is helping others egoism or altruism?

Behavior is normally described as altruistic when it is motivated by a desire to benefit someone other than oneself for that person's sake. The term is used as the contrary of “self-interested” or “selfish” or “egoistic”—words applied to behavior that is motivated solely by the desire to benefit oneself.

What is egoistic motivation?

An egoistic motivation for giving help is elicited when a user believes that they can benefit from their helping behavior. For instance, donation is influenced by the perception of self-benefit in both direct and indirect forms (Amos, 1982).