Norms that are formally created through a societys political system are referred to as__________.

What is the difference between prejudice and discrimination?

a) Prejudice is an internal impression formulated before interaction takes place and discrimination is an outwardly action based on prejudice.

b)Discrimination is an internal impression formulated before interaction takes place and prejudice is a statement based on discrimination.

c) Prejudice is an internal impression formulated before interaction takes place and discrimination is a statement based on prejudice.

d) Discrimination is an internal impression formulated before interaction takes place and prejudice is an outwardly action based on prejudice.

Which term refers to rules and expectations by which a society guides the behavior of its members?

Norms are the agreed‐upon expectations and rules by which a culture guides the behavior of its members in any given situation.

Which of the following theories states that crime and other deviance result not so much from what people do as from how others respond to those actions?

The central contribution of symbolic-interaction analysis is labeling theory, the idea that deviance and conformity result not so much from what people do as from how others respond to those actions.

Which concept refers to social inequality among age categories within a society?

Age stratification based on an ascribed status is a major source inequality, and thus may lead to ageism. Ageism is a social inequality resulting from age stratification. This is a sociological concept that comes with studying aging population.

What is the social context of social problem?

The social environment, or social context, encompasses the set of relationships and cul- tural settings by which we interact and function in a society. Much of our thinking is influ- enced by the social environment and we constantly change the way we solve problems in response to our social environment.