In which health care setting would the nurse find an older adult with chronic dehydration exacerbated by acute illness quizlet?

Patient 2 has increased fat tissue, decreased thymus size, and increased anti-inflammatory hormones.

In older patients, the amount of fat tissue increases, the thymus gland decreases in size and volume, and anti-inflammatory response increases. Therefore, patient 2 has normal age-related changes. In older patients, the size of the prostate increases, sensitivity to glare increases, and firm erections are fewer. The blood vessels narrow, the vessel lumen thickens, and there is decreased calcification of heart, decreased thyroid secretions, decreased T-cell function, and increased systolic blood pressure in older patients. Therefore, the findings in Patient 1, Patient 3, and Patient 4 are not age-related changes.

Minimizing confusion

Promoting socialization

Restoring a sense of reality

Improving the level of awareness

Reality orientation technique makes an older adult more aware of time, place, and person. The purposes of reality orientation include minimizing confusion, promoting socialization, restoring a sense of reality, and improving the level of awareness. Orientation to time, place, and person helps to decrease confusion and helps the patient communicate effectively with others. Orientation to time, place, and person restores a sense of reality, thus increasing awareness in the patient. It does not provide assistance for functioning.

Which increases the risk for chronic dehydration in older adults?

Multiple physiological changes of aging place older adults at a greater risk of dehydration than middle-aged persons or children. The loss of water-containing tissues, the loss of concentrating power in the kidneys, and a decreased sense of thirst all increase an older persons risk for dehydration.

Why are the elderly at risk for dehydration quizlet?

Why is dehydration more serious for older adults? Older adults tend to take more medications as they get older which can cause serious dehydration, a persons sense of thirst becomes less acurate as they age, and as we age our bodies kidneys are less able to conserve fluids.

Which therapy does the nurse suggest to help older adults recall their past to resolve current conflicts?

Background: Life review therapy, used as part of a comprehensive therapy plan for increasing the quality of life of the elderly, helps them to resolve their past conflicts, reconstruct their life stories, and accept their present conditions.

Which physiological change is common in older adults quizlet?

A common physiological change in the older adult client is an increased sensitivity to glare. Increased tactile responsiveness would not be an expected finding in the older adult client. An expected physiological change in the older adult client is a loss of hearing acuity for high-frequency tones (presbycusis).