In a preparation outline, the specific purpose and central idea are identified by Roman numerals

As your textbook explains, if yo want to sound eloquent, you should use words that are unfamiliar to the audience


“She darted around the bookstore like a hummingbird in a flower garden” is a simile


Alliteration as a means of creating rhythm in a speech refers to repeating the initial consonant sound of close or adjourning words


According to your textbook, using inclusive language in a speech is a matter of personal courtesy


There is a difference between one’s everyday personal style and one’s developed style as a public speaker


When making a preparation outline, you should state your main points and sub-points in full sentences to ensure that you develop your idea fully


When making an outline, you should place the main points farthest to the left and the less important ideas progressively farther to the right


In a preparation outline, the specific purpose is usually stated in the introduction


In a preparation outline, the specific purpose and central idea are identified by roman numerals


In the most common system of outlining, main points are identified by roman numerals and sub-points by capitol letters


A preparation outline should include transitions and internal summaries


“dogs” would be an appropriate title for a speech about the major breeds of show dogs


A speaking outline should be written on both sides of an index card of sheet of paper


A speaking outline should usually include directions for delivering the speech


using a quotation is one of most common and effective ways to conclude a speech


The only way to convey that your speech is ending is through the use of the words ‘in conclusion’


It is overtly repetitious to restate the central idea in the conclusion of the speech


Referring back to the introduction in your conclusion is a good way to give the speech psychological unity


The introduction of the speech should usually be prepared before the body of the speech


the time given to each main point of the body of a speech will be exactly the same


according to your textbook, the following is an example of a transition: “So much for the present; Now let’s turn our attention to the future”


“Above all, you need to know…” Is an example of a sign post


One of the main reasons to use an example in a speech is that they put abstract ideas into concrete terms that listeners can easily understand


Research has shown that examples have little effect on listeners beliefs and actions


As a speaker, you should usually avoid examples when explaining complex or unfamiliar ideas


The mean – popularity called the average- is determined by summing all the items in a group and dividing by the number of items


Your textbook recommends using visual aids to make statistics easier for listeners to comprehend


Research has shown that the more statistics you use, the more effective your speech will be


Peer Testimony is highly credible in a speech because it comes from people who are recognized experts in their field


Periodical Databases help you locate magazine and journal articles


General periodical indexes such as proquest research library and lexis nexis academic universe gives you access to full texts of many articles


Because it is such a vast source of information, you should use internet research to replace library research when preparing your speeches and papers in other classes


You can find a great deal of information on the internet, bt you cannot always find the same depth of research materials as in a good library


you can almost always count on the reliability of internet research materials found through major search engines such as Google and Yahoo


A virtual library is a search aid that combines internet technology with traditional library methods of catalogueing and accessing data


One advantage of using a virtual library for internet research is hat it can give you access to materials from the “invisible web” that aren’t accessible through traditional search engines


Yahoo is an example of an virtual library


According to your textbook, The three major criteria against which to test documents that you locate on the internet are auhtorship, sponsorship, sponsorship, and recency


Your most important task before conducting a research interview is to work out the questions you will ask during the interview


When taking research notes, it is important to distinguish among direct quotations, paraphrases, and your own ideas


Being audience-centered means that a speaker must sacrifice what he or she really believes to get a favorable response from the audience


Even when listeners pay close attention, they don’t process the speaker’s message exactly as desired


Communication scholars use “identification” to refer to the process by which speakers seek to create a bond with audiences by emphasizing common values, goals, and experiences


Keeping speeches within struct time limits is an artificial constraint of classroom speeches and is less important for speeches outside the classroom


The process of audience adaptation is over by the time a speaker starts delivering a speech


The first step in speech preparation is choosing a topic for your speech


The difference between informing and persuading is like the difference between teaching and advocating


“To inform my audience how to build a birdhouse and about the migratory patterns of birds” is an example if an effective specific purpose statement for a speech


The central idea usually forecasts the main points of a speech


Planning to listen is just as important as planning to speak


Most people speak at a rate 120-150 words per minute


Paying attention to mismatches between verbal and non-verbal messages is one way to determine meaning


According to “Bloom’s Taxonomy of the Cognitive Domain,” when you listen to a political debate as a way of deciding how to vote, you are engaged in evaluative listening


Cultural differences do not influence the way in which audience members listen and respond to a presentation


Good speech delivery conveys a speaker’s ideas without a calling attention to itself


Speaking from a manuscript allows for greater spontaneity and directness than speaking extemporaneously


speaking impromptu and speaking extemporaneously are essentially alike


Pitch is the relative highness or lowness of the speaker’s voice


ways of talking based on ethnic or regional speech patterns are called dialects


When a speaker’s body language with her or his words, listeners usually believe the body language rather than the words


As your textbook explains, learning how to gesture is one of the first things a beginning public speaker should concentrate on


In the US, public speakers who establish strong eye contact are usually more credible then speakers who have weak eye contact


According to your textbook, when preparing for a question-and-answer session you should anticipate possible questions, write out your answers in full, and practice delivery of your answers


What is the most common outline format is the Roman numeral outline?

Alphanumeric Outlines This is the most common type of outline and usually instantly recognizable to most people. The formatting follows these characters, in this order: Roman Numerals.

Which of the following should be included in a preparation outline?

Which of the following should be included in a preparation outline? A specific purpose statement, transitions, internal previews & summaries, & the thesis statement. One of the advantages of speaking from a manuscript is that it frees a speaker from the need to establish eye contact with the audience.

What is a preparation outline?

Preparation Outline Preparation outlines are written using full-sentences, citations, and are designed to help you write and organize your speech. B. Your preparation outline should include your specific purpose statement and your thesis statement at the top, directly above the title.

What should be used to indicate main points in a preparation outline?

In a preparation outline, main points are identified by capital letters. Even though a speaking outline should be kept as brief as possible, you should usually write out quotations in full.