If you were an employer what would you look for in aspirants of applicants to your company

By Sushrut Padhye

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If you were an employer what would you look for in aspirants of applicants to your company

Without a doubt, all employers look for certain qualities in their potential employees. Hopeful candidates need to possess these qualities when pursuing a job opportunity or a newly opened job vacancy. Recruiters, regardless of the industry they are recruiting for, regard the following qualities and skills in the candidates highly:

1. Problem-Solving Abilities and Skills

Employees, from time to time, have to use their analysis skills in order to handle their day-to-day duties. They should know how to handle such challenges in a non-textbook manner, so that they are able to solve impromptu issues that require specialised knowledge and application. Problem-solving skills are fundamental to the success of employees and businesses.

2. Communication Is Key

No matter the industry, communication skills, in writing and verbally, are vital. Employees of a company communicate with each other and their managers daily. Moreover, they need to interact with customers online, in writing, through telephone, and in person. It’s times like these when communication can make a huge difference and bag you a multi-millionaire deal.

3.Ambition and Leadership Skills

Companies that intend to promote some their key employees to higher positions also expect them to exhibit leadership qualities. Since these promotions are extended well into the management employees, presence of these qualities bode well for the sustainability of the company. Ambitiousness in employees indicate that employees like the challenges and are determine to overcome them to achieve their targets. Such qualities in employees also portray a positive picture of the company that is not satisfied with the status quo and read to push the envelope to stay ahead of the competitors.

4. Teamwork

Any organisation, whether big or small, requires teamwork from its employees for its work routines. Employers want people who cooperate well with other employees and play a pivotal role in making the sum of their individual efforts greater than the parts. This team effort improves a company's efficiency and its overall performance throughout the years.

5. Technical Skills

Obviously, technical skills aren't the only factor that employers consider while hiring job applicants. These skills are still crucial to any position though, because these skills determine the quality and the level of work that the would-be employees are capable of doing. An individual with expert skills likely won't make mistakes; so hiring him would result in maximum productivity for the company. On the other hand, a beginner with little knowledge about the matter will take considerably more time and might commit several errors.

6. Adaptability

Companies constantly operate in a state of flux. Since operations of most businesses are powered by rapidly evolving techniques and technologies, businesses need to adapt and evolve to stay current in a competitive world. Hence, employers often prefer candidates that are willing to acclimatize themselves to the changing working environment in the company. This, sometimes, requires individuals to change their work style and habits to coalesce themselves into the newer company culture. Admittedly, people prefer patterns and familiarity while applying for a job vacancy, but it is a given fact that businesses transform over time, and only the employees who are able to adapt themselves to the changing environment are able to find a place in a company.

7.   Passion

It is true that individuals that are driven by work are more sought-after by organisations than those who are only after rewards. When it comes to quality of work, there is a huge gap between employees that go with either of these driving forces. An employee lacking passion is only able to utilize small fractions of his abilities, and also winds up underachieving more often than not. In turn, his lack of enthusiasm can damage other employees in ways that hurt the company in other ways. For that reason, employers have a preference for hiring applicants who are passionate about their job and duties.

8. Dependability

In the competitive corporate, there is no scope for error. More so, organisations just can’t do with prolonged or regular employee absenteeism. Recruiters often feel that employees who don’t turn up are no good. Hence, such employees are a liability to the company. Likewise, the employees without schedule flexibility especially in times of need also negatively impact a given business. More importantly, workers that can't be trusted to meet deadlines without constant monitoring are looked down upon by recruiters. Hence, dependability with relation to these qualities is an important criteria for recruitment.

9. Integrity

In the corporate world, the stakes are high, and wrong doings have absolutely no place. Integrity of employees thus helps determine both a company's prospects of long-term success. Employees with integrity are true to themselves and others. Such individuals own up to their mistakes and acknowledge their strengths or weaknesses. Also, such individuals don’t bad-mouth their employers, colleagues or co-workers. Although, there is no way of quantifying the integrity of an individuals, recruiters are able to make it out based on past records, experiences as well as on the referees.

10. Decisiveness

Employees, at various instances in the work, are required to be decisive. This quality of decisiveness should be based on a very good understanding of a company's operations. A recruiter knows all too well how indecisive workers can hamper companies from achieving their maximum output. Hence, a company is always inclined to hire a candidate that can make tough decisions when the need arises.

In conclusion, there are a plethora of jobs in the market with new openings in companies every now and then. However, the point is to grab all these opportunities, make the most of them and go with the top company. The best candidates will showcase the aforementioned qualities and land the job of their dreams. Most individuals lacking these qualities though, will constantly see opportunities arise and then pass them by each time.

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